Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 586 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 586 Martial Arts Contest (45)

The green thunder suddenly appeared, and all the people in the rivers and lakes were stimulated by the bright thunder light for a while, and they couldn't even open their eyes.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but thump in their hearts. It seemed that things had exceeded their expectations.

Light travels faster than sound.

After the cyan thunder light passed, the sound of thunder exploded, directly clearing an open space. When the crowd reacted, there was only darkness, and the person standing there had long since fallen to the ground, turning into a A charred corpse.

"Be careful, it's not respect. By the way, don't hide the Ninth Grade Ability, otherwise people will die." Wu Lin's voice was very gentle, but his words made everyone's hair stand on end.

This is to make it impossible for any of them to leave.

"Presumptuous, little second grade, dare to talk nonsense, let me cut off your head with a sword, and then I will talk about one or two, brothers, kill me." The crowd shouted loudly, but saw a strong man Full of anger, he rushed towards the manor with a long sword in his hand.

I just rushed halfway and found that no one was following. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. I shouted very heroically, but no one followed.

Do you really think he finds Wu Lin's speech unpleasant?Wasn't it because he was ordered to do things to pick a head, so that these front-runners from the rivers and lakes would rush with him, and they turned out to be not stupid.

It's just that he has already rushed halfway, but no one is following him. He, a fifth-rank Yinshen warrior, can only bite the bullet and charge forward, and he will definitely not be able to retreat.

Once you retreat and leave, you will die socially. For those who are in the world, reputation is still very important. If you have a bad reputation, you will do all kinds of evil if you rob rich businessmen, and if you have a good reputation, rob rich businessmen.

But it seemed that the other side had no more moves. He kicked open the gate of the manor. It seemed that everything was beyond his expectation, as if the blue thunder just now was just an accident.

The Jianghu people behind saw that the strong man rushed into the manor and it was fine, they couldn't help but looked at each other, they must have been fooled.

"Brothers, this thief wiped out 41 families for no reason. The sky and the earth are clear today, and the thunder suddenly appeared. The purpose is to let me punish the rape and eliminate the evil, and restore the world to a bright future. Brothers, I am one step ahead." Another strong man took advantage of it. This posture shouted loudly, and the reasons were handed over, which meant that it was time to take advantage of the heat.

The meaning is also very obvious, the person who took the lead in front is obviously fine, if you don't move, you won't even be able to eat hot food next.

What's more, even righteousness has been prepared for you. Now you are just knights who punish rape and eliminate evil for the world.

Robbing money is no longer stealing money. With the blessing of righteousness, it has now been sublimated into robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Just such an instigation, if you say to die for righteousness, no one is willing to leave, but now that there are benefits, and there are people who have explored the way to show that there is no danger, it is natural to go.

With someone taking the lead again, a group of people from the rivers and lakes rushed towards the manor.

It is true that there is no sound of fighting in the manor, but it does not mean that there is no danger.

The strong man who kicked the door at the head didn't dare to move now, and the cold sweat couldn't stop breaking out.

In front of his eyes, a blue dragon made of blue thunder was watching him. He has lived for such a long time, and this is the longest time he has seen tonight, seeing a dragon.

It's just that he can't move now, and he can't even move. The dragon's eyes flashing with thunder made him tremble, and he didn't know what to do.

Escaping is definitely impossible, no one can react to the blue thunder just now, let alone the blue thunder and the Canglong.

Of course, he is not the only one who is caught in this kind of predicament. The Jianghu people who were encouraged by the second wave just now also bumped into Canglong head-on. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

No wonder there is no movement of fighting, just fight with this huge black dragon in this scene?
You don't look like this if you want to die.

"Stand back slowly, everyone, I think this blue dragon must be."

In the crowd, one person bit the bullet and wanted to say something, but before the words were finished, a cyan thunder spewed out from the mouth of the Canglong. Before the group could react, they were directly swept away by the thunder. Such a close distance The thunder washed away, not to mention the clothes, the corpses were turned into ashes.

