Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 737 Heterogeneous Paradise

Chapter 737 Alien Paradise (36)

Anistora felt that the person in front of her was a little strange. When ordinary people saw this scene, they either screamed in fright or pretended to be calm with panic on their faces. Unexpectedly, Wu Mingkong asked her how she felt with interest.

"I don't feel anything, just a feeling of my body being inflated."

Judging from this answer, it is obvious that this Anistora has basically nothing to do with the outside one. Otherwise, if Wu Mingkong asked the outside Anistora to recite pi, of course, it is also possible that the other party is pretending of.

"There is a small problem, that is, I also saw you outside, an enlarged version, and then I asked it to recite pi for me, but I couldn't recite it. Do you think you can recite it?" Wu Mingkong hesitated, I still asked a question, the requirements are not high, and she will pass the test if she recites 3.14.

Anistora's expression changed, she didn't expect Wu Mingkong to be so insane and let her clone do such a thing.

"and after?"

"Later, I may have felt that my problem was too easy, and the whole person swelled up, just like you, but it was a little more exaggerated than your swell, that is, your transformed appearance is more unique, but you must be bold. It’s not comparable.” Wu Mingkong thought for a while, then compared the differences, and then said.

Wu Mingkong's words were easy to understand, but to Anistora's ears, no matter how he heard them, it seemed a bit awkward.

"Then, what are you doing here?" Anistora swayed the magic flower on her lower body, and thorny vines fell from the flower in all directions regularly, wriggling from time to time.

"It's nothing. I just passed by. I just met you." Of course Wu Mingkong knew what Anistora meant, and he just asked why he threw stones at her?
Can Wu Mingkong call himself cheap?Certainly not, if he admits this, wouldn't he have to fight? He doesn't know if he can survive the fight.

"I mean, why did you hit me with that stone three times." Anistora was not fooled by Wu Mingkong.

"When did I hit you with a stone, do I look like that kind of person?" Wu Mingkong almost admitted that Anistora's heart was really bad, obviously it happened twice, but it turned out to be true Three times, he subconsciously wanted to refute just now, but luckily he reacted in time.

Anistora uses a kind of you to continue to make up, I can believe you, even if you win, you look at Wu Mingkong, Wu Mingkong is a little hungry, mainly because it was syrup and wave lollipops before, so now he I want to eat sweets.

"Really?" Anistora's tone was very joking.

"That's right, by the way, let's skip this topic, I just want to ask, which way to go out?" Wu Mingkong not only changed the subject very bluntly, but also tried to get the way back from Anistora.

"That one." Anistora pointed to the space door that Wu Mingkong came in and said.

Wu Mingkong originally wanted to say thank you and run away, but after seeing the space door he came from, there was a black line at one end.

Do you need to point this way?I don't know myself?
"You are so old, can you be as mature as me?" Wu Mingkong felt that this was purely a beating. If it wasn't for him, he might not be able to beat her, so he would have let this guy know what social beating is.

"Every space door here leads to every city, but there are copies of me everywhere. It doesn't matter which door you go to." Anistora said directly.

"So, can you replace the land? Can you give birth to cubs?" Wu Mingkong looked Anistora up and down, no matter how you look at it, it probably doesn't have this function.

"That's the ability of the clone. As a mother, I don't have this ability." Anistora looked at Wu Mingkong and found that Wu Mingkong really couldn't chat. With just this mouth, he couldn't find a girlfriend at all.

I understand, but zombies cannot be born.

"Just because of this, you have wholesaled so many copies of yourself? Are you afraid that when there are too many births, the family planning will come to your door?" Wu Mingkong wondered if people nowadays have such unique thinking?
"Do you think there are still people?"

Regarding what Anistora said, Wu Mingkong originally wanted to refute that he was not a human being?
Just looking at the flowers and plants growing on his body, it seems that he is not quite human, but it doesn't matter, this does not prevent Wu Mingkong from finally finding a moral high ground, and making an argument.

As a result, before he could say this, the other party counterattacked first.

"Besides, you think I became like this because I did it myself?"

Anistora's body kept shrinking, and finally became the size of a normal person. Wu Mingkong really wanted to ask where did you take a flower as big as you, and I didn't see you wearing clothes anymore.

"That is to say, no matter which door I go through, I basically have to face that ball of red syrup?" Wu Mingkong didn't think the other party would lie, even if he lied, it's fine, he happened to be here to improve his skill level and Lingzhi level.

"That's right, you can't get out, you can only stay here with me, and then starve to death, I'm sure, you don't want to feel the feeling of hunger." Anistora said in an inexplicable tone.

Wu Mingkong touched the flowers on his body: "I'm not worried about it, the main reason is whether you will be hungry and eat me."

