Chapter 114 4b.

At the southern foot of the Luochen Mountain Range, the Valley of Warcraft.

The afternoon sun is bright and warm,
But in the boy's heart, the cold wind howled...

Seeing the soil vein spiritual map in his hand running away like this, Bai Yiduo almost collapsed.

He pulled his ears, with a look of disbelief:

"Damn it~! Senior Sister Yuxiu, you actually let it go?"

Yuxiu looked at Bai Yiduo strangely, with a proud posture, pointed behind her proudly, and said, "It's just a little turtle, what do you care about?... Have you seen those wind wolves? Senior sister sent you Both ends."

The young man's face turned purple with anger, but the little turtle is the spirit map of the earth veins, and it will flee when it enters the ground, and when Bai Yiduo chases after it, there is no sign of running away.

"My soil vein! Is our fate still to be tested?"

Looking at Bai Yiduo who was searching all over the ground, Yuxiu's brows were unfurled, and she asked in confusion, "Bai Yiduo, do you like that little turtle so much? Or maybe I misunderstood, what kind of high-grade monster is that?" ?”

"Senior Sister Yuxiu, it's not a high-grade magical beast, but no high-grade magical beast is worth as much..."

Bai Yiduo sighed deeply, seeing that there was really no chance, so he could only give up,

He glared at Yuxiu resentfully and said, "Senior Sister, it's your fault this time! So, I want...three wind wolves."

One second, Bai Yiduo had a mournful expression on his face, as if his son had died; the next moment, he ran over happily, picked fat and thin, and hung three wind wolves on his body.

He is a person who can see everything. Since the little turtle has run away, he must minimize the loss.

"The three-headed wind wolf is the number 9, don't use it for nothing!"

Later, I thought about it again, the wind wolves seem to be worthless, but the quantity is more valuable, so I hurriedly asked Yuxiu: "Senior sister, are there really wolves in front?"


So Yuxiu recounted her own experience, pointing to the valley ahead: "After killing these wind wolves, I wanted to take advantage of the momentum to pursue them, but I bumped into a monk from the fairyland on the way. He told me that there are wolves in the valley." , let me not go alone."

After Yuxiu finished speaking, she looked at Bai Yiduo seriously, and suggested: "My positive lightsaber may not be able to deal with a large number of wolves, so I want to ask Junior Brother Bai to take action. With the strength of Senior Brother Ouyang, you and I Together, we will definitely be able to deal with a mere nest of wind wolves..."

Bai Yiduo was so embarrassed by the compliment, she waved her hands and said, "Hey, I'm not as good as you say~,"

"Did Junior Brother Bai agree?" Yuxiu's face beamed with joy, she grabbed Bai Yiduo's wrist and turned away: "Time is ticking, let's go."

In order to ensure the safety of the fairyland, the teleportation array will be closed at dusk every day,

In other words, before sunset, no matter whether you have caught prey or not, you must return to Zongmen.

Looking at the gradually shifting sun, Bai Yiduo is also full of expectations for the wolves in Gujian. If there are enough wolves, they will be no less than high-level monsters.

It's just that Senior Sister Yuxiu doesn't know that the current Bai Yiduo has no combat strength, so it would be most unwise to recruit him into the gang.

And Bai Yiduo also has her own thoughts:
"Dealing with a pack of wolf cubs requires me to use mystic skills? Senior Sister Yuxiu is ranked first in the Jinyuan list. With her here, can I still make a move?"

Yuxiu seemed to have a very different idea, and murmured in her heart:

"The wind wolf is a level 3 monster after all, and killing them has already consumed a lot of my spiritual power... Bai Yiduo always has surprising combat power, and he will do it when the time comes, and this matter must be done."

Just when the two of them had their own fantasies, a huge valley appeared in front of the road. Under the cover of dense forests, the roar of wolves came from the valley.

"Is there really a pack of wolves?"

Bai Yiduo was overjoyed, looking at the dark valley, although he couldn't see the grain, but the feeling of spying on the treasure made him particularly excited.

"Senior sister, are the wolves here?"

Seeing Yuxiu nodding with a smile, Bai Yiduo rubbed her palms excitedly. "Great, if we slaughter the wolves, we can get rid of poverty and become rich..."

