Brother is really tough

Chapter 178 8, Battle Dragon Ancestor

Chapter 178 8, Battle Dragon Ancestor
The wet rock walls are covered with moss, and the mist floats in the air, adding mystery and haze to the eyes.

There was an uproar, and the Bobo spring water slowly flowed along the huge turtle's back, with clear lines.

If you look carefully, you will find that the waterlines under your feet converge into a picture, which evolves unpredictablely, just like the pupils of eyes.

However, everyone who came to the cave was attracted by the dragon egg,
I saw the dragon egg shaking suddenly, the eggshell was cracked, and a sharp claw pierced the eggshell, as if a little life was about to be conceived.

And at this moment, everyone saw Gongsun Wanyu approaching Quan with a dull expression, staring blankly at the dragon egg, and stretched out his hand mechanically...

"Gongsun Wanyu, what are you doing? Stop!"

With a roar, Mulan Xuexue turned into a streamer and went straight to the spring.

At the same time, Bai Yiduo saw in a daze the shadow of a giant python standing on the rock wall behind Gongsun Wanyu, and his behavior was consistent with Gongsun Wanyu's.

When Mulan Xuexue stepped into the air, the shadow of a giant scorpion suddenly appeared on the gray-brown rock wall.

This scene is particularly weird,
The cyan dragon egg was motionless at this time, the cone that pierced the eggshell seemed to be stuck in the crack, the picture seemed to freeze, everything seemed static for a while, only the disordered breathing and fluttering heartbeat were the time coordinate of.

Bai Yiduo saw that the moment Mulan Xuexue stepped onto the tortoise quilt, she suddenly became like Gongsun Wanyu, her fierce face melted in an instant, she stared blankly at the blue dragon egg in front of her, faintly flickering. give a hand...

How weird this scene looked, Bai Yiduo's heart trembled, but he saw the other female disciples walking away in succession after Mu Lan Xuexue.

"Don't go..."

Bai Yiduo subconsciously blocked it, but just grabbed a void,
The state of mind of these female disciples is different from Bai Yiduo's. They came to the Long Qi, and few of them can restrain their rationality.

Seeing this situation, Bai Yiduo stamped her feet anxiously, but there was nothing she could do.

"Master, be careful!"

Following Bai Yiduo's cry, several female disciples in white clothes fluttered down, subconsciously going to bombard Gongsun Wanyu and Mu Lanxuexue.

However, at this moment, Bai Yiduo saw that everyone seemed to be under restraint, standing still in front of the blue dragon egg, the scene was particularly gloomy.

"What's going on here? Is this a normal step in the fight for the Dragon Lease?"

Just when Bai Yiduo was thinking wildly and anxiously, suddenly, in the black shadow on the rock wall, there was an extra reflection of a dragon egg.

There is no light in the cave, and the smoke is lingering. There should be no shadows.

But the reflection of the dragon egg suddenly appeared on the moss-covered rock wall, and the size and shape were the same.

The dragon egg is surrounded by a group of monsters, including giant pythons, giant lizards, and giant gnats.

The shadow monster is staring at the shadow dragon egg, just like Gongsun Wanyu and others staring at the dragon egg in front of them, their behaviors are completely synchronized.

However, this fit only appeared for a moment,
The dragon egg in front of the fairies still didn't move, but they saw the reflection of the dragon egg in the rock wall suddenly shaking completely, a sharp claw pierced the egg shell, and a small head poked out.The little head rushed out of the eggshell and roared to the sky. Although there was no sound, it could feel a kind of king's coercion from the reflection.

At the same time, the monsters in the rock wall suddenly seemed to be clicked on the play button. At the moment the little dragon boy broke its shell, they collided and tore each other, and frantically squeezed towards the dragon egg.That way, like a female animal protecting its calf, it instinctively fights for it.

Looking at the reflection of the scuffle in the rock wall, and then at the dull-looking fairies in front of him, Bai Yiduo seemed to realize something.

"Could it be that this is the process that the Dragon Contract should have, and they are fighting for the right to contract?"

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo looked at Gongsun Wanyu, who had empty eyes and expressionless face, and she was no longer worried, she clenched her fists and said, "Master, come on!"

Just as Bai Yiduo was cheering for Gongsun Wanyu from a distance, something suddenly happened.

I saw a cyan light spot floating faintly like a will-o'-the-wisp.First, he wandered around the spring, and then, Bai Yiduo saw the cyan light spot spinning all over his body, turning into an old monkey with a cane.

The old monkey is old and slow, with gray temples, a stooped figure, and a walking stick. His wrinkled face is hard to discern between the folds of his eyes, and his withered arms tremble slightly.

The old monkey turned around lazily and slowly, looked at Bai Yiduo in the distance, and suddenly bared his mouth, revealing a few teeth.

"Old monkey?...Hey~? Aren't you dead?"

