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Chapter 590 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 590 Martial Arts Contest (49)

In the sky, the shattered Tianmen descended from the sky and headed towards the capital.

In the capital, Mu Sheng was as emaciated as a corpse, exuding a strange smell all the time.

The glare of the sun made Mu Sheng very uncomfortable, as if he was in the magma. Under the sun, the hair on his body was curling, as if he had been burned.

"It's so fast." Wu Kuangtu couldn't help being startled. At some point, Mu Sheng in front of him had turned into a black shadow and disappeared, and he hurriedly followed.

Mu Sheng's speed, that is, Wu Kuangtu alone can keep up, and the rest of the besiegers can't keep up with Mu Sheng who has become a ghoul.


There was a scream, and Mu Sheng passed over a living person and bit him directly on the neck. In just an instant, the blood was drained from that person's body.

But Mu Sheng's body was a little plump, and even the smell of corpses was much less.

Wu Kuangzi, who was following behind, took advantage of the situation and slapped Mu Sheng on the back of the heart, and he couldn't help but feel more dignified. This palm just made Mu Sheng stagger and almost fell, and then nothing happened, his hand was shaken instead. Some numb.

And the blackness on the hands became thicker.

"Corpse poison, don't you feel bad." Mu Sheng shook off the mummy and headed straight out of the capital, and from time to time he caught a living person to suck blood.

Wu Kuangtu didn't speak, but chased after him closely.

Not only Mu Sheng, everyone is fleeing to Kyoto.

Tianmen is about to fall, if you don't escape, you will really have to be buried here.

People with sharp eyes can even see the objects scattered in the Tianmen also fall together, and everyone's heart is full of greed.

Although they don't know what Tianmen is, they do know that things that can fall from the sky must not be ordinary, and if they grab one, they may be rich in the rest of their lives.

It's just that before that, you have to survive the impact of Tianmen.

A thunderbolt fell, and this thunderbolt was caught off guard and directly struck Mu Sheng who had been sucking human blood. The thunder kept flickering on his body, and he was almost sent away by Mu Sheng just like that.

In this world, one thing descends one thing, and now Mu Sheng is a ghoul abandoned by both heaven and earth, naturally restrained by the thunder.

Mu Sheng, who Wu Kuangzi couldn't move all this time, was in a mess, looking as miserable as a rag doll.

Mu Sheng was a little stunned by such a slash, what is the situation, where did the thunder come from in the cloudless sky.

Not long after one fell, the second fell again, but this time Mu Sheng was prepared, and after one moved to avoid it, he ran all the way without stopping.

It's just that he didn't stop, and the thunder didn't stop, and just followed along the way. Everyone couldn't help but twitch their eyes when they saw this scene. Could it be that they offended God, or they would be targeted like this.

How could this be offending God, it was clearly offending Wu Lin.

In the five-element formation, Wu Lin used the water spell to constantly locate Mu Sheng, and constantly aroused the thunder. He also saw that his own thunder method was extremely restrained against Mu Sheng.

It can be said to be a natural nemesis.

"See where you can go." Wu Lin looked at the Five Elements God Thunder that had already taken shape, with a rather cold expression on his face. He ordered him to die without a place to bury him.

Then he glanced at the Tianmen that was about to fall, and Wu Lin was still a little worried. What if Wu Mingkong was inside?
In this case, don't say it's a contingency, Wu Mingkong is in it at all.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and pulled out the core of Tianmen, he would have lost everything.

Following the free fall of a pile of sundries, Wu Ming felt calm for a while, and could even nibble on two white balls in his hand to relieve his boredom.

"Does this count as the end of an era?" Wu Mingkong chewed, thinking to himself.

If you follow the normal main line process, after the Tianmen is broken, there will be a burst of spiritual recovery, which will restore the world from middle martial arts to high martial arts, which is to open the realm of martial arts above the ninth rank.

Because the last three ranks of martial arts are restricted by the Tianmen, if the Tianmen is broken, this restriction will naturally disappear.

But now there is a problem, Wu Mingkong has pulled out his core before his spiritual energy has recovered, and now even if the Tianmen is broken, there is no spiritual recovery, not to mention, this thing has been eaten by Wu Mingkong several times Fuck it, it's basically the kind that can't be saved.

