Brother is really tough

Chapter 144 19b. The most beautiful is just first love

Chapter 144 19b. The most beautiful is just first love
Cai Yulin guessed right, Bai Yiduo was really terrified!
I saw the young man running away in horror, his mind went blank.

"Crazy, this world is crazy!"

Recalling the whole day's experience, Bai Yiduo felt that he was about to collapse, as if the world was in darkness!
Kissed by Wan Shuliang early in the morning;

In the second fairyland, she was cheated by the Zilan fairy to build the foundation pill, and met a cloud dust fairy with a bad mind;

Returning to the Third Immortal Realm, he was hunted down by everyone in the Immortal Realm;

After finally escaping from Immortal Realm, I met this idiot Cai Yulin again...

When thinking of the last one, Bai Yiduo couldn't help shivering.

"Fortunately, Wan Shuliang was the one who kissed him forcefully. Although he was not dressed as a man or a woman, he was a senior sister after all,"

But if it were Cai Yulin...,
Bai Yiduo couldn't imagine it!
At that time, he is afraid that he will really end up hiding his hatred!
"No, I can't dress up as a woman anymore!"

Bai Yiduo was deeply aware of the dangers of women's clothing, so she made a decisive decision. Even if she was caught and dismembered by monks in the Immortal Realm, she would definitely not go farther and farther on the road of women's clothing...


Back in the outer courtyard of the Zongmen, Bai Yiduo first found a remote alley and changed out of her women's clothes.

At this moment, a cry came from a distance:

I don't know why, but when I heard this call for help, I felt a little familiar.

Bai Yiduo froze, hurriedly tidied up her clothes, and searched for the sound.

In a remote alley, a burly man stopped a woman with a wretched face, and said with a wretched smile:
"You scream, there is a protective barrier I set up here, even if you scream your throat, no one will come to save you..."

Bai Yiduo took a step forward, and sure enough, she saw a thin protective barrier within ten meters.

Fortunately, Bai Yiduo has a keen sense of mind, and because of Lian Fan's accident, he is now very hesitant about the movements around him.

Otherwise, it's really hard to find.

"Hmph! In broad daylight, the sky is clear, how dare you do such a dirty thing!"

Bai Yiduo, the incarnation of justice, directly broke through the protective barrier, pointed at the gangster with a loud shout,
Looking at the alluring woman in the corner who was clutching her chest but still showing her fragrant shoulders, Bai Yiduo said solemnly: "Don't worry, girl, I am Bai Yiduo, the celestial arrogance of the Jin Academy. With me here, this person will never do anything in vain!"

However, this familiar scene made the face of the young woman in the corner twitch.

"Heh! What a genius of Jinyuan, dare to ruin your good deeds of Grandpa Zhu, I think you are tired of living!"

To be able to condense a protective barrier, this person's cultivation must be strong.

However, the current Bai Yiduo is not what it used to be. Facing the vicious face of the gangster, the young man is not afraid at all.

"Grandma, I've been bullied all day, and I'm worried that I have nowhere to spread my flames!"

Looking at the gangster pacing forward with a mace in his hands, Bai Yiduo looked cold and cold, and a golden abacus appeared in the palm of his hand when he raised his arm.

"Pearl formula~"

Following the boy's cold shout, in an instant, a golden glow suddenly appeared in the sky of the alley,
A golden abacus came overwhelmingly, the beads rolled, and thousands of characters slanted down like raindrops,

With the blessing of Xiaoyoulong, the metallic aura burst out vigorously, and the sky-filled numbers were like sharp daggers, whirling and screaming at the gangster,
Hearing the heart-piercing wailing of the brawny man, he fell to the ground covered in bloodstains in just one breath, sending up dust all over the sky!

As if he had vented happily, the young man let out a mouthful of foul air, and put away his golden abacus.

"Hey! It's not that you are incapable, it's just that your opponent is too strong!" Bai Yiduo said regretfully,

After finishing speaking, he looked at the shivering young woman in the alley, stepped on the dying strong man, and walked forward.

"Girl, are you okay?" Bai Yiduo asked with concern,
"It's a good thing you met Bai Yiduo, the Tianjiao of Jinyuan, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

The woman's face twitched, and she nodded dumbfoundingly, "Master Lao will help you..."

"Eh? Girl, why do you look so familiar?"

