Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 575 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 575 Martial Arts Contest (34)

"Wu Mingkong?" Of course, Zhu Sheng had never met Wu Mingkong, but who else could come at this point besides him.

Wu Lin was full of shit, his elder brother wasn't that crazy.

It's just that the heaven and man were given a meal, and all the distorted souls in the body emerged with a pleasant face and a gentle voice.

"Remember what I said? As long as you complete some insignificant tasks, I will let you go. Didn't you escape one? Eat him and make yourself better, and I will let you go."

The movement of Tianren chewing couldn't help but stagnate, fear permeated from the depths of his soul, his whole body couldn't help but began to tremble, and his face showed a sense of distortion that made everyone unbelievable.

"You, why did you mention this name, me."

Tianren's tone carried pain and fear that everyone could hear. This was the horror that Tianren had forgotten in the depths of his soul with great difficulty. Just like that, he was dug out alive by Zhu Sheng.

"I am going to kill you."

In a daze, Zhu Sheng's head was picked off by the heavenly beings, so fast that no one could react.

Especially Wei Feng, the whole person is even more helpless, what is the situation, what did the celestial beings go through in Tianmen, and how did they become like this.

"You're all going to die, you're all going to die."

Countless venomous voices kept repeating this sentence from the body of the celestial being.

In an instant, a person's head fell to the ground, regardless of martial arts strength.

Wu Lin looked at this scene and felt even more insane. Why did the other party mention Wu Mingkong's name, and that day he ran away and started indiscriminate killing? What did his elder brother do during this time, and how did he cause such a thing? Come.

And look at this appearance, the other party saw that he had suffered unbearable torture at Wu Mingkong's hands, and that's why he broke out this kind of hysteria from the bottom of his heart. Wu Lin was full of shit when he saw it.

The killing went very smoothly, no matter whether it was the imperial court or the sect family, the indiscriminate killing let everyone know that this lunatic really wanted everyone's life.

At this point, there are three choices, the first is to confront Heaven and Man head-on, the second is to take Wu Lin to run away when he is unprepared, and then torture the exercises when he is in a safe place, or do nothing and feel like running away Save your life.

The imperial court had only one choice, and that was to be stubborn, because what Zhu Sheng said directly caused the heaven and man to go berserk, and they couldn't escape, probably because they had identified the other party.

For sects and aristocratic families, they basically choose the second one. This is an excellent time to eat alone, but if there are too many people who think this way, things will be difficult to handle.

Everyone is staring at this matter, and it is difficult for everyone to do it.

Wei Feng was also a little confused, didn't he want to kill him just now, why did he suddenly go crazy because of a name, but he can't care so much now.

He still wants to take advantage of the chaos and run away quickly, now is the perfect time, as long as he escapes, find a good family to take over and rebirth, otherwise he really can't get rid of Tianmen.

All the gods and beings in the gate of heaven have come out. Is the gate still far away?
"Fortunately, I escaped quickly. I didn't expect Tianmen to become so terrifying and torment them so frantically." Wei Feng took advantage of the chaos and ran all the way.

Heaven and man didn't even look at it, and vented their anger on their own.

Shen Zhengchu looked at Wei Feng who was fleeing all the way, an undetectable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then took advantage of the chaos and fell straight to the ground, without a trace of breath in his body, no different from the corpses all over the ground, not even heaven and man He noticed something strange about Shen Zhengchu.

In just a few breaths, the sect and the aristocratic family couldn't hold back, because the people on the court's side were almost dead, and the heavenly beings had already started to kill the people on their side.

The first one who couldn't sit still was naturally the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur School, a long sword was unsheathed, and a sword light was triggered by the true energy on the long sword. This sword light was extremely dazzling, just like the sun at noon. But with this sword light, everyone moved.

The Supreme Elder of the Excalibur Sect made a start, and all the Ninth-Rank Amulets came towards Wu Lin.

Someone started it, so naturally we couldn't let go of this good opportunity.

Of course, Heaven and Man did not let go of this good opportunity, and the sword light naturally attracted Heaven and Man, especially in this dark night.

Especially when a bunch of people get together, how convenient it is to do it.

They never imagined that the heavenly beings would take advantage of this to make trouble. Whether the heavenly beings are crazy or stupid, they have caught up with such a good opportunity, so how could they not do anything.

In an instant, before they could do anything to Wu Lin, Tianren's grotesque figure sneaked into it with the help of his sword light at some point, and easily took off his heads one by one without a trace.

In this way, it is not much more troublesome than picking mushrooms.

Before the sword light fell, the ninth-rank martial artist naturally noticed the killing of heaven and man, and couldn't help but feel even more terrified. The speed was too fast, and he couldn't react at all when he smelled the strong smell of blood and the pain of falling. dead body.

Although the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur School was the first one who couldn't sit still, he was the slowest one. Everyone moved with the help of his sword light, but he didn't move.

Some people want to be first, and naturally others want to be second.

Those who have the first opportunity may not necessarily win, and those who are behind may not necessarily lose. If he can't sit still, it doesn't mean he must take the lead. The reason why he can't sit still is that the deadlock has lasted for too long and must be broken, otherwise he will lose He can't bear it.

It's a pity that he miscalculated, he didn't expect that heavenly beings would be attracted to him.

He naturally reacted, but unfortunately it was too late.

Or was the time just right in his eyes?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur School also moved, bypassing the killing area in the center and rushing all the way.

This idea is good or bad, but it is very conspicuous. The flying headless corpse staggered and fell to the ground. Before the head could react, it rolled to the ground with an expression of disbelief on its face.

It's true that he is a smart man, but he met a lunatic, you are so conspicuous and maverick, heaven and man can see clearly at a glance, if you don't die, who will die?
Wu Lin took out the five-element talisman from his hand, and the five ghosts' moving formation immediately started to work, and Su Wei was ready to run after pulling Su Wei.

But at the next moment, a hand was stretched out, and he pinched all the Five Elements Talismans in the palm of his hand with all his strength, and the Five Ghosts Teleportation Formation that had been activated had failed directly.

A middle-aged man looks very ordinary, nothing special at all, but just like that, he easily crushed Wu Lin's five-element talisman into a ball of useless waste paper
Even heaven and man were shocked by the ordinary appearance of this middle-aged man, as if this middle-aged man made him feel a great threat.

(End of this chapter)

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