Chapter 194 21
At the same time Bai Yiduo was being chased by a group of metal treasure chests and fled in embarrassment, the disciples of the Lingyuan Sect led by Yuxiu searched in the opposite direction, crossed a muddy depression, and what appeared in front of them was the lush vines in the cave. Looking at the greenery, the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers.

"It's strange. The underground caves don't see sunlight all year round. How can there be such lush plants?"

Yuxiu walked forward with her long legs, the torch in her hand whistling in the wind.

Ye Lin swung the ghost ax to cut through the vines blocking the way, and frowned slightly:

"The way forward is blocked by branches and leaves, let's turn back and go back!"

"How can this be done?" Sun Tianman said angrily, "After walking so far and turning back, when will we find the ground veins to build the foundation?"

Yuxiu didn't want to go back here, after all, she led the way, she frowned and thought for a while, then swung her sword and slashed at the vines in front of her,
As Zhenghao's light dissipated in the vine cracks, Yuxiu shouted happily: "Everyone don't need to panic, the area blocked by vines is not deep,"

"Let me do it," Tan Shiqing said suddenly, took a step, and spread out his palm, a fire lotus rose from his palm.

Seeing her eyes, Yuxiu nodded clearly: "It turns out that Senior Brother Tan is from the Fire Vessel Spiritual System."

I saw Tan Shiqing's sword eyebrows condensed, and the fire on the palm rose violently, like a berserk fire beast, bursting into gorgeous flames while jumping, and a white tongue of fire gushed out,

At the same time, the vines in the cave seemed to sense the approaching danger, and squirmed to make way for two people to walk side by side.

Everyone looked at them in amazement, turned to Tan Shiqing and asked, "Brother Tan, is it your magic? How could the vines dodge by themselves? They are plants, how can plants move?"

Tan Shiqing looked in front of him dumbly. He wanted to burn a road with flames, but unexpectedly, the vines curled up before the flames gushed out.

Wu Youcai stepped forward proudly, "Brother Tan's fire veins are naturally vines, and they are afraid when they see them. What's so strange?"

Yuxiu felt uneasy in her heart, but she couldn't catch it.If Ouyang Jie was here, maybe he, who is proficient in the wood system, could give the answer,

"Let's go forward, everyone try to keep the formation, don't touch the vines here casually, I always think they are weird."

As Du Zeping said, he looked at Yuxiu, smiled brightly, and walked into the green cave first,

As the number one in the inner court, Yuxiu was originally the leader of this team, Du Zeping shouldn't be the first to advance,
But the strange incident before her, Yuxiu knew that he was taking the risk for herself, not only would she not complain, but a warmth welled up in her heart.

Everyone filed in. At this time, both walls of the cave were covered with vines. The further you went in, the branches and leaves of the vines became stronger, and small red flowers began to appear.
The flowers are gorgeous and round, and the fragrance is overflowing, which makes people feel happy, and the mood becomes comfortable.

And soon, the cave with luxuriant green vines came to an end, and what appeared in front of us was a huge underground cavity,

Like a forcibly torn hole, everyone saw a vertically split underground cavity in front of them. There was no dome when going up, and no bottom when going down.

On the hollow walls of the rift valley, vines like climbing tigers are all over the eyes, and the red flowers are blooming gorgeously. The rich fragrance permeates the humid air, which makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

Glancing at the dark abyss beneath her feet, Yuxiu held up the torch, and there was a huge ancient tree in front of her,

The ancient tree is as strong as ten people surrounded by it, with luxuriant branches and leaves. If you shake it, you can see the golden and silver interlaced glittering lights on the crown of the tree, and pieces of rare treasures hanging on it.

"Look, it's a treasure!"

Wu Youcai shouted loudly, the voice was ups and downs and circling endlessly in the hollow.

Everyone raised their heads one after another, and the trees full of treasures were like stars shining brightly. There were holy weapons, scrolls, skills, pearls and gems inlaid in them, which looked so beautiful and sacred in the gap between the lush green leaves.

However, when everyone looked up at the giant tree and was excited, they didn't know that countless vines in the cave behind them were wriggling around like tentacles, completely blocking their escape route.

the other side,
Bai Yiduo, a disciple of the Lingwan Sect, continued to advance. On both sides of the road were black rocks, and the water line dripping on the rock wall.

There was a pool of water under their feet, and their shoes were soaked.

"What a pity!"

Bai Yiduo frowned regretfully, looked back at Hei Dongdong, and said, "Those treasure chests are all metallic auras, but unfortunately I don't have a golden vein map, otherwise, I would just absorb them all. it is good!."

Die Yuku asked with great interest: "Bai Yiduo, didn't you get the inheritance of the Heavenly Venerable? When you matched the aura of the water vein in the well before, I thought you could directly match any aura."

Bai Yiduo shook his head, and said, "I only got two of the Five Meridian Spirit Maps, the Water Element and the Wood Element."