Bai Yiduo seemed to have realized something again, stared at her eyes, and said angrily: "Well, you stinky monkey, you are afraid that I will settle accounts with you after Qiuhou, and you pretended to be dead, right?"

Thinking of this level, Bai Yiduo realized again that he underestimated this monkey.Not only did he not die, he even followed him all the way to the Lingyan sect,

Thinking of the Dao Seeds floating in the Daoxin Pavilion for no reason, and thinking of Shi Qilin who smashed the fairy gate in Quanyi Peak,
It must have been done by this stinky monkey, right?
What made Bai Yiduo feel even more strange was that when the old monkey appeared in front of Huangyong, he didn't become dull and fascinated like other female disciples, and there was no shadow of the old monkey on the rock wall.

It seems that the old monkey doesn't belong to that place at all, but was forced to go up by PS, and there is no sense of disobedience at all.

"It is said that Long Qi can only be a female disciple, could it be..." Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo felt a little relieved.

He didn't want to fight for any dragon contract, and he didn't want to be stripped of his primordial spirit strangely.

While thinking wildly, I saw the old monkey walking slowly to the dragon's egg, the wrinkled face reflecting the sparkling water.

Turning around, the old monkey gave Bai Yiduo a weird smile,

Suddenly, the old monkey raised his crutch with both hands, and slammed it down heavily on the dragon egg in his eyes...

There was a crash, and the dragon egg shattered.

The sky is full of fragments, but there are no stillborn dragons, and there are no bloody and violent scenes.

The moment the eggshell shattered, a ball of black mist rose out, and the old monkey queen stretched out his hand and pinched it firmly in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, the shadow in the rock wall also changed the painting style at the moment when the dragon egg shattered. The violent shadow of the young dragon seemed to break away from some kind of restraint, jumped out of the eggshell, and swelled rapidly surrounded by a group of monsters, but gradually Fading away in the dark rock wall.

With the disappearance of Long Zai, Mu Lan Xuexue and the others regained their souls in a daze.

When she saw an old monkey and the black mist he was holding in his hands, Mu Lanxue stared at her phoenix eyes, and stretched out to grab it.

"give me……"

The old monkey was not in a hurry, as if he understood Mulan Xuexue's words, he nodded happily and handed it over.

Seeing this, Mulan Xuexue was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and didn't dare to pick it up.

At this time, suddenly a hand stretched out beside him: "It's mine~!"

Just as Mulan Xuexue was hesitating briefly, a silver-haired woman Xumi came and snatched the black mist from the old monkey's hand.

Everything is just a flash of light,

The moment the silver-haired woman's jade hand touched the black mist, the old monkey suddenly let go of his hand, turned into a cluster of blue light spots and floated away.

From appearance to disappearance, the old monkey only did one thing!

I saw that the old monkey smashed the dragon egg, ended the scramble for the shadows of the monsters in the stone wall, set things right, and brought the battlefield back to reality.

However, the moment the silver-haired woman came into contact with the black shadow, the black mist turned into a thin and long silk thread, wrapped around the silver-haired woman's neck, and hung her in the air.

The silver-haired woman struggled helplessly, her legs kicked wildly, her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked at the fairies around her in despair and sorrow.

That look seemed to say: Come and save me...

However, this scene frightened everyone until the silver-haired woman stopped struggling and died in front of everyone.

Mulan Xuexue's frightened face paled,
No wonder the old monkey agreed so swiftly, if he was one step faster, she would be the one who died now.

For a while, everyone stared at the black mist, holding their breath, and it was difficult to decide what to do next.

Gongsun Wanyu's phoenix eyes narrowed, and he said hesitantly: "Dragon deed is a bond, not a killing. Looking at it from another angle, this is a memory in the eyes of Longzu. It should not have us in its memory, so we will not Really die..."

Seems to make sense, someone agrees with Phase Sequence,
A female disciple suddenly asked: "Sect Master Long successfully obtained the Dragon Lease 300 years ago. How did she do it back then? Was there such a terrifying black smoke back then? Why hasn't anyone mentioned it?"

"Dragon Lease Dangerous Land is one of the four great secret realms on the south bank. Unless the person who has obtained the Dragon Lease, everyone else will have their memories forcibly wiped out, and everything that happened here will not be known to outsiders. Naturally, there are no related rumors."

While speaking, there was a sudden click, and the body of the silver-haired woman fell to the ground.
Someone hastily stepped forward to check for breath, frowning unmoved: "No breath, it seems... really dead!"

"Impossible!" Gongsun Wanyu shook her head in refusal: "It must not be true! The Dragon Deed is in line with the consciousness of the Dragon Ancestor. We are now in the memory fragments of the Dragon Ancestor. Everything here has long since disappeared in the long river of history. It is a completely false world..."

"What if this is not a virtual world?" Just as Gongsun Wanyu resisted all this, Bai Yiduo climbed up the turtle's back wetly, "Master, is there a possibility that this place is not illusory?" The world of the world, but the space world that really existed in Long Zu's eyes?"

