Chapter 145 145. Arrangements
In the morning, Yusuke got dressed and went out.

Today is the day of the club gathering, and it is also the first gathering of the summer vacation.

The tram in the morning was still so crowded, and the people were still the same, but the student uniforms had been changed into various casual clothes.

The most exciting thing in summer is all kinds of beautiful dresses. Summer is also the season that makes people feel youthful and beautiful.

Since he went out, Yusuke has received a lot of stares from the opposite sex along the way, and Yusuke has long been used to it.

However, it may be because of Xia Tian's relationship, everyone's enthusiasm is relatively high. Along the way, Yusuke has rejected two groups of women to strike up a conversation. bone spirit.

If it weren't for the experience of being a human being in two lifetimes, Yusuke would not be able to resist these temptations!
Just now a woman driving a BMW asked Yusuke to go on a trip together, but Yusuke refused, not even giving a phone call. The woman felt a little regretful, but she also gave Yusuke a business card before leaving.

"Call this number if you need anything, there will be rewards"

The woman winked, and drove away in the car. Yusuke didn't even look at it, and just crumpled the business card into a ball and threw it into the trash can next to it.

The damn charm!

Yusuke sighed, put these trivial matters behind him, and came to the agreed place, an ordinary family restaurant.

When they came here, Rika and Seiko were already waiting here, and they froze when they saw Yusuke's hairstyle.

"Yusuke, did you cut your hair?"

Yusuke nodded.

"It looks very energetic, it suits you very well"

It's rare that it was the Holy Son who praised it.

"Thank you"

"Before, Yusuke with long hair was also good-looking, but now Yusuke with refreshing hair is also good-looking"

Rika said with a smile: "Seeing Yusuke's appearance, I was inspired again."

Yusuke stopped holding the water glass, and couldn't help complaining at this moment: "Why do you get inspired every time you see me?"

The Holy Son also looked over curiously, this is a good question.

Lixiang pondered for a moment, and said: "It should be your appearance and temperament. I feel that Yusuke can hold all kinds of shapes, and can adapt to any style."

"Protagonist Fan?" Seiko said from the side at this time, Lixiang's eyes lit up, "Yes, it is the protagonist Fan!"

"You can be a domineering president, but you can also be a bad boy!"

"Wait a minute, why am I in this image!"

Yusuke has black lines on his face, is this the impression he gives?
"Can't I be the hero of the hot-blooded manga?"

"A hot-blooded hero?" Lixiang pondered for a moment, then said, "I don't feel that way."

The Holy Son next to him also nodded in agreement.

"It's hard for you, Yusuke, to be the protagonist of a hot-blooded manga with your temperament!" Lixiang said affirmatively, immediately causing Yusuke to fall into doubt...

Am I not enough for secondary school?
No, the soul of Zhong Er has been activated, it can be said that he is the king of Zhong Er, so what is wrong?

"Morning!" Yui also came over at this time, interrupting Yusuke's thoughts.

"Morning!" The three responded.

"What are you talking about?" Yui asked while sitting on a chair.

"I'm discussing why Yusuke can't be the hero of the blood manga"

Yui nodded, looked at Yusuke, and said in surprise: "Yusuke, you cut your hair! It suits you very well."

"Thank you"

Yui thought for a while, and then said: "I think Yusuke is more like a villain than the hero of the hot-blooded manga!"

At this moment, Lixiang and Seiko suddenly realized.

"That's right, Yusuke is only suitable for being a big devil, not a hero"

"Forget it, the Great Demon King will be the Great Demon King"

Yusuke waved his hand, it's better than being a badass and domineering president.

The four of them sat there chatting, and after a while, Eri finally came over, along with another person, Shoko Takayama.

"Hello!" Gao Shan Xiangzi nodded, "I'm disturbing your party, because I'm going to fight the Jade Dragon Flag next, so I'm here on behalf of the Kendo Club to talk to you about how to cooperate."

"It's okay, let's sit down and talk."

When the two sat down, they also noticed the change in Yusuke, and asked in surprise, "Yusuke, did you change your hairstyle?"

Yusuke was speechless, why did everyone say this when they saw me, can I just get a haircut?

"Could it be that you cut your will for the Jade Dragon Banner this time, and you will never give up if you don't win the championship!"

Shoko Takayama said excitedly at this time, and the people next to him suddenly realized when they heard the words, and looked at Yusuke full of admiration.

Yusuke shook his head lightly, "You think too much, the weather is too hot, and your hair is too long, so you cut it short"

"So that's the case." Gao Shan Xiangzi felt a little regretful.

"There's no need for Mingzhi! We've won the Jade Dragon Banner!" Eri said domineeringly, with a very heroic manner.

Eri's voice was a bit loud, and everyone in the restaurant looked over. Eri smiled apologetically, and everyone quickly looked away.

"Sorry, I'm so excited!"

Eri said with a smile, that smile was very happy, making everyone a little curious, why did Eri look so excited today, did something good happen to her?
However, Eri quickly adjusted her state and coughed.

"Now let's talk about the arrangements for the Jade Dragon Banner, and let Xiangzi tell everyone."

Xiangzi nodded and said: "The Jade Dragon Banner competition this time is all arranged by the Kendo Club, including accommodation and travel expenses. The Jade Dragon Banner will be played for four days, so we have to start one day earlier, which means we will stay in Fukuoka for five days." For four days and four nights, everyone should prepare some cleaning supplies first, and at the same time tell the family members. We will each take one for the championship trophy, you will take the trophy for the men’s team, and we will take the trophy for the women’s team. Split equally, and the Kendo Club will take care of other small matters, that’s all.”

Everyone nodded, and Yusuke asked aloud at this time:

"What hotel are we staying at?"

"Our Kendo Club has made arrangements for this, and we are staying in a three-star hotel."

"Sorry, I didn't make it clear. I'm asking which hotel to stay in. I have two friends who want to go over and cheer me up. They want to stay in the same hotel. I want to ask where I live and see if I can still book it. Room"

"It's like this, then I'll go back and ask Xicheng Dance, she is arranging this, I'll send you a message later"

"Then trouble you, my two friends may travel together at that time, I hope you don't mind"

"It doesn't matter"

Shoko Takayama shook his head, as long as he didn't bother them, it wouldn't be a problem at all, and Yusuke was the biggest trump card this time, so he would definitely satisfy this request.

"Guys, do you have any other questions?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Well, I'm going to say goodbye first." Gao Shan Xiangzi stood up at this moment: "I still have to go to the Kendo Club."

"Please run this trip"

"It's ok!"

Gao Shangxiangzi waved his hand and left quickly, leaving only Yusuke and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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