A game character is worried about the hunger of a hammer. If he is really hungry, he should have been hungry yesterday. He has not eaten a drop of water in the past two days. He is not thirsty or hungry, and he is still alive and kicking, which shows that he does not need to eat at all.

It's not a problem to stay here, as long as this guy doesn't suddenly become aggressive, then he will basically have no problems, and I have never heard of any game characters dying, at most he will be kicked out of the dungeon .

"Don't worry, I don't need to eat anymore."

"What's the matter, you can live through photosynthesis? I remember that this ability is not limited to plants, but you can also be an animal?" Wu Mingkong added another sentence just after finishing speaking: "Besides, there is no sun here. , how do you photosynthesize?"

Anistora meant that she had evolved to perfection and could survive without food at all, but she didn't expect Wu Mingkong to understand this direction, which made her a little dumbfounded.

"I mean"

"Evolved into a perfect individual by the virus named Pandora, immortality is no longer a luxury, the power is hidden in the body, the world will surrender at your feet, no, it should be on the head, we should be underground now." Wu Mingkong completed the next words for Anistora.

"No, it's just under the feet, here is the star core of the moon." Anistora corrected the mistakes in Wu Ming's empty words, and seemed to find it very interesting.

Wu Mingkong was silent for a while. He didn't expect that he would come to the center of the moon. It should be the meaning, otherwise he wouldn't use the star core to express it.

"So, where is Pandora?"

Wu Mingkong remembered that the clone of Anistora once said that the Pandora virus originated from Pandora.

"This is Pandora. In the star core of the moon, Pandora of destruction was bred. The moon sent the gift of destruction to the world." Anistora sang such a sentence in an unknown tone.

"What is the inevitable meaning of this?" Wu Mingkong didn't understand, how could such a thing be conceived in the star core of the moon, isn't this nonsense, Wu Mingkong didn't believe it, and he certainly wouldn't believe it if he was another person.

"There is no inevitable meaning, but everything has happened, so it is meaningless." Anistora obviously didn't want to continue this topic, there must be some secrets in it, but Wu Mingkong didn't care.

Today is the second day. According to the normal situation, starting tomorrow at the earliest, the big bosses summoned by a large number of players who summon the big bosses are likely to come. At that time, the gods will really fight. It’s just such a moon. Can't stand the scourge of the players.

"Pandora is an altar, so are you the sacrifice, or are the four statues the sacrifice?" Wu Mingkong didn't ask how Anistora was locked here, even if he asked, he would definitely not say Yes, if she wanted to say, when Wu Mingkong asked about the meaning just now, she would have said it, instead of just being vague and perfunctory.

"You still don't understand, as I said, this is Pandora."

At this moment, Wu Mingkong suddenly understood.

"It's impossible. If the box wasn't opened, where did the zombies outside come from?" Wu Mingkong immediately vetoed the matter after he understood it.

These four statues respectively represent disaster, plague, scourge and last hope. In the present Zombie Paradise, the first three have already occurred, and hope has long since been destroyed. If Pandora's magic box has not been opened, then where did the zombies come from?
"Why do you think that this gift is for a human? Not for a zombie?" Anistora's tone actually contained a hint of hope, Wu Mingkong had the feeling that the other party had gone crazy feeling.

At this time, Wu Mingkong suddenly understood the origin of the name of the game dungeon world in the Ladder Contest. From the very beginning, he made a mistake. The protagonists of this world may not be those humans, but zombies.

[Congratulations to the player for triggering the hidden mission: Pandora's Box]

【Send a Gift: Open Pandora's Box】

The hidden mission came very timely, which shows one thing, that is, zombies are likely to be the protagonists in this world, and humans are only supporting roles, but there is still a problem, that is why the clone of Anistora produces zombies .

From this point of view, whether it is Anistora or her clone, they are all zombies, and she doesn't have any.
That's right, she has no reason at all, but what if these things are all left behind by those extinct humans?

She is imprisoned here, a space door represents a city, each city has a space door, and there is a copy of Anistora's handle.

But if it is said that these replicas are basically the guards left by humans to protect Pandora's Box, then this explanation makes sense.

Although I don't know why those replicas would reveal Pandora's secrets like an artificial mentally retarded person, but there must be a deeper meaning in it.

"Then, I really want to ask, the origin of zombies, or the origin of human beings." Wu Mingkong sat down and looked at Anis from afar.

She watched Wu Mingkong sit down, didn't care at all that she was not wearing anything, and sat in the center of the altar carelessly, fiddled with the four chains and said, "Me."


"That's right, it's me, when I was born, on my body"

Wu Mingkong listened quietly, just like the general dog-blood stories, Anistora, as a human being, mutated a special substance innately, this substance has very magical effects, and then Being targeted by the villains, a brutal experiment was carried out. In the end, an accident happened in the experiment, and everything became like this. In order to eliminate the ever-growing zombies, the survivors created Pandora with their last vitality.

