Brother is really tough

Chapter 145 20a. The Fairy Descends

Chapter 145 20a. The Fairy Descends
Luochen Mountains, Qiongfeng Peak,

Yu Yang is shining brightly, and the flowers on Wulong slope are gorgeous.

The boy stood proudly in a white robe, holding a delicate young girl in his arms.

"Junior Sister Linger, have you seen that white cloud? My feelings for you are like that white cloud, pure and flawless, lofty and holy, untainted by the world."

As Bai Yiduo's words came to an end, suddenly, the wind howled, the dark clouds covered the sun, and the sky and the earth were instantly chaotic, with treacherous waves.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the boy's raised fingers trembled, his head covered with black lines.


The boy withdrew his astonished gaze, smiled at the girl, coughed lightly, and pointed down the mountain to the river.

"Ling'er, have you seen that river? My love for you is like this Miluo River, lingering and long, and endless. My sincerity towards you is like the water of Ziyan Lake, clear and transparent, and you can see the bottom at a glance..."

Before the young man could finish his words, suddenly, the ground trembled, rocks rolled down, water splashed across the river, and a horizontal crack opened in the ground.
The ground veins cracked, the river flooded back in an instant, and the mud churned...


After a long time, the dust settled and the two stood firm.

Glancing at the dark sky and at the stagnant river, the boy's Adam's apple rolled, and his eyes turned to the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

His eyes hardened, and Bai Yiduo pointed forward: "Ling'er, have you seen that mountain?"

"My love for you is like this holy mountain, standing firm, solid as a rock, holy and thick!"

"My feelings for Ling'er are like the white snow on the holy mountain, pure and flawless, it is the only height in this land, irreplaceable!"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at the snow-capped mountain together and clenched their fists nervously.

After a long time, I was relieved to see the snow mountain standing still.

The girl withdrew her gaze, her eyes full of affection.

"Brother Yiduo..."


Bai Yiduo took the girl's hand in his hands, his eyes met, full of spring.

"Brother Yiduo, I'm really your only true love, you won't like others anymore, right?"

"Ling'er, you are so beautiful, just like the snow-capped mountains in front of you, you stand out and are unique in the mortal world. Unless a fairy falls from the sky, otherwise, I, Bai Yiduo, will only love Ling'er in my life!"

Hearing this, the girl was so moved that she trembled all over, stood on tiptoe, raised her chin slightly, and closed her eyes.

Looking at the girl's reddish cheeks, Bai Yiduo's heart beat faster, she hugged her waist, and leaned down...


Holding Ling'er's small waist, affection is strong,
But at the moment when their lips were about to touch, suddenly, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and there was a loud noise.

The snow-capped mountains that have stood for thousands of years are cracking at a speed visible to the naked eye, the ice and snow are collapsing, and the rocks are rolling down.

Snow Eagle hovered high in the sky, hissing loudly and piercing the sky.

The valley that crosses the Miluo River is becoming more and more cracked, the mountains, trees and boulders are trembling and rolling, and the snow-capped mountains are crumbling.

Suddenly, a huge claw stretched out from the broken valley.

Like a huge eagle claw, the black fingertips are gleaming with cold light, and the thick claw arm is like a giant tree,
Immediately afterwards, a huge head like a small hill poked out of the rift, with red crest feathers, vertical pupils, and a sharp beak.
——It was a huge red-crowned rooster!

Bai Duo's eyes widened: "A chicken this big?"

Compared to his senior brother's ignorance, Ling'er had seen it in ancient books, so he covered his mouth in surprise.

"A fierce-eyed red-crowned pheasant?"

"This is a seventh-order monster! How did it escape?"

Just as the two were astonished, suddenly, a red light flashed in the whirling clouds, and a red dress floated down.

It was a beautiful young girl with white skin, delicate features, red lips and beautiful arms, and long flowing hair.

The girl in the red skirt pointed her sword at the sky, and came from the sky, her skirt fluttered like a fairy.

"Fairy?...Fairy down to earth?"

Bai Hao stared blankly at the fairy Yu Ping, dumbfounded.

He just knew that vows should never be thrown indiscriminately, otherwise God might throw a fairy down.

