Brother is really tough

Chapter 106 31b. Ascension to the Immortal Realm

Chapter 106 31b. Ascension to the Immortal Realm
Regarding the oversubscription of the list, Xianyu Shang did not give a clear response.
As for the dispute between Bai Yiduo and Ouyang Jie, it can be regarded as the most ideal verdict to settle down.

Fairy Yunying didn't have much dislike for Bai Yiduo, and seeing Ouyang Jie's success in being shortlisted, her wish was fulfilled.
Du Linger brothers and sisters were ecstatic,
What is even more exciting is Li Sumei and the first-class disciples of Zhengjia Hall. Who would have expected that from a [-]% finalist rate in the preliminary round to now accounting for half of the list of Jinyuan, it is enough to wash away the challenge that was clamored for by the two disciples at the beginning. Unbearable, he became the proud reserve of the three halls of the inner court in one fell swoop.


"Now I announce that the list of this year's Jinyuan has been finalized, namely: Inner Court Yuxiu, Ouyang Jie, Bai Yiduo, Sun Shurong, Ye Lin; Outer Court Du Zeping, Izumo Mubai, Tan Shiqing, Sun Tianman, Wu Youcai."

As Fairy Yunying climbed up and shouted, there was an uproar in the fairyland, some people cheered and some people sighed sadly.

But what's more, they have prepared gifts and started to make friends with these rising stars.

"The disciples of Jin Yuan, please report to the Third Immortal Realm as soon as possible, and prepare for the shipwreck trial half a month later."

The Shipwreck Trial is the best choice for building foundations of the earth veins. That is to say, the disciples who participate in the Shipwreck Trial must reach the late stage of Qi training, and those who fail to meet this standard will be transferred from the Immortal Realm in this short period of half a month. The senior teacher personally taught the training to live up to the shipwreck.

Generally speaking, since they can get the quota of Jin Yuan, they must be those with outstanding strength.
But in this year's Jinyuan list, there are two people who are very special.

One is Wan Shuliang who has been lucky all the way. He is at the eighth level of Qi training. Although he is very close to the ninth level, he is still one step behind.

The other one is even more outrageous, it can reach the fifth level of Qi training, and it was climbed at zero time during the competition.


the third fairyland,

When Wu Changjiao, who was in charge of training this year's Jin Yuan disciples, saw the list presented, his eyes were bloodshot.
"What? It doesn't matter if you have the eighth level of Qi training, but there is a disciple of the fifth level of Qi training?"

Wu Changjiao, who was over sixty years old, coughed violently for more than ten minutes before he could breathe steadily. He lay down on the chair, and the boy beside him smoothed his chest to stabilize his Qi veins.

Looking at his elderly master, the boy pouted and complained: "The inner courtyard is becoming more and more outrageous. In the past, there were occasional disciples who did not reach the ninth level of Qi training. After some careful teaching, they could still step on the ground within a month." Entering Qi training is perfect. However, not only is it only half a month this year, but there is also this spirit slag named Bai Yiduo. The fifth-rank Qi training state! I didn’t enter the shortlist through the back door, I, Wang Xiaoxiao, wrote my surname upside down."

The white-haired Wu Changjiao also had a headache, sighed and said: "Hey! The Tianzong war is imminent, but these people cheated for personal gain and sent a mid-level qi training disciple to the Immortal Realm with the intention of embarrassing the old man. !"

The little boy looked annoyed: "Master, since this Bai Yiduo is so shameless, we don't want to give him any good looks. It's wishful thinking to leap five ranks in half a month."

And under the Immortal Realm, Bai Yiduo, who had been sleeping for a day and a night, finally woke up, and was listening to Wang Tiezhu's story after the match with a look of astonishment.

He was relieved when he heard that he and Ouyang Jie were included in the siege.

"It's a good thing that the suzerain came forward, otherwise, that old woman Yunying would have made a fool of me!"

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo's eyes flashed again, and he asked Wang Tiezhu: "You said that Elder Mo's gossip mirror can peek into the past? Is it so magical?"

This is not the first time Bai Yiduo has heard about this treasure. During the rematch, the scene of Yuxiu hugging him on the lotus platform was broadcast live in public.

"I didn't expect this thing to go back to history? It's amazing!"

