Brother is really tough

Chapter 115 5a. Don't Trust Others Easily

Chapter 115 5a. Don't Trust Others Easily
Yuxiu coughed again and again, and asked anxiously: "What about your scorching fire? When burning Ouyang Jie's bone forest, what about the violent flame?"

The young man slumped, shook his head and said: "Senior sister, the kindling has been used up long ago, and this place is full of trees, setting fire to a mountain is illegal!"

Yuxiu almost vomited blood from anger, and was about to pick him up and ask, what other cards do you have?
Suddenly, the howling of wolves around stopped suddenly.

In a blink of an eye, all the wind wolves lowered their heads, and the air froze all of a sudden.

Bai Yiduo and Yuxiu looked at each other, wondering what happened to these wind wolves?Could it be that he was frightened when he heard that Bai Yiduo had so many killing moves?

Just when he was confused, suddenly there was a rustling sound behind him, as if a huge thing was stepping on fallen leaves and approaching slowly,

The two seemed to realize something, and slowly turned their heads...

Seeing this, I couldn't help but gasp,
I saw a huge snow-white wolf king approaching with careless steps, his ferocious eyes fixed on the two of them, his long fangs bared, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, his ferocious face , a vertical scar is particularly abrupt, coupled with that muscular physique, in the sunlight, it is as intimidating as a hell Shura.

"Wolf...the wolf king?"

"A level-six monster?"

The level of monsters is lower than that of monks, and level [-] monsters are comparable to monks who build foundations. If a quasi-builder like Ouyang Jie fights with all his strength, he still has a chance of winning.

But the fifth-level monster has a combat power comparable to that of a strong golden core, and it is an existence that the disciples of the third fairyland dread.

As for the sixth-level magical beast, its combat power far exceeds that of Jindan, even Bai Hao is hard to beat here.

In other words, facing the wolf king in front of him is equivalent to facing an old Nascent Soul monster. Their cultivation base strength is simply not enough for others to stretch out their claws.

Yuxiu swallowed dryly, forced herself to calm down, and said indistinctly, "Junior brother, I'll cover you, you go."

Bai Yiduo was so moved that she looked affectionately at Senior Sister Yuxiu, raised her sword eyebrows and said, "Senior Sister, how could I leave you alone and leave alone? If we want to leave, we can go together..."

"It's impossible to walk together!" Yuxiu said seriously: "Instead of dying together, it's better to try your luck, maybe you can survive. So..., if you don't leave, just cover me and I'll go."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Bai Yiduo to agree, Yuxiu looked at Bai Yiduo affectionately and hugged her shoulders: "Junior brother, thank you, I will always remember you."

"Senior Sister, I..." After Bai Yiduo came to his senses, he subconsciously stretched out his hand, but grabbed a void,
I saw Yuxiu's body as light as a swallow, lightly stepping on the leaves and stepping away,

And the wind wolf is famous for its lightning speed, as long as the wolf king roars, the pack of wolves will advance together, no matter how good Yuxiu's lightness kung fu is, it will be hard to escape bad luck.

Looking at the back of the girl who left him and ran away, Bai Yiduo frowned, hating himself to death.

But before he regretted it, the snow-white wolf king let out a low growl, looked away from mid-air, and looked at Bai Yiduo again with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Perhaps as a sixth-level wolf king, this spirit creature also has spiritual wisdom. Seeing that Bai Yiduo was abandoned by his companions, he couldn't help mocking it.

"You... don't come here!" Bai Yiduo was in a panic, knowing that he couldn't escape, he casually took out the silver dragon broken blade ruler of Taoist Chi Ling, held it in both hands and pointed it at the wolf king: "Don't eat me, I am a person who has the inheritance of Tianzun, so be careful not to break your teeth."

When the wolf king saw the dagger in Bai Yiduo's hand, he suddenly stopped, and immediately put down his fierce attacking posture, his eyes were astonished.

Stretching out his long tongue to lick the scar on his face, the wolf king's gaze became fearful, his arched body gradually slowed down, and finally he roared twice, leading the pack of wolves into the dense forest.

Until this moment, Bai Yiduo felt unreal,

"They... ran away?" Bai Yiduo breathed a sigh of relief, put away the silver dragon broken blade ruler, and muttered, "I must have been frightened by my powerful Tianjiao aura!"

In any case, being able to escape from the jaws of a sixth-level monster that is comparable to the Nascent Soul monster is enough to brag about for half a year.

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo straightened her body and walked towards Guya with bold steps.

