Brother is really tough

Chapter 133 14a. Daydreaming

Chapter 133 14a. Daydreaming
In the market, whether it is the Tianjiao of the Immortal Domain or the servants in the noble house, they all look in a hurry.

At this time, a ruthless man wearing a hoodie and carrying a horned deer hurriedly walked, followed by a woman in a long skirt,

The woman held up her skirt and chased all the way,
"Senior Brother Ouyang, it's me, I'm Bai Yiduo, please walk slowly, I'm wearing a skirt, it's inconvenient to walk."

Even the ruthless Ouyang Jie couldn't help but glance at Bai Yiduo with weird eyes, full of disgust.

"Hehehe, senior brother Ouyang, you are really good. You must have earned a lot of money by hunting high-level prey every day, right?"

Seeing that Ouyang Jie ignored him, Bai Yiduo couldn't find a breakthrough and couldn't show off his [-] digital savings to him.

"Senior brother Ouyang, where do you hunt every day, I want to earn more money with you tomorrow, so as to improve the quality of life."

"You, a person who only has 5 figures every day, and who pays the share is a pauper, what quality of life do you need!"

Suddenly a woman's voice came from behind him.

Bai Yiduo took a closer look and found that it was Yuxiu.

Yuxiu had seen Bai Yiduo's women's clothing before, and because she admired Ouyang Jie, when she saw a woman beside him, she chased after him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Bai Yiduo.

"Hey~? Senior Sister Yuxiu?" Bai Yiduo paused, scolding Yuxiu angrily, "I'm still going to find you, where is my sixth-level wolf king? Was it sold by you?"

Hearing the word "wolf king", Yuxiu became furious, and said with a cold look, "What a broken level six wolf king, whose heart has been dug out, it's worthless at all."

Yuxiu complained on her face, as if she was the one who was cheated, wronged and resentful,
"It's so heavy, and it's covered in blood, but it only sold for 60 yuan."

"60 is too little for you?"

Even now that he has a huge sum of money in his pocket, Bai Yiduo still feels that 60 is already a lot.

"You have never suffered from poverty. I was penniless when you cheated me back then, so I could only walk back to the sect hungry."

Thinking of the embarrassment at that time, Bai Yiduo originally had the urge to go back to the lower domain to spend some time, but she was immediately swept away.

"No, diligence and thrift is a Chinese virtue. Although this is the world of Rongcheng, I can't abandon the quality of virtue in my heart."

Yuxiu tilted her brows slightly, spread her hands and said, "Okay! It seems that you are indeed in a miserable situation, junior brother. As a fellow senior sister, it is my duty to help you..."

As she spoke, Yuxiu took out the iron scroll, deliberately revealing a series of eye-catching numbers: 83
"As the No. [-] senior sister in Jinyuan and your senior sister, if you see your junior brother in trouble, you should help out. But junior brother Bai, you can't always reach out to your senior brothers and sisters for life. You are already an adult. , you have to learn to be self-reliant and have a skill, so you can survive in this fiercely competitive world..."

Generally, before giving alms, big people will express some heartfelt words, or talk about the ups and downs of their own success, or give a little chicken soup-style guidance to young people, or just to promote themselves.

I saw Yuxiu holding the iron scroll with the number 83 engraved on it, making a lot of clichés, and finally she swiped her jade finger with a big air, and with a crash, the number 2 fell into the iron scroll with a white flower.

"Check your iron roll. There should be a number of 2 now. Hurry up and take the number and go to a nearby restaurant to eat something good. Look at you, you have lost a lot of weight. It really makes my sister feel distressed."

Bai Yiduo was a little dazed, and subconsciously took out the iron scroll, seeing that the last digit of his own 1000 number had changed to 2, feeling inexplicably moved.

"Sure enough, this is my elder sister. I have 83 figures, but I can't bear to give even a fraction."

Yuxiu looked at Bai Yiduo, frowned, and sighed, "Okay, Senior Sister, I've been busy all day too, and I'm a little tired. If you thank me, I'll let you go."

Saying that, Yuxiu looked Bai Yiduo's attire up and down again, turned and left with a strange expression on her face.

"2 numbers, what can I eat?"

If I remember correctly, it seems that the meat buns on Xianyu are 2.5 each.

"Forget it, I'd better go to the Nalan family and ask Senior Sister Nalan to give me some tough dishes."

Thinking of the Nalan family's braised big elbow, vinegared carp, and iron plate fat intestines, Bai Yiduo's stomach growled after a busy day.

With Qixing Huoyan, Bai Yiduo no longer has to worry about alchemy, so he relaxes his mind.

At this time, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the backyard of the Nalan family, he saw a man who was dressed more elegantly and held a rose in his hand, peeping into the yard on tiptoe.

"Strange! Why didn't Nalan Jinyue go out all day?"

Hearing the other party's voice, Bai Yiduo was a little dazed, and grabbed him. As expected, it was Wan Shuliang.

"Senior Sister Wan? Why are you here?"

Wan Shuliang frowned, and it took a long time before she recognized Bai Yiduo, and asked uncertainly, "Are you... Junior Brother Bai?"

"It's me!" Bai Yiduo pulled off her wig and smiled at Wan Shuliang.

"Wait..." Wan Shuliang showed a strange face, and helped Bai Yiduo put on the wig again, adjusted her makeup, and stared short-sightedly.

After staring at it for a long time, the other party's face suddenly brightened, "Junior Brother Bai, I didn't expect your women's clothes to be so good-looking. I love you so much. From now on, you are not allowed to wear men's clothes..."

Bai Yiduo didn't react at all, she blinked her eyes, suddenly seemed to realize something, took a timid step back,
"Uh...hehehe, Senior Sister Wan, why are you here? Are you...waiting for someone?"

The boy noticed the rose in the senior sister's hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"That's right! I'm waiting for Nalan Jinyue,"

Wan Shuliang spread out her hands, and then said: "I don't know why, but Nalan Jinyue has been going out less and less these days. And every time she hugs a pillow on her chest, it's very weird."

"Uh... girls, puberty,"

"Really?" Wan Shuliang scratched her neck, as if she had forgotten that she was also a girl!
"Senior Sister Wan, you have also seen that I am wearing the Nalan family's family costume. In fact... I am working part-time here."

"part time?"

Wan Shuliang suddenly showed fiery eyes, and asked: "How about the salary? Are you still recruiting?"

"The staff is full, senior sister should find another way, goodbye~!"

Bai Yiduo dealt with Wan Shuliang simply, adjusted her makeup, and walked into the backyard at a leisurely pace.

At this time, Wan Shuliang looked at the back of Lian Pingting, who was growing up every step of the way, and tilted her head stupidly...


In the secret room of the Nalan family,
Nalan Jinyue could only lean on the chair in the secret room, flipping through a book closely related to alchemy because the big objects became more and more conspicuous and even affected her body balance.

When Bai Yiduo rushed back with Qixing Huoyan, even before seeing the fire ladybug, she was overjoyed and hugged his big neck.

It's a pity that the big thing is too big, its arms are wrapped around his neck, and its fingertips can't even touch.

"Bai Yiduo, do you know? I had a dream during the day. I dreamed that you were chased and killed by the Tianjiao in the fairyland, and you died a miserable death."

"So you're daydreaming!"

He was indeed chased by a strong man, but, wanting to kill Bai Yiduo was just daydreaming.

"Seeing that you have returned safely, I am relieved!...Eh? Have you borrowed the kindling?"

(End of this chapter)

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