"Bai Yiduo, what nonsense are you talking about? How is this possible?"

Mulan Xuexue also found it ridiculous, and chuckled lightly: "You have quite a brain!"

"Why is it impossible? On the contrary, why is there no Dragon Ancestor in the memory of the so-called Dragon Ancestor?"

Everyone looked at each other, looking at the place where the dragon egg was broken just now, with confusion on their faces.

"Have you ever thought about why only female disciples are the only ones competing for the Dragon Lease? And where did all the people who failed to compete for the Dragon Lease go in the end?"

As I talked, my thoughts became clearer and clearer.

I saw the young man standing solemnly, looking at the black mist in mid-air, and said with a cold eyebrow: "Is there a possibility that those female disciples who can really match up with 'Long Zu' are those female disciples who have been eliminated. Those who sacrifice to the door are the ones who are eliminated."

It may be difficult for others to find out, but Bai Yiduo watched the old monkey appear, saw the old monkey smash the dragon egg, and saw black mist rising from the dragon egg...

Until the black mist attacked the silver-haired woman, since Bai Yiduo obtained the chessboard palace, she has a particularly keen sense of the primordial spirit and spiritual power.At that moment, he could clearly feel that the vitality of the silver-haired woman was being swallowed by the black mist.

Connecting all these things together afterwards, it seems that one fact can be pieced together——the Dragon Deed is a conspiracy.

It's hard to imagine that a god ancestor would do such a conspiracy.It's like asking the disciples of Lingyuan Sect to doubt their sacred banyan tree.

However, Bai Yiduo, as a disciple of the Outer Sect, looked at Long Zu of the Linglong Sect more objectively.

At this time, the boy glanced around slyly, picked up a piece of broken eggshell,

The seemingly blue eggshell began to petrify after it shattered, and soon turned into a handful of sand flowing from the fingertips.

Compared to Gongsun Wanyu's resistance, Mu Lanxuexue believed three points instead, and took a step forward and asked: "Bai Yiduo, is there any basis for what you said? My Lingnan sect has been established for more than six thousand years. There is a Dragon Contract every 300 years, you say the Dragon Contract is a conspiracy?"

"I know it's hard for people to believe it, but if you really need a basis, I, Bai Yiduo, can still make a move."

The young man said proudly, looking sharply at the black mist in mid-air, and stretched out his hand to grab it.

This scene directly made Gongsun Wanyu's face turn pale. Thinking of the death of the silver-haired woman, Gongsun Wanyu subconsciously took a step forward: "Bai Yiduo, don't..."

However, the moment Baiduo's arm touched the black mist, he saw silk threads transformed from black smoke quickly wrapping around the boy's neck,
The familiar scene was staged again, but the boy was not afraid at all, instead the corner of his mouth raised a curve.

"White picking, that's now!"

Hearing this, a small golden wandering dragon flew out of the chessboard palace, the scales all over its body trembled, turning from gold to black, and it was exactly the same color as the black mist.

For a moment, the black mist seemed to be controlled. At the moment when Xiaoyoulong transformed, it seemed to be controlled by a separated body. .

"Dragon feather?"

According to legend, when a dragon son comes into the world, he will have dragon feathers, and the dragon feathers will fade as they grow up, and the feathers will fall into scales.

Seeing the dragon feather exposed after being stripped of Qi Yuan by Xiao Youlong, everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

"Could it be... Longzu is giving birth to a dragon fetus?"

"No, the fetus after birth only has dragon feathers. This is a stillborn fetus. Long Zu used the 300-year Dragon Deed to collect Yin Yuan to reshape the fetal body!"

"No wonder Long Qi only chooses female disciples..."

Just when everyone was dumbfounded, suddenly, the ground trembled, and the huge tortoise shell under their feet glowed, and there was an uproar. In the vast expanse of water, the tortoise shell turned into a huge eyeball.

At the same time, the sky and the earth trembled violently, and the earth collapsed and the mountains shook. Before everyone could take precautions, there was a sudden sense of weightlessness, and the whole body was icy cold, and they were immersed in Wang Ze.

In front of Yushan Lake, under the witness of all the disciples of the Lingquan Sect, the water was surging, and dozens of female disciples emerged from the originally quiet lake, and in the next moment, a pair of huge mountain-like trees sticking out of the water.

Chimu is a dragon.

This was the first time countless disciples of the Lingquan Sect saw the ancestor of their sect, and they were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed.

But the dragon head as huge as a mountain is nothing more than a miniature clone of the dragon ancestor.
At this time, I saw a giant dragon sticking out its head from the lake, its beard stretched out, and its majesty, but there was a young man in white standing on the water in front of him.

The young man's eyes were condensed, full of murderous intent, with a trace of madness, and he opposed a sect of gods like a demon.

The breeze blew across the lake, and in the center of the lake stood the head of a giant dragon, and opposite the dragon stood a white flower with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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