The cyan thunder rushed straight out of the gate of the manor, heading straight towards those Jianghu people who were still ready to move and wanted to watch the fire from the other side.

Just such a sneak attack, not to mention those Jianghu people who entered the door just now, even the people outside couldn't react, and most of them were killed by Qing Lei in an instant.

This can't help but make everyone's face turn pale, what is the situation.

And the aristocratic family and sect in the back couldn't help but feel shocked when they saw this. Fortunately, they let those scattered people from the rivers and lakes go to explore the way first. If they went in by themselves, wouldn't they also have to stay inside.

After one move, everyone knew that Wu Lin was not easy to mess with, and immediately prepared to retreat.

It's just that they wanted to leave, but Wu Lin didn't want to let them go.

At some point, a huge shadow blocked the group of people's retreat, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a black basalt.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a basalt constructed of countless black thunders, and the black thunders bursting out from all over made everyone terrified.

Then a white tiger got up from the grass, approaching quietly like an elegant big cat.

The mighty Suzaku fanned its red thunder wings and blocked in another direction.

At this time, this group of talents suddenly realized that they were actually surrounded.

"What's the situation with the brothers of the Wu family? There are divine beasts to help them." Cao Rong couldn't help but swallowed and said after watching the blue dragon flying out of the manor completely cut off their vitality.

With this ability, why do you embarrass us Jianghu people? Isn't it good to use these beasts to fight for the world with a wave of your arms?

Is it cool to pretend to be a pig and a tiger in this small town?

Gu Wusheng is also full of shit, you have analyzed and analyzed one by one, and you basically think that the brothers of the Wu family are people who can be crushed to death, but in the end you are outflanked, which is simply a shame.

"When you get to Huangquan Road, everyone, don't hate Wu. After all, you are the ones who sent you to die. You can't blame others." Wu Lin's voice echoed in the ears of these people, and the four divine beasts transformed by thunder were pressing closer.

Wu Lin will not pity them, they are all coming to kill him, no matter what his strength is, he will die, the grass must be cut to the root, and the future troubles will not be left behind, no matter whether his current strength will pose a threat to himself.

"Wait a minute, I'm the young master of Lianhuan Pavilion in Taihu Lake. If you dare to kill me, you won't be afraid that Lianhuan Pavilion will destroy your whole family." The person who called himself the young master of Lianhuan Pavilion couldn't help being furious. In the name of the pavilion, three points of courtesy will be given.

Gu Wusheng couldn't help but smiled contemptuously. The Lianhuan Pavilion is nothing but a third-rate sect. He is still the young suzerain of the Excalibur Sect, so he still dare not speak. Judging from this situation, their Supreme Elder is probably really in trouble. In the hands of the Wu family brothers.

Even those 42 Ninth-Rank Tongshen will end up in the same end.

"Understood, do you still want to blow up your family? Let's blow it up together." Wu Lin very kindly picked up the little revenge book Wu Mingkong gave him, and then wrote down the name of Lianhuan Pavilion. Check it out and hit the door directly to send their family reunion.

"I am the true disciple of Zhan Haizong. If I die here, Zhan Haizong will definitely make your life worse than death."

"This young master is the eldest son of Zhengnan Wang's family, if you are sensible."

"Oldness is."

Wu Lin remembered very carefully, whether it was aristocratic family or sect, he wrote down everything.

After waiting for a long time, finally no one made a sound, and the group of people outside were quite complacent, thinking that their own power had suppressed Wu Lin.

"It should be gone now. In this case, after you die, I will visit you one by one, and try to let the forces behind you go down with you as soon as possible."

Wu Lin's words made those who were complacent just now turn pale.

"Wait, how dare you."

"I am"

"I'm not reconciled"

The four divine beasts turned into blue, red, black, and white thunderbolts and blasted them directly. Before everyone could finish shouting, they were covered by the four-colored thunderbolts. It turned into ashes, leaving only a messy ground.

After disposing of this group of people, the four-color thunder did not remain, and it fell straight towards the Shuihuang Township.

I saw the thunder and light of the entire Shuihuang Township tearing up the entire night, and then a huge explosion resounded through the sky.

