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Chapter 584 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 584 Martial Arts Contest (43)

"That's right, it seems that you really have discernment, my lord." After Zhao Youfu repeated it repeatedly, his voice suddenly became a little low, as if he was a different person.

Wu Mingkong didn't care too much: "That's right, I'm a person. If nothing else, I just have a good eye."

Zhao Youfu moved suddenly, picked up the chopsticks, and was about to stab Wu Mingkong in the eye socket.

It was only suddenly that he suddenly saw that Wu Mingkong was actually blind, with a black cloth on his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a thud in his heart, he obviously didn't see it just now.

It's not that he didn't see it, but that he subconsciously ignored it.

Wu Mingkong clamped the stuck chopsticks with one hand, and with a click, he broke them immediately.

"Can't help it? Your technique is interesting, you are born to be a killer." Wu Mingkong couldn't help but speak.

Zhao Youfu's strength may not be good, but what he has done in terms of lurking is flawless.

Superb disguise technique, pinnacle control of muscles and bones, and the most important memory adjustment.

Before that, in Zhao Youfu's memory, he himself was really the unemployed vagrant at the bottom of Shuihuang Township, living with hunger and fullness every day.

But he himself never thought that this memory would be fake, just to make his acting skills impeccable.

Or speaking of this, this is no longer acting, but a real, new personality that was born in the other party's mind. This is what Wu Mingkong is amazed at.

I didn't expect someone to be so bold and dare to take action against his own brain and mental state. If he was not careful, wouldn't he be turned against the customer.

Hearing Wu Mingkong's words, Zhao Youfu didn't speak, but waved his hand silently. From the skin of his right arm, a lancet as thin as a cicada's wing was thrown out by him. In an instant, the lancet He drew towards Wu Mingkong's neck.

"It's really an exquisite method of hiding weapons." Wu Mingkong bent over to avoid the knife, looking at the special lancet and the skin on Zhao Youfu's arm. This layer of skin is fake and made of special materials. Make it the same as the skin, and then hide the special lancet in it, and you can enter the arena with the weapon without anyone noticing.

This Zhao Youfu saw that the horizontal chop was not going to work, so he took advantage of the situation and changed his move halfway, changing from horizontal chop to vertical chop.

Then don't blame Wu Mingkong, you don't follow the rules.

A knife landed on Wu Mingkong's forehead. At that time, Wu Mingkong almost kicked his foot. If he kicked this kick, Zhao Youfu would have to ask Wu Mingkong to recite the Sutra of Rebirth to him on the spot.

"Practice great success." This is the second sentence Zhao Youfu said after recovering his memory.

Then with a yank of the lancet, the whole figure retreated, and a tooth in his mouth was broken by his zhenqi, and then he spit it out.

As soon as the teeth came out, a thick fog exploded directly. This thick fog irritated the mouth and nose, but any normal person would have red eyes, teary nose and severe coughing, and they couldn't chase after them.

Zhao Youfu is still very confident about this special mist, and he has received special training, this mist will not affect him, it is simply a sharp weapon for him to escape.

"Don't run away, let's have a good chat."

Zhao Youfu, who hadn't left the kitchen, suddenly felt his shoulders sinking, and his whole body was pulled directly. Wu Mingkong put his hand on his shoulders, and this sound directly made Zhao Youfu's body tense.

Naturally, he couldn't sit still and waited for death. He turned around and tried to break free from Wu Mingkong's hand by cleverness.

Everything went smoothly, especially his operation was very smooth and smooth. The only embarrassing thing was that he didn't break away from Wu Mingkong's hand on his shoulder.

Zhao Youfu couldn't help being a little surprised. Judging from his own feelings, Wu Mingkong's hands were not strong, but he couldn't break free, which was extremely weird.

"How about a drink?"

Wu Mingkong tried to persuade him to stay again, but Zhao Youfu was not stupid, it looked like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, he would definitely die if he stayed there, and if the ninth-rank psychic in the manor was disturbed again, then he would really be unable to escape at all Lost.

Regarding this aspect, Zhao Youfu may have misunderstood a little bit, even if he didn't need to alarm the two sisters, Su Zhi and Su Wei, he couldn't escape.

Gritting his teeth, he slashed the lancet in his hand towards his shoulder. For a moment, the flesh and clothing fragments flew up. Taking advantage of the gap between the flesh and blood, he slipped away from Wu Mingkong's body like a loach. That hand, and then a fierce thrust forward, rolling three times in a row, one got up and leaped, and the whole person flew out of the manor like a big bird with lightness kung fu.

It's just that he didn't realize that at some point, a silk thread directly spread to Wu Mingkong's hand from the back of his heart.

With a tug of the silk thread in Wu Mingkong's hand, Zhao Youfu, who had already fled the manor, was dragged back by him. He didn't even react, and sat back on the chair opposite Wu Mingkong.

Even the food on the table was not missing, they obviously ate a lot before, Zhao Youfu suspected that everything just now was an illusion, whether it was the mist disguised as teeth that had been used, or the unsheathed The lancet, as thin as a cicada's wing, is all there, and hasn't changed at all.

