Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 591 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 591 Martial Arts Contest (Fifty)
"Brother, are you sure you don't want to pick up some Tianmen relics?" Wu Lin couldn't help asking.

"It's just some tables, chairs and benches. What's there to pick up? What's the use of falling from the sky except as firewood? The gate of heaven has long since dissipated." Wu Mingkong kneaded a ball of black mist with one hand, and held He said as he revived the spirit energy that had been gnawed to bits and pieces.

At this time, the two brothers were looking for a backcountry in the carriage to continue to nest. The big murderer on Wu Lin's head was gone, and it seemed that nothing happened, it was just a pity.

It's just that the goal of the dungeon seems to be incomplete. For now, it should be regarded as the completion of the first half of the young Lin Yujie, and now there is only the second half of Tian Wushuang.

After all, the boss has already been defeated, so it's no wonder.

Wait, there seems to be one missing. The unlucky Mobei Huang Shake, who has been recovering from injuries so far, is an elite monster who has been out since the beginning of the game. As a result, various accidents along the way, it seems that he is only halfway there now. If he hears that Mu Sheng is gone I don't know what I think about being a prince enshrinement. I guess I can go back to my hometown and get married without fighting.

As for Wu Kuangtu and Mu Yun, after Mu Sheng died, the couple hesitated whether to meet the two brothers. It seemed that they wanted to explain, but they still didn't have that face. Did not dare to meet the two brothers.

In this situation, it is estimated that they are not in contact with each other, so it is good to avoid embarrassment.

Wu Mingkong is fine, he is as heartless as a normal person, and he is not familiar with him, it doesn't matter if he is dead or not, in Wu Mingkong's eyes, these two people are actually marginal people, only Wu Kuangzi is useful, Mu Yun really didn't have any impression.

Wu Lin also knew about the ins and outs of the two brothers. Anyway, the two brothers were basically pawns for more than ten years, in order to let Mu Sheng, a fleeing celestial being, go to kill the Tianmen, bear the backlash of the Tianmen, and then come a A happy ending for all.

Of course, if Wu Mingkong hadn't intervened, this matter might really have ended like this.

As for the situation in Pan'an City, who knows, there is a high probability that the heavens and humans are provoking troubles and want to eradicate them, and the husband and wife are just pushing the boat along.

Anyway, there will be no intersection in the future, and it doesn't matter whether they live or die, and Wu Lin won't be able to go down if he really does it.

"Come on, Gunara God of Darkness, let me tell you about your situation." Wu Mingkong coiled the cloud of black mist like a walnut.

"My name is Gunafei, no. That's right, my name is Gunala." Gunafei wanted to refute that Wu Mingkong called his name wrongly, but after seeing Wu Mingkong's slight threat, he was very upset. Wisely changed his tune.

"Why are you obsessed with your name? I asked you to talk about your own situation. It's a waste of time if you insist on rambling on." surfaced.

If Hei Wu didn't have the facial features of a normal person, he would have rolled his eyes by now. Wu Mingkong's search for souls is still very exciting.

"Exile, wait a minute, your surname is Gu, your name is Nafei, and you are from the east side, so you gave me a transliterated Gunara?"

Wu Mingkong didn't expect that with such a foreign name, he thought it was a foreign product, and the co-author was imported and sold domestically, which made him a king of darkness, really.

This Guna’s fate is also miserable, and he was exiled from the original world. In the original world, he was also at the level of the Great Demon King. Unfortunately, he met the Son of Destiny and embarked on the sad process of giving experience, younger brothers, and daughters. The strength is too strong, and he was sent away by a certain ancient spell.

Fortunately, this one is also strong, and was not hit by the setback of being sent away with a set of procedures. Instead, he was strong and moved forward, and opened up the business of the Great Demon King in another world. Worried about being sent away by another set of procedures.

It's just a bit sad when I came to run business today, my whole net worth was dragged in.

Gunafi's world limit is higher than here, but it's a pity that he was exiled a little far away. Gunafei, who was sent away at the beginning, didn't remember the coordinates of his world, so he couldn't go back, but he didn't want to go back, that place was too evil up.