But when he came to Ya'an, he saw Yuxiu mourning for him with a boastful face: "Junior Brother Bai, don't blame Senior Sister for being cruel, the road to cultivating immortals is a long way to go, and Senior Sister still has too many ideals and ambitions to fulfill." Realized, and the sacrifice you made for senior sister, senior sister will remember it in my heart, and when I Yuxiu achieves the Dao, I will definitely return to this place and erect a monument for my junior brother as a memory..."

Bai Yiduo, who was panting and climbing up the cliff, heard the sacrificial speech to herself before she had time to catch her breath, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.

"Senior Sister, let's forget about erecting a monument and casting it. It's more affordable to share with my two wind wolves."

Yuxiu was so frightened by Bai Yiduo's appearance that her face turned pale, she thought it was a ghost, and subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Senior Sister, I'm not dead. A mere sixth-level wolf king won't be able to hurt me, Bai Yiduo."

As he spoke, Bai Yiduo raised his arms and spun around, raised his chin at 45 degrees and looked up at the sky: "Did you see that? I didn't even take any injuries, and I beat back the sixth-level wolf king with a single palm." After speaking, he sighed, Regretfully said: "It's a pity that I didn't use all my strength to let it run away, otherwise..."

"Okay!" Yuxiu was deeply surprised that Bai Yiduo came back alive, but she was not mentally retarded, and she was not stupid enough to really believe that Bai Yiduo beat back the sixth-level wolf king with one palm.

"It's good if I can come back alive. This time, the senior sister didn't think carefully and almost fell into danger. The responsibility lies with me."

Seeing Yuxiu blaming herself, Bai Yiduo smiled, looked around and asked, "Eh? Where's the person who guards our prey?"

"Run away!" Yuxiu turned her face and exhaled foul air, "It's my fault this time, I was deceived because I didn't know people."

"Cheated?" Bai Yiduo's eyes widened. His three wind wolves and the number 9 are gone?
Yuxiu nodded, her eyes dodged: "This time the responsibility is on me, it's me..."

"Senior Sister, stop blaming yourself and face the reality!" The young man raised his head to look at the sky, frowned and said, "The teleportation array will be closed in less than two hours, let's think about how to hunt Earn the amount."

In fact, what the boy said is not wrong, as long as you have enough combat power, it is actually not difficult to earn money in the Valley of Warcraft.

At this time, with Du Zeping's assistance, Sun Tianman killed a saber-toothed tiger and got 53 figures, which was quite a profit.

Du Zeping himself killed two clouded leopards, which together cost 42 yuan, which is enough for several days' expenses.

In addition, Wu Youcai, Izumo Mubai and others were not satisfactory. They did not encounter any big prey. They caught some monkeys and foxes, and the amount they earned was only enough to pay the daily amount.

In other words, I have to come to hunt tomorrow.

And looking at Bai Yiduo and Yuxiu, they were the worst. The wind wolf they finally got was cheated away, and they didn't gain anything afterwards.

"No wonder the Wuchang Church said that morality is the most absurd thing in Xianyu!"

In the afternoon, the number of monsters in the Valley of Monsters dropped sharply, and only a few rabbits were killed in a large circle.
Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Yuxiu frowned, and said angrily: "It's really hateful. From now on, we must remember Wu Changjiao's admonition, and we must never trust others easily."

"En!" Bai Yiduo nodded seriously.

At this time, Yuxiu looked up at the sky, then at the rabbit in her hand, and suddenly asked, "Brother Bai, how many numbers are there in your iron scroll?"

"3 is the number," Bai Yiduo replied.

"Senior Sister Yuxiu, aren't we the same?"

Yuxiu nodded, then stretched out her hand, and said solemnly: "Junior brother, give me the iron scroll."

"Why?" Bai Yiduo asked puzzled, but still took out the iron scroll and handed it to Yuxiu.

"Give me your number, so that I have six numbers, plus these few rabbits, enough to send the spirit array and tomorrow's share." Yuxiu said.

Bai Yiduo nodded after hearing this, the calculation was correct, but...

"Senior sister, what then?"

"Then? What then?" Yuxiu glanced at Bai Yiduo as if she was ignorant, and said, "Junior Brother Bai, you really make Senior Sister very worried. You must avoid what Wu Chang taught, don't trust others easily, and don't expose it easily. One's own wealth, this is the most basic law of survival in the fairyland."

Saying that, Yuxiu glanced at the sky, "Okay, dusk has come, and the teleportation array will be closed, Junior Brother Bai, take care!"

Before Bai Yiduo could recover, Yuxiu had already clasped her fists and bowed, and walked away on the wind...


(End of this chapter)

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