Not even the traces of the fight were gone.

This can't help but make Zhao Youfu a little confused, what's the matter?

Could it be that those just now were really just hallucinations.

"Why are you so dazed while eating, come on, eat the food." Wu Mingkong also spoke to Zhao Youfu enthusiastically as if nothing had happened.

Is this hallucination a little too real?

A sense of absurdity surged in Zhao Youfu's heart, which was simply extremely weird.

But since it's an illusion, let's do it again.

When Wu Mingkong lowered his head to pick up the vegetables, Zhao Youfu took out the lancet on his right arm again. This time he did not choose Wu Mingkong's neck.

The lancet slashed down vertically, with fierce power and momentum.

Then he was caught by Wu Mingkong's chopsticks, it seemed a little sudden.

This scene seemed familiar to Zhao Youfu, oh, by the way, it was the same situation when he stabbed Wu Mingkong in the eyes with chopsticks before.

It's just that Wu Mingkong used his hands to hold the chopsticks before, but now he uses the chopsticks to hold his lancet.

When encountering this kind of situation, it is naturally not good. Zhao Youfu tried his best to pull out the lancet, but he did not expect that the chopsticks were as steady as a rock.

As a killer, he would naturally run away when he encountered this situation. He immediately threw away the lancet and turned around to flee.

The tooth in the mouth was spit out again and exploded into mist, which was used to cover him from escaping.

This situation seems to have been staged once in a hallucination?

This idea suddenly appeared in Zhao Youfu's mind.

It's just that this time it's different, Wu Mingkong didn't put his hand on his shoulders, the escape was exceptionally smooth, and he was about to leave the manor with his Qinggong.

But in the next second, he returned to the dining table in the kitchen, and Wu Mingkong said to him very enthusiastically: "Why are you so dazed while eating, come and eat."

Everything seems to be back to the beginning again.

At this time, if he suspects that this is an illusion, then he is a fool.

The scene in front of him was simply horrifying, he had never thought that such a thing would happen.

Now killing people and seizing treasures is all false, he turned around and ran away without looking back, regardless of Wu Mingkong's shouts behind him.

However, just before he rushed out of the manor along the wall as usual, he came back here again, and heard Wu Mingkong's enthusiastic words again.

He has heard this sentence three times.

He seems to be stuck here.

But he is not reconciled, he must escape.

Turning around, ignoring Wu Mingkong's yelling, he rushed out again. He tried to escape one by one, but the result was without exception. As long as he wanted to go out, he would be pulled to the dining table immediately, and something even more horrifying happened to him. Once the time exceeds a quarter of an hour, no matter where he is, it will be reset again.

Now he is a little numb. It has been at least one day for the time he has been tossing around, but until now, the sky is still dark, and there is no intention of turning it on.

For such a period of time, he tried countless times, but every time he failed, he could only watch himself being reset, and then listen to Wu Mingkong's passionate words.

It's just that what he didn't see was that a silk thread on the back of his heart would be shortened every time he reset it, as if it was burned by something.

What he didn't expect was that with the burning of the silk thread, his memory was constantly being lost, but the sense of urgency of the crisis didn't make him realize these things, instead he kept trying to escape.

While his escape triggered the reset, it also made the thread burn faster.

"Where am I? What was I going to do just now?" Zhao Youfu was a little puzzled, what was he doing sitting here now, and he always felt that something was not quite right.

These aberrations lead to a larger question, which is who is he himself and what is his name?

"Why are you so dazed while eating, come on, have some food."

The familiar voice came again, and Zhao Youfu's body's instincts left and started, and he turned around and was about to flee outside the manor, but this time, he didn't return to the dinner table.

Rather, the whole person was as pale and illusory as if it had been completely burned, and it seemed to be like a bunch of scattered twine, wriggling continuously and then melting.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Youfu disappeared.

Wu Mingkong, on the other hand, looked at a mess of silk threads in his hand, which was constantly undulating up and down.

After sorting it out easily, Wu Mingkong compressed it into a book, and the words "Treasure of Thousand Faces (Proficient Level)" appeared on the cover of the book.

"This thing should be regarded as a skill book." Wu Mingkong was a little skeptical.

This "Thousand Faces Treasure Record (Proficient Level)" is the essence of martial arts extracted from Zhao Youfu, including a series of complexes such as exercises, poisons, disguises, acting skills, assassinations, etc. After using it, you can Perfectly inherit Zhao Youfu's ability.

It can be said that it is the culmination of Zhao Youfu's life.

Wu Mingkong did not burn Zhao Youfu's existence, but extracted his existence, and used another method to condense his whole life into the thread of existence, and then slowly analyzed his various abilities and integrated them into Once integrated, it becomes a freshly released skill book.

Even though a skill book was extracted by doing so, the existence of Zhao Youfu has not disappeared. Those who are related to Zhao Youfu will still remember Zhao Youfu, and even the traces of Zhao Youfu in the whole world still exist. But gone, commonly known as dead.

As for why it is proficient level, it is because it is only proficient when combined. After all, Wu Mingkong took the average number, not the highest number.

If his abilities are averaged, he can only be regarded as proficient.

