Brother is really tough

Chapter 192 19. Love Lingyuan Sect

Chapter 192 19. Love Lingyuan Sect

Just when the Die Yu Skull was about to ascend, the stone door of the stone room was suddenly pushed open, and ten disciples of the Lingyan Sect wearing dragon-pattern robes walked in.

The leader was a young but fat little fat man. Bai Yiduo recognized at a glance that he was Li Shucai, the first disciple of the Lingyan Sect he met on the South Bank.

It is said that this Li Shucai is still the direct disciple of the Fourth Elder, and does not belong to any of the peaks on Longxu Mountain. He is kept by the Fourth Elder all day long, with high expectations.

Looking at each other, Li Shucai was obviously stunned for a moment, paused and rubbed his eyes.

"Bai... a white flower?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they never expected that they would bump into Longzu Bai Yiduo at this place, by the way, isn't this a special session for monks below Foundation Establishment?

Bai Yiduo was nervous at first, but after seeing the dragon pattern on their chests clearly, she let out a foul breath and coughed lightly with a feigned gesture:
"Cough cough~"

The visitor glanced at each other belatedly, clasped his fists and said: "My disciple pays homage to Long Zu!"

Regarding Bai Yiduo's meeting with Longzu in the center of Yushan Lake, everyone in the sect has long known it. Even if someone has never seen Bai Yiduo himself, they have heard of this name. Li Shu took the lead, so they know that he It is Longzu Baiyiduo,
After a female disciple bowed respectfully, she raised her face and secretly looked at Bai Yiduo. Seeing that Long Zu was so young and handsome, she couldn't help but blush on her cheeks, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Li Shu came forward with his face full of fat, and asked with a smile: "Long Zu, why are you here? Are you worried that we will be in danger, and you came here to protect us? Oh~! No wonder the Lingqu Sect just now Hit it and then retreat..."

"You guys really started fighting?" Bai Yiduo asked,

At this time, a female disciple complained angrily: "There are also the Lingchan Sect and the Lingyuan Sect, they have shot at us, damn it!"

But Li Shucai held his stomach and said with a smile: "We are still worried that they will join forces and it will be difficult to deal with, but now it's all right, with Longzu here, we will stay with the old man Longzu, and see who else dares to bully us."

After hearing this sentence, Bai Yiduo's face twitched, and his eyes turned to the Die Yu Skull beside him.

Bai Yiduo entered the shipwreck with a clear purpose, and it was inconvenient to bring a group of foreign sect disciples with him. If he bumped into Yuxiu and Du Zeping and the others again, the two sides greeted each other, saying that this was the Longzu of our Lingnan Sect. Shocked.

The butterfly feather skull is wrapped in light spots, which is equivalent to an invisible person in the eyes of outsiders, and can walk through this group of people without any shyness.
Coming to Bai Yiduo, Dieyuku asked curiously: "Bai Yiduo, what do they call you? Longzu, when did you become the Longzu of the Lingnan Sect?"

Bai Yiduo didn't know where to start, so she frowned with a smile: "Don't care about these details,"

As soon as the words were finished, there was another sound of flocking footsteps outside the door, and then, the stone door rumbled open, and another group of disciples wearing ancestral robes walked in.

Those who came were ten disciples of the Spirit Sect, each of them wore a Starfire Medal on their chests. I don’t know if it was because they lived on the edge of the volcano all the year round. When ten people appeared together, their most obvious group characteristics were not the different robes and Medal, but these people are obviously darker,
Some people say that black symbolizes health, and the disciples of the Spiritual Sect do look stronger. They are all tall and thick, and even the only female disciple in the team is also a strong model.
The disciples of the Spirit Sect obviously did not expect that there were already people in the stone room, so they raised their swords on guard, and the sword chanted for a while, and there was silence all around.

At the moment when the two sides were tense, Bai Yiduo swallowed her throat and asked Die Yuku: "Should we avoid this situation temporarily?"

"You are the dragon ancestor of others, can you be a little bit responsible?"

Sure enough, the next moment Li Shu suddenly held his belly and smiled: "Hahaha, Funan Village, if I were you, I would run for my life at this time. Have you seen the one behind? One!"

The black man named Cun Funan looked at Bai Yiduo warily. Bai Yiduo didn't wear a Taoist robe, and he didn't question his faction, but he didn't look like a big man at his age, so he immediately became suspicious.

Looking up at Kai Bao on the dome, the ten disciples of the Spiritual Sect looked at each other, and there seemed to be an exchange of spiritual consciousness between eye contact, as if they were discussing something.

Soon, it was as if they had negotiated a result,
I saw Cunfu sneered at Li Shucai and said: "In the melee just now, my Lingyuanzong intended to eradicate Lingyuanzong, and did not intend to be your enemy. On the contrary, I know that Lingyuanzong and your Lingyuanzong are world enemies. , the enemy of the enemy is a friend, how about... How about our cooperation?"

