Chapter 193
Bai Yiduo was a little dazed, and before he understood what was going on, there was a sound of rustling footsteps outside the stone gate, which made him panic, and asked Die Yuku: "Could it be the Lingyuan Sect?" Disciple?"

At this time, Bai Yiduo didn't want to run into a disciple of Lingyuan Sect,

Die Yuku shook his head: "I don't know! But, I will know soon."

There was a muffled rattling sound at the stone gate, and the group of monks turned their faces, and saw ten people with the same appearance and regular postures walking in one by one. They all wore a turtle pattern on their chests, which was Lingqu. Zong.

Seeing the disciples of the Lingqu Sect, Die Yukuo said to Bai Yiduo with great interest: "I heard that the Lingqu Sect has just changed its suzerain, and the new suzerain is strict in doing things, and the selected Jinyuan disciples are highly similar in height and appearance. Is it obsessive-compulsive disorder or something?"

Bai Yiduo saw that the ten male Lingqu Sect disciples in front of him were very similar in terms of clothing, hair accessories, height and body shape.
Even the walking posture and the distance between the teams are almost the same, which seems to be particularly cured.

"Maybe their sect has obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

Just when Bai Yiduo was amazed at what he was seeing, one of the leading disciples of the Lingqu Sect took a look at the embarrassed Cun Funan and the others, and then at the disciple of the Lingqu Sect who was holding a treasure and smiling, and asked cautiously: " What happened here? Village Funan, did Lingyanzong hurt you?"

"Heh, they don't have the ability yet!" Cun Funan forced himself to be tough, but his eyes dodged a little.

He didn't need to explain anything, but it was inevitable for outsiders to speculate when they saw this scene, because the other party was worthy, while his side was injured and embarrassed, the contrast was too obvious.

The leading disciple of Lingqu Sect is named Jie Ziang.Jie Ziang glanced sharply across his eyes, then looked at Kai Bao above his head,

Smart, he saw the clue at a glance,
Jie Ziang bowed politely, and asked tentatively, "Fellow Taoist of the Lingquan Sect, can you tell me how to obtain the treasure?"

Female disciple Zhang Xueshuang stepped out of the crowd and said angrily: "Jie Ziang, you were the first to attack us during the Xuan Dao, and you still want us to tell you how to obtain the treasure? Hmph, don't even think about it."

However, Jie Ziang just smiled, and looked at Bai Yiduo in the distance: "It seems that this Taoist brother has never seen him before!"

"Oh, I'm a spirit..."

"He is our Dragon Ancestor!" Zhang Xueshuang raised her chin proudly and said proudly.

Bai Yiduo was startled, and smiled awkwardly at Jie Ziang, "Yes, I am the Dragon Patriarch of the Lingnan Sect, Bai Yiduo."

Jie Ziang was thoughtful, seeing that these people had treasures in their hands, but the disciples of the Spiritual Sect were in a panic, and quickly realized what was going on.

I thought to myself: "It turns out that Long Zu of the Linglong Sect lurks into the sunken ship. This is because of the protection of the parents!"

Jie Ziang clasped his fists politely, "It turns out that he is the Supreme Master of Lingyan Sect, no respect, no respect,"

Bai Yiduo waved her hands casually, jumped off the altar and said to Li Shucai: "I heard that there are five treasure rooms in the shipwreck, and this is only one of them. Since you have all the treasures in your hands, don't stay here, let the neighboring sect Leave some room to play."

Bai Yiduo felt that if he stayed any longer, he would wait for Yuxiu, Du Zeping and the others sooner or later, and then he would be called out one by one by the dragon ancestors. He might think that he had betrayed the sect and went to the Lingyuan sect to develop.

But Bai Yiduo didn't lie to them, there is a treasure room with five veins multiplying in the shipwreck world, here is the treasure that is bred by water veins, and naturally there will be other four veins,
Bai Yiduo is not enthusiastic about these treasures, but is greedy for the aura that conceives and raises Kaibao.

After Bai Yiduo left the stone room with the disciples of the Lingquan Sect, Jie Ziang asked Funan, "Brother Dao, did the Longzu of the Lingquan Sect hurt you?"

Cun Funan didn't answer, but just raised his face to look at Kai Bao on the dome.

At this moment, a disciple of the Lingyi Sect finally couldn't bear it any longer. He got up and prayed to the sword on the dome: "My name is Yuan Dabao, a disciple of the Lingyi Sect. I love the sect, I love peace, and I love Youbangling!" Yuanzong..."

Someone took the lead, and the other disciples of the Spiritual Sect didn't care about it. They completely ignored Funan, the leader of the team, and jumped up one after another, holding their fists together, as if they were afraid that they would be robbed of their good things if they were too late.

