Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 736 Heterogeneous Paradise

Chapter 736 Alien Paradise (35)

"Why are you unreasonable to play cards?" Wu Ming huddled in the corner, looking at the swelling flesh and blood. Before he could brush up his level, he saw endless flesh and blood overflowing, as if he wanted to put the whole flesh and blood together. As if the cave was full, this Wu Mingkong was caught off guard.

In this wave, there is nowhere to escape.

"It's only the second day, and I'm cold?"

Wu Mingkong felt that he could still save himself, at least he couldn't be eliminated like this, so he had to fight for it anyway.

What if at the last moment, he raised his level
It seems to be useless. Looking at the dense flesh and blood, there are actually blooming pores, and zombies struggle out of it. These zombies are the lowest kind, but Wu Mingkong knows why Anis Dora would create this kind of zombies because the lowest level of zombies contained the highest concentration of Pandora virus.

Those evolving zombies are stronger than these low-level zombies no matter in terms of strength or anything else, but that is also true. Their evolution is consuming the Pandora virus in their bodies. consume.

Theoretically, the lowest-level zombies contain the purest and highest concentration of Pandora virus, but they only need a corresponding detonation method to form an effect that is no different from that of the corpse explosion, and it is more powerful and stronger.

These zombies were expelled from the body by Anistora. As soon as they encountered air, their bodies inflated involuntarily, and they looked like a balloon floating in the air. These zombie balloons floated towards Wu Mingkong.

Wu Mingkong looked at the fat zombies that were floating in the air and kept baring their teeth and claws. He casually threw a sword qi towards the sword qi and pierced it. The next moment, there was a loud bang, and the zombie exploded immediately. A puff of black smoke splashed out along with the rain of rancid blood. If Wu Mingkong hadn't reacted quickly and used his sword aura as a barrier to block the blood, something might have happened.

But even so, Wu Mingkong did not dare to relax. If it was just blood stains, he would not be afraid of them. Blood stains are nothing to be afraid of. What is really scary is the black smoke, which is the Pandora virus, the culprit of zombies.

The black mist floated towards Wu Mingkong, at a slow speed, but extremely stable, not at all like smoke spreading out, but like a solidified whole, like a black cloud, but with a loose body shape But it is fundamentally different from the dark cloud.

And this is not considered a mass, but the number keeps growing. The size of the balloon zombies keeps growing in the air, until they can't bear it and explode. The Pandora virus in the body is blown by Anistora, Coming towards Wu Mingkong.

"Is this going to kill me?" Wu Mingkong's expression didn't change, he wasn't panicking, why should he panic when the game character died.

After observing the Lingzhi on his body, it is a pity that no Lingzhi can solve the current predicament. He is lazy, so most of Lingzhi are halos, whether it is against the enemy or supporting, which leads Wu Ming Kong didn't have many effective means of active attack. The best one to use was Jian Xinlan's sword energy, which was enough. After all, even the hidden mission boss Nielong in the single-player dungeon couldn't handle such a disaster as Wu Mingkong.

Another one, originally Wu Mingkong and his consciousness have retired to be a tool man, and there must be no chance to play dungeons again. As a result, this alien paradise has opened a new mode, so he can only go back to the battle and dawdle. What I thought of was that this wave directly raised the difficulty to S-level rewards, and it was a bit unbearable.

"If there is "Necronomicon", I will shake you to death." This place is the most suitable place to call those indescribable people over.

Of course, Wu Mingkong just doesn’t regret it, in the end it’s just a game, even if the real world is used as a copy, it’s just a game, no matter it’s this strand of consciousness or the body.

Wu Mingkong glanced at his inventory, which was full of "The Lazy Man's Exercise" superimposed to 999, couldn't help but sighed, he didn't know if the other party would accept the gift, or he would send a set of 999 to let this Anistora let him go?
But looking at the appearance, it should not accept the gift.

The balloon zombies spewed out continuously exploded, turning into Pandora virus and pouring in. Wu Mingkong thought that you could kill me with this lump, so why waste it continuously.

Wu Mingkong's body was leaning against the top of the cave of flesh and blood. The hole he made before had already healed. If he wanted to go out now, he would have no other way to go out except to make another hole himself. This place is full of zombies. Wu Mingkong doesn't believe that there are teleportation arrays, space gates and the like.
"Why is there a space door here?" Wu Mingkong suddenly discovered that Anistora's ever-expanding body pushed out a space door, and drifted with the current on its body, constantly floating around with her body .

This matter made Wu Mingkong a little bit confused for a while, could it be that the main body had cheated on him, or could it be such a coincidence?
Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that he could meet a space door here, and it was still open.

It's just that Wu Mingkong glanced at the white light in his mind, and there was no movement at all, which meant that it wasn't his own body who made the shot at all, it existed by itself, but he didn't notice it.