Li Shucai looked at Bai Yiduo hesitantly. Seeing that Bai Yiduo's eyes were red with anger, Li Shucai was not stupid. Thinking of what Bai Yiduo said the night before he left the sect, he immediately refused: "Who said that we and Lingyuan Zong is the enemy of the world? But I think the gang of Lingyuanzong are more pleasing to the eye than you, is it okay? And the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend, you are too subjective!"

Cun Funan didn't intend to really persuade the disciples of Lingquan Sect to look up at the dome again,
"Okay! It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate. It's just that the shipwreck trial is a joint plan of the five major sects. The acquisition of resources in the cabin is the luck of the monks. We take what we want and leave. You have no objections!"

As Cun Funan said, he stomped on the ground with one foot, kicked up dust and flew away, followed closely by other disciples of the Spiritual Sect, who also took their positions and exerted their strength together.

As early as when they talked with Li Shucai, these people were already looking for the treasure they wanted, and they planned to take the treasure and leave. After all, no one wanted to make troubles.

However, when they decided to take the treasure they wanted through the exchange of ideas, they discovered that there was a spiritual barrier protecting the dome, and the village Funan was among them, and was hit by a lightning bolt, and fell down with a bang .

Seeing this, other disciples of the Spiritual Sect realized that something was wrong, but even if they reduced their spiritual power in time, it was still too late.

There were screams from the stone room, and ten disciples of the Spiritual Sect fell down like raindrops.

They didn't have the tyrannical cultivation like Die Yuku, and it was Bai Yiduo who sucked [-]% of the spiritual energy reserves in the well, otherwise they would be severely disabled if they didn't die.

Seeing the mob of people howling in front of their eyes, disciple Lingyan looked at each other in blank dismay.

They were also looking for the treasure they wanted just now, if it wasn't for Long Zubai Yiduo being here, they would have gone to get it long ago.

Even when the disciples of the Lingfeng sect made their moves, some disciples saw that the treasure they were looking for was about to be taken, and they subconsciously wanted to grab it.
"It's dangerous!" Li Shu glanced at the dome in fear, even though it was full of jewels, he didn't have the guts to take it.

At this time, Cun Funan got up weakly to meditate and adjust his breath, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and said in a embarrassed and ferocious manner: "You have already discovered that there is a spiritual protection, right? That's why you didn't take it, but looked at it on purpose. Seeing us in danger, how despicable!"

A female disciple of the Spiritual Sect sneered and said, "Oh, are you embarrassed to call us despicable? Why don't you blame us for not reminding you? Even if we know that there is a spiritual obstacle, we still have time to inform you!?"

These words immediately choked the disciples of the Lingyi Sect speechless.

Indeed it is!
After they entered the stone room, they saw that the disciples of the Lingquan Sect hadn't taken the treasure yet, and they were still laughing in their hearts. They wanted to choose the best treasure by surprise, but they never thought that there would be such a thing as a protective spirit barrier. thing.

At this time, Li Shu took a look at the scroll of the mental method on the dome, and sniffed: "What a pity, I thought I could get a scroll of the mental method!"

Hearing this, everyone was not in the mood to gloat, they all looked at the poor land and the surrounding walls, and sighed at their favorite Kai Bao.

"Shucai, do you want the mind method to recite the formula?" Bai Yiduo asked suddenly.

Li Shu nodded again and again, "Longzu, what are the rules here? How can I get the treasure I want?"

These words made Bai Yiduo flicker, he wanted to ask Li Shu what he wanted, and he could ask Die Yuku to pick it for him.But after hearing Li Shucai's words, he suddenly had an idea, so he cleared his throat and said, "The rules here are very simple, as long as you have peace in your heart and respect your allies, you will naturally be able to obtain the inheritance of Kui Treasure."

The disciples of Lingyan Sect looked at each other in dismay,
Li Shu grabbed his bloated cheeks and asked without confusion: "Long Zu, what should we do to respect our allies with peace in our hearts? Also, who is our allies?"

"Lingyuanzong!" Bai Yiduo said without thinking, and reminded: "Lingyuanzong is the closest to us geographically. The so-called distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. There is no harm in building a good relationship with neighbors, so you just need to express As soon as Kui Bao was moved by Youbang's attitude, he might run straight to you, and Lan couldn't stop him."

No matter how you hear it, how false it is,
Li Shucai didn't believe it at first, but Long Zu said so, so it's not easy to refute his majesty in public, so he tried to raise his fist and looked at the scroll on the dome: "My name is Li Shucai, a disciple of Lingyan Sect, I am a peace-loving Disciple who advocates friendship, I love my sect, and I also love the Lingyuan sect of the friendly state..."

Seeing this, Bai Yiduo quickly winked at Die Yuku,

Die Yulong glanced at Bai Yiduo with a strange expression on his face, stepped on the ground lightly with his toes, took down the scroll,
The butterfly feather skull is wrapped in light spots, so in the eyes of others it is:
When Li Shucai applied for a confession to the scroll, the scroll fell off the dome and flew down, and landed firmly in Li Shucai's hands.

