Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 588 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 588 Martial Arts Contest (47)

"My small place really can't compare to the prosperity of Kyoto." Wu Lin and Su Wei couldn't help sighing as they walked on the streets of Kyoto.

It's just that he doesn't like it very much. Kyoto is too prosperous and not suitable for a salty fish like him. If he really wants to live here, every day will not be peaceful.

"That's natural, and I don't even look at where it is. At the foot of the emperor, can it be prosperous." Su Wei said with a smile.

"Yeah, I just watched some people in a hurry, as if something is going to happen recently." Wu Lin was a little puzzled.

Su Wei recalled it, and it seems that there are no big days recently.

"I don't know either, just ask when you go to the inn."

The two are also new to Kyoto, so they are naturally unfamiliar with the place, so how can they know the local customs, at most they know some things that are more widely spread.

"Please come to the guest officer, do you want to stay at the tip or stay in the hotel?"

As soon as he entered the inn, the waiter in the waiter hurried up to greet him, shouting loudly.

"First a table of good food, and then open two upper rooms." Wu Lin then handed over a small piece of broken silver.

The waiter immediately took the broken silver: "Okay, please sit down first, the good food will be here soon."

Wu Lin took Su Wei to find an empty seat and sat down, looked around carefully, and found that there were quite a few people from the rivers and lakes, all of them were powerful with knives and swords, and the food and wine they ate were not bad. , at least not the ones at the bottom who can eat it.

"At the feet of the Son of Heaven, those with swords and knives will be fine?" Wu Lin was a little puzzled.

"We have a strong sense of martial arts, so it's normal to carry a sword. What's more, the guards patrolling the streets and the guards guarding the city are not easy to mess with. Basically no one dares to make trouble." The waiter just came over Cai, when he heard Wu Lin's doubts, he answered it smoothly.

"So that's it. If you dare to ask my little brother, I look beaming. What's going on in Kyoto recently." Wu Lin stuffed a few copper coins in the past.

The waiter stuffed a few copper coins into his bosom, got the tip, and naturally smiled: "Guest officer, you don't know, the emperor said earlier that a national festival is going to be held, which is a big event. The last national festival , but it was held once at the beginning of the Great Cang, and now the world is in prosperity, and the current emperor has ordered another national sacrifice."

"May I ask if this national sacrifice is a sacrifice?" Wu Lin always felt that it was a sacrifice when he heard the name.

Such a question, on the contrary, asked the waiter from the shop. He actually didn’t know what the national festival was, but he only knew that it was widely circulated outside: “I don’t know what it is, but it is said that he invited all the great sects and aristocratic families in the world. Come to watch the ceremony, even the great general Wu Kuangtu who guarded Mobei has come back."

In order to increase the authenticity of what he said, Dian Xiaoer even brought out the famous existence of Wu Kuangtu.

"Wu Kuangtu is also in Kyoto?" Wu Lin narrowed his eyes. He still can't forget the father-son situation between him and Wu Kuangtu, and he was really beaten into a son by the other party.

"Of course he came back. On the day I returned to Beijing, I saw him go back to the Princess's mansion from the city gate." The waiter said vowedly.

"Well, it seems that on the day of the national festival, there might be a chance to meet that martial madman."

The waiter didn't hear any meaning from Wu Lin's tone, he just regarded it as someone who admired martial arts fanatics. There are many such people in Jianghu, most of them are young men who have just debuted. Dare to come out.

Naturally, Wu Lin is also this kind of little boy, but his brother Wu Mingkong is more vigorous, and the hooks for him are stronger, so he can be regarded as a relatively special existence.

"Then guest officer, please eat and drink well. If there is anything you need, you can order directly." The waiter in the shop wanted to leave after setting out the dishes, but he was also more polite in view of the tip.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, little brother, wait a moment, I still want to ask, when will this national festival be held, I also have a plan, go and watch the excitement." Wu Lin asked gently.