In Wu Mingkong's view, it is just like a simple version of Weird Tales, human beings live peacefully, but it is also very difficult.

As for Gunafei's cultivation system, to be honest, Wu Mingkong still dislikes it very much. You must know that Gunafei is an individual, but the result is that he cultivated into a cloud of fog. According to the other party's memory, where is Gunafei still alive? Cultivate yourself into a series of things such as a piece of skin, a paper figurine, and so on.

That's it, Wu Mingkong doesn't use their system, he can casually point out a person in the Great Zhou Empire, whose appearance is even more crap than theirs, not to mention paper figurines and bones, there are even weirder ones, such as electromagnetic rays, single There are cells that become spermatozoa.

The situation of the evil sect on the opposite side is much worse than that of Wu Mingkong's Great Zhou Empire.

"Brother, what did you see?" Wu Lin naturally saw Wu Mingkong searching for the soul, and asked curiously.

"How should I put it, it's probably the suffering of the common people. Anyway, there are all kinds of monsters and ghosts." Wu Mingkong gave a brief overview, and didn't say much to Wu Lin.

Wu Lin didn't inquire deeply, and it had nothing to do with him. He planned to live a peaceful life as a salted fish, and practice "Taiping Essentials" by the way. He didn't want to worry about other things at all.

After waiting for a long time, Wu Mingkong finally read it, and the black mist was sluggish in Wu Mingkong's hands, as if it was about to fall apart.

Wu Mingkong was a little too rough when he did it, which hurt the opponent's soul, that's why it happened.

"Tsk tsk, you're lucky. You've been out there for so long and you haven't been beaten to death." Wu Mingkong was amazed. Gunafei's strength was only around a sixth-level wizard at most, and he didn't have any support. Supplies, without the support of the backstage, can survive. Normally, this kind of strength has long been swallowed alive by something.

Otherwise, it would be blocked by a Tianmen. If it were a wizard or a Sanxian from the Xuanzhen Realm, he would be extremely skilled in his hands. It exploded, and this place became the opponent's private land.

This must be a loss of inexperience. Fortunately, this world is really weak. Even if it is the twelfth-rank Fantian, it is only around the fifth-level wizard. , Whether it is the world or Gunafi, it is a disgrace.

If Wu Mingkong encounters this kind of situation, the other party will let him in if he wants to come in. Even if the highest combat power in the world is weaker than the other party, if he comes to catch a turtle in a urn, it will be affected by God's will. The world is promoted.

Just like how the real world treated Wu Mingkong back then, cutting flesh with soft knives, directly making the other party die without anyone noticing, and going through the process of Destiny's Son again to make the other party doubt life.

"Do you have any last words?" Wu Mingkong asked very kindly, he was going to let the other party feel the warmth.

As soon as these words came out, Gunafei was startled and shivered, and the whole cloud of fog was excited, and it continued to expand: "Wait, I think I am quite special, otherwise it would be nice to keep around as a pet."

Wu Mingkong thought for a while: "No, I still think it's better to put it in the stomach."

"I'm black mist, it's useless for you to eat it." Gunafei was also anxious, if it got into his stomach, he would really get cold.

"Whether it's useful or not is one thing. Actually, I don't have any other intentions. I just want to taste your taste." Wu Mingkong felt that what he said was very straightforward. After eating it, it's rare to pick up a small snack again, how could it be let go.

Hearing this, Gunafei was full of shit, how did you live so long when you spoke so bluntly, and why didn't you get beaten to death.

"I'm usually cheating, and I became stronger than him before others wanted to kill me, and then I beat him to death." Wu Mingkong explained kindly, and let Gunafei fully guarantee that there was no doubt in his stomach.

After all, he was about to eat his stomach, and it was not good to torture him.

"This matter, can we still discuss it, I think, I still have some value." This is not to be discussed, if it is not discussed, it will be gone.

"Sure, no problem. Do you like braised or steamed? How about barbecue? Are you allergic to coriander? If not, I might want to make soup. What do you think?"

Grass (a kind of plant), I am not discussing with you how to finish eating it, but discussing with you what conditions you can let me go.