So he is now thinking about what to do next, whether to go to Wu Lin after the free fall, or to go to Wu Lin now.

This time the dungeon has been squeezed out by him, there is nothing good left, only the dungeon target left.

"Forget it, let's wait for the free fall." Wu Mingkong took another bite of the white ball. The taste is actually tasteless, and the amount is just the same, but now he is idle and has nothing to do. In fact, the amount of stuff is still enough for him to stuff between his teeth.

After Mu Sheng suffered three thunderbolts in a row, his whole body became more and more violent. If there were not many people fleeing for their lives, he had enough blood to recover, and after these three thunderbolts fell, everyone would be gone.

But fortunately there are so many people, even if he was struck by lightning three times, his figure has almost recovered, especially the fact that he has swallowed five nine-rank celestial warriors in a row, which has greatly improved his strength.

He even vaguely and directly awakened some supernatural powers, able to perceive some things.

"Sure enough, someone is plotting against me. Where is it?" Mu Sheng also sensed that something was wrong with Lei Ting, and then the corpse energy in his body kept rolling.


Mu Sheng locked Wu Lin's position in an instant, turned around, and walked towards Wu Lin.

As long as the threat of Thunder is gone, he doesn't believe that anyone can compete with him.

Wu Lin also saw Mu Sheng's figure, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The five divine beasts had already been conceived at this time, and the five magic talismans in their hands shook, and the five divine beasts turned into five-colored thunderbolts and headed towards Mu Sheng.

"Ordinary lightning can kill half of your life, but under the lightning of the Five Elements, I don't believe that you can still live."

Mu Sheng was also startled, he rolled sideways to avoid the five-colored thunder, and this wave was going to kill him, he felt threatened from the five-colored thunder, and he kept warning him that this was his nemesis , whoever is touched will definitely die.

The same is true for the Wu Kuangfu who followed him, if he hits it, he will lose half his life if he does not die.

The five-color thunder split apart and turned into five-dimensional beasts that surrounded Mu Sheng.

"Who are you? I have no grievances with you. Why do you stop me?" Mu Sheng's eyes narrowed, and he saw five gods and beasts gathered together, forming a five-element formation in the area where they stood. The five-element formation was sealed within it, and the tumbling corpse energy crazily resisted the five-element formation's wear on him.

"No injustice or no enmity is not necessarily the case. You were the one who leaked the news about me and my elder brother, and I had to slaughter the whole city again." Wu Lin naturally didn't come out, but the voice was arrived.

"Wu Lin, I should have drowned you in the latrine if I knew it earlier." Mu Sheng couldn't help roaring.

Wu Lin's face darkened, no one felt comfortable hearing these words.

"Five directions and five elements, Yin and Yang make good fortune."

Among the five divine beasts, a terrifying aura erupted, and five-colored thunders rushed towards Mu Sheng continuously.

Mu Sheng also knew that this was a death feud, and begging for mercy would definitely be useless, if begging for mercy would be useful, he would have begged for mercy a long time ago.

In the face of fate, face is nothing.

Don't beg for mercy, you can kneel down, but unfortunately it doesn't work.

The influx of thunder continuously annihilated the corpse energy in Mu Sheng's body, and even his gradually recovering body began to shrivel and wither, looking like a mummified corpse.

The people who rushed over were also very surprised. They didn't expect Mu Sheng to be trapped so easily.

He had naturally heard the conversation between the two of them just now. Wu Kuangtu didn't expect Wu Lin to be so strong that he could even trap Mu Sheng.

"Where did Lin'er learn these exercises?" Mu Yun was a little puzzled, knowing that they never gave any exercises at all.

Wu Kuangtu shook his head to show that he didn't know either.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me, that's how it is, that's how it is, hahaha!!!"

Mu Sheng laughed wildly amidst the five-colored thunder, even this laughter sounded like a scream.

At this time, he had already been consumed by the five-colored thunder into a scorched black appearance, and even his skin was scorched and peeled off, revealing a terrifying skeleton, and the corpse aura in his body was completely annihilated.

Under such circumstances, a normal person would have died long ago, but Mu Sheng endured the terrifying five-colored thunder and survived, even finding time to laugh.