The disciples of the Lingqu Sect were dumbfounded, thinking what kind of operation is this?Didn't the Lingyuanzong just attack the Lingyuanzong, and the two families are in the period of enmity?

On the other side, Dieyuku leaned in front of Bai Yiduo and complained: "Bai Yiduo, are you addicted to Longzu? What are you doing with this group of people?"

Bai Yiduo looked behind her in embarrassment, and whispered: "I don't want to take them with me either, it's because I can't find a suitable opportunity for the time being."

At this moment, a male disciple in the team stopped and exclaimed: "Longzu, I saw a treasure chest."

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed,

In the dark and spacious underground cave, a small golden box was placed in the corner. The light from the torch reflected the dazzling halo, making it look mysterious and rich.

Li Shucai's eyes lit up, and he ran over with his face full of fat. After checking it, he excitedly shouted to Bai Yiduo: "Longzu, come quickly, it's really a treasure chest, I guess it's full of treasures."

Entering the Shipwreck Trial, the disciples of the Spiritual Sect were the first batch of people who got the opportunity. In their view, there are treasures everywhere in the Shipwreck World, and there is no threshold for obtaining them. wealth.

But when everyone was excited, Die Yukuo frowned slightly,

"Bai Yiduo, did you feel a strange spiritual power fluctuation?"

Bai Yiduo looked at Die Yuku in surprise: "What kind of spiritual fluctuations can a treasure chest have? Can it still be alive?"

The treasure chest is about the size of a pillow, and the walls of the chest are covered with golden rivets, making it look luxurious and exquisite.
At this time, the box is tightly closed, but the lid of the box has a false sense of illusion that it will open at any time, as if as long as you walk over, the box will open by itself, and then let you see the box full of treasures.

Looking at the treasure chest in front of him, Li Shu rubbed his palms nervously, "I like the feeling of opening a treasure chest the most,"

Just when Li Shu approached the treasure chest with a fat face full of wretched smiles, the lid suddenly trembled, and then a red tongue stuck out,
Before Li Shucai could react, he saw the lid of the treasure chest opened and stuck out a tongue to lick Li Shucai's thigh.
This strange scene directly frightened everyone,

Li Shucai turned around and ran away with a scream, "Ah~ Long Zu help..."

What's even more weird is that Bai Yiduo saw the golden treasure chest as if it had come to life. He jumped and chased after Li Shucai. The ass is licked wet by it.

"Long Zu, save me~"

The other Lingyuanzong disciples got out of the way one after another, watching Li Shucai rushing towards Bai Yiduo, carrying a strange treasure chest, and also bouncing after him, the sound of the box hitting the ground could be heard in their ears.

Bai Duo's eyes widened: "What the hell is this? A man-eating box?"

Bai Yiduo was also horrified by the unknown, and was about to run for his life, but Die Yukuo said: "It is licking the spiritual energy."

Butterfly Skull narrowed his eyes when he was in danger, stepped up into the air with the light spots all over his body, stomped down on the treasure box with a dark look,
Die Yu Skull's own cultivation base is strong, which is not comparable to these Qi training monks.

There was only a bang, and under the critical strike of the butterfly feather skull, the treasure box shattered and scattered into sawdust all over the ground.

At this time, someone saw in the wreckage of the wooden box, there was a dark red luminous spirit ball and a book of yellow-level exercises scattered on the ground.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, surrounded by shock,
Because the Butterfly Feather Skull could not be seen, the moment the wooden box collapsed, everyone looked at Bai Yiduo in unison, thinking that it was the monster that his own dragon ancestor smashed.

Bai Yiduo was stunned for a moment, and belatedly opened her posture, pointing at the remains of the treasure chest with a solemn expression and shouting: "Du~, something that doesn't know the heights of the world, dares to make mistakes in front of this deity, and the door will use the axe!"

For a while, everyone looked at Bai Yiduo even more frantically.

But Die Yuku frowned, ignored the yellow-level exercise book, and looked curiously at the aura ball on the ground.

"Bai Yiduo, this is metallic aura, can you absorb it?"

Bai Yiduo hasn't obtained the Golden Vein Spirit Map yet, but he has Xiaoyoulong. Since it is pure spiritual energy, it can be converted directly.

So Bai Yiduo stretched out his arm, and a small silver dragon circled out. With the transformation of the scales around his body, the dark red aura light ball slowly turned into a blue water-veined aura, which was directly absorbed by Bai Yiduo .

At this time, Li Shu came forward with lingering fear, touched his wet butt, and kicked the sawdust on the ground with anger on his face: "Do you know how powerful you are? You don't have long eyes, this is my Longzu. "

This kick kicked out the Huang-level kung fu that was hidden under the sawdust. When he picked it up, Li Shucai's eyes were straightened: "Huang-level kung fu?"