So now he has a problem, that is to find someone to test the authenticity of this skill book. According to his data, this thing is indeed a skill book, the kind that can be learned with one tap, very convenient .

But data is just data, Wu Mingkong felt that he had to find someone to try it out.

"Brother, what are you talking about with the non-stop crackling?" Wu Lin also heard the movement. He had just entered meditation when he heard the sound, so he naturally had to come and have a look.

"Oh, I picked up a skill book." Wu Mingkong said.

"Skill book? By the way, where is that Zhao Youfu?" Wu Lin suddenly realized why there were so few people.

The two sisters, Su Zhi and Su Wei, also rushed over and found that nothing seemed to be wrong, and Wu Mingkong should be acting as a demon again.

"Let's not mention this for now. I just picked up a copy of "A Thousand Faces Treasure Record" on the table. It is proficient. Do you want to learn it?" Books, how infiltrating is this.

""A Thousand Faces Treasure Record"? Is it the "Thousand Faces Treasure Record" practiced by that thousand-faced black demon Hu Bin?" Su Zhi felt a little familiar, and then remembered where it came from, and asked immediately.

"It seems that this Zhao Youfu's original name was indeed Hu Bin, but I thought it was his former name."

It used to be called a ghost, obviously it was the other party who approached you after changing his appearance.

Wu Lin couldn't help complaining, and then felt something was wrong. Then this person is gone, and Wu Mingkong picked up the other party's fame technique on the table again, and he was not allowed to mention it. Isn't this a proper way to kill and rob? Well.

"It's a pity that the thousand-faced black demon, who has always been elusive, fell into your hands." Su Wei's words sounded like a pity, but the unstoppable schadenfreude in her tone almost overflowed.

"This proficient level "Thousand-faced Treasure Record" or else, just slap it with your hand, and you will immediately have the ability of a thousand-faced black demon." Wu Mingkong tried to seduce.

Wu Lin was moved at first, then he looked at the "Taiping Yaoshu" in his mind and shook his head. He still understood the truth that he could not chew off too much. In his current situation, it was no longer a matter of chewing too much. It's a question of whether you can learn it or not.

So he very wisely refused. Compared with the content in "Taiping Yaoshu", the ability of the thousand-faced black demon is not a little bit worse. To him, it is no longer tasteless, but completely useless. Useful.

"Forget it, I can't finish learning the "Taiping Essentials", Aunt Su, see if you want it."

"Is it really possible to learn this stuff with just one shot?" Since Wu Lin doesn't want it, Su Wei is a little moved. It has already entered the room, and the rest only needs to be done, so I am still quite curious.

"I lied to you that you have candy." Wu Mingkong couldn't help complaining, why there is no trust between these people, although Wu Mingkong treats them as experimental products, at least their lives are not in danger.

Su Wei nodded, and reached out to take the skill book handed over by Wu Mingkong: "That's right, you lied to me that you really don't have candy."

Just like this, the skill book immediately scattered into light spots and penetrated into Su Wei's body continuously.

In the blink of an eye, Su Wei's eyes kept flashing various methods, disguises and many other materials. These materials flashed by, and Su Wei didn't react at all, and everything was over.

"It seems that it doesn't work." Su Wei was a little skeptical, why didn't she feel anything.

"Recall it, recall it, don't just say it, it won't work, do you know how long I have toiled to make this skill book?" Wu Mingkong felt that this guy really didn't even inspect the goods, so he gave a bad review when he opened his mouth.

Su Wei recalled it suspiciously, and then she realized that there were so many memories in her mind that she had never had before.

Disguise, poison, acting skills, etc. are all lacking, and she is even very proficient. Just now she tried the bone shrinking skill in it, and just like that, the whole person shrank into a child's appearance. The original appearance can't be seen, even between a few strokes and a few paintings, the temperament of the whole person has changed, which is especially amazing.

Looking at this scene, Wu Lin felt that if Wu Mingkong gave him a skill book of "Taiping Essentials (Proficient Level)", then he would save the time to learn it.

"It's really interesting." Su Wei's voice has even become baby-like. This is also a voice-changing method in "A Thousand Faces of Treasures". Zhao Youfu has practiced it for several years. Zhao Youfu absorbed all of his life's abilities.

Su Zhi also watched this scene with great interest. She is a soul body, and she can learn the skills of calligraphy, but it is completely useless.

And Wu Mingkong glanced at Su Zhi, and then at Wu Lin. He could only say that he was worthy of being a character of the protagonist level. There was only such a portable grandfather in the whole world, and he picked him up right away.

There are no ghosts in this world, not even the so-called Martial Dao Primordial Spirits. There are only heavenly beings in the Heavenly Gate. Su Zhi was able to possess the only soul-raising spirit in the world by chance before he died. Among the rings, Wu Mingkong wouldn't believe such a thing if it wasn't for Wu Lin's blessing.

But to put it another way, maybe without Wu Lin, her Taiyin sect might not have been exterminated, and she might still be the suzerain of the Taiyin sect. Of course, this is just a groundless guess, and it is more likely that she will die directly. What about this opportunity?

(End of this chapter)

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