Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 592 Resurrection of Reiki

Chapter 592 Spiritual Energy Recovery ([-])

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the copy: Martial Arts Fight]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining 5 skill points]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the copy: Resurrection]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the item: "Tianmen Daoji Theory"]

Wu Mingkong looked at this wave of rewards. Isn’t this a bit generous? Could it be that the system supplier got sponsorship again, and this time he actually exploded 5 skill points in a wave? So many skill points.

Adding it to Heizi, there is only 1 skill point left to upgrade, and I don't know if I can give more skill points in the next dungeon.

As for the new dungeon, it was called Reiki Recovery, and a copy of "Tianmen Dao Ji Lun" was also given away. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be satirizing what Wu Mingkong did in the dungeon.

"Except for the similar rewards in the first few dungeons, it seems that the next one will basically either give skill points by picking and searching, or not give them at all. Could it be that the correct way to open the dungeon system should be like this?"

Wu Mingkong thought about the dungeon he made this time. It can no longer be said in a standard way. It was just a salted fish. There were not many monsters, and the goal of the dungeon was completed smoothly.

He felt as if he had figured out the rules of the dungeon system, that is to say, don't make trouble, be more compliant, and play dungeons according to the normal process to benefit.

"That's why you deducted all my low rewards. Isn't it because I've lost the server? It's necessary to stealthily deduct my rewards."

"Wait, I remember that a copy was also sent to me before, what is it called?"

Wu Mingkong opened the dungeon panel. He remembered that there seemed to be a dungeon hidden in the snow. This time he was going to go in and have a look. With his strength, he was able to protect himself.

"Bottomless abyss, yes, it's you, let's go."

Immediately, he clicked on the panel to enter, but Wu Mingkong didn't move at all in the next moment, but a message appeared on the dungeon panel.

[Because the player has repeatedly crashed the server, resulting in extremely low credit]

[The copy of the bottomless abyss is special and has been forcibly recalled by the sponsor of the copy]

[According to the current regulations, the sponsor of the Abyss dungeon has handed in compensation]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the item: Blasphemy - Fragrance from the Abyss]

grass (a plant)
Wu Mingkong is so stupid, under what circumstances, the dungeon can still be recovered, not only the dungeon is recovered, but the other party seems to scold him.

Wu Mingkong took out the compensation, which was a blank piece of paper with a rolling word written on it.

"The complaint channel, I want to complain, why scold me, take back my copy, and still scold me, is there any reason for this, is there any, and the regulations are now compiled, isn't it just trying to scold me in another way. "

This is simply an unscrupulous profiteer. He got nothing, but he said fuck off for no reason. His skin is thicker than him.

Of course, this blank paper is just a piece of blank paper with rolling characters written on it in Wu Mingkong's place, but if it needs to be replaced by another person, it has now become an abyss monster.

This piece of white paper really records the profanity, and it seems to be very strong. Basically, throwing it into the middle thousand world can turn the whole middle thousand world into an abyss.

Although there is only one rolling character on it, it actually contains the complete abyssal language system of profanity. Wu Mingkong thinks that this may be a problem with the division. For example, profanity is the reward, and the latter one from the abyss Breathing out fragrance is likely to be blocked by the system.

No reason, just because the words "Fragrant Mouth from Abyss" have been ambiguous, and I always feel that there are actually a long list of words, but the suffix was changed because of the face of other sponsors.

"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you."

When Wu Mingkong analyzed the first sentence of the blasphemy, this sentence of Nietzsche appeared in his eyes. This word contained countless blasphemy.

Even that world will sink into the abyss forever in this horrible blasphemy and become a part of it.

"I still underestimated the blasphemy, this piece of white paper is actually still a seal." Wu Mingkong got to know him deeply and found that this piece of white paper is not simple, it can carry the blasphemy, how could it be an ordinary thing.

"The first piece of paper that created the world, carrying the merits of humanity, can be said to be an acquired treasure."

