Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 585 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 585 Martial Arts Contest (44)

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Lin realized that no one was cooking in the morning. When he realized that Wu Mingkong had run away again, he still left without saying goodbye, but left a note.

Said to deal with something, about ten days and a half months or so.

This is not Wu Mingkong's nonsense, he really has something to do, there is a small problem in Tianmen.

Tianmen, a space with a very mysterious origin, is currently suppressed by Wu Mingkong's world-suppressing domain, but since Wu Mingkong made Zhao Youfu into a skill book, it has been changing, as if dissatisfied with Wu Mingkong's behavior.

Now it's getting more and more excessive, looking at this movement, it's like wanting to be beaten severely, Wu Mingkong naturally has to go back to satisfy the other party, and find out what happened by the way.

The only embarrassing one is Wu Lin, he can only go out to the village to buy some food by himself, whether it is him or Su Zhi and Su Wei, basically they have seen the material of ten fingers not sticking to Yang Chunshui, and they have the spare time to start a fire, go there I have already finished eating when I came back from the village, so there is no need for such trouble.

Lu Wulin in Shuihuang Township naturally knew about it. He walked a few times when he bought his property, not to mention familiar with the way, but at least he knew the general location of the store.

This area is basically poor people, and they all get up early to work, and the shouting on the street is naturally continuous.

Wu Lin found a shop, bought some pasta, and walked back.

It's just that he felt that something was wrong in Shuihuang Township today, and he always felt that the traders and porters who passed by seemed to be peeking at him intentionally or unintentionally.

This made Wu Lin quicken his pace. He felt that these people must have ghosts.

Combined with what Wu Mingkong said yesterday about their stay in Shuihuang Township and what was leaked out, he couldn't help but be more vigilant.

It seemed that he was also being targeted, but the thousand-faced black monster came relatively quickly yesterday, just happened to meet Wu Mingkong to do something and was coerced together, otherwise he probably wouldn't have been exposed.

As soon as Wu Lin quickened his pace, the atmosphere of the whole street seemed to be a little strange. Although the shouts were still heard endlessly, the tone changed a lot.

He could even see Jianghu people who were eating breakfast slowly from some shops.

Regarding this, Wu Lin couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this peaceful life seems to be unbearable, he has already come to the door, and he is waiting for the other party's next move.

If he dared to do something, then Wu Lin wouldn't mind sending them to their deaths.

A group of Jianghu people looked at Wu Lin who had gone away, and then began to discuss chaotically.

"Wu Lin, the second son of the martial arts family, no matter how you look at it, is the strength of the second-rank Zhou Tian. This kind of strength can really kill so many sects? It can't be his old man Wu Kuang who made the move."

"If Wu Kuangtu did it, would you and I still be able to drink tea here? It would have been buried in the ground long ago."

"Isn't it his father? Can you kill so many people with a second-rank Zhou Tian? In the battle at Xuanyue Villa, all ninth-rank gods died there in 42 Ming. If he really succeeded, wouldn't my sixth-rank pure yang be able to kill so many people?" Killed the palace."


On the whole street, various people and forces could not help but discuss loudly. Seeing Wu Lin's strength, everyone immediately questioned, how can a second-rank Zhoutian warrior kill so many people?

This thing is just bullshit.

"Uncle, do you think this is true or not?" In the attic, Gu Wusheng, who looked like a handsome young man, couldn't help asking. As the young master of the Excalibur Sect, he came to investigate the cause of the death of the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur Sect.

"It's hard to say, it does look like a second-rank Zhoutian, but do you believe it?" Cao Rong also looked like a scribe, and he couldn't understand what Gu Wusheng said. Wu Lin was also a second-rank Zhoutian warrior in his eyes. You know, he is a martial artist of the eighth rank martial arts.

"I don't believe that my grandfather died in Xuanyue Mountain Villa. Perhaps it wasn't the fault of the brothers of the Wu family, but he definitely couldn't get away with it." Gu Wusheng naturally didn't believe it. This is not a joke, right? Second rank Zhou Tian?
Wouldn't his martial arts strength of a fifth-rank yin god be the same as what the three people in the rivers and lakes below said, and it became a joke.