For most monks, Huang-level exercises are something that can be encountered but not sought after.
But Bai Yiduo didn't like it. In his Heizi Palace, there was a whole wall of profound-level exercises, and as long as he had enough aura, he could unlock them at will.

But in the shipwreck world, the most indispensable thing is aura.

Just like the treasure chest in front of him, Bai Yiduo murmured a little unsatisfactorily: "It would be great if there were a few more chests."

Dieyuku looked at him, frowning: "Bai Yiduo, are you sure?"


Bai Yiduo didn't understand what Dieyuku meant, but Zhang Xueshuang and other disciples of Lingyan Sect were all blank on the spot, staring straight ahead of the road.

Bai Yiduo looked in that direction and couldn't help taking a breath,
I saw that in the spacious and deep cave, there were densely packed golden treasure chests, each of which fell there quietly, with the opening of the lid facing them, as if it would be opened at any time.

"I'll go~"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Bai Yiduo deeply realized that sometimes, one really can't speak nonsense.

"I'm almost suffering from trypophobia!"

Butterfly Skull smiled wryly and shook his head: "Bai Yiduo, this thing is fine against one, but it will definitely not be able to deal with this battle, and being licked by them will strip away your aura, one bite at a time, can directly put you out of practice. Qi Dao is perfect and licked to the first level of Qi training."

The young man swallowed dryly, and said softly to the disciples beside him, "Keep your voice down, don't wake them up..."

Bai Yiduo said as the cat got up and tiptoed back,

A group of disciples also imitated the example and walked lightly, for fear of waking up these trick boxes.

But at this moment, Li Shu may have been licked a lot of spiritual energy, his feet were a little weak, and he fell at an inappropriate time.
Following the movement here, all the treasure chests seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and the lids trembled in unison, making a pleasant rattling sound...


Outside the gate of the stone chamber, Cun Funan walked out of the stone gate with a group of disciples of the Spiritual Sect dejectedly.
The disciples of the Lingqu Sect who followed closely behind them also had depressed faces. Jie Ziang was even injured. Obviously he couldn't hold back and flew straight up to pick the treasures, but was struck by the spirit barrier lightning.

And just when the 20 people walked out of the stone room dejectedly, a hysterical shout came from a distance: "Run~"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, before they understood what was going on, they saw Bai Yiduo running over as the first among them, followed by a group of disciples of the Lingquan Sect.

"Eh... what happened?" Jie Ziang covered the wound on his right cheek, turned sideways and asked Bai Yiduo,
However, Bai Yiduo only cared about letting go of the girl and running, ran over with a bang, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Treasure chest~"

"Treasure chest?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering if Bai Yiduo knew where the treasure chest was and was eager to fight for it?

Just when everyone was guessing wildly, someone's eyes lit up: "Hey? There really is a treasure chest."

But then, a weird and grand scene appeared!

I saw that the cave in front of me was densely packed with treasure chests that could bounce on their own. Every time the treasure chest bounced, the lid would open and close with tremors, revealing the bright red tongue inside.


"I... really can't run!"

Bai Yiduo panted heavily on her knees, turned her head to look behind her, and heard the panicked screams of the disciples of Lingyu Sect and Lingqu Sect,
Zhang Xueshuang came forward with a sad face, swallowed her throat and said, "Longzu, what should we do, there is a fork in the road ahead."

Hearing this, Bai Yiduo looked up, casually pointed in a direction and said to Li Shucai: "Shucai, take them over there, and when the treasure chest comes after me, I will lead the chest here."

"Long Zu, aren't you very dangerous?"

For a moment, everyone stared at Bai Yiduo with moist eyes, and was so moved that they couldn't speak.

Bai Yiduo waved her hand casually: "I am your Dragon Ancestor, I should protect you, go, I will be fine."

The Die Yu Skull leaned against the stone wall and asked contemptuously: "Bai Yiduo, are you trying to take the opportunity to drive them away? I sensed that the treasure chest was led to another direction by the disciples of the Lingqu Lingqu sect." gone."

With Bai Yiduo's keen sense of consciousness, combined with the crying cries in the distance, how could he not know,

He really didn't want to take this group of people with him, not to mention the burden, and the unexplainable hidden danger of running into Lingyuanzong.

Only Li Shu wiped away tears, sniffed and said, "Long Zu, we will work hard to get the opportunity to sink the ship and succeed in building the foundation. We will definitely live up to the sect and you, Long Zu..."

"Okay, let's go,,,,"

After waving his hands indiscriminately and dismissing the disciples of the Lingquan Sect, Bai Yiduo let out a sigh of relief and looked towards the cave on the other side.

Shipwreck World is a sacred place for foundation building, but it is not easy to find a place suitable for foundation building. On the way, you can obtain wealth and treasures, and at the same time, you may encounter dangers and dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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