After Wu Mingkong understood the origin of this piece of paper, he couldn't help but lie for a while.

"What the hell is this? Why is there such a thing as the first piece of paper in the world? If you scold me for writing a scroll on something that sounds so tall, you can't invite famous artists to write it on it. Draw some pictures or mention some words on it."

The scrolling words on the white paper are not the point, but the profanity contained in it, it doesn’t matter if you change it to another form, Wu Mingkong can only yell violently.

Then began to study this thing carefully, not only the blasphemy, but also the merits on the white paper. This wave directly sent two systems instead of one system.

The merits of humanity are very precious, and Wu Mingkong felt that he could also produce and synthesize them himself. After all, Wu Mingkong can be regarded as the Emperor of Man, Emperor of Heaven, Dao of Heaven and the World. After researching and researching, maybe he can also give merits to others.

Wu Mingkong couldn't help but sighed. He really didn't gain much from this dungeon, and his strength growth was not very obvious. The system of the whole world was of no help to Wu Mingkong. Otherwise, how could Wu Mingkong be honest? Really dawdling, already turned upside down.

The real harvest is probably the "Tianmen Dao Ji Lun". After taking it out, Wu Mingkong found that it was also a martial arts book, with a high intention and a solid foundation, which can be regarded as a pretty good martial arts foundation.

The only embarrassing thing is that Wu Mingkong has stopped practicing martial arts, and this "Tianmen Daojilun" can only be used to learn from his strengths and make up for his weaknesses.

But fortunately, there is one thing, that is, this "Tianmen Dao Ji Lun" can be said to be the culmination of low martial arts, and it can only be low martial arts. After all, the entire martial arts battle is at most middle martial arts even after the spiritual energy has recovered. It is estimated that even Gao Wu is not considered, that is, Wu Lin has just practiced. If he has broken through the "Taiping Essentials" to the Qi refining stage and try again, let alone a martial arts fanatic, he will become a bone The devil's Mu Sheng couldn't stand a thunderbolt from Wu Lin, so if you were cremated on the spot, you would die quickly.

If you don't pull out his muscles and bones, you won't be able to squeeze out even two taels of oil from his bones.

I don't know how long after that, Wu Mingkong, who was lingering in the universe, grew a lot bigger. According to Wu Mingkong's judgment, there is a high probability that he has eaten about five more galaxies. He has never manipulated this thing, anyway. Just follow him to spread, and met several cosmic civilizations during the period, but Wu Mingkong has passed the freshness period, so he doesn't care, anyway, someone will deal with it if he eats it in his stomach.

Not to mention other things, at least the technology tree has been split a lot, making the overall painting style more ghostly, and there is not much change.

As for the Heidou Zerg, Wu Mingkong thinks that he should eat it soon, and it will take a while, depending on the growth of Wu Mingkong's strength.

He has studied blasphemous words and humane merits almost. These two are relatively easy to study. The blasphemous words are essentially a means for the will of the abyss to carry its own power. Wu Mingkong also has it, but his inner alchemy In comparison, the methods are relatively comprehensive, probably because of the orthodox Taoism. Although he practiced crookedly, it should still be orthodox Taoism, but it may be a bit biased.

In the eyes of ordinary people, he is just an ordinary person, but with a certain strength, they will see through his essence, that is, a black hole covered with a layer of disguise. world.

Of course, blasphemy is definitely not blasphemy in Wu Mingkong's place. What he learned is the way of bearing, but he already has golden words or words with Tianxian in his mouth.

It will be even more useful if it is combined with Wu Mingkong's Conferred God System and Human Virtue Merit.

It can be regarded as a moderate improvement, at least since Wu Mingkong uploaded these research materials to, Wu Mingkong has seen that someone is using humane merit to create Xuanyuan Sword, and it was born with the help of profane words. There are a lot of new professions, basically the painting style is not very normal.

"Forget it, let's enter the copy, the Xuanzhen Realm can't beat it, and the expansion of the universe is meaningless."

