Brother is really tough

Chapter 132 13b. The Phoenix Returns to the Nest

Chapter 132 13b. The Phoenix Returns to the Nest

There was a muffled sound, and the entire secret room was shaken, and broken stones and bricks fell from the top of the head from time to time, and dust was flying.

Frightened by the sudden attack, Bai Yiduo shrank instinctively.But because of the operation of the chessboard in the body, it did not cause any harm to the body,

Elder Mo, on the other hand, was caught off guard by the shock and flew upside down. He slammed heavily on the wall of the secret room, and immediately made a dent in the hard wall.

He is a strong Nascent Soul, the stronger the strength, the greater the shock from the chessboard palace,
Moreover, half of the attacking spiritual power will be sucked away by the palace.

Clutching his chest and spitting out a mouthful of old blood, Elder Mo stared at the boy in front of him in shock.

"What strength are you... exactly!?"

Those who can deflate the Nascent Soul powerhouse, look across the entire north bank of the Miluo River, and it is almost impossible to find a second one.

You must know that even the Taoist Lingyuan, who is the head of the Lingyuan Sect, has only reached the realm of Yuanying Dzogchen.
It can be seen from this that the reason why Elder Mo is highly respected in the sect is also closely related to his tyrannical cultivation and strength.

In this troubled time when Tianzong launched the war of gods, a Nascent Soul strongman who was used to guard the sect played a decisive factor in the survival of the entire sect.

If Elder Mo rebelled against the sect and took refuge in hostile forces, then the sect would face annihilation.

However, it was such a big man who was second to none on the entire north bank of the Miluo River, who vomited blood from the mouth of the shock after being hit.

But when he struggled to get up and took a closer look, the young man seemed to be fine, and continued to look at the wall of the secret room with his hands behind his back.
It wasn't until he walked around to the stairs that he shook off his sleeve robe in a dull manner, and left resolutely.

All this, from the beginning to the end, the young man turned his back to Elder Mo, until Bai Yiduo walked out of the secret room, Elder Mo never saw Bai Yiduo's appearance.

If he hadn't taken the Linglong Eight Diagrams Mirror, he might be able to use the Eight Diagrams Mirror to check Bai Yiduo's background in the future.But this guy went too far, and even took the Zongmen Kaibao Eight Diagrams Mirror, you know, that thing does not belong to Elder Mo personally, it is something that the four elders of the Zongmen take turns to take care of, and it is extremely noble.

"Damn it, I can't let him take away the gossip mirror..."

The hostile Elder Mo chased out of the secret room holding his chest, and yelled at Elder Mo who was meditating in the hall, "What are you still doing? He took away the Linglong Eight Diagrams Mirror, and the suzerain blamed you and I can't bear it!" started."

However, Elder Mo, who was sitting on the futon, didn't even open his eyes from the beginning to the end, and there was no wave on his calm face.

"Don't worry, he won't be able to escape Xianyu Pavilion!"

However, as soon as the old man finished speaking, he opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a touch of disbelief and horror on his originally calm face.

"How is it possible? I personally arranged the phoenix returning to the nest, Jiuqu Shihuan 86 冚, he can go out without any deviation?"

Taiyi has ascites all his life, and the butterfly and the phoenix return to the nest!
The Taishui Labyrinth, Phoenix Returns to its Nest, is the most complex, mysterious and terrifying life-and-death labyrinth on the north bank of the Miluo River.

Elder Mo was even confident that even the suzerain of the Nascent Soul Dzogchen would have difficulty getting out of the Taishui labyrinth that evolved from all phenomena in the world.

However, Elder Mo was surprised to feel that the figure of the boy was walking towards Shengmen without any deviation.
It seems that the maze derived from the mysteries of heaven and earth has no effect on him at all, or that the young man is familiar with this set of maze techniques and can find the most correct exit without deviation.

However, both of these are impossible!