At this time, a white robe came down with a bang, glanced at the two of them, and said solemnly: "The two are newcomers who have just set foot in the fairyland, the Wolf Valley is dangerous, and it is not allowed to enter without permission."

The person who came was a tall, thin and handsome man, his Taoist robe fluttered in the wind, and he felt like he had acquired a fairy.

But because of the bloodstains on the sleeve robe and the gradually stained mud on his ankles, he looked very down-to-earth.

Because when they came to the Valley of Warcraft, facing various harsh environments in the mountains and forests, few monks could maintain their fairy appearance.In other words, coming here is to fight, and it is normal to be injured in embarrassment.

Seeing the man, Yuxiu's face was filled with joy, she took a step forward and bowed with her sword in her hand, "Thank you for reminding me, Brother Dao, but I have invited helpers, which are enough to deal with the wolves."

Saying that, Yuxiu glanced at Bai Yiduo, seemed confident, and raised her chin proudly: "Brother Daoist, don't underestimate me as a junior, he has a powerful combat power to control mysterious exercises."

"Building the foundation?" The man looked at Bai Yiduo in surprise, but soon discovered that he only had the middle-level spiritual level of Qi training,
"Mid-level Qi training? How can there be disciples of the Immortal Realm who are mid-level Qi training? Is the current standard of Jin Yuan so low?"

Contemptuous in his heart, the man's gaze stayed on the corpses of the three wind wolves, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The man swallowed his throat with fiery eyes, and smiled at Yuxiu: "Since this is the case, you two might as well give it a go. If you are in danger, you can shout loudly. I will stay here and watch over the prey for you two."

After finishing speaking, the man sat down cross-legged, put the sword aside, and began to meditate with his eyes closed.

Yuxiu was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed: "Thank you, fellow daoist, I will trouble you then!"

So, Yuxiu left the wind wolf she had finally caught in Guya, and took Bai Yiduo lightly stepping on the bead leaf to step away.

The valley stream is not deep, but the rocks are intertwined with the branches and leaves,

There is a stream flowing slowly, and the sound is pleasant.

"Bai Yiduo, the wolves will occupy the water source. It seems that we are in the right place." Yuxiu raised her eyebrows with joy, and reminded: "Don't be in love with fighting, just hunt and kill enough wind wolves."

Bai Yiduo tilted her head and thought about it, how much is enough?
"I'm not greedy, 100 wind wolves are enough."

One hundred wind wolves equals 300 credits, and if they are divided equally with Yuxiu, each person can get 150 credits, which is equivalent to slaughtering two red-haired apes.

But Yuxiu was a little troubled, and she frowned slightly: "100 heads, can we carry it?"

Just when the two of them were happily dreaming about the future, suddenly, a deep wolf's voice pierced the silence and lingered in the valley for a long time.

Bai Yiduo trembled all over with fright, and looked around grudgingly,

Immediately afterwards, he saw countless heads of wind wolves popping up in all directions, filled with dust, filling the forest.

These wind wolves grinned their teeth one by one, stared at the bloody eyes, with saliva hanging from the corners of their mouths, and let out a low hiss,

Although they came prepared, but facing thousands of wind wolves, the two newborn calves were still terrified and swallowed dryly.

Back to back, Yuxiu with a small white face said softly: "Bai Yiduo, quickly use your pagoda water control formula, the terrain here is low-lying, you can drown them."

Bai Yiduo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Senior sister, what should we do if we drown the wolf?"

Yuxiu raised her brows blankly, perhaps she hadn't thought about this question, she rubbed her teeth and said, "Then use your abacus to calculate, this kind of group killing attack is most suitable for immediate use."

"Senior Sister Yuxiu, the bead-day calculation formula is the method of contract weapon, I didn't bring that thing with me!" Bai Yiduo said with a bitter face.

Ever since Heizi Palace came into being, all of Bai Yiduo's family fortunes are in the palace, so it's easy to get.

It's just that both the bead-sky calculation formula and the Buddha Pagoda Yushui Jue need aura to activate, and now Bai Yiduo lacks nothing but aura...

(End of this chapter)

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