"At the end of this month, that is three days later, I have to say, guest officer, you came in a hurry, and you just happened to meet this rare event in a hundred years." The shopkeeper coughed, and then left resentfully. He also knew that the chat here was too long, which delayed other guests.

Su Wei and Wu Lin looked at each other, and returned to the room under the leadership of the waiter after eating.

"Say." Su Wei just wanted to speak, but Wu Lin made a silent movement, and then took out a talisman of absolute sound.

"There may be eyes and ears here, so it's better to be careful and use the soundless talisman to isolate the sound." Wu Lin said very cautiously.

Su Wei nodded before continuing: "Tell me, is there any major event here, related to the Tianmen that Wu Kuangzi mentioned at the beginning."

Wu Lin also had this idea, after all, it happened so coincidentally.

Tianmen and celestial beings, this matter is quite obscure, if not for the last encounter, they would never know that there are ghosts like celestial beings in the world.

"Then my elder brother will be okay." No matter from which point of view, Wu Mingkong seems to have something to do with Tianmen, and even that day people were tortured by Wu Mingkong into such a ghostly state.

"Tell me, could Tianmen be created by your elder brother?" Su Wei asked abruptly.

These words made Wu Lin feel a black thread: "Our two elder brothers had Tianmen before they were born, isn't it a little bit bad for you to say that my elder brother created it?"

This time is not right, but he clearly remembers that Wu Kuangtu said that he killed a celestial being 20 years ago, this Wu Mingkong couldn't have started making troubles before he was born.

Wu Lin and Su Wei didn't know that Heaven and Man could be reborn. They didn't know much about Heaven and Man. kind.

"Your words seem to make sense. Thinking about it like this is really impossible, so do you have any plans for the future?" Su Wei knew that Wu Lin came to the capital this time to kill Mu Sheng, and he swallowed this breath not go down.

Forget about what happened before, he was ready to retire, he was dragged out abruptly, no one would be happy, since Mu Sheng made him feel uneasy, then Wu Lin could only send him to die.

"Let's go find out first, and see when Mu Sheng will appear on the national festival day. As soon as he comes out, I'll kill him with a bolt of lightning from outside the city." Wu Lin's plan was very simple and clear. .

It is very simple to find Mu Sheng's position, and then a thunderbolt goes down to turn the opponent into a scorched corpse.

Ever since he clicked on the long-range attack, melee combat has become a cloud. Before the person came over, a thunderbolt passed directly to make the opponent cool, so there was no need to fight with people in close quarters.

Of course, his martial arts skills are not inferior either, if he is not afraid of [-], he is afraid of the eventuality, if he really meets a ruthless person, he might still be able to use it.

"Alright, then you and I will investigate separately?"

"No, let's go together, we have someone to take care of, if we are discovered by the madman, we can at least run away together, otherwise the other person will be alone and say we can't fall into the trap together." Wu Lin is not worried about being discovered by others, People who knew their identities were basically all dead, only one Wu Kuangzi had seen him and he was still alive.

As for Su Wei, it is even simpler. With the proficient level skill book "A Thousand Faces Treasure Record", it is very easy to change her appearance. For example, she is not using her original appearance now, but her disguise Naturally, he is not worried about being recognized by others.

No matter what Su Wei said, she is also a Ninth Grade Amulet Warrior, and she knows a lot of people.

"Alright, there will be a follow-up at that time." Su Wei still has lingering fears about the strength of Wu Kuangtu, and she can't break the defense with a full blow, which is simply terrifying.

Even now, she is not sure that she can perform ten tricks in the hands of Wu Kuangtu, and she feels that at most she can only fight with that heavenly man.

Regarding this, she could not help but wonder why there are so many monsters in this world.

It's just that Su Wei's comparison is wrong. If she compares it with normal people, she is actually a genius. Otherwise, she can be regarded as the best of the generation at such a young age, but the people she meets may not be considered serious. range, that's why she had a feeling that I was a weak chicken.