"Why don't you go in and have a look?" There are two roads in front of Wu Mingkong. The first one is to return to the original road, make a hole for yourself, and then go out by doing hard work. This is a relatively safe road, normal Players will choose this path.

The remaining one is to go through the space door, but who knows where it will be teleported, it may be where Pandora is, it may be another desperate situation, or it may be teleported to some unknown place, anyway, it is not Great certainty.

Then, Wu Mingkong resolutely chose to go through the portal. He originally planned to do it before, but the facts have proved that if you want to do it, the Heterogeneous Paradise will not let you do it at all. It just wants to eliminate players as soon as possible, otherwise it will be eliminated by players alone , who knows when it will be eliminated.

What's more important is that the Heterogeneous Paradise doesn't show how many players there are, so the players don't know how many players there are in a ladder competition. A long tug of war.

And players will definitely not give up. You must know that as long as you become No.1, you can get an SSS-level evaluation, and you can bring an S-level reward back to reality. At this stage, any S-level reward can change your life. world pattern.

The clues can be seen from the "Necronomicon" and "The Secret Record of Lingzhi". Wu Mingkong had a very high potential, and then a good hand was beaten to pieces by Wu Mingkong.

But whether it is the magic of "Necronomicon" or the cultivation of spiritual plants in "Secret Records of Lingzhi", any one of them can cause a world-class disturbance.

Therefore, no player is willing to miss this opportunity, of course, except for Wu Mingkong, who sees that he can't make it, so he starts to turn on the reckless man mode, how reckless he came, forming a stark contrast, from one extreme to another extreme.

The envoy's sword energy stirred up the Pandora virus that rushed towards him like black smoke, forming a vacuum wherever he passed, isolating the Pandora virus from the sword energy.

And under the wrap of sword energy, he leaped towards the space door at an extremely fast speed. Even though Anistora was artificially retarded, he still instinctively wanted to block Wu Mingkong, wanted to kill him. into its body.

Wu Mingkong knew that players could also become zombies. The blue dragon that ate zombie meat and became a zombie was a very good example. If Wu Mingkong also became a zombie, the potential would be even greater.

If it wasn't for the risk of being eliminated by becoming a zombie, Wu Mingkong might have to give it a try.

He is reckless, but he is not stupid. There is a [-]% chance of becoming a zombie and you will be eliminated, and the remaining [-]% chance is to continue the game in another form. Obviously, the gain outweighs the loss, so it is better to go through the space door , maybe you can have a good time before being eliminated.

Strong and powerful tentacles protruded from the pores of Anistora's rotten body, constantly scratching at Wu Mingkong, who was flying with sword energy. Fragmentation can only be avoided at an extremely fast speed, without being swept or swept away by the tentacles.

"Fortunately, I'm not a magical girl. If the magical girl is swept away, I can't bear to look directly at the following things." Wu Mingkong couldn't help complaining. Although he also has tentacles on his body, his tentacles are more serious. Ugly, there is absolutely no such unique shape as Anistora's tentacles.

One escaped the whipping of the tentacles, white gas gushed out of a large pile of wriggling and rotting flesh, this white gas was high temperature and acidic, Wu Mingkong didn't know what kind of thing this Anistora was, It has so many functions, it can give birth to cubs and deform, and now it can exhale. This is only the internal structure. If the external structure is really counted, I don’t know how many more wonderful abilities can be added.

With a slamming body, Wu Mingkong directly crossed the portal with a small amount of sword energy, and the white gas with high temperature and acid corrosion directly evaporated most of his sword energy.

Obviously, this white gas was specially evolved by Anistora to target Wu Mingkong's sword energy, otherwise it would definitely not have such a great effect. The high temperature was produced by Anistora's push, and the acid corrosion came from Pandora The ability produced by the continuous evolution of the virus in its body is designed to corrode sword energy.

Although Wu Mingkong's sword qi contained sword intent, it was actually sword qi, not sword intent. After this acid corrosion corroded the sword qi, the sword intent lost its support and naturally dissipated.

Fortunately, Wu Mingkong rushed fast, if he was one step late, his face would be white with anger, and he might be covered in water.

"I think, is our style of painting changing a bit quickly?" Wu Mingkong turned his head and glanced at the space door.

When he came in, it was a cave of flesh and blood, and he could accept a sci-fi style space door, but in the current situation, he really couldn't accept it.

The place where I came in was an underground cave similar to an altar, surrounded by oil lamps that were lit by something unknown. It was very unscientific that the entire underground cave was illuminated very brightly by just lighting the oil lamps, and stalactites could be seen when I looked up.

Moreover, there is more than one space gate, densely packed teleportation gates are inlaid on the stone wall of the cave, and so is the teleportation gate that Wu Ming vacated.