There is some basis for saying that the second-rank Zhou Tian killed the third-rank Chimo, but your second-rank Zhou Tian killed the ninth-rank Tongshen, and there are still 42. The Arabian Nights are not so nonsense.

"That's right, I guess that the Xuanjia Army, the Forbidden Army, and the Zhenwu Division's subordinates, Wu Kuangtu and Mu Yun didn't personally act, but their subordinates were also present, and they were eight martial artists. As long as they are defeated one by one, the remaining 34 Ninth-Rank Ancestors will naturally be able to kill them, but it’s just that the matter was revealed and they all died together.” Cao Rong analyzed.

In his eyes, this Xuanyue Villa is not besieging and killing the brothers of the Wu family, but the ghost of the imperial court preparing to weaken their sects and aristocratic families. The news was deliberately released, and even the 41 sects and aristocratic families that were exterminated before were all the actions of the imperial court. , in order to let the bait of Wu Family Brothers attract more people to take the bait.

Otherwise, who can kill so thoroughly that no living person can escape, only the imperial army can do it by encircling the mountain.

Then set fire to the mountain to evade excuses and cover up saying that he was struck by lightning to death. Can this lightning strike so accurately?

This is the thought in the minds of those who have not been to the scene where the 41 families were wiped out. They don't believe it.

It's hard to change their subjective consciousness. Even if they read it, they might be able to self-hypnotize themselves for some reason, because they don't believe that a second-rank Zhou Tian can do such a thing at all, and this kind of thinking is also based on this water. The thoughts of most people in Huangxiang.

Occasionally, a guess is added that it was Wu Kuangtu and Mu Yun's husband and wife.

As for who reported that the Wu family brothers were in this remote Shuihuang Township, no one knows. Anyway, it spread all over the country overnight, and the efficiency was even faster than the news of the Xuanyue Mountain Villa's destruction. quick.

The people who came here basically only heard about Xuanyue Villa on the road. At first they thought this unbelievable news was just a rumor.

"Then from my uncle's point of view, will today's matter be a court affair?" Gu Wusheng asked looking at the crowd on the street.

"It's worth such a lot of effort to catch a few shrimps, do you think it's worth it?" Cao Rong observed it, and it seems that there is no Ninth-Rank Aura here. Few, it's just that most of them are scattered people, and there are not many people from aristocratic families and sects.

"But the son of Wu Kuangfu is here." Gu Wusheng's words are also very reasonable, after all, the cause of everything is here.

It started with Pan'an City first, and then Xuanyue Villa. He didn't think this was the end of it.

"So what, let's stay put for now, and let those people who are not smart enough to be selfish and greedy go and find the way for us first." Cao Rong thought very well, and this is what most people think. People use themselves as cannon fodder.

If there are more people who think well, then there will be fewer people who will implement it. After all, whoever can come out to the rivers and lakes will have a bad brain, and those who have bad brains will all be thrown into the mass graves, and the straw mats will not be rolled up. of that kind.

At this time, you have to use a better brain to fool around. Naturally, there are many such people here.

The news of the attack and killing in the dark at night spread like wildfire, and it intensified.

Of course, this kind of thing will definitely not be done for no reason, so it needs some sweetness, so the brothers of the Wu family have a peerless magic skill, which is passed down by Wu Kuang, as long as they practice it, they can become the second Wu Kuang.

Anyone who has fought against Wu Kuangtu will scoff at this news. He doesn't have any peerless magic skills. What he practiced is simply not popular. There is a sale.

But I can't stand the aura of Wu Kuangzi is too great, these people believe it, you said that you have developed such a strong true energy with "Hunyuan Jin", why can't I develop it?
Anyway, the news is spreading more and more outrageous, but the core has not changed.

Go kill people at night and grab cheat books.

Time passed quickly, and amidst a group of people bragging and chatting, night fell.