"In this case, let's act first." Wu Lin was also in a hurry to do things.

Of course, inquiring can't just be about inquiring at night, who to ask at night.

Naturally, it is necessary to find the person who is responsible for this matter or who knows the insider during the day, and at night, when they go home from work, where do they go to inquire.

At least you have to inquire about good people during the day, and visit them at night, otherwise, if you really go out in the dark at night, wouldn't you be wandering around like headless chickens, and you can find out something.

Naturally, Wu Lin has a plan for the location of the investigation. When he goes to the location of the national festival that is ending, there must be officials there. As long as he finds the target and follows him home, he can visit at night.

It is naturally very simple to find out when Mu Sheng played. You just need to find out the process. There must be officials in charge of the national festival, but Wu Lin doesn't know which one.

After the two of them discussed about it, they went straight out and walked on the street at a leisurely pace, as if they were just strolling.

In the East Palace, Mu Sheng's eyes were bloodshot, his lips were blackened from the cold, and he looked like he was in the middle of winter.

The chill in his body continuously spread out from his body, and even made some kind of black ice crystals condense in the entire Eastern Palace.

It's just that Mu Sheng didn't seem to care, instead he stroked a long sword in his hand.

At first glance, this long sword is unremarkable, at most it is a little sharper, but upon closer inspection, it possesses an astonishing aura.

This is the Canghuang Sword, which was sent by a martial artist a few days ago.

This time the national sacrifice was to use the preparations of the entire Great Cang Dynasty to kill the Heavenly Gate in one fell swoop.

With Mu Sheng's stroking, the Canghuang Sword has been covered with a layer of jet-black ice crystals at some point, it looks like a sword made of black jade.

"As long as I cut the Tianmen, I will have no worries at all. From now on, this is my world." Mu Sheng's tone was filled with a trace of madness, and then he couldn't help but groaned.

"A group of bereaved dogs dare to be presumptuous." The extremely cold true energy circulated quickly, suppressing the tiny particles that were constantly protruding from his chest.

These tiny particles are the distorted souls constructed by countless celestial beings.

Mu Sheng didn't expect that the Martial God's Bone and Qingtian Blood in his body could restrain these distorted souls. Those distorted souls wanted to occupy his body, but he didn't expect that they would be directly suppressed by the Martial God's Bone and Qingtian Blood once they entered the body. .

With the help of these distorted souls, he stepped into the tenth rank to seek the way, and he was not even afraid of the five declines of that day.

He is not afraid of the five decays of heaven and man, not that he will not come. The five decays of heaven and man in his body are carried away by the distorted souls in his body. These distorted souls are completely immune to the five decays of heaven and man because of their own characteristics.

"Heaven and man, the five declines of heaven and man, don't they match well." Mu Sheng couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

He didn't realize at all that there was something wrong with his mental state.

The distorted soul seems to be tightly suppressed by him, and even weakened by him with the five declines of heaven and man, but in fact the real horror of the distorted soul lies in the assimilation of the soul of heaven and man.

Mu Sheng's soul, which has been reincarnated and nourished through the secret method of longevity for nearly a thousand years, is now being distorted back to the appearance of a heavenly man little by little.

The change in his mental state made him completely unaware of the strangeness in himself. It has only been less than a month since he suppressed the distorted soul at the beginning, and his whole person has become extremely weird, and he has even begun to approach heaven and man. .

It's just that unlike the heavenly beings, he is free and not controlled by the Tianmen. However, it is precisely this that makes him lose the ability of the heavenly people to be immortal as long as they are in the Tianmen.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and now he can even see hallucinations from time to time.

These are all emitted by the distorted soul. In those hallucinations, there is a terrifying phantom tormenting every celestial being in various inhuman ways.

The fears of countless celestial beings are intertwined to present a large, continuous and terrifying picture.

Even sometimes Mu Sheng couldn't tell whether it was the real one, whether it was him who was the heavenly man in the hallucination, or the one who was wiping the Canghuang sword.