Wu Mingkong looked at the silent Gunafei, and suddenly realized: "So you don't like being boiled."

Gunafei breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Wu Mingkong finally understood what he meant: "Yes, then you see"

"No problem, it's just sashimi. Last time I ate fish sticks, I cut your knife very quickly. I promise to slice you evenly."

The black mist on Gunafei's body kept rolling in shock, and you are going to kill me with a thousand swords, isn't it even more ruthless.

"No, you wait first, wait first, that's not what I mean."

Seeing Wu Mingkong constantly taking tools out of his pocket, Gunafei was also in a hurry. Not only would this kill him, but he would also have to be tortured before he died. How could this be possible? His persuasion along the way was simply self-defeating Yes.

This is bad luck.

A few days later, Wu Mingkong bought a small manor again, and now he is waiting for Wu Lin's strength to improve by leaps and bounds to reach the evaluation of unparalleled in the world before he can complete the dungeon goal.

This time, he played the dungeon a little more normally, and did not lead to such things as the mastermind behind the destruction of the world, the existence of terror, etc., but it should still exist, but Wu Mingkong didn't dig deep.

At most, only one Gufina was thrown in, which is also a normal existence.

To be honest, when Wu Mingkong saw Gufina's darkness covering the sky and the sun at first, he felt that he was going to fight for his life again, but it turned out to be just a fake, which he didn't expect at all.

As for the immortal Mu Sheng, the reason why he is immortal is that his amount is not large enough, not to mention Wu Mingkong, but a slap in the face of a Da Zhou subject would be enough.

"My time house is extremely mysterious. I guarantee that a man and a woman will go in, and three generations of grandparents will come out." Wu Mingkong built a simple wooden house in the yard of the manor, and said to Wu Lin.

"Brother, why are you telling me this?" Wu Lin had a bad feeling.

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Wu Mingkong felt that Wu Lin was really just a elm head.

"Oh, I see." Wu Lin suddenly realized: "Brother, do you want to get married?"

Wu Mingkong felt that Wu Lin really deserved a beating: "I mean you are too weak now, you go in and practice for 80 or [-] years, when will you finish learning the content of foundation building and break through a wave of qi refining before you come out?" .”

These words made the hairs on Wu Lin's back stand up, how long will it take to practice.

"Brother, I think you can't force something like cultivation." Wu Lin smiled reluctantly.

"Do you think it's boring inside? It's okay. There are everything inside. I guarantee you won't be bored. If it doesn't work, I'll send the two sisters in together for you." Wu Mingkong doesn't have time to joke with Wu Lin, if he doesn't open up, who knows How long does it take for Wu Lin to master it?

"No, brother, I didn't mean that, I meant"

Before Wu Lin finished speaking, he just threw Wu Lin into the time room, and by the way, threw the two sisters Su Zhi and Su Wei in together. In fact, Wu Mingkong was also worried. will be autistic.

"Very good, let's have a 360 vs [-] five first." Wu Mingkong didn't care about the loud shouts of the people inside, and directly modified the time rules within the range.

Even though the time house was just a simple wooden house at that time, it was a huge and independent space inside. There were not only various cultivation and survival materials, but also entertainment facilities and a series of things. It was too luxurious.

Wu Mingkong stuffed the three people's century-old supplies into it, enough for the three people to live a profligate life in the past ten years, even if they add two cubs, it is enough.

"It seems like there's nothing else to do." Wu Mingkong was lying on the recliner, one by one black shadows rushed back from all directions, continuously blending into Wu Mingkong's shadow.

All the subjects of the Great Zhou who were released by him have all returned, and the whole world seems to be very peaceful after this time.

The fights that should be fought in the rivers and lakes, the calculations that should be made in the court, everything seems to have returned to the original track.

People who took a fancy to Wu Lin's cheats were also terrified, and basically no one thought about it again, as for Wu Mingkong.

His existence has always been weak, and few people even know Wu Mingkong, most of them only know Wu Lin.

And in his hand, one by one silk thread was continuously reversed by him.

"The world, really cannot be underestimated."

Wu Mingkong is analyzing the rules of the whole world, even though this world is very weak in Wu Mingkong's eyes, but even so, this world also has his unique features.


