Brother is really tough

Chapter 179 9a. Dragon Wife

Chapter 179 9a. Dragon Wife
The giant dragon came out of the water, majestic and imposing.

This was the first time that most of the disciples of the Linglong sect saw the real body of Longzu. They were both excited and panicked, and more confused about the scene in front of them.

Gongsun Hao's thick brows tightened, "The real dragon has appeared, good fortune and misfortune are hard to tell!"

Soon, several long rainbows streaked across the sky, and came in the midst of loud exclamations,

The person who came was the elder of the seven guardians of the Lingwei Sect.

"That's... Bai Yiduo?" The sixth elder raised his eyebrows and looked in front of him in amazement.

It's only been a day since he brought Bai Yiduo back to the sect!
It's okay to be arrogant at Gulu Peak before, and it's okay to beat up the acting head. Even if you chase Sun Youdao and rush into Guyi Peak at night, you can turn a blind eye.But the giant dragon in front of him is the Dragon Ancestor of the Linglong Sect, and it is a symbol of the entire sect.

"No matter how fierce you are, you won't be able to challenge Long Zu, right?"

What's more, who can fight against Long Zu?

This is equivalent to fighting against the entire Lingwan Sect with one's own strength. Looking at the entire Miluo River Basin, it is impossible for such a person to exist.

"Is this my hallucination? The Dragon Ancestor appeared in this world because of a mere white flower?"

However, no matter whether others believe it or not, the young man's red eyes, solemn demeanor, and exuberant killing intent are all the most eye-catching stars in front of Yushan Lake.

Long Zu's huge vertical pupils shrank slightly, and the tens of meters long beard stretched out in the wind.

"Oh my god~!" Bai Yiduo's heart was far from being as crazy and calm as it seemed,

At this time, his heart trembled violently, his Adam's apple rolled, and he swallowed dryly.

"I just came to assist Gongsun Wanyu to enter the sacrificial gate, why did I provoke such a big guy?"

Just when Bai Yiduo was complaining in his heart, suddenly the giant dragon raised its head and let out a deafening dragon chant, like a tsunami coming, and the world changed drastically.

The young man greeted the berserk dragon with a solemn expression, but the next moment he saw the giant dragon Zhang Shen's bloody mouth, and he swooped down and swallowed Bai Yiduo directly.

On the bank of Yushan Lake, under the staggering gaze of everyone, Longzu swooped down, bit a white flower and then disappeared into the lake.

"Bai Yiduo was eaten?" Gongsun Hao's expression froze,
Facing Longzu and Bai Yiduo, he didn't know what to expect.

However, there seems to be no suspense in this outcome, no matter how crazy and domineering Bai Yiduo is, she is still as insignificant as dust in front of Long Zu.

Gongsun Wanyu was stunned, and subconsciously stretched out her hand, looking at the calm lake, her eyes became hollow.

Mulan Xuexue and other female disciples swam up to the shore of the lake with difficulty, and before they could catch their breath, they saw the scene of Bai Yiduo buried in the belly of a dragon, with complicated expressions on their faces.

"Hey! Couldn't escape in the end?"

"Your death bought us time to escape, Junior Brother Bai deserved his death!"

"But..." A timid female disciple looked around, her lips were pale: "We have learned the secret of the Dragon Deed, will the Dragon Ancestor let us go?"

"Actually, the Dragon Deed Secret Realm is not a secret! Even if we know the truth, so what? The previous Dragon Deeds have suffered heavy casualties, and there are still people scrambling to snatch them, because no matter how dark the process is, the result is still very tempting, and people have to fight to the death. "Mulan Xuexue seemed to have realized everything, staring at the rippling lake, sighed regretfully: "It's just that Bai Yiduo uncovered this fig leaf!"

Compared with the depression here, at the moment when Longzu devoured Bai Yiduo, there were more cheers and jumps on the shore of Yushan Lake.

"Longzu is so mighty, he ate Bai Yiduo in one bite."

"Bai Yiduo is too rampant. Relying on the fact that his master is Ye Zhongtian, the master of the Zhongfeng Pavilion, he not only shows off his might in the Kunlu Mountain, but also provokes me in the Kunyi Peak. The wicked will be rewarded, just ask the sky who to bypass~!"

