Brother is really tough

Chapter 107 1a. Rejecting Gifts

Chapter 107 1a. Rejecting Gifts
The No.3 of the Jinyuan of the Outer Court is the eldest son of the Tan family, Tan Shiqing,

Tan Shiqing is a handsome, well-educated talented scholar, who treats people with courtesy and humility, and is not annoying.
No.4's Sun Tianman is just the opposite. As the name suggests, he is arrogant and arrogant. He is a pretty woman dressed as a Taoist nun.

"It is said that Sun Tianman was born in a famous family, and he learned from Master Juechen of Qingfengyuan. He is a leading disciple."

Hearing this, as a man, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Such a beautiful woman, at such a young age, has she left the world of mortals and become a monk?"

In addition, Wu Youcai, who is ranked fifth, is the son of a member of Wu in the outer court.

After listening to Du Zeping's recommendation, Bai Yiduo summed it up and found that the disciples of the Jin Academy in the outer courtyard all have one thing in common,

"They are all rich second generations?"

Bai Yiduo frowned, realizing that the outer court was dominated by capital, and the shortlisted disciples all had prominent backgrounds.This reminded him of the conversation he heard when he was robbed by the Lin family for the first time, and sighed in his heart: "No wonder the Lin family is so picky about my background."

Thinking of the Lin family, Lin Yushi's mother suddenly floated to her face like a ghost:
"Bai Yiduo, you really didn't disappoint your mother. Let me just say, Yu Shi has always had a good eye. How could she choose you? Hehehe, it turned out that she bet on Dabao..."

Baiduo's small face froze, and he looked around in embarrassment,

"Eh...hehehe, auntie, why are you here? Uncle Lin..."

Bai Yiduo felt a little guilty, she was afraid that Lin Zican would come to ask him for his daughter,
"Hehehe, your child is a family, so what if you call him mother."

Lin's mother complained dissatisfiedly, but she didn't take it too seriously, and then said: "Your Uncle Lin has important matters to deal with today, so he can't come to see you off. However, as the uncle-in-law of the Lin family, my mother has to come to see you off! "

After all, Mother Lin waved her hand, and a row of servants of the Lin family came forward holding the tray. On the tray were all kinds of spirit stones and liquids, all of which were consumables needed for cultivation.

"Auntie, what are you..." Facing this scene, Bai Yiduo was not only not very happy, but panicked.

"You child, what do you think the Third Immortal Realm is? Without basic cultivation resources, what do you use to cultivate?"

It was only later that Bai Yiduo learned that other people's cultivation was carried out slowly by relying on the spirit stone and spirit liquid. It is shameless for him to cultivate and advance by absorbing other people's spirit energy.

"It's no wonder that the generation of Tianjiao in the outer court are all wealthy second generations with strong family backgrounds. These days, what is fighting is not whether you work hard or not, but the family's resources."

Bai Yiduo didn't know much about the Immortal Realm, seeing Lin's mother's words were not to be questioned, so she had to accept it first.

"Thank you auntie, the younger generation will definitely keep it in mind, and will repay you a hundredfold in the future."

"Look at what you said, it's all a family, a family~"

As she said that, Mother Lin looked at Bai Yiduo with the regular eyes of a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Eh... Auntie, we are still in a hurry to climb up to the Immortal Realm, and we will go down the mountain to visit you another day."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yiduo rubbed the soles of her feet with oil and fled quickly. Mother Lin's hopeful order came from behind her: "Remember to tell the family about the lack of Lingshi, and come back often when you are free..."


The third fairyland, Lingyu Mountain, is connected by a chain bridge from the top of the mountain, soaring into the clouds, majestic and solemn.

Above the Immortal Realm, the Zhongling Yuxiuling Building stretches, and there are even crowded streets and bustling streets.

Eleven Jinyuan disciples stepped onto the Immortal Realm on the swaying Chain Bridge. Most of them were visiting the Immortal Realm for the first time, and they were amazed at the sight in front of them.

Du Zeping has been with City Lord Du many times, and he is familiar with many things in the Immortal Realm.

Bai Yiduo often sneaks up there, he is not familiar with it, but there is one place he is not unfamiliar with, and that is the mansion of the Nalan family.

At this time, some families who usually live in the Immortal Territory sent their clansmen to greet them with gifts, among them was Nalan Jinyue of the Nalan family.

There are many members of the Nalan family, but when it comes to socializing, only Nalan Jinyue is outstanding.