Watching another person take the lead to leave Shuihuang Township, one by one figures quietly follow up, either together or alone. Someone takes the lead, and naturally someone follows blindly.

"Look, someone is leaving now." Cao Rong squinted his eyes at the scene, and then said: "Let's go, let them find out, we can't just sit and hang behind them to see situation."

How can you be reconciled if you don't go to see it with your own eyes? If you really have no back-up, wouldn't it be a big loss if you have peerless magic skills.

Gu Wusheng picked up his long sword and followed Cao Rong, hanging far behind the crowd who had already left.

Naturally, the Excalibur Sect family is not the only ones who are smart. Cao Rong couldn't help nodding his head when he saw the people who came out.

People in the lower class fight for their lives, people in the middle class seek wealth and honor, and people in the upper class use contacts and value peace. The benefits are so great that it's worth doing.

Cao Rong, who was born in the Excalibur School, with the strength of eighth-rank martial arts, naturally has as many contacts as he can. The people here don't know all, but also know seven or eighty, and the remaining twenty or thirty It's also the one I've heard about. If it wasn't for the bad timing today, he would have planned to visit each of them for tea.

On the other side, Wu Lin had been waiting for a long time, sensing the Jianghu people who kept coming towards his manor, he couldn't help but sneered: "It seems that I didn't scare people at the beginning, I just calmed down for a few days, and unexpectedly Some dare to come to the door, not knowing what is good or bad, it seems that I will not have a good life if I don't kill those people."

Wu Lin glanced at the dusty book, where the names of 41 sects and families were crossed out. This is Wu Mingkong's little vengeance book.

Su Zhi and Su Wei are also helpless. Originally, Wu Lin had given up and was going to live the life of ordinary people. The two of them could have a meal together. Wu Mingkong's cooking skills are so addictive, but this was finally given.

"Why do I feel that something happened as soon as your elder brother left? Could it be that your elder brother noticed it in advance, so he ran away so aggressively, without saying a word, and left a note overnight." Su Wei suddenly found a blind spot.

"It should be a coincidence." Wu Lin was also a little uncertain, it was too much of a coincidence for Wu Ming to run empty.

"Looking for death." Before Su Wei could reply, the murderous look in her eyes dropped, and a touch of ice crystals popped out from her fingertips.

When the ice crystal fell, a figure groaned and hurriedly wanted to get out.

But at the next moment, Su Zhi twisted her hand in the air, and a ray of moonlight was captured by her from the sky, and she threw it at the figure from a distance. Suddenly, he staggered and almost fell.

"Ninth-grade psychic power again? I don't know how many will come tonight." Su Zhi's brows were also full of murderous intent.

Today is different. The "Guanghan Wangshu Fu" of the two of them during this period has already entered the room, and the ordinary ninth-rank gods are not the enemy of the two of them. It is estimated that those who stand at the top of the ninth rank With the ability to fight against the two of them, it is estimated that only Wu Kuangtu can't beat them.

Just now, just one person and one move forced back a ninth-grade psychic, which made the two of them feel confident. If it was before, they would be the ones who were forced to retreat with one move.

"It's useless to come a few times. The whole manor has been arranged into a five-element formation by me. Even if the 42 ninth-rank psychics from Xuanyue Villa come over, I won't be afraid." Wu Lin's move is very favorable , Now it is a home game, he has prepared from morning to night, it can be said that he is well prepared.

Now he is sure to kill them even without cloud, rain and fog.

With the help of the upgraded five-element talisman formation of the five-element talisman, he can directly use the five-element divine thunder in the "Five Thunder Jue" and control it.

Since he suffered a loss in Xuanyue Villa, he has studied desperately during these days, and naturally he has gained a lot.

"Aunt Su, you go back to Second Aunt Su's body first, or if my divine thunder sounds, I'm afraid it will shock your soul." The Five Elements Divine Thunder that Wu Lin uses now is naturally not the same as when he only knew the superficial. Comparable to the Thunder of the Five Elements, the power of this complete version of the Five Elements God Thunder is extraordinary.