"Who is he? The one who can get out of the Taishui Labyrinth and the Phoenix Returns to the Nest is by no means easy."


And Bai Yiduo, who escaped from the mountain gate, glanced at the Linglong Bagua mirror in his pocket, and giggled excitedly.

"It's too cheap for me to pay for it? I really just want to borrow it,"

Bai Yiduo said that he is only in charge of borrowing, as for when to return it, that is completely unanticipated.

While dancing excitedly, two forks appeared in front of the road. Above the two forks, a ghost holding a sharp ax floated, as if waiting for Bai Yiduo to make a choice. Once the choice was wrong and the ax fell, it would be Fate on the spot.

"It's that damn thing again!"

What Bai Yiduo still doesn't know is that all kinds of strange armored and fierce ghosts blocking the way along the way come from a set of ancient mazes. As long as he is negligent or takes the wrong path, he will be destroyed forever.

However, the young man has a keen mind and can always choose the most correct route without knowing that this is a choice between life and death.

And with the navigation of the chessboard world, even if you are trapped in a maze, you can overlook the earth from the perspective of God and find the most direct and correct path.

All in all, when Elder Mo and Elder Mo were inexplicably surprised, the young man ran amok without realizing it, and rushed directly out of the mountain gate, so that he didn't even know that he had broken through a cheating maze in one round.

Panting, he came to the side of the small river, the boy took out the bamboo and stepped into the river.

As the footsteps fell, the water on the river sparkled, and thousands of rays of light condensed, turning into a rainbow boat that seemed to have no brilliance.

The boat was rippling, carrying Bai Yiduo swaying, drifting towards the waterfall.

And the young man on the boat had an excited expression on his face, "This trip, I really made a lot of money!"

Bai Yiduo never imagined that this second fairyland is such a treasure land of geomantic omen, not only got the fire seed, but also got the Zongmen Kaibao Linglong Mirror along the way.

"In addition to the baby, I also earned a whole 1000 figures."

A thousand amount, if used to deduct the share, is enough to deduct 500 days.

Thinking of Wan Shuliang and Wu Shiyou who had been busy all day, carrying their prey back to Immortal Realm covered in blood, they only exchanged a mere dozen or so figures, which was only enough for the day's expenses and payment share.

"No, when I return to Nalan Jinyue's secret room, I can't continue to disappear,"

"I want alchemy!"

The young man made up his mind, as if the road to wealth was right in front of him, if he didn't go, it would be a waste of money.

However, when he was arranging his belongings, the boy frowned when he saw the faint vitality wrapped in aura.

"Taoist Yunyou is really going to come up with something. How to deal with this thing? Just throw it away?"

It seems very inhumane to throw it away directly. After all, it is Tang Shanshan's last chance of life, and it is the lifeline that Taoist Yunyou has been protecting even after he died.

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo couldn't bear it, and sighed, "It seems that I really want to find a lotus flower."

Longing for a long time, Xiaozhou is approaching the third fairyland. In order not to cause more troubles, the young man once again turned into a big man dressed in women's clothes, with black hair and fluttering plain skirts,

The man surnamed Guo waited for a long time. In fact, he should have changed shifts a long time ago. He insisted on waiting until now just to see the 'girl' again.

"Girl, I am Guo Zimo of Lingxiu Pavilion, dare to ask the girl's name?"

Bai Yiduo was taken aback, how could she answer this, and she couldn't speak!

At this moment, a figure came from a distance, carrying a bloody horned deer on his shoulders, with a lonely face, wearing a hoodie, and a menacing aura.

"Ouyang Jie?" Bai Yiduo had a thought, quickly left Guo Zimo behind and chased after him.

Guo Zimo wanted to say something else, and subconsciously stretched out his hand, but he didn't like him at all, and chased a cold figure and drifted away.

"It turns out that she likes cold and depressive male monks!"

Thinking of this, Guo Zimo straightened his posture, put away his facial expressions, and turned around coldly...

(End of this chapter)

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