Chapter 153 24a.
The last three tactics of Yunlei Burning Sky Jue are Yunlei Burning Body, Yunlei Burning Soul, and Yunlei Burning Sky.

There is no division of levels in the four tactic, each tactic has its own unique features, each has its own strengths.

But Bai Yiduo can only comprehend the following three items if he first learns how to guide thunder and burn gold.

But in front of his eyes, the lightning was coiling and twisting around his fingertips, converging into light, gathered between the young man's palms without hurting a single hair.

The thunder and lightning that destroyed the world is now soft around the fingers, as soft as cotton candy.

He succeeded!
It only took a few days, with a physical body without a thunder-attribute spiritual vein, he mastered the Leimai technique by leaps and bounds, and he was familiar with the first tactic of the Yunlei Burning Heaven Art, Burning Gold!
"I succeeded?"

Bai Yiduo looked at her palm, feeling inexplicably excited,

But after searching left and right, I was a little disappointed.

"What kind of broken place is this? Not even a piece of metal!"

I was disappointed, and turned my attention to the monkeys in the cave.

The monkeys were taken aback, you look at me, I look at you,
Suddenly, Bai Yiduo made a finger, and the old monkey with the cane froze and fell backwards straight~
"Oh! Don't think I can't see it, your crutch is embedded with copper nails!"

After mastering the first tactic of Yunlei Burning Heaven, Bai Yiduo began to ponder the second tactic, Yunlei Burning Body.

This tactic can attack all flesh, as far as the eye can see, thousands of troops can break it.

"Mother, wait until I have practiced the second tactic, and I will take you out to kill...!"

Bai Yiduo looked at the unconscious goddess, her eyes were excited, and she laughed even more crazily,

His eyes were bloodshot, and he was scurrying around on the Bottleneck Cliff like a monkey, collecting the rich aura of heaven and earth around him.

Soon, thunderclouds came, and the waves were treacherous.

Bai Yiduo simply fell in love with this place!

"This is the paradise of thunder and lightning!"

"No wonder that guy Yu'an wants to tie himself to a kite and fly into the sky! Lei Tian here is too frequent."

A ray of red lightning pierced through the clouds and came with a thunderbolt.

Bai Yiduo was inexplicably excited, pointed at the tactic, and shouted: "The second tactic of cloud and thunder burning the sky, cloud and thunder burning the body~"

Following Bai Yiduo's loud cry, thunder and lightning thundered down, and the little monkeys in the cave whined and squeezed their heads to look out.

The little monkeys opened their eyes wide and stared at Bai Yiduo without blinking.

On the top of the cliff, the young man pointed to the sky. When the electric current hit his whole body, the bones were clearly visible.

squeak, squeak,

Even the rocks on the cliff were shattered into powder by the lightning.

When the thunder subsided, Bai Yiduo, who was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, opened his mouth, and slowly exhaled a wisp of green smoke.

"it's okay no problem,"

"Failure is the mother of success,"

"Next time, sure!"

After consoling herself, Bai Yiduo was not discouraged, she restrained her mind, and continued to study the second tactic of the tactic of cloud and thunder burning the sky.

Even the old monkey was shocked by his persistence, holding a bamboo pole, his gray beard slightly raised.

"This young man is terrifying!"

The old monkey didn't speak, but there seemed to be an old and vicissitudes voice from the group of monkeys, speaking softly.

While Bai Yiduo was studying the Art of Cloud Thunder and Burning Heaven without any fatigue, the Goddess trembled her eyelashes imperceptibly, her fingers curled slightly, and her breathing became rough for a moment.

It's just that her injury was too serious and she couldn't wake up in a short time.

In addition to practicing the exercises day and night, Bai Yiduo also took care of the goddess meticulously.

Afraid of the sun, she built a sunshade for her; when it was windy, she carried her to find a leeward place; brought water from the waterfall to wipe her every day; at night, she would talk to her back to back.