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo felt heartbroken,

"I don't know where the little turtle went, and what are the other two spirit maps?"

"After the matter is over, then, presumably Jinmai and Huomai should have also transformed into spirit bodies, and turned into some small animal!"

The more I think about it, the more annoyed I become, and I even blame myself,

If he could absorb the five-meridian boy in time, he wouldn't have to worry about it now.After all, I still blame myself for being too good!

Just when Bai Yiduo was bothering her, she suddenly smelled a faint scent of flowers,
"What's wrong?" Seeing Bai Yiduo suddenly stopped, Die Yulou asked without confusion.

"Didn't you smell it? It smells so good!"

Butterfly Feather Skull is surrounded by light spots, the bright halo seems to cut off the breath of the air, the eyebrows froze, and the light spots dissipated on their own when they raised their sleeves.
"It's the aroma of flowers, and a faint smell of green leaves... there are plants growing here."

Bai Yiduo thought for a while, then denied: "Impossible, plants need photosynthesis to grow, and this kind of dark environment does not have the conditions for plant growth."

Butterfly Feather Skull asked hesitantly: "What is photosynthesis?"

While talking, the fragrance in the air became more and more intense, Die Yuku shrugged and said: "Although I don't know what you are talking about, but this statement is obviously wrong,...Look~!"

Dieyuku pointed forward and looked in the direction she pointed. The green leaves in front of the dark road were actually a scene full of greenery.

"Wow, what's this? A creeper?"

Bai Yiduo said that she was about to go forward, but was dragged by Die Yuku,

Butterfly Feather Skull canceled the wrapping of the light spot, and is more sensitive to the surrounding aura fluctuations,

Looking at the lush green vines in front of him, he couldn't help but feel suspicious. "There are fluctuations in spiritual power, here...should be the treasure-hiding area of ​​wood vein spiritual energy."

"A wood-type spiritual vein?" Bai Yiduo's eyes lit up,
If it was an earth vein or a fire vein, he still seemed a little helpless, just like facing a golden treasure chest, he had nowhere to start.

But he has the wood element, the spirit fetus of Pingshan Monkey King is the wood vein spirit map, which has already been absorbed by him.

Thinking about it, Bai Yiduo rubbed her palms and said, "That would be great! I just don't have enough aura, this is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright!"

When he came to the shipwreck world, Bai Yiduo's first task was to absorb enough spiritual energy, because Granny Si's spirit body needs the comfort of majestic spiritual energy to recover.

Thinking about it, Bai Yiduo strode forward with uncontrollable excitement, leaving Dieyuku behind with an uneasy expression on his face and asked: "Bai Yiduo, are you sure you can do it?"

Bai Yiduo didn't answer, and walked step by step to the green vine, looking at the lush, gorgeous and fragrant vines, she could feel a kind of kindness,
I saw an emerald green vine head wriggling and approaching like a snail's tentacles, Bai Yiduo stretched out a finger, the moment the fingertip touched the vine head, as if an electric current flowed through the whole body, Bai Yiduo twitched all over.

At the same time, Xiao Youlong danced excitedly in the air in the palace, and the strong aura was absorbed by the chessboard while rolling, and under the guidance of the wood veins spirit map, it summed up the savings, and the Baizi sapling grew instantly,
The little fox was swaying left and right in front of a mirror, showing no interest in Bai Yiduo's movements, blinking his eyelashes in a vicious way, and combing his shaggy tail.

In the cave, Dieyuku asked anxiously: "Bai Yiduo, have you matched the wood veins? Can you feel where the wooden treasure room is?"

For Die Yu Skull, the most attractive thing in the shipwreck world is the pearl Weiyu and the holy weapon, which are named as Kui Treasure.
In the treasure room of the water element, all the good things were picked out by the disciples of the Linglong Sect, and the golden treasure box was similar to opening a blind box. Now that I ran into the wood element, it was another spiritual vein that could be matched by Bai Yiduo, so naturally I couldn't let it go.

"It should be..." Bai Yiduo felt it carefully, pointed to a direction, and said with some uncertainty: "It should be in that direction, the main stem of the vine is over there."

Hearing this, Die Yu Skull began to look forward to it, and urged: "Bai Yiduo, how much of the wood-type spiritual energy have you sucked away? We won't be in danger now, right?"

"Forty percent!" Bai Yiduo spread his hands and said, "Because it's not the main stem, it can only absorb so much, which is a pity!"

Die Yuku frowned and said nothing, and looked at Bai Yiduo after a long time and said, "Can I still absorb it? The spirit energy has not been weakened by half, and we will be attacked by spirit bodies if we enter rashly like this."

Although I don't know how Fujiki attacks people, Dieyuku is still quite worried. Whether it is the water well spirit array or the treasure chest that licks the spirit energy, they are all spiritual attacks that ordinary people cannot match. If you are not sure, you cannot enter without authorization.