There was only ruins left in Shuihuang Township, whether it was houses or living things, all of them were wiped out in the four-color thunder.

"Everyone who is hiding, why don't you come out?" Wu Lin's gentle voice sounded again.

But this time, no one responded anymore. Is anyone still alive?
Yes, there are a few Ninth-Rank Apostles hiding in the dark, they hide deeper, and run away whenever there is a slight disturbance, they have naturally seen the situation in Shuihuang Township, they did not expect Wu Lin to be so ruthless, directly smashing the whole Shuihuang Township has been blown up, and there are not only people from the rivers and lakes who came here to kill him.

At this time, they were already thinking of quitting, but they didn't wait for them to do it.

When they counted to the yellow thunder, they rushed over, not allowing them to think too much, so they just took a step, barely avoiding the yellow thunder.

"You kid doesn't talk about martial arts, but you actually engage in sneak attacks." A nine-level psychic couldn't help cursing.

It's just that as soon as he finished cursing, a yellow thunderbolt came towards him, Wu Lin didn't have the heart to argue with him, just let him scold, as long as he is willing to die, it's easy to handle.

"Everyone, let's go together, kill him, and then take his skills so as not to cause disaster to the world. Now he only has this yellow thunder left, and he must be alone." A figure does not retreat but advances. It was unheard of before, no wonder there were so many Ninth-Rank Gods gathered in Xuanyuezhuang back then, although they all died, it also positively explained the horror of the exercises.

As for fear?
They were a little scared, but when they thought about the intelligence that said that the full strength of this skill would require violent storms, thick fog and thunder, and now that the moon and stars are sparse, and there is no trace of cloud and fog, it is a good time to kill.

The rest of the Jiupin Tongshen who were originally thinking of retreating also hesitated for a while, especially when the man mentioned the word "gongfa" in his words just now, which simply aroused their greed.

Then the retreat in my heart disappeared, and I headed towards the manor.

"Bao Cen of the Tiangang Sword, He Yan of the Black Feather Sword, Wu Yue of the Shocking Dragon School" Su Wei looked at a total of seven ninth-rank psychics, and they all reported their names. Their luck was very bad, and they were all recognized by Su Wei. Out.

"Su Wei from the Taiyin Sect, I didn't expect you to join forces with this devil." Mo Yujian He Yan said with a big hat buttoned down.

But Su Wei didn't care at all, what's the fuss with the dead.

A little bit in her hand, an ice crystal sword was condensed by her from the air, and the seven ninth-rank psychics were surprised to see this scene. It seems that Su Wei has also gained a lot of benefits, otherwise how could she help the brothers of the Wu family? Woolen cloth.

Naturally, the crowd didn't dare to stay, and went straight to besiege. At this time, they had a tacit understanding. The two rushed to Wu Lin, and the five held Su Wei. As long as Wu Lin was captured, everything would be easy to talk about.

When the two Ninth-Rank psychics approached, a yellow dragon composed of yellow thunder raised its head from behind Wu Lin. In the eyes, the yellow thunder that burst out was mixed with the Huangtian mana in Wu Lin's body and went straight towards it. Followed by those two Ninth-Rank trances and went away.

Before they could react, the yellow thunder landed on them.

Terrifying electric light overflowed from the body, which could not help but startled and frightened the two people. Countless thunders raged in the internal organs, which made them grunt. Fortunately, as a ninth-grade psychic, their bodies are naturally extremely strong. Coupled with the circulation of true qi, it suppressed the injuries in the body and drove the thunder out of the body.

It's just that before they finished, Wu Lin raised his hand and swung the nine-section stick towards the heads of the two.

The situation of the two on Wu Lin's side and Su Wei's side naturally didn't have time to look at it, because they discovered an even weirder thing, another phantom appeared behind Su Wei.

This phantom is Su Zhi, she twisted the moonlight in her hand, and it turned into a moonlight sword.

When the cold air and moonlight spread around Su Wei, all the besiegers couldn't help but pause. They felt that the true energy in their bodies was frozen and stiff.