The five-colored thunder recklessly shuttled through Mu Sheng's bones, and the internal muscles had completely disappeared, but Mu Sheng, who only had bones left, did not die, but kept struggling, trying to escape the blockade of the five-element formation and the five-party beasts.

"Use my body, burn my body, and the demon will come to the world."

Mu Sheng's words seemed to have terrifying magic power, and black flames suddenly burned up and down his body, covering his entire bones, making him look like a burning man.

In the sky, a crack opened quietly, and endless magic energy spread out from it.

"Let me see who is calling the great Dark Lord. It turns out to be a little bone demon. For the sake of dedicating a world to you, I make you sorry. I went to the wrong door and disturbed you."

The demonic energy covering the sky and the sun in the gap was about to pretend to be aggressive, but when he saw Wu Mingkong who was in free fall, he immediately shrank back.

It's just that the amount is a bit large, and it's a bit late to retract it. Wu Mingkong grabbed his body and refused to let him go.

"Don't go, let's get close, my stomach is warm."

Wu Mingkong just said, everything has a root cause, the sudden emergence of the Zhantianmen secret method, the so-called longevity secret method suddenly appeared inside the Tianmen, and there are heavenly beings who have problems at first sight, if there is no mastermind behind this, Wu Ming Wasn't Kong just fooling around for nothing?

Wu Lin felt that the warm voice in his stomach just now seemed familiar, as if his elder brother would say that to the chicken every time before killing the chicken.

Mu Sheng was desperate. When the existence who called himself the King of Darkness first appeared on the stage, he felt that he could fight back. With that momentum, he could see the existence of the World Exterminating Demon King.

It's just that when I was scared and was about to run away before I finished speaking, I was a little embarrassed, and I was a little far away, and everyone didn't see the movements in the sky clearly.

Basically, a piece of black comes out, and then a piece of black wants to go back, but it gets stuck in the middle of the road, and with the continuous twitching of the black, it looks like it has suffered some kind of inhuman abuse.

In this situation, what kind of shit is Mu Sheng in his heart, isn't it said that if the upper limit is set, then the Ninth Rank will be able to reach the gods?

Wu Kuangzi walked out of another path and was not punished as if he was seeking the tenth rank without punishment. Pin Xundao has to endure the five declines of heaven and man, and also be backlashed by Tianmen, which is simply unreasonable.

The same is true for the King of Darkness. Isn’t he just a wanderer who passed by and beat the autumn wind? Horror exists, let alone come here to fight Qiufeng now, it would be good if he can not be beaten by the opponent, I knew what the poor were doing back then.

Back then when he invaded the world, he was blocked by the Heavenly Gate. He was seriously injured and escaped in a match. Taking advantage of the situation, he stuffed a pollution core into the Heavenly Gate. Because the pollution core was parasitic after the Heavenly Gate, it began to infiltrate unconsciously, causing the warriors who entered the Heavenly Gate to Transform into a twisted life like that of a celestial being.

Later, he used this core of pollution to secretly devour a celestial being, incarnating as an ancient immortal and smashing the heavenly gate.

If it’s not good to be clear, then it’s yin.

It's a pity that the king of darkness had a good idea, but the result fell short. The ancient immortal incarnation could not shatter Tianmen without the support of the dynasty, but could only severely injure Tianmen, so that Tianmen had no choice but to take back most of the spiritual energy to maintain itself, which made the whole world fall into the middle and even low At the level of martial arts, the martial arts above the ninth rank were cut off, and a ban on the five declines of heaven and man was derived to erase the existing ones above the ninth rank.

Although half of the people who came to Yin came, but in the end, they had no choice but to use the scene when the pollution core left in the depths of the Tianmen and the Tianmen merged with each other to give birth to the Martial God Bone, Qingtian Blood and Canghuang Sword, which are aimed at Tianmen. It is also the so-called secret method of Zhan Tianmen.

The former two spread into thousands of families in the world through their blood, while the Canghuang Sword stayed where the ancient immortal incarnation sat and melted, and left behind the secret method of Zhantianmen.

Then there was a plan for heaven and man to steal the secret law of longevity and escape to facilitate the Tianmen. , the mind will be affected.

Since then, Mu Sheng, a celestial man, has been polluted and wanted to imitate the ancient immortals and then cut the Tianmen. With the development of things, what happened today, and the Tianmen was broken and the spiritual energy was revived. This is the second backhand. He came to fight against the invasion to save himself, but was messed up by Wu Mingkong.