Wu Mingkong glanced at the dungeon, there were only two dungeons on it, one was the world of wizards ([-]), and the other was the new arrival's spiritual recovery.

Wu Mingkong didn't even look at the wizarding world ([-]). He went in and faced the eighth-level Xiri wizard now, and it was only [-]-[-], with an [-]% winning rate. What's the difference between going in and courting death? It can't be reckless to crush it, it won't be too late when he breaks through the inner alchemy.

[Building a copy...]

【Copy construction completed】

Copy: Resurrection

Difficulty: back and forth

Target: Beginning of the Tide

Reward: Unknown

Identity: Time Forgotten

Before Wu Mingkong complained that he didn't even have to choose an identity and difficulty this time, he was directly sent in.

In this case, Wu Mingkong can be 100% sure that he is in the coffin now, and he still has no memory of his usual appearance. He probably knows it now, and he probably won't send his identity memory in the future.

But it doesn't matter, what kind of person is Wu Mingkong, a thread is pulled out from his identity, this thing is Wu Mingkong's existence in this world.

After reading it, Wu Mingkong was full of shit: "I'm still a big rice dumpling."

This identity is the emperor of a small country, who was buried here after his death, and wanted to live a lifetime with a yin body by virtue of his fortune.

So the buried tomb is still very luxurious, whether it is the funeral personnel or the cemetery facilities, it is completely unique.

Wu Mingkong immediately opened the coffin, looked at the dark tomb, took out a candle from his arms, and lit it in the southeast corner of the tomb.

"As the saying goes, people light candles, ghosts blow lamps, I light first."

"I'll order. I'll order again."

"What a broken place, why can't the fire be started?"

Wu Mingkong can be sure that he is the only one in this tomb, and there are no other ghosts, but let alone the problem of candles, he can't even light the fire, isn't that nonsense.

"I can't be a dirty thing."

"How is this possible? It must be because there is not enough oxygen in the tomb. That's why I can't light the fire. I'll change it." Wu Mingkong put away the lighter, a flame popped out in his hand, and he lit the candle up.

"Perfect, lit, this tomb is very clean." Wu Mingkong looked at the flames that were so dark and deep that they swallowed everything like a black hole, and said very satisfied.

"What's the origin of the next sentence? It seems to be some kind of coffin. It's not hard to move forward. Forget it, I'll change it myself."

He disliked that the coffin was too low, it was only made of stone, and the carvings on it looked better.

"As far as I am, it would be a loss of my identity if I don't come to Nine Dragons to pull the coffin."

"There is also this tomb. The outside is quite special, but no matter how you look at it, it looks a little weak. No, I have to change it and make a Yin-Yang tomb. The outside one is thrown away, and I will build a bigger tomb than this one."

As Wu Mingkong said, the mind network exploded immediately, you clicked on me, and soon a huge design drawing of the tomb group was fiddled with.

The shadows came out one by one, and they started to move continuously, calculating the data bit by bit, changing the formation, and making the originally eerie tomb go in a strange direction.

"Isn't it a bit unqualified to pull the coffin in Nine Dragons? Otherwise, pile some corpse specimens of auspicious and ferocious beasts on both sides of the coffin. The left side is fierce and the right side is fierce. We have to go up the momentum. There are no specimens? It's okay, let's stand guard at that time That’s it, let’s bring some ones that match our temperament.”

"Come on, come on, my ghost car image definitely fits."

"Don't tell me, where should I, the giant of Longbo, stand? Or shrink down and guard the gate?"

"Alright, another Titan, you two on one side."

"Whoever has the skills of carving and painting, the corridor outside needs some decorations to reflect His Majesty's great achievements."

"Has Your Majesty made any great achievements?"

"Leave it to us. It's just a made-up thing. It's just nonsense anyway. Whatever we say, you can engrave it anyway."