The body is also quite sluggish, and I don't know what to do, but fortunately, they have a large number of them, and they were on par with Su Zhi and Su Wei for a while.

It's just that as the cold and moonlight continued to erupt, their bodies seemed to be gradually unable to keep up.

After just two rounds, it became difficult for some reason, and when they waited to see the two men who were going to catch Wu Lin, they couldn't help feeling dead.

These two Ninth-Rank Apostles were knocked down by Wu Lin's Nine-Jin Scepter, and then a set of unrestrained thunder combos were struck, and they were struck into darkness by lightning. It can be said that it is overcooked and burnt.

At this level, it is really possible that these two wiped out all the 42 Ninth Grade Ability Gods.

"Wait, let us go, and I'll tell you who leaked your news." Tiangang Sword Bao Cen couldn't help being anxious. Just now, Su Wei cut off Hongyan Guest's head with a sword. After slashing, no blood was left, the wound was covered with ice, and even the hot blood was frozen.

As soon as he yelled, another person was distracted, and the Yuehua sword in Su Zhi's hand turned into Yuehua, directly passing from the forehead to the back of the head, and it just died for a moment.

"Speak up, speak up, I'll let you go." The cold female voice spoke in a double tone.

The remaining three couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and took a few steps back. Being so close, they didn't feel safe.

"The imperial court leaked it from the imperial court. You must know that the imperial court has spies all over the world, and only the imperial court can find you so easily." Tian Gang said immediately to Bao Cen.

"This is not enough. If there is only such a little news, it can't buy your lives." Huang Long behind Wu Lin kept rolling with thunder, and seemed to be dissatisfied.

"The imperial court got the news, but the person who leaked it was not the imperial court, but the crown prince." Wu Yue from the Startling Dragon Sect spoke up. He came from a family of sects, so the information he got was naturally more detailed.

"Prince Mu Sheng, it seems that this guy is really ruthless." Su Wei naturally knew the situation, and even the whole world knew the grievances between Wu Lin and Mu Sheng, and her tone was quite disgusting.

"What news do you all have? Let's hear it together." Wu Lin spoke again.

The three of them looked at each other, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak.

He chattered a lot, but Wu Lin didn't intervene, just listened quietly, until the person who said it was dry, and then stopped.

"Thank you for your enlightenment, it's getting late, everyone, let's get on the road as soon as possible."

When they heard Wu Lin's words, they always felt a little awkward, but they also forced their smiles: "You're welcome, then I'll leave immediately."

"Everyone please." Wu Lin said politely.

The three of them were naturally eager to leave the place of right and wrong, so they turned around and used their lightness kung fu to leave.

But at the next moment, Wu Lin made a bold move. In the nine-section staff in his hand, Huang Tianzhenlong and Huang Long matched, and Lei Guang went straight to the back of Tiangang Sword Bao Cen.

The same is true for Su Wei. With a touch of her feet, her whole body turned into a beam of light, and Su Wei in her body also split out, one towards He Yan, the Black Feather Sword, and the other towards Wu Yue, the startling dragon faction.

"You don't keep your word."

In Mo Yujian He Yan's terrified cry, everything fell to the ground.

"I've become a villain, so what's the point of credibility?" Wu Lin couldn't help but smile, they all used righteousness to suppress him, wouldn't it be a waste of their good intentions for him to go down the donkey along the slope.

After cleaning up the mess, Wu Lin suddenly said, "Aunt Su, I'm going to take a trip to Kyoto."

"Looking for Prince Mu Sheng?" Su Zhi naturally understood the meaning.

"I don't think I'm ruthless enough. If I were ruthless, there wouldn't be these people today. Since they're not afraid, I'll kill them enough to scare them."

Wu Lin didn't answer directly, but his gentle tone couldn't stop revealing a terrifying murderous intent. They didn't listen to the reason and wanted to kill themselves. That would only make those who didn't listen to their reason and want to kill themselves Buried in peace.

Only in this way can he live a peaceful life.

(End of this chapter)

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