At this time, Mu Sheng was a celestial being polluted by the secret law of longevity. The gate of heaven was broken, and he summoned the king of darkness with his own polluted body as the coordinate. , he was not obliterated in the five divine thunders, but stood firm against the five divine thunders.

If there is no Wu Mingkong, it is estimated that all this will go more smoothly, after all, it is impossible for Wu Lin to grow so fast.

But now that Wu Mingkong was there, even the existence of the final boss who called himself the Lord of Darkness was stopped there and was hanged and beaten by Wu Mingkong, and he couldn't escape.

It can be seen from the darkness that is constantly being pulled in, that the king of darkness is simply no match for Wu Mingkong.

"The visitor is a guest, don't go away. As the saying goes, friends come from afar, whip dozens of times, put them into a pot and cook in one pot." Wu Mingkong looked at the struggling dark king and advised him very kindly. That can only eat sashimi.

The King of Darkness is full of shit, a friend came from afar and picked up this thing, which friend dares to come to the door.

But he didn't dare to speak, because he was running with all his strength now. Although most of his body had been pulled in, he felt that he couldn't give up as a demon, especially in this life-and-death crisis. If he gave up, he would have to enter the opponent's stomach To warm up.

Wu Mingkong greeted his friends on the top, and Wu Lin was not idle on the bottom.

What should I do if Mu Sheng can't be killed? I'm a little anxious.

"Tell me, at this time, I asked my brother how to kill Mu Sheng. Is he free to answer me now?"

Su Wei glanced at the sky: "I don't think I'm free now."

Wu Lin agreed, and he was constantly flipping through the "Taiping Essentials" in his mind at this time, trying to see if there was anything that could kill the opponent.

If he was still in the state of a ghoul, Lei Ting would be able to kill the opponent, but now he has become a bone demon, and there is still a layer of magic flames. Action, but it is only restraint, unable to kill, and the existence of the King of Darkness makes it even more helpless.

It feels as if the blood lock has been unlocked.

"Why don't you try "Secret Secret Technique"?" Su Zhi thought of a bad idea.

This stuff might actually work.

But Wu Lin has a black thread, this idea is really bad enough, people are on top, and they can't get over it even if they shout.

"The magic spell of purifying heaven and earth." Wu Lin suddenly discovered a spell. Judging from the description, it fits the current situation very well, but the grade is a bit high. He was worried that he might not be able to cast it.

"It doesn't matter, let's try it first." Wu Lin gritted his teeth, Mu Sheng must die, otherwise, in this situation, he will definitely have no An Sheng in the future.

"The heaven and the earth are natural, the filth is scattered, the cave is mysterious, and the Taiyuan is shining brightly"

Huang Tian's mana in Wu Lin's body continued to circulate, and as he recited, strands of black smoke kept rising from Mu Sheng's body, who was locked in the five-element formation.

And the black flame also seemed to be covered by invisible water, and it looked rather sluggish, as if it was going to be extinguished.

Mu Sheng also panicked at this time, he felt that his soul seemed to be purified, and as Wu Lin's speech speed became faster and faster, and the number of times he recited the mantra of "cleaning heaven and earth" increased, his situation also more serious.

"Wait a minute, I can give you the secret method of longevity, let me go, let me go!" Mu Sheng was also afraid, but it was too late, the whole bone began to soften, and the black flame quietly extinguished.

The steaming black smoke spread out and was wiped out by the five-colored thunder.

"You will not die well, I curse you not to die well." Seeing that Wu Lin was not moved at all, Mu Sheng couldn't help but began to curse angrily, venting his resentment by constantly cursing Wu Lin in an extremely resentful tone.

It's just that the sound became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

But Wu Lin didn't relax at all, even though Mu Sheng was dead and the black smoke was wiped away by the thunder of the five divine beasts, he still recited nearly a hundred times of the Divine Mantra of Purifying Heaven and Earth before he relaxed.

At the same time, the darkness in the sky was also stuffed into Wu Mingkong's pocket, and the Tianmen, which flew nearly [-] characters, finally fell to the ground, causing a loud noise and countless panics.

(End of this chapter)

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