Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 589 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 589 Martial Arts Contest (48)

The whole of Kyoto is full of joy. Today is a national festival. Although I don’t know what is being sacrificed, it does not prevent the people from enjoying themselves. Just such an event has enriched the pockets of the people in Kyoto, especially those who People from the rivers and lakes and aristocratic families are even more bold in their actions, basically using silver.

Whenever you meet a wealthy customer, maybe their one day can be worth more than a month's work. The common people don't know what the national sacrifice is, anyway, it has nothing to do with them. them.

The hustle and bustle in the capital has nothing to do with Wulin outside the capital. Using the nature of the heavens and the earth as a formation, a five-element formation is set up, which is the real opportunity.

The five-element formation in the manor before was still poor, tangible but unintentional.

The meaning of heaven and earth is circulating in his hands, and the five elements of thunder are being conceived. This time he is going to make a big wave.

"The weather is sunny, it's a little tasteless." Looking at the sunny sky, Wu Lin couldn't help frowning.

But it soon unfolded: "Forget it, now my Five Elements God Thunder doesn't need to be boosted by clouds and rain, just forget it."

Today's Wu Lin, after in-depth study, naturally no longer needs to use the "Five Thunder Jue" as before. If he wants to use the "Five Thunders", he also needs to use the pre-set cloud, fog, thunder, lead, wind, and rain. Supported, it was at that time that he was not good at learning and his cultivation was not enough for Wu Mingkong to let him use these six spells to release the "Five Thunder Jue".

Now that he has learned superficially, he can use the Five Elements God Thunder in "Five Thunder Jue" directly by using the Five Elements Formation. Unfortunately, he still hasn't learned enough. He has not yet learned the changes of the Five Elements, so he can only use it first. , but it is enough.

"Look at the time, the ceremony in the city should have already started." Wu Lin squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. He found a clue in the process of the national festival.

There was a long period of vacancy in the middle, or in other words, this national festival was basically nothing but the beginning.

No one knows the vacant time, even the officials of the Ministry of Rites who are in charge of planning. They only have the first half of the process, that is, after the prince Mu Sheng comes out, the rest is unknown.

"There must be something about this national festival that we don't know about." Wu Lin's voice was very low, but Su Zhi and Su Wei naturally listened.

"I don't know if it's worth it for Da Cang to spend so much manpower and material resources just for such a ceremony."

"Whether it's worth it or not is their business. We are here to kill Mu Sheng." Wu Lin squeezed the formula in his hand, and then splashed clear water in the bowl into the air.

But seeing the clear water floating in the air on the spot, a picture emerged from the water.

This is exactly the water environment spell that Wu Lin learned to determine the time. With the operation of Wu Lin and Huang Tian's mana, the clear water continued to expand until it formed a picture similar to a bird's-eye view, covering the entire area of ​​the national sacrificial ceremony. included.

"Your skill is really good. If you peek at the big girl and the little daughter-in-law taking a bath at night, no one will find out at all." Su Wei couldn't help but said with interest.

Wu Lin had black lines all over his head: "I look like that kind of person?"

"It's not like you, I don't know if your elder brother is so dishonest." Su Zhi couldn't help teasing.

Regarding this, Wu Lin's face turned even darker. Who is his eldest brother, how could he do such a thing, probably not.

I was sure at first, but when I think of Wu Mingkong's weird character, I might have seen it.

Fortunately, Wu Mingkong was not present, otherwise he would have slapped them across the face to let these three people know what it means to say that misfortune comes from the mouth and disease comes from the mouth.

On the spot, the three of them could collapse on the ground and twitch. How could Wu Mingkong be that kind of person? If he wanted to watch someone take a bath, he would need this kind of spell.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, be careful where his elder brother comes out and you will be finished. The auspicious time has come, Lin'er, why are you silent?" Su Zhi also knew the seriousness, and it would not be good if Wu Mingkong heard about it , so quickly changed the subject.

"I'm not good at learning art. I just learned it in the morning. I only see the figure, and the sound can't be transmitted." Wu Lin has no choice.
The three chatted constantly, and the time passed quickly.