In this regard, Wu Mingkong strongly condemned, how could such a good sample be treated with such a rough method, and an experimental accident occurred without rigorousness, this is simply reckless.

Wu Mingkong didn't show this kind of emotion, he still knew the depth, if it showed a little bit, maybe Anistora would go berserk immediately, from her description, Wu Mingkong could tell that this Anistora La's strength must be very strong. As far as his current Lingzhi level is concerned, he must not be able to beat him. Don't look at the opponent's carelessness now. Even if he doesn't change his body, his physique and spirit must be stronger than him. The new super class.

Otherwise, how could he afford the title of BOSS?

"Then you were locked here?" After listening to the long speech, Wu Mingkong came to a conclusion, although he didn't know how he was locked here, Anistora didn't say anything.

"Yes, and then I was locked here." Anistora did not refute.

"Then how do you open Pandora?" Wu Mingkong asked directly, not polite at all, it was a hidden task anyway, and it happened to be idle, so if you can do it, just do it.

"Kill me, and Pandora will be opened." Anistora replied with narrowed eyes, as if she didn't care at all.

Wu Mingkong found it very difficult: "How about you commit suicide?"

"Okay, you're ready." Saying that, Anistora pierced her chest casually, pulled out a beating heart, and pulled it hard, tearing off all the tissues on the heart and moving towards the heart. Wu Mingkong threw it over.

Wu Mingkong was also unambiguous, and caught it with one hand.

Just the next second, the wound on Anistora's chest had disappeared. Before it disappeared, Wu Mingkong saw a brand new heart that had been regenerated, even stronger than the one in his hand.

"Why don't you try to blow your mind out?" Wu Mingkong came up with another bad idea.

Anistora smiled, and smashed her head to the ground, causing brains and blood to splatter in an instant.

Just looking up, the head has been regenerated.

This is a bit numb, it can't die, it can't be done by destroying all the cells, he doesn't have this ability either.

More importantly, the material used for this altar seems to be very hard. Whether it is the chains or the four statues, even the ground, they are all surprisingly hard. Of course, the stone wall is not counted. This thing can be broken off by Wu Mingkong, which shows that It is likely to be original, and this altar is obviously carved by hand.

"What else do you have to do?" Anistora asked casually while wiping the brains and blood splashed on her body. Judging from her tone, it was obvious that she had already tried these methods, otherwise It is impossible to be so calm.

"No, I have a question. How do you pass the time when you are free?" Wu Mingkong felt that if he was really trapped here, he could only hope that he could become the sword god of Shilipo after his skill level and Lingzhi level went up. The air is gone in seconds.

"Of course I'm sleeping, what else can I do?" Anistora rolled her eyes. In this place, there is nothing else for her to pass the time.

Wu Mingkong's face darkened, and he was a little puzzled: "Don't you feel cold when you sleep without clothes?"

"I was wearing it before, but it was too long and it was all rotten."

Anistora's words were very ordinary, but Wu Mingkong knew an important thing from these words, that is, time must be continuous, otherwise it would be impossible for all the clothes to rot.

"You're not lying to me, are you? I'll trust you if you bring me some crumbs, but can you get them out?" Wu Mingkong can accept the reason why the clothes are rotten, but it's impossible for them to rot. No crumbs after that.

"Can't I eat it? One more thing, what kind of creature are you that grows grass?" Anistora didn't ask Wu Mingkong for clothes either, just like Wu Mingkong, she knew without asking.

"Have you ever heard of a vegetative person? I am." Wu Mingkong shook the flowers and plants on his body.

"So, you should be public?"

Wu Mingkong hadn't finished chattering yet. Hearing this, he seriously thought about his gender. Judging from the characters in the game, he should be regarded as male, and he could barely touch the edge, but the gender of the main body?

The world seems to have no gender.

"Should be considered a man?" Wu Mingkong hesitated for a moment, but corrected the other party's words.

"Humans are not dead yet?"

Anistora grasped the meaning of Wu Mingkong's empty words in an instant. From the very beginning, she suspected that Wu Mingkong was a human being, otherwise how could she be able to speak human language so fluently.

It can only be said that she wrongly blamed Wu Mingkong, this was purely translated by Heterogeneous Paradise.

"How do I know, I'm just a vegetable." Wu Mingkong brushed up his skills and said indifferently.

"It seems that you are really a human being, but because of the mutation of the virus, you became like this. If you were a zombie, you would not be able to enter here at all." Anistora's tone was firm.

Wu Mingkong could only nod helplessly: "Just as long as you are happy, don't bother me, I still have things to do."

(End of this chapter)

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