"Mother girl, do you know? I don't belong to this world, but where I come from, I can't tell myself! Because, it's been a long, long time! It's so far away that I began to doubt whether that world is real or not." existed."

Looking up at the starry sky, Bai Yiduo sighed deeply.

In this world, there are sun, moon and stars, which are not much different from the memories of the previous life.

But the moon here looks very big, and there is a beautiful star ring outside the moon, which is more dreamy and mysterious.

The sky at night is even more star-strewn, popular and frequent, and the astrology is more unpredictable.

"Sometimes I wonder, is the previous world real, or the present world real?"

"Mother and girl, do you know Zhouzhuang?"

The Zhouzhuang Dream Butterfly is lifelike. When I wake up from the dream, I don’t know whether I am the Zhouzhuang of the Dreaming Butterfly or the butterfly of the Dreaming Zhouzhuang...

The evening breeze blows, the coolness comes,
Bai Yiduo folded her arms and looked at the glamorous goddess under the moonlight, her worries dissipated.

The moon is as delicate as water, and the fireflies are dancing,
Her charming face is even more charming and ecstasy under the moonlight,
The jade skin that can be broken by blowing bombs, the exquisite facial features, the fluttering hair on the temples, the beautiful eyebrows are frowning, and the gentle breathing rises and falls rhythmically.

And, that plump... figure!
"Damn it! How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world?"

Bai Yiduo quickly looked away, her neck was a little hot, and her heart beat a few beats faster for no reason.

"Calm down, she is the goddess of the Biluo Palace, our enemy... And, I have Linger, yes, Linger!"

Bai Yiduo quickly corrected her mood and began to force herself to miss Du Linger.

However, as soon as I closed my eyes, Du Linger's face was soon covered by an even more stunning appearance.
Can't avoid it, linger on it, like maggots attached to the bone, like a disease entering the marrow...

Bai Yiduo tugged at her hair irritably, feeling a little emotional for no reason.

"Bai Yiduo, Bai Yiduo, you can't do this, it's very dangerous!"

Just as Bai Yiduo was criticizing herself, suddenly, a shiny ball floated out of her bosom.

Inside the ball of light the size of an egg, a little monkey curled up like a placenta, with a serene and calm expression.

Bai Yiduo was surprised, and was about to catch it, when he suddenly saw countless spiritual grasses bursting out beside him.

Luminescent spirit grass emerged from the gap between the rocks, swaying, undulating like wheat waves,

The spirit grass seemed to have some sort of connection with the monkey fetus spirit ball, and Bai Yiduo saw wisps of light rising from the leaves and stems of the spirit grass, adhering to the spirit fetus like dewdrops.

Bai Yiduo saw that the little monkey in the womb seemed to be nourished, its vitality became active, and its light became more and more intense.

"Is it absorbing spiritual energy?"

Bai Yiduo opened his mouth wide in surprise, and in the cave in the distance, the old monkey with a bamboo pole burst into tears,

The old monkey wanted to rush up, but he was apprehensive. He looked at Bai Yiduo and the spirit fetus anxiously, burning with anxiety!
Bai Yiduo glanced at it warningly, and used common sense to absorb the aura of the spirit grass around her, but it didn't work.

"Hey~? Why can't I?"

Bai Yiduo was a little unconvinced, practicing Yunlei Burning Heaven Jue had already exhausted the spiritual energy in his body, if he didn't replenish it, he might not be able to withstand a few thunderbolts.

"How is this going to work? Monkey fetuses can absorb it, and so can I. I have to find a way..."

Bai Yiduo scratched her head anxiously, the more she looked at this spiritual fetus, the more unpleasant it became.

Suddenly, Bai Yiduo had an idea and thought of a way to transmit vitality to the goddess.

"Since I can't absorb it myself, then... rob you!?"

So, the old monkey in the cave saw the scene of wanting to kill someone,
I saw the shameless boy in front of me leaning his body slightly, pouted his mouth, and put his mouth on the monkey fetus floating in the air like a kiss.

Not even a kiss, just a hard inhale,
(End of this chapter)

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