"Is that Bai Yiduo you mentioned really so powerful? What kind of cultivation is he? No one in the sect can take care of him, and Long Zu has to show up in person?"

"You didn't see that Bai Yiduo smashed the dragon's eye and broke in to help Gongsun Wanyu to enter the sacrificial gate. He should be eaten by Longzu for his unruly and unrestrained person." Lose."

"Hearing what you said, why does it feel like our Dragon Ancestor is very narrow-minded?"

For a while, there were many discussions and noises on the shore of the lake,

There were also those who came late and didn't see the grand event, and were dumbfounded when they listened in the crowd.

But no matter how it is discussed and spread, Long Zu is always right, on the contrary, Bai Yiduo deserves to be blamed for his own death.

And when the shore of Yushan Lake was noisy and chaotic, under the water surface, the giant dragon stood still with its eyes closed, its long and soft whiskers bobbing and sinking in the undercurrent, and its golden scales shining fluorescently.


Bai Yiduo felt his eyes go dark, and when he opened his eyes again, there was a dazzling light, and then the soft voice of a woman humming a lullaby came from his ear.

"Shake, shake, shake, shake to Grandma Bridge~"

Opening his eyes in surprise, what he saw turned out to be a thatched cottage.A mother gently patted the child on the rocker, whispering a sweet song.

This scene surprised Bai Yiduo, she hurriedly looked around...

In a simple but cozy thatched cottage, there are bamboo hats and coir raincoats hanging by the door, behind is a dilapidated but clean wooden table, on which there is a dinner plate containing half a bowl of rice porridge and a whole of corn.

"The child is asleep, the husband eats first, and Shujing goes to the field to take a look at the farmer."

The young mother suddenly gave a gentle smile, walked up to Bai Yiduo with a smile on her face, and took off the bamboo hat hanging by the door.

This action confused Bai Yiduo, she hurriedly touched her face, and lowered her head to look at the coarse sackcloth on her body.

"What's going on here?" Bai Yiduo was not confused, his eyes were full of surprise.

At this time, the woman suddenly seemed to have heard something, and the movement of wearing the bamboo hat froze, and immediately replied: "Oh, Shujing has eaten, and the food on the table is reserved for the husband."

After finishing speaking, the woman turned her face back and smiled lightly, her smile was overwhelming.

She is obviously dressed in coarse linen, but she has a noble aura when she smiles, which makes people feel aroused.

"I'm your husband?" Bai Yiduo asked in surprise.

But the woman didn't seem to hear it, she put on the bamboo hat, picked up the hoe, and walked out facing the scorching sun.

This scene made Bai Yiduo a little sad, maybe she was really hungry, she subconsciously turned her head to look at the table.

Picking up the corn on the table, I saw that the corn was wrinkled, and more than half of it was eaten by moths, and it was devastated.

This kind of corn is basically a defective product in the farmhouse and is used to feed livestock.And looking at the rice porridge again, Bai Yiduo couldn't feel hungry anymore, so she pushed it aside in disgust.

At this time, the child suddenly made a fuss, Baiduo frowned, and walked forward, but was startled by the baby in the crib.

I saw the baby in the bed covered with white hair all over its face, which was particularly creepy.

"This child... why is it moldy?"

Bai Yiduo hurriedly avoided a few steps, and walked out of the thatched cottage in horror.

But when he walked out of the thatched cottage, Bai Yiduo was shocked by the scene in front of him!
I saw yellow sand all over the field, animal bones everywhere, and a small river flowing in front of the door, but the river water was black and gave off a foul smell.

Not far away, there is an acre of fertile land beside the small black river, with some green plants growing sparsely.A slender figure is busy.

And all this is not the most surprising and crashing,

The moment he walked out of the thatched hut, Bai Yiduo felt an anxious feeling of being scorched by the sun, stretched out his arms, but saw the scorching sun shining on his skin, causing prickly pain on his skin, and a wisp of faint green smoke slowly rising.

"What am I going to do? The ultraviolet rays here are too poisonous, right?"

Bai Yiduo hurried back to the thatched hut, and looking at the outside world, her eyes were filled with astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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