The inlaid orientation of these space doors has a certain regularity. If you look at it as a whole, it looks like the outer edge of the entire altar, which looks extremely spectacular.

And in the center of the altar, there is a kneeling person. Wu Mingkong didn't see clearly whether it was a man or a woman, but judging from the four chains that locked his limbs, it was definitely not a good thing. Yes, there is no need to use iron chains to lock the limbs.

Four chains spread in all directions, each connecting a statue.

"Why does this statue look so abstract?" Wu Mingkong looked at the statue. Van Gogh's paintings were more serious than this one.

Wu Mingkong reckoned that it was either an alien creature or an echinoderm. There was absolutely no other possibility. After all, there were not many that could grow into this appearance.

"So, I can't be teleported to the so-called Pandora, who is that guy lying on the stomach? It can't be the pathogen of Pandora, right? You guys made such a big fuss just to lock each other with chains? How can I say that? I need to add a safe." Wu Mingkong was a little puzzled, zombies seem to be on the technological side no matter how they look, but this style of painting has a feudal and superstitious flavor.

This made Wu Mingkong feel unacceptable, you are a bit biased.

Jumping off the sword aura, he walked slowly towards the kneeling man, looking at the altar under his feet, the lines with unknown uses were constantly undulating.

In Wu Mingkong's eyes, the entire altar was very clean, it could be said to be spotless, and it was probably cleaned frequently.

I don't know if the cleaning aunt would be embarrassed to see that naked lying on her stomach, and whether she has brought clothes for this person.

He didn't look at the man in the center for the first time, but instead looked at the statue closest to him.

"It seems to be a statue." Wu Mingkong touched the statue. It felt a little strange. It looked rough, but in fact, it felt smooth and damp, as if water had seeped out of the statue. .

The four statues with different looks all have this kind of feel, except that they are ugly, there is no other difference.

After Wu Mingkong finished looking at the statue, he walked around and realized that the one lying on his stomach was actually a woman, which made Wu Mingkong a little surprised. Although there is no one here, it is not good to be so unrestrained.

"Anistora?" Wu Mingkong asked from a distance.

With his limbs locked by four chains, he was so stupid that he dared to approach and shout. If this was like the Anistora outside, who swelled up as soon as he approached, wouldn't he have to run away again?
Don't look at the other party's decent looks now, who knows if it will turn into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in the next second. Zombies have never talked about energy conservation.

It's just that Wu Mingkong yelled, but the other party didn't respond. He wondered if he had slept too hard?

Looking around, I found that the place was so clean and tidy, there was not even a small stone, so I had no choice but to break off a piece from the rock wall of the cave, stood on a space door, and walked towards Anistora. Crouching head hit the past.

After smashing it, Wu Mingkong came to his senses: "It's cheap again."

But the cheap is the cheap, and Anistora didn't wake up, which made Wu Mingkong heave a sigh of relief. If he wakes up, who knows what will happen.

"No response, how about smashing it again?"

This is called I was wrong, dare to do it next time.

He casually broke another stone and threw it at the back of the opponent's head. The sound was as crisp as before, but there was no movement.

Then Wu Mingkong broke off the third piece. Before he could throw it away, the four chains moved suddenly. It wasn't that Wu Mingkong observed it carefully. The main reason was that the place was empty and the four chains moved. When there was a sound, it was very clear, and Wu Mingkong hurriedly threw down the stone in his hand. As long as Anistora dared to transform, he would dare to step back to the space behind him.

He doesn't know where this space door leads to, but it must be safer than the place after Anistora transformed into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Do you still want to hit me for the third time?" Anistora raised her head with dissatisfaction in her tone.

"Hi, I just came here, are you talking to me?" Wu Mingkong pretended to be stupid, expressing that I was just a newbie and didn't know anything.

"I knew it when you came in." Anistora stood up carelessly, not caring that she was naked at all, and touched the back of her head with her right hand, which seemed to be in pain.

Wu Mingkong recognized that position, and both of his stones fell on her position.

"Oh, by the way, will you transform into a mass of flesh and blood?" Wu Mingkong asked. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the other party to change his body, so I'd better ask in advance.

Anistora glanced at Wu Mingkong and said, "Is that what you mean?"

As soon as the words fell, Anistora's body squirmed continuously, and the horniness formed by the combination of carapace and scales covered her body, and her figure also swelled in an instant, and her lower body turned into a black magic flower. The flowers bloomed, and the four chains were pulled straight, but they were extremely tough and did not break.

"Yes, yes, that's it. I want to ask, what does it feel like to transform into you? Can you tell me a little bit about it? I'm a little curious." Wu Mingkong finally met a sensible person, and the principle cannot be asked. , Then ask about your mental journey and feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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