Brother is really tough

Chapter 154 24b. Didn't your family pay the electricity bill?

Chapter 154 24b. Didn't your family pay the electricity bill?

Bai Yiduo sucked it in, and those fluorescent lights that had just attached to the surface of the Lingtai and hadn't been integrated in time were all sucked into Bai Yiduo's mouth.

And it's not over yet!
Seeing the effect, Bai Yiduo got even worse,

I saw the young man grasping the spirit fetus, pinching it hard, and sucking it hard again, a strong spiritual energy poured into his mouth and nose like a spring.

And with the inhalation of the aura, Bai Yiduo could clearly feel that a wood-type aura that was not majestic but real was consolidating physical strength.

"This is a good thing!"

Bai Yiduo was ecstatic, completely ignoring the sluggish appearance of the little monkey in the womb, and committed crimes like crazy.

So, in the next few days, Bai Yiduo used lightning to repair the art during the day, and took out the spirit embryo to replenish vitality at night.

And the monkeys in those caves almost collapsed,
They are disturbed by thunder during the day, and at night they have to look at the shameless human teenagers and squeeze their monkey king soul fetuses with fear.

"One day, I will smash this shameless villain into pieces~!" The old monkey rubbed his teeth in hatred, the murderous intent in his eyes was like a curse, attracting thousands of hectares of thunder.


In constant exploration and exploration, Bai Yiduo finally understood the second tactic of Yunlei Burning Heaven Art.

On this day, he came to the top of the cliff full of confidence, took a look at the treacherous thunderclouds above his head, and twitched the corner of his mouth.
"Today, I will definitely be able to practice the second tactic!"

The young man's ambition is soaring, the wind is blowing on his face, and his temples are flying!

However, just as he was about to make a formula to attract thunder, suddenly the storm surged, and a ray of sunlight shone on his face!

This is awkward!
"What's going on? Where's Thundercloud?"

Bai Yiduo was taken aback, and looked around,
In the sky not far away, a huge kite was soaring, black thunderclouds lingered, thunder patterns rolled, and electric tongues squirmed!
Leiyun was led over there!
"Damn it! How dare you snatch my thunder cloud?"

The boy's eyes widened and his neck turned red with anger.

"It doesn't matter, I want to take Leiyun back..."

Following a roar from the Bottleneck Cliff, Bai Yiduo directly took out the Silver Dragon Broken Blade Ruler, and pointed at the sky angrily, with overwhelming momentum.

"The second tactic of cloud and thunder burning the sky, Wan Lei burns the body~!"

A more intense wave of aura spread out,
The thunder and lightning gathered at the kite seemed to have spirituality. After a pause, the fiery red tongue dragged the kite and surged back.

Tens of thousands of hectares of thunder and lightning came down, and together with Bai Yiduo, there was also a disciple of the Lingyan Sect who was already scared out of his wits and looked lost.

The monkeys in the cave covered their ears and danced wildly,

But today's lightning strike seems to be different. The fishy wind brought torrential rain, thunder mixed with screams, and a kite burning with raging fire, followed by thunder and lightning, smashed towards the Bottleneck Cliff.

And the young man on the top of the cliff stood proudly and straight, and between the gaps between his raised fingers, there was radiance and silver light shining.

"I made it!"

Bai Yiduo opened his eyes wide excitedly, and was about to let out a roar while holding his fingers together, when suddenly a person smoking black smoke appeared in his sight.

A person with a kite skeleton strapped to his back, scorched all over, explosive hairstyle, empty eyes, and white foam from his lips...

"This man...why does he look so familiar!"

Bai Yiduo was wondering, when she suddenly slapped her fist:
"Ah, isn't this Brother Yu'an from Linglong Sect?"

Bai Yiduo looked Yu'an up and down, although he didn't have much awe for the Lingquan Sect, but when he thought of the Yunlei Burning Heaven Jue that he had practiced, he still felt a little guilty.

After all, this set of exercises was left behind by Yu An and picked up by himself.