However, it is the first time for Bai Yiduo to see such a beautiful picture in two lifetimes.
The dust and snow are scattered, the mountain wind is gradually disappearing, and the girl looks like a fairy...

"Senior Brother Yiduo" Du Linger pushed Yiduo, her face paled: "Senior Brother Yiduo, let's go back to the sect quickly! The red-crowned pheasant will eat us in one bite."

Bai Yiduo also knew that the big red-crowned bird in front of him was a seventh-order monster, which was equivalent to the terrifying strength of a human being in the heavenly realm. A single breath could drive the mountain wind and blow them away.

Nodding, Bai Yiduo grabbed Du Linger's wrist,
Just as he was about to leave, a long rainbow floated over his head. A muscular man came from the sky with a group of monks behind him.

For a while, the wind and clouds surged, adding a touch of oppression to the Luochen Mountain Range, which was already full of evil spirits.

The man bowed in the air to the girl in the red skirt: "The young master of the Lingfeng Sect, Shi Chenyang, pay homage to the goddess of Biluo Palace."

"Goddess of Biluo Palace?"

Du Linger straightened her body and said in surprise: "It is said that Biluo Palace selects a goddess every thousand years to be in charge of the altar in Rongcheng. And this year's goddess is even more amazing, she is the jewel in the palm of the god emperor."

Hearing this, Bai Yiduo's heart skipped a beat!
It turned out that she was the legendary goddess of the Biluo Palace, the daughter of the world god emperor of Rongcheng, and the mother Furong.

Bai Yiduo knew very little about the entire Rongcheng world.

It's just that from the mouths of my brother and Granny Si, I heard some relatively one-sided outlines,

The sect in the Miluo River Basin is the only one that respects the Heavenly Sect, that is, the upstream sect, the Yunlei Daoji Sect.

And the divine battle launched by the Yunlei Daoji Sect is to attack the sea area sect that claims to be a god race.
It is said that the sea area sect believes in Biluo Palace, and Biluo Palace is in charge of the only altar in the world that can open the door to the world.

For tens of thousands of years, the Tiantuo Strait has been constantly fighting,
After 300 years of cessation, Yunlei Dao Jizong launched a war again.

In other words, since the girl in front of her is the goddess of Biluo Palace, she is the public enemy of the entire Miluo River Basin.

I saw the girl of the Lingfeng Sect look down on the mountain, and laughed arrogantly: "I am a beast in the Miluo River Basin, let the Lingfeng Sect work for me!"

"Shi Chenyang, I have been chasing this ancient monster for many days, and there is no need for this little seventh-level monster..."

Just as the goddess was halfway through her words, her eyes suddenly tightened when she looked at Liemu Chiguanhe.

"It has advanced?"

I saw the fierce-eyed red-crowned pheasant raised its head, and let out a deafening hiss, shaking the world.And on its vermilion crown and feathers, eight silver streaks suddenly appeared, which were dazzling.

Among the monsters, there is a world of difference between the first level, which makes the originally proud goddess have to be very cautious.

"Damn it, it actually advanced in the process of escaping!"

The young master of the Lingfeng Sect flicked his long sleeves, laughed and said: "There is a source of spiritual water hidden at the foot of the holy mountain in the Luochen Mountain Range. It seems that this red-crowned pheasant has found the source of the source of the earth. Anyway, wait for me to capture it." Kill this beast, take its soul, and give it to the goddess."

After the young master of the Lingfeng sect said, a full moon scimitar suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. There were eighteen gold rings embedded in the back blade of the scimitar. At that time, the golden ring trembled and hummed.

The golden ring scimitar flickered and roared down the mountain.

"Shameless, you know that what I want is not the soul of a monster, yet you dare to snatch it!"

The Goddess's face was slightly condensed, unwilling to waste many days of hard work, she drew her long sword and chased after her.

For a time the mountain wind howled, the earth shook and the mountains shook,
Du Ling'er's face turned purple with fright, she grabbed Bai Yiduo's arm, shrank her arms and said:

"Brother Yiduo, they are fighting, what should we do?"

Bai Yiduo also realized the seriousness of the situation, swallowed, and hugged Du Linger's slender waist: "Linger, don't be afraid, you have a senior brother here."

After finishing speaking, suddenly a long howl pierced the sky, it was deafening, and Bai Yiduo trembled all over in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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