Mu Sheng was dressed in a python robe and walked towards the stage of the national sacrifice with a long sword on his waist.

It's just this appearance, not only the outsiders who watched the ceremony were shocked, but also Emperor Mu Yuan, Empress Ye Mei, even Wu Kuangtu and Mu Yun were a little shocked.

Even Wu Lin, who was watching through the crystal curse from far outside the imperial capital, was a little shocked: "What's the matter with Mu Sheng?"

Mu Sheng was so pale that he didn't look like a living person, his lips were black, and his hair was covered with a layer of black ice crystals. With every step he took, the ice crystals continued to fall into pieces.

What's even more frightening is that he exudes resentment and malice all the time, which makes everyone feel uncomfortable, even the hair stands on end, and even Wu Lin can feel it.

"Auntie, do you feel that Mu Sheng is very similar to my elder brother tortured back then, no, he is a heavenly man who has been healed." Wu Lin first met, this feeling of extreme hatred reminded him of Wu Mingkong's Arkham Asylum .

"It's not very similar, it is at all, and it may even be more terrifying." Su Wei also looked solemn.

She practiced Hanbu in "Guanghan Wangshu Fu", and she is very familiar with the ability of ice attributes. The black ice crystals on Mu Sheng's body are not condensation of water vapor at all, but resentment, which is the resentment and coldness condensed by emotions Ice is more terrifying than her ice crystals.

This ice of resentment can not only hurt people, but also hurt the soul. Once the resentment enters the body, the whole person's mind will be polluted and his personality will change drastically.

Su Wei could see it, and Wu Kuangtu and Mu Yun, who were sitting in the high position watching the ceremony, could also see it, but they didn't do anything, but they seemed to turn a blind eye.

The same is true for Emperor Mu Yuan and Empress Ye Mei. Although they were a little surprised when they saw it, they quickly recovered.

None of these four had anything to say, and the rest of them naturally didn't dare to ask questions, but everyone felt that Mu Sheng's image was not suitable for the ninth-fifth place.

"Zhan Tianmen." Wu Lin didn't know why, these three words suddenly appeared.

"What?" Su Zhi and Su Wei were a little confused, Zhan Tianmen?

"Well, is your eldest brother in the Tianmen, and if you really want to cut the Tianmen, will Chi Yu be hurt?" Su Zhi asked hesitantly.

Only then did Wu Lin realize that his elder brother had been wandering around the Tianmen all the time.

"Probably not. According to what my elder brother said last time, there is nothing in Tianmen, so he probably wouldn't go there." Wu Lin felt that there was a high probability that Wu Mingkong would not be in Tianmen. He knew the situation of Tianmen and Tianren. , Maybe this matter has been detected long ago.

"Then when are you going to do it?"

"Don't worry, look at the situation again, Wu Kuangfu must have seen Mu Sheng's situation, but he didn't do anything, there must be some kind of plan, you must know that the living celestial beings are basically separated souls, if Mu Sheng is the soul of heaven and man, so maybe we don't need to take action against Wu Kuangzi and help us kill him." Wu Lin naturally also had the idea of ​​watching the fire from the other side.

Mu Sheng walked up to the high platform slowly, looking down at the crowd, with obvious madness on his face, his sanity had been inevitably polluted by the distorted soul, he didn't notice all the difference at all.

If it was in the past, he would definitely have noticed that something was wrong. With his current honor, everyone could see that something was wrong with him, but no one came to ask about the situation.

He took a deep breath, and the cold air visible to the naked eye gushed out of his nasal cavity. Pieces of black ice crystals formed in front of him and fell on the high platform. The sound of the ice crystals falling on the high platform was very clear. Each grain exudes resentment visible to the naked eye.

"Tianmen." Mu Sheng raised his head and looked towards the sky. There was a faintly visible door there. Ordinary people couldn't see it at all. Even for him, he could barely perceive it, but couldn't see it.

He is like this, and so is Wu Kuangzi.

Seeing Mu Sheng pull out the Canghuang Sword, Wu Kuangtu narrowed his eyes. Although his appearance became unrecognizable to everyone, he could still tell at a glance that the long sword like black jade was the An ancient immortal used the Canghuang Sword when cutting the Tianmen.