Mu Sheng couldn't help saying two words in a low voice. When he heard these two words, he would instinctively show a sense of fear. He didn't know why he was afraid of these two words, but he knew, It must be scary, otherwise why would he be afraid?
Shaking his head, countless terrifying hallucinations dissipated from his eyes, and the blood in his eyes became more dense.

During this period of time, he basically didn't get a good night's sleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, all kinds of horrible images would appear continuously. Even after he fell asleep forcibly, the dream was the same, and it was even more real, as if he felt the same experience. Every time I woke up from a nightmare, my whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

But the strange thing is that he didn't think there was any problem with it at all, instead he took it for granted that this kind of thing was normal, and didn't think about it at all.

This is the sequelae left over when the twisted soul invaded his brain.

Mu Sheng's strength is very good. The original body was even a twelfth-rank warrior who stood at the top of an era back then, but his twisted soul was even better. It was kneaded by countless celestial beings. Heaven-shaking heavens and humans naturally exist, and there are even quite a few of them.

In terms of soul, Mu Sheng can be beaten. If it weren't for the Martial God Bone and Qingtian Blood to restrain them naturally, there would be no Mu Sheng now, only a new twisted celestial being.

"Cough, the eleventh rank is overwhelmed, and it's just around the corner." Mu Sheng coughed out a mouthful of black ice. Once the restriction of the five declines of heaven and man is gone, he will quickly recover the strength of the twelveth rank of martial arts, especially As the prince of the Great Cang Dynasty, he has the supplies of a dynasty, but he does not have any resources.

For him, the tenth-rank search is just the beginning, and it is only a matter of time before the twelfth-rank is turned upside down in its heyday.

"It's a pity that the time is a little too late. If the national festival is postponed for about ten days, I will be able to step into the eleventh rank, and I will be more confident to kill the Tianmen by then." Mu Sheng couldn't help but muttered.

But the matter has come to this point, and he has never thought of postponing the national sacrifice. The tenth-level search is enough, especially with the twisted soul in the body. If it is not enough, he can extract the twisted soul to make up for it, just to weaken it. , otherwise it would be troublesome to want to turn against the guest and break out of the body from time to time.

His own current martial arts realm, it is estimated that only martial arts can fight him, so there is no rush, the most urgent thing is to deal with the big threat of Tianmen first. For others, Tianmen may be a danger that is out of reach. But for Mu Sheng, he doesn't know what Tianmen will do next, especially if he eats all the heavenly beings sent out to hunt him down, if Tianmen tears his face, he will definitely not be able to resist it.

Even a twelfth-rank Fantian warrior can't escape the control of Tianmen, not to mention that he is only a tenth-rank seeker now. Only by using the method of the ancient immortals to kill Tianmen to completely eradicate Tianmen can his safety be completely guaranteed.

Back then, the ancient immortal was able to injure Tianmen without relying on the power of the dynasty. Now, with the help of the power of the dynasty, coupled with the Canghuang Sword, Martial God Bone and Qingtian Blood, which naturally restrain Tianmen, he will definitely be able to destroy Tianmen to prevent future troubles.

As for where this method came from, and why the ancient immortal knew this method at the beginning, it has been too long to be verified, let alone where it came from.

What is more nonsense is that if this method is true, why does Tianmen still exist? If the method is true, someone must have verified it, and if it has been verified, it proves that Tianmen must have been destroyed and does not exist. To this day, Tianmen still exists.

This matter is very contradictory, and all those who know it are sure that it will definitely happen if it has not been done.

What is even more confusing is that the ancient immortal of Zhantianmen didn't even keep his name taboo. One must know that his strength has reached this level, and he must be famous all over the world, let alone such a feat as Zhantianmen.

If it was Wu Mingkong, I wouldn't believe it right away, and tell him it's true without any evidence?This is not talking to him.

But, they believed it.

(End of this chapter)

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