Chapter 116 5b.
Sending back to Xianyu requires an additional 2 digits, that is to say, Bai Yiduo now doesn't even have the travel expenses to go back!
When he chased to the side of the altar, Yuxiu had disappeared without a trace, the teleportation array was slowly closing, and tens of thousands of jade stones shone with dazzling glare, and finally lost their luster as the setting sun set.

"Fuck me~! Are you kidding me? Didn't you not allow me to stay in the Valley of Warcraft? You guys took me back!!"

However, the teleportation array is related to the safety of the fairyland, and it will be closed by itself when the specified time limit is reached, which is the most ruthless.

Looking at the empty altar, Bai Yiduo was helpless,
There are also immortal disciples who missed the teleportation spirit array due to overtime hunting,

Or those who want to save 2 figures and choose to return to Zongmen on foot,

Originally, Bai Yiduo wanted to follow them back to the sect, but he was not familiar with the route. Those disciples from the Immortal Realm were blessed with spiritual techniques, so they flew past him with great speed.

"Senior brother, please..." Before the young man finished speaking, the empty mountain forest was already silent and cold.
A gust of wind blew by, throwing down large swaths of fallen leaves.

"Ascension to the Immortal Realm, isn't it the dream of every inner court disciple?" But Bai Yiduo found that the Immortal Realm was not as beautiful as people imagined, and at this moment, he was nostalgic for the unfettered days of the past.

But now it is impossible to look back. If you fail to pay the share on time, you will be sent to the frontier to serve as an army.

"No, I must catch the prey and stay in the fairyland!"

He was so ambitious in his heart, but the reality he was facing was that in the wilderness at dusk under Mu Xiao, an occasional warbler's cry was as frightening as a ghost's song, making his heart shudder.

The roar of night wolves came from a distance, the wind was bitter, and the leaves were rustling overhead.

Bai Yiduo folded her arms, looked around, and retreated: "Uh... let's talk about hunting in the daytime!"

Can't find the way back, Bai Yiduo refers to the chessboard world.

But what surprised him was that the chessboard world and the real world were synchronized.When walking into the chessboard, what Bai Yiduo saw was the world under the curtain of night, with brightly lit streets, dotted farms, rippling rivers, and pitch-black forests and valleys...

"Damn it~! This function can only be used during the day!"

Just when Bai Yiduo was about to give up decadently, suddenly, a string of flames lit up in the dark mountain forest,
Bai Yiduo was startled, overjoyed: "Is it a torch? Is there anyone in the Valley of Warcraft?"

Judging from the number of torches, there are quite a few of these people. They walked into the woods in an orderly manner, as if they had a very clear purpose.
"Judging from the location, these people came from the south. They seem to be very familiar with the terrain of the Valley of Warcraft, and they can cut straight into it..."

Whispering to herself, Bai Yiduo realized something was wrong again,

The ravines in the Valley of Warcraft are intertwined with miscellaneous trees, and there are stone valleys and thorns everywhere, making it difficult to move.
Why can these people walk in a straight line?
This gave Bai Yiduo the illusion that these people holding torches seemed to be stepping on the canopy of trees.

"Could it be the enemy's attack from Linglong Sect?"

The five major sects have always been at odds, fighting constantly.And the Lingwan Sect, which is separated by a river, is an old enemy of life and death, and I don't know how many battles have been launched.

Bai Yiduo felt a little nervous, thinking that those who can walk on the treetops must be strong people above the foundation,
"Look at this battle, is it going to sneak attack on my Lingyuanzong and start a big war?"

Bai Yiduo is a person with a strong sense of collective honor, so he immediately decided to find out what happened, so as to sound an early warning for the sect and eliminate hidden dangers.

So, I briefly estimated the walking route of the torch team, and took advantage of the first moonlight to touch it.

In front of a huge rock on the cliff, Bai Yiduo stopped panting heavily, glanced at the torch team in the chessboard world, with a dignified expression

"That's right, judging from the route trajectory, they will definitely pass here."

Bai Yiduo wasn't sure who the other party was, they were rushing into the Valley of Warcraft in droves under the moonlight, or they were still in the area of ​​the Spiritual Origin Sect in the West District, presumably these people came with bad intentions.

"Although I haven't stopped your combat power, it is still possible to warn the enemy for the sect."

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo felt that he was very great. For Zongmen, he risked his life and put himself in danger. Zongmen should give him an award,

However, just when Bai Yiduo made all the preparations, and even imagined the enemy lineup and the tragic scene that was about to happen,

Suddenly an old monkey with a cane jumped down from the crown of the tree,

Immediately afterwards, one, two, three, four... seventy or eighty monkeys holding torches jumped down from the crown of the tree,

The torches surround the valley cliffs, brightly illuminating the originally dark forest.

Bai Yiduo was dumbfounded:

"It doesn't matter if the monkeys are in groups, but they can use torches? Is this going to evolve into civilization?"

Just when Bai Yiduo was surprised by this scene, she suddenly found that the surrounding environment was very familiar.
"Isn't this valley cliff mountain stream the place where wolves gather, that dense valley stream?"

I saw an old monkey with a cane tiptoeing at the valley stream, a trace of sarcasm flashed across his old face, he waved his long arm and began to form troops,
The monkeys holding torches lined up tacitly, and under the gesture of the old monkey, they jumped down the valley in an orderly manner.

The monkey walked through the canopy of the tree, holding the fire with both hands and feet. After a while, the red fire light disappeared into the deep valley and dense forest.

Seeing this scene, it seems that I can think of something, but it is unbelievable.

"Are they going to attack the wolves?"

After only a second of astonishment, there was an earth-shattering roar from the valley stream, like a caged animal escaped from its cage, the sound was long and deafening.

And this roar seemed to be the signal gun that started the war, followed by the roar of the monkey and the bark of the wind wolf.

The valley was filled with red, and in the flames of war, a series of ferocious figures were moving around, and the sound of sharp teeth crushing bones made people sick.

Facing the advantage of the sharp teeth, the monkeys did not lose the battle. On the contrary, under the strategic deployment of the old monkey, they only knew that the brutal and biting wind wolf was besieged and retreated steadily while being driven away by the torches.

The entire battlefield seemed to be chaotic and noisy, but it was proceeding in an orderly manner. The momentum turned sharply, and the monkey group was like a broken bamboo.

The fighting became more and more fierce, but the old monkey who looked at everything did not show much excitement, but frowned, his old face reflected the fire from the battlefield,

Suddenly, a wolf howl came from the top of the head, long and piercing,
Bai Yiduo raised her head subconsciously, and saw a snow-white wolf king Ang Yue shouting loudly on a boulder an arm's length away from him.

Howling wolves at night, and the cold wind!
Snow-white hair floats in the strong wind...

A burly and muscular physique, contemptuous eyes, and breathtaking dignity...

I saw the wolf king let out a long howl, whoosh, and the wind wolves with red eyes jumped out of the forest one after another, besieging the group of monkeys in a counter-siege manner, and the situation of the battle was reversed for a while, and the advantages and disadvantages changed suddenly.

The old monkey with a cane also had serious eyes, his old face was cold and indifferent.

Bai Yiduo leaned against the stone tablet and dared not move,

"It's so meow, the sixth-level wolf king is just above the head, and I don't know when it went up."

And looking at the other side of the valley cliff, the old monkey with a cane on his face gradually calmed down, squinted his old eyes to look at the wolf king, and a look of pride began to appear on his face. ...

(End of this chapter)

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