"Forget it! Last time I saved you, I'm so kind, I'll do good things to the end!"

Bai Yiduo patted her chest heavily, feeling that she had a sense of justice!
But while I feel good about myself, I also feel sad.

"A goddess can barely carry it, but there is one more person, how can I kill it?"

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo felt that Yu'an was a burden again, his faith was a little shaken, and his brows furrowed.


Bai Yiduo looked at his fingers full of lightning, and at the group of monkeys in the cave who were crowding their heads and looking around.

The monkeys seemed to have a premonition, and were taken aback for a moment, silent like a cicada.

"I am now a master with unique skills. Isn't it easy to deal with this group of monkeys?"

"Wouldn't they be unhappy if I subdue them first and let them do something for me?"

The more the young man thought about it, the more excited he became. Although he had mastered the second art of Yunlei Burning the Sky, he hadn't used it yet.

So, Bai Yiduo hummed confidently and walked towards the cave.

Standing imposingly in front of the cave, Bai Yiduo flicked her long sleeves, turned around solemnly, and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees: "Puhou~, get out of here and die!"

"You savage monkey, harming living beings, causing harm to the world, the sky does not report, and the living beings are outraged! I am Jinyuan Tianjiao Bai Yiduo, and today I want to ask you for an explanation for the vain cultivator. Quickly, come out..."

In the group of monkeys, an old monkey bared its teeth and stared. When it exerted force, the bamboo pole in its hand cracked.

"Shameless boy, you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!" The old monkey stared at his bloody eyes without opening his mouth, but in the crowd of monkeys, there seemed to be an old and vicissitudes of life voice,

However, the aggrieved and angry for many days had already made this old monkey even more ferocious and irritable.

I saw the old monkey squeak and squeak twice, and the group of monkeys immediately seemed to explode, and a large number of monkey grandchildren swarmed out.

The little monkeys jumped up and down, rushing towards the boy like a tide.

Seeing this, Bai Yiduo smiled contemptuously, geared up, and pointed to the sky:
"The second tactic of Yunlei burning the sky, Yunlei burning the body~!"

Following Bai Yiduo's sky-shattering and long roar, the sky and clouds rolled, the thunder hissed, and thousands of hectares of thunder and lightning thundered down...

However, just as Bai Yiduo was proud of himself, the old monkey was shocked for a moment,
A thin and narrow trajectory of the electric tongue hit a little monkey crookedly.

The little monkey struck by lightning straightened up and fell straight on its back.

However, the other monkeys were safe and sound!
The moment the lightning struck, the monkeys subconsciously hugged their heads. Seeing that they were fine, they all looked at each other with dazed eyes.

Bai Yiduo was also taken aback, looked at her fingers questioningly, and then looked up at the sky:
"What's the situation? That's all?"

Bai Yiduo felt that this scene was too embarrassing, pointed to the dark clouds in the sky that were gradually dissipating, and complained: "Is there a mistake? Lei Gong, did you not pay the electricity bill this month?"

However, the monkeys who survived the disaster were overjoyed, jumping around in place, and after celebrating and cheering, they all cast hostile eyes.

Bai Yiduo was shocked!
"Damn~, this is a big game!"

Seeing that the provocation failed, but instead angered the group of monkeys, Bai Yiduo swallowed dryly.

"Hey~, what happened just now was a misunderstanding, old monkey, I still have something to do today, can we make an appointment another day?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Yiduo smeared oil on the soles of her feet, let go of her girl and ran back.

The moment the monkeys caught up, Bai Yiduo stood on the Bottleneck Cliff, immediately took out the monkey king's spirit fetus, and panted and shouted:
"Don't come here, if you come here again, I'll throw your Monkey King down..."

This trick again!
The monkeys scratched their ears and cheeks angrily, bouncing around and squeaking strangely.

However, what Bai Yiduo holds is the Monkey King's spirit fetus, so it has a lot to do with it.

In the cave, the old monkey's raised white beard trembled, and with a click, the bamboo pole in his hand broke in two.


(End of this chapter)

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