Bai Yiduo was a little embarrassed: "I can only absorb so much,"

Hearing this, Dieyuku felt a little regretful: "It would be great if I could consume another [-]% of its aura!"

Just at the time of regret, Bai Yiduo seemed to have thought of something, suddenly his eyes lit up,
I saw the young man digging in his arms, but his spiritual sense walked into Heizi Palace,

In the palace, the red-haired fox was squinting at a young lady's mirror, and put a red flower in it, and the white one saw that the red flower was on the green vine, and I don't know when she picked it. of.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yiduo became furious, grabbed the small mirror, stared at the fox, and then returned to consciousness.

So, in the eyes of Die Yukuu, he saw Bai Yiduo randomly digging at his chest, and actually took out a beautiful wooden box,

When the wooden box was opened, a delicate gossip mirror appeared in front of my eyes.

Die Yu Skull poked his head to look, his eyebrows frowned: "Bai Yiduo, what are you doing with the mirror? Touch up makeup?"

"This is the treasure of my Lingyuan Sect, the Linglong Eight Diagrams Mirror!" Taking out the Eight Diagrams Mirror, Bai Yiduo said proudly: "This thing can trace the history and replay the future, as long as it is the scene in the real world , can be interpreted at a glance.”

"Is it so magical?" Die Yuku was skeptical.

"Of course!" Bai Yiduo said proudly. "However, in order to activate the Bagua Linglong Mirror, it needs to be injected with majestic spiritual energy, and it can only show the effect for 1 minute. Therefore, this thing is considered a high-consumption item, and no one is willing to use it under normal circumstances. But it is different in front of you , There is a tyrannical wood vein aura here, what do you say you want to see? You can see it in a while."

The more Dieyuku listened, the more excited she became, but she really didn't want to know anything, she just kept urging Bai Yiduo to demonstrate, and by the way consumed some of the excess wood-type aura,
Bai Yiduo was not tired of being crooked, she raised the Eight Diagrams Linglong Mirror with one hand, and tightly held the vine branch with the other hand, closed her eyes and meditated.

"Then... let me take another look at the world before the collapse..."

Following Bai Yiduo's thoughts, the majestic wood-type aura is continuously absorbed by the Bagua Linglong Mirror through the connection between the vines and Bai Yiduo's body. The Bagua Linglong Mirror is very greedy for aura, which gives Bai Yiduo the feeling It's like a greedy devil living in the mirror, absorbing the aura that can be absorbed at all costs.

Soon, tiny white silk threads spread out around the gossip mirror, each thread represents the image of a certain region in historical time,

Bai Yiduo waved one at random and made a choice.

And with the movement of the line of sight, a picture appeared in the shining light of the gossip Linglong mirror,
The picture gradually became clear from blur, it was in a room with candlelight mixed with red.

Both Bai Yiduo and Die Yuku stared at the mirror excitedly and nervously, as if they were in the scene, they saw a woman's heart-piercing groans coming from a flickeringly lit room.

"Come on, yes, the head is coming out soon..."

Immediately afterwards, a loud cry pierced the night sky, and a new life was born.

The midwife held up a baby with a smile, and the middle-aged man next to him was crying with joy, while beside the bed, an eight or nine-year-old boy ran up on his short legs: "Let me see, let me see, "

The middle-aged man rubbed the little boy's hair kindly, picked up the baby and squatted down: "Bai Hao, take a quick look, this is your sister, you will take care of her and protect her from now on,"

The midwife smiled and said, "Give the child a name."

The middle-aged man raised his happy face, looked out of the window, and said, "She was born white and clean, like a white cloud floating in the sky..."

The little boy was jumping up and down excitedly, waving his hands and shouting: "I know, I know, her name is Bai Yun."

"No, her name is Bai Yiduo!"


1 minute passed by, Die Yuku and Bai Yiduo looked puzzled.

"Bai Yiduo, you..." Die Yuku moved his eyes down hesitantly,
Bai Yiduo stared, "What are you thinking? This Bai Yiduo must not be me, I am a boy, not a girl."

Die Yuku giggled and said, "I think this Linglong Eight Diagrams Mirror, which traces history back to the future, is not reliable."

Seeing Bai Yiduo's pale and pensive look, Die Yukuo stopped laughing, cleared his throat and asked again: "Eh? Bai Yiduo, can this mirror see things in parallel times?"

"of course can."

Bai Yiduo thought about it intently, and in order to dispel the worries brought about by the 'girl Bai Yiduo', Bai Yiduo withdrew her gaze, condensed her consciousness and said, "Then, let me see where the Earth Maid Spirit Map is at the moment." where."

As Bai Yiduo's consciousness embedded, another strong wood-type aura was absorbed by the Eight Diagrams Linglong Mirror, and then Bai Yiduo saw a thin line, and a picture appeared in the mirror.

However, when they saw the little turtle appearing in the mirror, Bai Yiduo and Die Yuku both widened their eyes.

"I'll come and go~, isn't this guy really good at enjoying himself?"

(End of this chapter)

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