After all, he has carried the Canghuang Sword with him for several years, so he is familiar with it and cannot be familiar with it anymore. A few days ago, Wu Kuangzi gave the Canghuang Sword to Mu Sheng, which caused a storm in Kyoto. Everyone thought that Wu Kuangtu was planning to let Mu Sheng take over the Xuanjia Army, otherwise how could he have even given him the sword that he carried with him.

"The auspicious time has come!"

A ceremony official shouted loudly, and then passed it on over and over again, and Mu Shengcanghuang's sword swung.

Vaguely, Mu Sheng seemed to have seen a five-clawed golden dragon uttering a thundering dragon chant.

"Break it for me!"

Mu Sheng let out a loud roar, and an abnormal blush appeared on his already pale skin, and he swung terrifying sword energy from the Canghuang Sword.

The momentum of the sword was unstoppable, and it moved towards the looming Tianmen in the sky.

The sword energy was in mid-air, and everyone's shocked eyes were blessed by the illusory national fortune of the Great Cang Dynasty, turning into a five-clawed golden dragon.

When Wu Lin looked at the dragon, he always felt a little familiar, and then he glanced at the Huangtian real dragon on his nine-section stick, and felt the Taiping real dragon clinging to his spine, he always felt that the three dragons exactly the same.

The dragon-shaped sword aura is like a living thing, and the sky-shattering dragon chant is emitted in the air, not to mention the people watching the ceremony, Wu Lin can hear it here.

The real dragon bumped into the Tianmen. At this moment, everyone saw the Tianmen invisible to ordinary people. A terrifying roar erupted from the Tianmen, and the entire Tianmen quickly shattered at this moment.

The real dragon dissipated directly, and the Tianmen shattered into pieces, falling directly from the sky towards Kyoto.

The moment Mu Sheng was crushed by the Tianmen, the backlash from the Tianmen surged out of his body. It was so abrupt, as if it came from the rules of heaven and earth. The ferocious stripes climbed up his skin, making him full of resentment. The temperament is even more sinister.

The skin covered by those stripes also withered at the same time, as if sucked away by some invisible existence. Not only that, but also the twisted soul in his body was backlashed, even worse than him.

At least after Mu Sheng's continuous soul separation and turning around, the branded breath of Tianmen has disappeared, but these distorted souls still exist. The original huge distorted souls are corrupting little by little, as if returning the lifespan of the living.

"Do it." Wu Kuangtu yelled loudly, his whole body moved towards Mu Sheng like a cannonball.

Mu Yun followed closely behind, and with a flick of her hand, a soft sword flung out from her wrist.

Not only Mu Yun and Wu Kuangtu, but also the rest of the royal family priests also shot together.

Mu Yuan was even more ruthless. He read out the imperial edict in his hand very fast, and there were only seven words in total.

"The abolished prince is demoted to a commoner."

The blessing of Great Cang Kingdom Fortune on Mu Sheng faded away in an instant after the edict was announced.

For Mu Sheng, Mu Yuan hated his teeth itchingly. Who would have thought that his son who had been raised for more than ten years would have died long ago, was taken away by someone, and he was also a thousand-year-old monster.

"I didn't expect it. This is still a conspiracy. When did you find out my identity, Wu Kuangzi?" At this time, Mu Sheng seemed to be an old man, his voice was old and bitter.

He is currently suffering the backlash from the Heavenly Gate. Fortunately, there are those distorted souls acting as scapegoats for him, and he can't die for a while. It has returned a lot, and it is a bit normal, at least not as dull as before.

Wu Kuangzi didn't have the heart to talk to him about this, he punched Mu Sheng lightly on Mu Sheng's chest, but was blocked by the Canghuang Sword, and that punch hit the body of the Canghuang Sword, a big piece Blocks of black ice crystals burst open.

"It's a pity that you still miscalculated one step, that is, to transfer the Martial God bones and Qingtian blood of your two sons to me." Mu Sheng's eyes were fierce, and the Canghuang sword twisted, and a strange sword move made him Offensive and defensive transformation.