The woman was slandered in her heart, but she forced a smile on her face, and said softly: "Hehe..., a few days ago, fortunately, the young master came to the rescue!"

"Oh~!" Bai Yiduo seemed to have just remembered, slapped his forehead and said, "So, this is the second time I've saved you!"

"...Girl, you don't need to say thank you, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

Bai Yiduo proudly put her little hands behind her back, and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees: "I have always been a chivalrous man, jealous of evil like a vengeance, and I have done a lot of good things, so my impression of the girl is a little fuzzy... But girl, the one you wore last time The plaid blue cloud robe is very pretty, but today's off-the-shoulder dress is too revealing, it will inevitably cause people's distractions and bring disaster..."

Saying that, Bai Yiduo couldn't help but look at the gray shoulders twice, sniffed her nose, her lips and throat were dry.

"Young Master reprimanded you." The woman tugged on her collar and smiled.

A smile can charm thousands of people, like the art of seizing the soul, making people feel in a trance,

Bai Yiduo was suddenly a little dizzy, took a staggered step and barely stood still, rubbed his eyelids:
"Girl, Bai is a little tired today, you should go home early, and don't come to this kind of alley alone again..."

After finishing speaking, the boy let out a sigh, turned around, squeezed the back of his neck, and walked slowly.

Behind her, watching the boy's leaving back, the woman narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"This guy... is interesting!" The woman suddenly curled up her lips and smiled charmingly.
Looking at the strong man lying on the ground, twitching one after another, the woman's willow eyebrows tilted slightly,

"It's not a spirit body in the state of essence and yang, but the taste is far worse!"

Not long after Bai Yiduo left, in the deep alley, there was a tragic cry.

At this time, Bai Yiduo folded her arms, frowned, and walked aimlessly on the street in the outer courtyard.

If possible, he doesn't want to leave Xianyu.

But the people in the Immortal Realm were all crazy, screaming and killing to find him, so he never dared to go back.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him.

Bai Yiduo suddenly stopped walking,
She was wearing a red dress that stretched out in the wind, with green silk falling off her shoulders, and a beautiful hosta, and a purple bell was tied on her dewy ankle.

Accompanied by the tinkling of bells, the girl leaned over and was startled, she also saw Bai Yiduo.

The four eyes met, and time seemed to stand still.

It's still the colorful clouds in the sunset, the breeze is floating on the temples, or the red dress is showing off,
At this moment, Bai Yiduo suddenly felt a sore nose, and the exhaustion of the day seemed to be overwhelmed at this moment, making his proudly erect body tremble slightly.


"Brother Yiduo?"

The girl suddenly pursed her thin lips, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Ling'er, I..." Bai Yiduo couldn't contain her excitement, she walked quickly to Du Linger, her eyes sparkled, but she couldn't say anything.

The girl looked up at her charming face, her big watery eyes swaying nimbly,
"Senior brother Yiduo!" Du Ling'er was also on the verge of talking, as if he had a thousand words to say, but he couldn't say anything.

Du Ling'er suddenly showed a smile, the smile was as bright as a summer flower, and it was as beautiful as a country.

Bai Yiduo looked at her, probably because she really didn't know what to say, or because she blurted out instinctively, she suddenly took the girl's white and boneless wrist, and said affectionately:

"Ling'er, you look so pretty when you smile! Like a clear sky and bright moon, like a peony under the moon, like the cool wind in a valley, in your arms, fragrant, clear..."

After saying this sentence, Bai Yiduo was taken aback for a moment,
I thought to myself, how did I read Cai Yulin's silly lines?
However, these words seemed to touch a certain chord in the girl's heart, causing ripples in her heart.

Du Ling'er straightened her body and trembled, and there was a blur in her spiritual eyes, like a mountain mist and a bright moon, hazy and hallucinogenic.

"Brother Yiduo, Linger, I miss you too."

The heart is blooming, it is in full bloom!
It was as if the fog had cleared and the sky was clear.

Bai Yiduo held Du Ling'er's little hand in one hand. This was the first time that he felt the distance between the two hearts so close and so clearly.

"Ling'er, I'll take you to a place."

After all, Bai Yiduo grabbed Du Linger's wrist,
The wind is whistling in the ears, the colorful clouds are flowing, and the white banyan flowers are flowing,
The young man took the girl's hand, his smile bloomed, his red dress spread out, and the bells on his ankles swayed...

(End of this chapter)

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