This scene directly made everyone dumbfounded. It turns out that it is so simple to obtain Kui Bao?
Seeing that Li Shu had just obtained the treasure he wanted, a female disciple's eyes lit up, and she quickly raised her fist and prayed to a three-star holy sword on the dome: "My name is Zhang Xueshuang, a disciple of Lingnan Sect, and I love the sect." , I also love Lingyuanzong of Youbang. The male disciples of Lingyuanzong are all handsome and good-looking. I am willing to find a disciple of Lingyuanzong to be a Taoist partner. The one named Du Zeping is very good. Of course, Tan Shiqing and Ye Lin are also possible , Wu Youcai forget it..."

After hearing Zhang Xueshuang's appeal, everyone looked weird, thinking, are you appealing to Kui Bao or male votes?

Soon, an exquisite holy weapon came off and hung steadily in front of Zhang Xueshuang.

Zhang Xueshuang was still praying with her eyes closed, but when she opened her eyes, she saw the sword she wanted, and happily jumped on the spot: "I love Lingyuanzong."

When Zhang Xueshuang took hold of the sword, Die Yuku turned around with a pale complexion and complained: "Bai Yiduo, they have picked up all the good things, what should we do?"

Bai Yiduo ignored Dieyuku, looked at the other disciples of Lingquan Sect and asked, "Go on, is there anyone who wants Kaibao?"

The rest of the disciples of the Lingwan sect held their heads up and searched carefully, not because they didn't want it, but because there were so many treasures in front of them, they had to choose carefully, and all of them had their eyes brightened.

Seeing this, the disciples of Lingyuanzong who were sitting cross-legged on the ground looked at each other, and someone rolled his Adam's apple and asked softly: "Senior Brother Funan, why don't we also say something good about Lingyuanzong, first get Kuibao and then talk about it?"

The female disciple on the side frowned and said, "The three-star holy weapon sword just now is what I want!!"

"Yes, although there are many treasures on the dome, but it was too late, and the top treasures were picked away."

Cun Funan wiped the bloody saliva on his chin, hesitated again and again, but shook his head: "Wait a minute! The young master just attacked the Lingyuan sect by surprise, and if he said such disgusting words in front of outsiders at this time, the whole Zongmen's face."

time goes on,

Finally, another disciple of the Lingyuan Sect took a fancy to a practice method after making repeated decisions, and excitedly raised his fists and prayed: "My name is Sun Xiaoman, a disciple of the Lingyuan Sect, I love the sect, I love peace, and I love the friendly Lingyuan Sect." ..."

Sequentially, the remaining disciples of the Lingyuan Sect had chosen the treasure they wanted, and after expressing their friendship to the Lingyuan Sect, they successfully obtained it.

But there are also those who want to play with personality,

At this time, a disciple of the Lingquan Sect took a fancy to an exquisite gemstone. The gemstones here are all at the level of Kaibao, which can increase the progress of cultivation and improve the level of cultivation. It is the holy treasure that cultivators dream of.

I saw him walking under the gem with unconcealed excitement, cupping his fists and praying devoutly:

"My name is Dong Jianhua, a disciple of the Lingyan Sect. I love the sect, I love peace, and I love...the downstream sect, the Lingchan Sect..."

He felt that just to show his love for other sects, it doesn't necessarily have to be the Lingyuan Sect, the Lingchan Sect should be the same, right?

The main reason why he chose the Lingchan Sect was that during the scuffle just now, he fell in love with a female disciple of the Lingchan Sect, the kind he fell in love with at first sight.

However, when Dong Chee-hwa finished praying excitedly and waited for the gem to drop, he didn't know that the face of Bai Yi on the altar turned black.

As a result, it was also obvious that Dong Jianhua was the only one among the ten disciples of the Lingquan Sect who did not obtain the treasure.

Seeing that Kai Bao was not coming, Dong Jianhua was in a hurry, but no matter how much he prayed and confided, the gem did not move.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Lingyuan Sect who were cross-legged on the ground looked at each other in dismay: "It turns out that it only works if you are friendly to the Lingyuan Sect!"

On the altar, Bai Yiduo gave Dong Jianhua a cold look, then looked at the disciples of the Lingyuan Sect in the distance, and asked with a smile: "Why don't you also express your friendship to the Lingyuan Sect? Maybe there will be Kui Baona .”

At this moment, Li Shu seemed to understand Bai Yiduo's thoughts tacitly, and reminded at the right time: "Longzu, you don't know something. During the scuffle just now, I heard a disciple of Lingyuanzong scolding Lingyuanzong for colluding with Nalan. The family raided the sect, and they just finished fighting."

Originally, several disciples of the Spiritual Sect were shaken, thinking of getting Kaibao first,
But now that they were poked by Li Shucai, how could they put down their dignity to pray, and stared at Li Shucai with dark faces.

"So it's like this!" Bai Yiduo pretended to be stunned, and nodded with her chin clenched.

Bai Yiduo still wanted to say something to disgust the Mind Sect, but at this moment, Die Yukuu's face darkened suddenly, and he looked at Bai Yiduo, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:
"Bai Yiduo, someone is here again!"

(End of this chapter)

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