The Canghuang sword slashed across a sword light, but Mu Yun, who followed closely, used a soft sword to overcome rigidity with softness, deflecting the edge of the sword.

"Hahaha, you husband and wife really dare to do it. Do you want to know where your two sons are? Especially Wu Mingkong, I want to know." Before Mu Sheng finished speaking, the twisted soul in his body heard the words Wu Mingkong He started to run away regardless of Tianmen's backlash, and rioted directly in Mu Sheng's body.

He wanted to use words to disturb the minds of the two of them, but he didn't expect such a problem to happen.

This can't help but make Mu Sheng panic for a while, what's the situation.

It was just such a mistake, Wu Kuangtu was already close, and a violent punch landed on Mu Sheng's chest. This time, without the help of the Canghuang Sword to resist, the whole person was instantly blown away by the punch. There was a crisp sound of bones, and even the bones of the god of war couldn't bear the punch of madman Wu, and was directly smashed into pieces.

Mu Yun's husband sang and married, and she threw a small and exquisite dagger out of her sleeve with great strength. If Mu Sheng hadn't reacted quickly and blocked it with his right hand, the dagger was destined to be pierced into his eye socket.

Falling from the high platform, Mu Sheng's whole body was slightly deformed, and with just one breath, the original deformed body recovered, and it seemed that there was no change at all.

"A group of things that don't know what is good or bad." Mu Sheng's heart was hardened, and the twisted soul in his body was directly expelled from his body, and he vomited out a mass of twisted and shapeless matter.

Originally, he wanted this thing to prevent him from disaster, but he didn't expect it to hinder him. The one just now almost killed him.

As soon as the distorted soul was spit out, because Mu Sheng mentioned Wu Mingkong's name, it reminded him of the fear from the depths of his soul, and he ran around immediately.

Just don't look at the distorted soul helping Mu Sheng resist the backlash from Tianmen, but in fact the twisted soul is also using Mu Sheng's body to weaken the backlash. Now that he is directly exposed, the rot is even more serious. In the backlash of Tianmen, it turned into a pool of black water, and then disappeared without a trace.

Mu Sheng, who lost his twisted soul, had more and more streaks on his skin, and his whole body seemed to be skinny, and even gave off bursts of rancid smell.

"You guys forced me, you guys forced me." Mu Sheng felt the weakness in his body. This time, not only was the Heavenly Gate backlashing back, but also the five declines of heaven and man erupted together.

"The ghoul reincarnated and lived forever."

Layers of hair grew on Mu Sheng's old body, and a loathsome resentment came out through his body. This resentment was extremely terrifying, and accompanied by this resentment, the strong corpse odor continued to spread.

All the people around who were contaminated by the smell of corpses lost consciousness instantly and turned into unconscious corpses under Mu Sheng's control.

Wu Kuangtu and others did not expect such a change in Mu Sheng.

"Sure enough, it's a thousand years of misfortune." Wu Kuangtu's expression was fixed, but he didn't relax his hands. Taking advantage of Mu Sheng's complete transformation, he bombarded Mu Sheng with dozens of moves one after another.

But every move, Wu Kuangfu felt the hardness that he had not seen for a long time, just like the feeling when he hit the steel plate when he first practiced martial arts, but now he hit Mu Sheng, he also has the feeling of that year. feeling.

He couldn't break the defense.

"What kind of skill is this that can make people have such a strong physique in an instant." After dozens of strokes, he found that Mu Sheng had no cover at all, and even thought that the attack caused his hands to appear A touch of weirdness.

When he took a closer look, it was pitch black. He vaguely felt that his palms seemed to be a little stiff, and he was gradually losing the feeling, which made Wu Kuangtu feel a little bad.

The true energy in the body is constantly circulating, trying to drive away the blackness, but the effect is very weak, and it has no effect at all.

"Everyone, be careful, he has a very poisonous body, and he will be poisoned if touched." Wu Kuangtu immediately reminded, everyone naturally saw the condition of Wu Kuang's bare hands at a glance, and Mu Yun asked how it was with his eyes.

Wu Kuangtu returned a reassuring look.

(End of this chapter)

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