Although Tianmen is gone, it is being reborn.

This Tianmen is the defense mechanism of the world. It is the same as the four guarding beasts in the Realm of the Spirit, but the way of expression is different. It can't be said to be superior or inferior, but it can only be said to be the most suitable for oneself.

The existence of Tianmen can effectively resist foreign invasion, and consumes less.

The four guarding beasts not only need to resist external existence, but also limit internal consumption. After all, the greed of the spirit masters for resources can be said to be really damaging the foundation of the spirit realm.

The warriors here are different, most of them rely on the essence of water and valley, no matter how hard they are, they will not harm the world itself, and they can even be harvested.

At the beginning, the ancient immortal seriously injured Tianmen because of Gu Feina. Tianmen harvested all warriors above the ninth rank to pull himself back from the serious injury state, and even used the five declines of heaven and man to prevent new ranks above nine This situation reappeared after the birth of a martial artist. This step can be said to be very good in limiting Gufina's infection plan.

It's a pity that it's still a bad move after all. Without subjective consciousness, you can't resist the terror of people's hearts.

Tianmen, which is now being reborn, has learned the previous lessons and is constantly evolving during the process of rebirth. Wu Mingkong couldn't help but smile: "For the sake of eating your core, I will help you."

Wu Mingkong followed the silk thread in his hand and easily found the Tianmen that was being reborn.

"Everyone in the world thinks you are a scourge, giving birth to an existence that is neither human nor ghost, but who knows that you, a scourge, are the world's defense line." Wu Mingkong pointed at a place of nothingness.

This is where Tianmen's rebirth is happening, and now it's just started, and it's an exaggeration to say it's a seed.

But with Wu Mingkong present, these are trivial matters.

A ray of breath was drawn from the four guardian beasts of the imperial spirit world that he had captured at the beginning, and it was thrown directly into the unborn Tianmen. The two have the same mechanism, but it has been changed by Wu Mingkong now.

"It's a pity that the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree hadn't had time to be changed into the Canglong before, otherwise I would have brought you a wave of four divine beasts, but it's okay, although it's a bit nondescript, it's still enough for you to use."

Wu Mingkong threw four wisps of breath into that void, and an illusory door was born from top to bottom.

This time, four phantoms jumped out of the door, but the phantoms were blurred.

Wu Mingkong knew that this was the world's upgrading mechanism. With the four breaths given by Wu Mingkong, this mechanism, which could only be used for passive defense, had a new patch.

As long as these four phantoms are completely clear, if you meet someone like Gunafei again, you will die a few times.

Coupled with the existence of Wu Lin, Wu Mingkong can be sure that at least this world will not be in any danger, unless he encounters such a powerful force as the Xianzu, Taishangdao or the wizarding world group, otherwise he will still have the strength to fight.

And after eliminating the internal and external scourges of Gunafei and Celestial Beings, there is a high probability that the world will gradually remove restrictions, warriors who were originally stuck in the ninth rank of celestial beings will also have breakthroughs, and the doom of the five declines of Celestial Beings is estimated to disappear.

After doing this, it has been ten days in a flash.

It has been ten years in the time house.

"Brother, I'm coming out." Wu Lin pushed the time room away, his strength has completely broken through the foundation building, and he has stepped into Qi refining, which means he has become a fairy.

It's just that the outside of the wooden house is empty, Wu Mingkong is long gone, only a note is left on the recliner.

I went out for a stroll, maybe it would take a little longer, the rice was warming on the stove, and I learned to cook by myself in the future, I would be a family man, so don't ask me for anything, Wu Mingkong stay.

Su Zhi led a little girl, and Su Wei led a little boy and followed them out.

"Brother, your handwriting is still so ugly."

The two sisters didn't speak, just looked at Wu Lin quietly.

"Let's go, try your uncle's handicraft. It's a must in the world. You must have never seen a ginseng that looks like a radish."

Wu Lin picked up his children and walked towards the kitchen, which was somewhat vague in his memory.

He felt that Wu Mingkong was fooling him again this time.

(End of this chapter)

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