Bai Yiduo's eyes were sly, and he suddenly thought of the collapse of the end of the world that his brother said. Although Bai Hao said it was miserable, in Bai Yiduo's eyes, who had no impression, it was an interesting story worth exploring.

Just as she was thinking wildly, Yuxiu broke into the house surrounded by a group of people, and said solemnly: "Brother Bai, today is the day when you and I ascend to the Immortal Realm, hurry up and get ready."

Inner Yuan Street, all the way to prosperity,
The Tianjiao of the inner courtyard headed by Yuxiu walked slowly, and the onlookers were either cheering, or bowing and blessing,

But until Bai Yiduo appeared, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

"Bai Yiduo, don't think that I, Zhuge Shanyun, can't do anything to you if you set foot in the fairyland, you shameless villain!"

For a moment, the team that originally cheered and saw off became fierce and resentful, but it was inconvenient to do anything during the farewell ceremony as the sect's arrogance, otherwise, these people wished they could directly bombard and kill them.

"Hey~? You people, it's too much!" Bai Yiduo's face was displeased, he was also very wronged, okay?When they need spiritual energy and beating the most, these people all shrink their necks to flatter them, no matter how arrogant and domineering Bai Yiduo is, they choose to endure it.But now that the competition is over, and he has successfully obtained the quota for being promoted to the Academy, these people are on the contrary wanting to beat and kill each and every one of them.
"Bai Yiduo, although I don't know how you provoked these people, I still want to remind you as a senior sister." Yuxiu slowed down her pace and said earnestly: "The third fairyland is no better than the outer courtyard, where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon , Tianjiao's cultivation is everywhere, if you make trouble like this again, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot."

"Disadvantaged?" Bai Yiduo was taken aback for a moment, then asked immediately, "Senior Sister, you mean someone will beat me?"

Yuxiu tilted her eyebrows slightly and nodded, "I will beat you badly!"

Yuxiu originally wanted to intimidate Bai Yiduo so that he would restrain himself.
But Bai Yiduo's eyes lit up, rubbed his hands together and said, "Is that the kind of place where you will be beaten if you are arrogant?"

Bai Yiduo is still adhering to the law that anyone who is arrogant will be beaten, and begins to look forward to life in Xianyu.

Just as he was far away, a group of people appeared in front of the road, including Du Zeping.

"That's the Jin Yuan disciples from the outer court. This time there are 11 students from the Jin Yuan, five from the outer court, and six from the inner court," Yuxiu said, looking at Ouyang Jie, who was carrying a long sword behind him and was wearing a hood and said nothing. I can't help but sigh in my heart.

If Ouyang Jie hadn't chosen to grab Yiduo's list, I'm afraid the inner court would not have increased the number of places.

Beside the road, Du Ling'er looked away from her brother, and looked at Bai Yiduo with wide watery eyes.

The moment the two looked at each other, it seemed that time had stopped, and the pure white banyan flowers were flying all over the sky, like snow and dust, and a red dress was blown out in the wind, looking like a fairy.

"Senior brother Yiduo." Du Ling'er pulled her thin lips lightly, with a smile on her face, as bright as a fairy.

Bai Yiduo looked fascinated, this was the first time Du Linger was delicate and shy in front of him, but before Bai Yiduo stepped forward to meet her, she saw Du Linger slapped her cheek, turned around quickly, and walked out of the crowd.

"Eh?" Bai Yiduo was a little dazed, looking stiffly at Du Ling'er who was buried in the crowd,
At this time, an arm patted his shoulder, looked over, and looked back with a wry smile: "Brother Bai, I didn't expect that you and I could ascend to the Immortal Realm together, it's really an honor."

After all, Du Zeping introduced him to the Jinyuan disciples from the outer court.

Arranged by name, Du Zeping ranked first,

Next is Izumo Mubai of the Izumo family,

Izumo Mubai's eyes dodged a little, he hated and feared this bastard who belittled his fiancée,
"Junior Brother Bai, don't come here without any problems!" With a copious bow, Izumo Mubai quickly shifted his perspective, deliberately meeting Yuxiu and the others face to face, so as to ease the embarrassment.

It has to be said that Izumo Mubai, who was born as a businessman, is quite skilled in the art of socializing, and he soon got along with the disciples of Jinyuan in the inner courtyard. Even Ouyang Jie, who is cold, arrogant and withdrawn, can say a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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