Wu Mingkong looked at the group of people busy in and out with a blank expression. His coffin has been replaced. I don't know what kind of material it is made of, but it is extremely domineering at a glance.

The nine real dragons are also in place, and now they are discussing what pose to pose in the future, whether to use the auspicious Nine Dragons Playing Beads or the hideous corpse dragon to blame the world.

"Whoever has a historical record feels that there will be a whole wave, and it will be easy to fool when the time comes."

"I have. I downloaded it just now. I will upload it right away. Don't worry."

Wu Mingkong knew that the outside world is now a modernized world, basically the level of technology is similar to that of a dance party on a cruise ship, and the aura has just partially recovered.

There have been many supernatural events of demons and ghosts, and the country has also established relevant departments for supernatural events, and the hidden power left over from the last spiritual wave has also begun to show its minions.

This is the meaning of recovery in spiritual energy recovery. This spiritual energy is like the ocean, with ebb and flow, and now it is returning to the high tide period from the ebb tide period, so those hidden forces that have survived the last high tide period to the present, naturally have There are a lot of opportunities, and they are even prepared.

It's just that this time the recovery of spiritual energy seems to be more sinister. The target of the dungeon is called the beginning of the demon tide.

There is a high probability that he is still the leader of Dao Xiaomo. Otherwise, why would his thousand-year-old rice dumpling be corpse for no reason? As long as he has a breath of yang energy, he can go out and cause trouble everywhere.

Although Wu Mingkong can go out to do harm to the Quartet now, but after thinking about it, he still has to respect the setting, and it won't be too late for him to go out to do harm to the Quartet when the breath of yang comes.

"Your Majesty, do you have any thoughts on the name of this imperial mausoleum?"

The thinking network has already started to make a plaque for Wu Mingkong's imperial mausoleum, and I don't know what to do.

"You can figure it out, whatever you want."

"Come on, look, it's designated to make the high-end atmosphere upscale, low-key luxury and connotation."

There was a bang, and the entire tomb of Wu Mingkong was falling. It couldn't be done without falling, the space above was too small, and they couldn't use it. Just like the movement of the subjects of Da Zhou, it would be impossible to dig a hole in the ground. Will not give up.

"Isn't it a little too much?"

Wu Mingkong had some doubts that it was a wrong choice to upload this matter to the thinking network just now. In such a short time just now, the scale of the tomb design has expanded to a whole country. If Wu Mingkong didn't stop them, they could really do this. Wu Mingkong drew a piece of land for them to fiddle with, and also stipulated the distance from top to bottom.

If there are no regulations, the subjects of the Great Zhou can dig you to the center of the earth, but the current scale is enough, too big is not good, it is also the size of a small village, and the manpower and material resources are quite large, of course. , it's not worth mentioning here in Wu Mingkong, anyway, there are quite a lot of them outside.

"It's probably been holding back for a long time. I've been researching and practicing. It's rare to have a chance to come out to play."

Wait, Wu Mingkong remembered one thing, that is, he expanded his tomb to such a large size, so can the protagonist and his party who will send Yang Qi come to his tomb alive?

This matter is a little embarrassing, but as the protagonist, it should be fine.

That's right, Wu Mingkong extracted the past and present life of this zongzi from the existence of this world. He was the first elite monster on the protagonist's road who couldn't be defeated. When he went out to cause trouble, he was dealt with by the grown-up protagonist. .

"Everyone, speed up, people are here, and everyone should take their positions, don't be seen." Wu Mingkong sensed that someone had already entered the cemetery above, and there were two people in a row.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have reached the final stage, and it will be over soon."

"Your Majesty, my side has also been completed, and I will go back to be a statue soon. The auspicious beast and the fierce beast also feel ready."

Wu Mingkong listened to the reports one by one, and hurried back to the domineering coffin, waiting for the protagonist and his party to send Yang Qi.

Although it is not good for the protagonist to go out and meet someone more terrifying than the Great Demon King, but who made him so unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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