At this time, Nalan Jinyue, who was dressed in a blue brocade robe, greeted him with a sword, followed by a group of servants holding trays.

"Congratulations to all of you who ascended to the Immortal Realm. By the order of our ancestors, my Nalan family has prepared a generous gift, and I hope you will accept it with a smile."

After all, with the wave of the woman's sleeve robe, the servants came out one by one behind them, presenting gifts to the 11 people.

At this time, Nalan Jinyue looked at Bai Yiduo with complicated eyes, and looked at her fiancé Izumo Mubai with complicated eyes.

"Jin'er, don't use my gift, it's all a family."

Izumo Mubai waved lightly, signaling the servant who brought the gift to leave.

This scene made the young man inexplicably sour. He glanced at the gift in front of him, and waved his hand imitatively: "Take it away, take it away, something that Izumo Mubai doesn't even like, I am Bai Yiduo I don't want to."

Du Zeping thought that Bai Yiduo didn't know about the relationship between the Nalan family and Izumo Mubai, so he reminded him: "Brother Bai, this is a good intention of the Nalan family, you accept it, as for Mubai, he and Nalan The family has some roots, don't compare with it."

Bai Yiduo raised her chin without seeing it, and asked proudly: "What origin? Could it be Senior Sister Nalan's fiancé? That would be a joke!"

"You..." Izumo Mubai's face was ashen, Bai Yiduo knew his relationship with Nalan Jinyue, but he just said that about him, it was really hateful.

"Bai Yiduo, don't deceive others too much!"

Seeing that Izumo Mubai was angry, Bai Yiduo snorted softly, and said without hesitation: "Izumo Mubai, you are the one who bullies people too much! The Nalan family treats each other with kindness and courtesy, but your eyes are high above the top, and you decide in public I, Bai Yiduo, don't like this kind of arrogant face the most. Today, if you refuse to accept it, I will not accept it. Waiting for senior Nalanjie to be held accountable, but you took the lead .”

Hearing this, Izumo Mubai's eyes were fierce, and he subconsciously wanted to make a move, but when Wu Youcai stopped him, thinking that he was not his opponent, he decided to give up in anger.

"Bai Yiduo, you're confusing the public and making unreasonable words. If you have the ability, just reject it. I won't believe it..."

However, before Izumo Mubai finished speaking, Wan Shuliang looked left and right, and then gave Nalan Jinyue a meaningful look,
Suddenly he smiled boldly: "Hahaha, Senior Brother Bai is acting out of righteousness. I, Wan Shuliang, can't understand Senior Brother Izumo's arrogance. If he refuses, I will follow suit."

After finishing speaking, Wan Shuliang pushed away the gift brought to him, waved his hand, and motioned to take it away.

Seeing this, Yuxiu naturally wanted to support her junior brother, she didn't reach out to pick it up, she turned slightly, her eyes were very distant.

At this time, Ye Lin and Sun Shurong looked at each other, they liked the gift from the Nalan family very much, but in front of the outer court, Bai Yiduo was a junior in the inner court after all, so he sighed and pushed the gift away:

"Sorry, we don't accept it either."

Ouyang Jie was the most irritable about these trivial matters. Wearing a deep hat, he didn't say a word, and his aura was indifferent and alienated, which made the little servant who was holding the gift timid and afraid to move forward.

Du Zeping originally wanted to say something, but seeing Bai Yiduo's decisive attitude, he swallowed the words in his throat and supported him unconditionally.

"Miss Jinyue, it's not Du's offense. You've seen this. Compared to the personal relationship between your Nalan family and the Izumo family, this is a matter of reputation among Jinyuan disciples. Forgive me!"

With Du Zeping taking the lead, Tan Shiqing, Wu Youcai and the others could only look at the gift in regret, but reluctantly put it down, and bowed to Nalan Jinyue politely.

Seeing that no one accepted the gift, Nalan Jinyue turned her face down and glared at Izumo Mubai angrily.

The woman's delicate body shook, and she frowned and shouted: "Izumo Mubai, the ancestor blamed me, can you bear it?"

"Cousin Jinyue, I..."

Izumo Mubai wanted to say something, but Nalan Jinyue gave him a cold stare, his throat was like a scorpion, his heart trembled violently,

Looking at Nalan Jinyue helplessly, Izumo Mubai frowned aggrievedly
(End of this chapter)

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