Chapter 146
1 "Okay, now it's time to discuss our internal affairs." Eri looked excited.

The big guy came again, and everyone looked at each other. Lixiang, who knew her best, asked at this moment: "Eri, did something good happen to you?"

"Have it?"

"You have a smile on your face all the time, you look very excited, not at all like the usual you"

Rika murmured, and everyone nodded.

"Okay, it's my personal business"

Since it's a personal matter, everyone didn't ask too much, but Eri went on to say at this time: "Actually, it also has something to do with you. Didn't we plan to go to the beach to sleep together, but our funds are limited, and I originally planned to , After we finished playing the Jade Dragon Banner, we got a bonus, which is just right, but now there is a better source of funds, I bet my sister, as long as we can win the Jade Dragon Banner championship, my sister will sponsor us to go to the beach to sleep together this time All the expenses, including the venue and accommodation, are all covered by her.”

Everyone suddenly realized, no wonder you are so happy, this is completely lying and winning!

Eri was very excited and couldn't wait to share her joy.

"We have saved a lot of money, and we can also use the bonus of Yulong Banner in other places"

"We can buy more doll costumes!" Shengzi said excitedly at this time: "It just so happens that the theater version also needs more characters."

"Hmm... this" Eri was a little embarrassed, "My plan didn't take into account the cost of the theatrical version"

"It's like this..." Seiko felt a little regretful when he heard the words, Eri thought about it for a while, and then said: "Why don't I go get some sponsorship?"

These words shocked everyone, how can this kind of bad movie get sponsorship?
Everyone really wanted to complain like this, even the Son of God. Although everyone participated in the activity very enthusiastically, everyone knew exactly how the effect was. Don't deceive yourself, who is being deceived!

"I'll tell my sister to see if she's interested"

"I said, you can't grab your sister and keep pulling wool, your sister will drive you crazy!"

At this time, Yusuke complained beside him, although he knew that the relationship between you and your family members is very delicate, but you can't cheat your family members like this!
"That's right, my sister is so shrewd, she definitely won't invest in it"

Eri stroked her chin and said, "Looks like I have to find a way."

"Or go to work, it happens to be summer vacation" Yui suggested at this time, Eri shook his head: "No, the efficiency is too low, the cost performance is also low, it's not worth it, our time is so precious, how can we waste it on part-time jobs? "

"Then is there any competition recently? Let's go to the competition to collect prize money"

Lixiang gave an idea at this time, everyone thought about it, and the idea seemed good.

But after searching the entire July, there was no competition suitable for them to participate in. Either it was some professional competition, and they didn't have the qualifications, or the prize money was too small, which was not enough to participate in the competition.

"How about doing crowdfunding?" Yusuke suggested at this time, after being on the Internet for so long, he has also seen some new ways of playing, and crowdfunding is one of them.


Except for the sudden realization on Eri's face, the others were still at a loss.

"What is crowdfunding?"

Yusuke explained it in the simplest way, and everyone understood.

"That is to say, relying on those fans to give us money, we will shoot works that satisfy them." Lixiang concluded, and Yusuke nodded: "That's it!"

"But do we have fans?" Yui asked a fatal question, and everyone fell into silence.

The amount of broadcasts that hit the street to the end, someone should laugh when they see it, and they still want fans, so let's go to sleep!

"Forget it!" Eri sighed and said, "Let's take out the Jade Dragon Banner's prize money to make the theatrical version first, maybe the theatrical version is successful, and we will have advertising revenue."

Everyone nodded. Although the hope was slim, a miracle might happen.

Everyone is chatting, the meaning of good friends is: even if it is a boring topic, they can chat with relish.

"By the way, since we're going to the beach, let's go buy swimsuits!" Yui suggested at this time.

"Agreed!" Several people nodded, and Yusuke said at this moment: "Then you go, I will not follow."

A few girls went to buy swimsuits, and it was a bit embarrassing for him, a big man, to follow.

A few people in Eri looked at it, and almost forgot about Yusuke, and Eri said at this time: "It's okay, Yusuke, you can shop yours, I will buy our clothes, and then everyone will gather together again."

"This one……"

"Yeah, let's go together"

Yusuke struggled for a while, and wanted to go a little, but he was afraid of feeling embarrassed when he went, so he was very conflicted. After thinking for a while, forget it, it should be no problem, so he nodded.

A few people packed up their things and set off. When they walked out of the restaurant, Yusuke regretted it, because along the way he received a lot of eyes from men, all of whom were angry men.

Four girls walked around a boy, laughing and joking along the way, the boy is handsome, the girl is pretty, and they 'flirt' from time to time, how eye-catching is that? It is a great irony for single dogs!
Boy, you are very arrogant!

On the road and on the tram, Yusuke's presence is very conspicuous, the feeling of being surrounded by stars is really too flamboyant!
When they finally arrived at the shopping mall, they split into two groups.

"Then let's gather in the lobby." Yui waved his hand and said, Yusuke nodded.

Seeing a few little girls walk into the store, Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief, he really wanted to save face and suffer, and he can't do this again next time.

I found a swimsuit shop, checked the pants, checked the size, gave the money, packed it, and took it away. It was done in 10 minutes, and then I sat on the chair next to me and rested.

Yusuke estimated that he would have to wait at least an hour, don't ask why he knew, these are the experiences summed up by the majority of men.

Yusuke looked around, and all the people sitting here were men, ranging in age from teens to 50s and [-]s, some were playing with mobile phones, some were reading books, the uniform standard configuration: big bags in their hands Small bags of clothes, obviously, everyone is the porter who comes to pick up the clothes.

"Isn't this Yusuke?"

A voice came from one side, Yusuke turned his head, and in front of him was an ordinary young man.

"It's Mr. Sanben!"

Yusuke said with a smile, the one who appeared here was Mimoto Yuuji, holding a bag of clothes in his hand, obviously, this is also a porter.

"I saw you over there, so I came over to say hello." Yuji Yamamoto smiled and sat next to Yusuke.

"Mr. Yamamoto, are you coming out with your girlfriend?"

"Yeah!" Yamamoto Yuji rarely showed a heartfelt expression, "Who told me to make my girlfriend angry, so I can only go shopping with her."

(End of this chapter)

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