Su Zhi was not hypocritical, she plunged into Su Wei's body in an instant.

Since the two practiced "Guanghan Wangshu Fu" together, Su Zhi no longer entered the ring, but inhabited Su Wei's body. If she wanted to practice "Guanghan Wangshu Fu", she needed two people to practice together, and this Only in this state can "Guanghan Wangshu Fu" be brought into full play.

"The Thunderbolt is the cardinal of heaven and earth. Therefore, Lei Naitian's order has the greatest power, and everything in the three realms and nine places belongs to Lei Ke."

With the beginning of Wu Lin, Huang Tian's mana in the body passes through the Huang Tian True Dragon on the nine-section staff to control the five-element formation to continuously gather the Yin-Yang and five elements of heaven, earth, and thus start to operate the five-element divine thunder.

The whole manor was divided into four squares by Wu Lin, Yin and Yang began to meet in the direction of Dongfang Jiayimu, the blue thunder began to expand continuously, and a blue dragon emerged.

Followed by the Suzaku transformed by the red thunder of the Bingding fire position in the south, according to the law of the five elements, the central Wuji earth position, that is, above the head of Wu Lin, the yellow dragon transformed by the yellow thunder emerges, and then the west The white tiger at the gold position of Gengxin, and the Xuanwu at the Rengui water level in the north.

When the five spirits manifested, the entire five-element formation was running simultaneously, and the five spirits were instantly hidden in it, as if nothing had happened.

All of this happened in an instant. The Jianghu people who were leading the battle looked at the manor from a distance and noticed something was wrong, but none of them made a sound.

"It seems that something different happened in the manor just now." Gu Wusheng asked in a low voice.

Cao Rong was a little indifferent: "It's okay, let those people go first, let's just watch."

He just said so, but his heart was a little dignified. Just now, he saw a figure fleeing from the manor. Judging from the speed and movement, it was probably a ninth-rank martial artist hidden among them. Judging from the embarrassed appearance, there must be an existence in this manor that is comparable to the Ninth Grade Tongshen, which made him feel strange in his heart.

Could this really be another failure of the imperial court?

Cao Rong and Gu Wusheng, a group of aristocratic sects and others sat firmly in the rear, so naturally they were not afraid.

But those Jianghu people who took the lead in the front line naturally wouldn't be so prudent. They were all provoked, and then saw someone leading the way, so they naturally felt that there were so many people, so they followed them together, just waiting for them to arrive. The person who took the lead is gone, how can they not understand this?

It's nothing more than becoming the first spy, what else can I do.

But they don't mind, they really sit in the back, and it is specified that they can't even get the soup, so how can they fight against those famous families?

Unless you are strong enough to be qualified, otherwise, under the seventh rank, you really have to work hard to get some soup, let alone soup, you can't even keep up with the hot rice.

It’s just that for a while, everyone was at a loss, and when someone led the way, they naturally followed, but now that the guide is gone, they need an early bird who detects mines again. They just want to catch the soup. I'm willing to work hard, after all, I don't know whether the soup in front of me is real or not, don't get all the soup when I don't get it, it's ridiculous.

People in the rivers and lakes have their own way of dealing with the world.

It's okay to want them to work hard, but it's not good for empty-handed white wolves like you martial arts families.

With the strength of these people from the rivers and lakes, it is naturally not their turn to eat meat.

The noise became louder and louder. It seemed that those Jiang Hu people in front had lost their temper, but in fact none of them moved, and the sects behind were also dissatisfied.

One wanted to stand out, and the other wanted to be an empty-handed wolf, so there was a stalemate.

For a while, neither advancing nor retreating, made everyone a little dissatisfied.

The aristocratic sects couldn't help cursing those Jianghu people for their ignorance of good and evil, while the Jianghu people murmured in their hearts to run away at any time.

"The visitor is a guest, so why stop there." Wu Lin's voice came from the manor, and everyone's expressions changed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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