Chapter 147 147. Gifts
"Awesome!" Yusuke gave a thumbs up and praised, whether it's making his girlfriend angry or going out shopping with his girlfriend, this is courageous, a true warrior!
Yuji Yamamoto smiled and shook his head: "Don't laugh at me, how about you?"

"I went out to buy clothes with my classmates, I've finished shopping, and I'll wait for them here." Yusuke gestured to the bag in his hand.

"Student?" Kumamoto Yamamoto's eyes lit up, "Is it a female classmate, and is it plural?"

Yusuke nodded.

"Excellent, you guys have a set"

Yuuji Yamamoto winked, and Yusuke understood it at a glance.

"You misunderstood, we are just ordinary classmates"

"Will ordinary female classmates take you out to buy clothes? Anyway, when I was studying, there were always a few men to buy clothes, and I never went out with a woman. Damn! How do you say I feel so miserable !"

At this time, Yuji Yamamoto became more and more angry, and couldn't help complaining.

Yusuke smiled and said, "Mr. Yamamoto, be careful not to be heard by your girlfriend when you say such words."

"It's okay, she won't come out for at least half an hour"

"how do you know?"

"Because I have been waiting for an hour and a half. According to my usual experience, it takes her two hours to go shopping next time, and she will come out in half an hour."

Great, this is a ruthless man!

"Although you are very handsome, I advise you not to be too hardworking. It is better to concentrate on being a human being."

"You really misunderstood!" Yusuke thought for a while, and explained: "They are friends from my club, we are going to sleep together at the beach, and we happened to go out to buy clothes together"

"It's like this." Yuuji Yamamoto had a strange expression on his face.

"Forget it, I don't understand what you young people are doing. By the way, what are your plans for the Summer Comic Con?"

"Summer Manga?" Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that there are two biggest manga exhibitions in Japan, one is Winter Manga and the other is Summer Manga, and Summer Manga is held in August, namely Said it will start next month.

Evangeline and Jessica just came back from their hometown at that time.

Wait a moment!These two guys must have counted the time, and they just came back at that time!

Yusuke thought about it for a while, and it was really possible, otherwise they could just spend the whole summer vacation in their hometown, why only spend one month.

But these are things that will happen a month later, let’s talk about it at that time, Yusuke also came back to his senses at this time, and said with a smile: "I haven't planned yet."

"What about my proposal last time, the meeting of the three kings, I will play the emperor, Jessica will play the saber, and Yusuke you can play the role of Jin Yingying"

"Well, I'll ask Jessica when the time comes, we still have two companions, let's see if they still want to act"

"There is still a companion, not bad, this circle is getting bigger and bigger, then I will wait for your good news."

Yuji Yamamoto stood up at this time and said, "My girlfriend is out, I have to go first."

At this time, Yusuke looked forward, and there was a petite girl standing at the door of the store, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Yusuke was instantly shocked!
Looking at Yuji Yamamoto, his eyes changed.

"Mr. Yamamoto, you are committing a crime! That girl looks like a high school student at most, you guy, you can do it at such a young age, you started in three years!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Xiaolan is already an adult, but she looks a bit small"

"You bastard, could it be..."

"Ahem, stop talking nonsense, I'm not that kind of person"

Yuji Yamamoto said with a serious face, but Yusuke could see the smug look in his eyes clearly.

"Let's call when the time comes." Yuji Yamamoto waved his hand and walked towards the girl with a smile.

Yusuke's expression was very strange, he could only see Yuuji Yamamoto hugging his sister like a big bad wolf hugging Little Red Riding Hood.

For a moment, Yusuke didn't know whether to be envious or jealous.

Shaking his head, he put the strange thought behind him.

After waiting another half an hour, when Yusuke was bored to the point of drowsiness, the four girls finally came out of the store satisfied.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Yui asked with a smile, Yusuke shook his head, too lazy to speak.

"Okay, okay, I know you've been waiting for a long time, let's go eat," Eri said at this moment, and several girls raised their hands in agreement.

It was finally evening, and after saying goodbye to everyone at the station, Yusuke was finally able to go home, so he was relieved, shopping with girls was really exhausting!Never do this kind of thing again!

There are not many people on the tram at night. When you get off the tram, the road is already full of colorful neon lights.

On the way home, Yusuke noticed a familiar figure in front of him.


Yusuke called out, and the girl in front of her stopped, it was Yui.

She turned her head and saw Yusuke's appearance, and waved her hand happily: "Yusuke!"

Yusuke trotted up.

"You just came home too!"

"That's right, I went shopping with Rie today, how about you?"

"I'm going to participate in club activities today. By the way, I already know the address and phone number of the hotel arranged by the Kendo Club. I'll send it to you."

Yusuke forwarded the message sent to him by Shoko Takayama to Yui, and Yui nodded after reading it: "I'll call and ask tomorrow."

The two walked together, chatting while walking.

"By the way, how are your grades?"

"It's not bad, with more than 80 points." Yuyi replied with a smile, "What about you?"

"It's about the same. I wonder how Aiyi's grades are?"

The two stopped at the same time, looked at each other, and then remembered a question.

What about the gift?


The two said in unison, but after saying one word, both sides understood it, and everyone forgot about it.

Yusuke looked at the time, it was not too late, and said, "Then let's go back and buy gifts now."

Yuyi nodded, since she promised to do it, otherwise the child would be sad.

The two returned the same way, ran to take the tram again, and rushed to the shopping street, Yui asked at this time: "What do you want to buy?"

"Buy a doll"

For little girls, there is nothing wrong with buying dolls.

Yuyi thought for a while, and nodded, this is the answer of panacea, anyway, every girl likes dolls.

The two came to the largest toy store here, which was filled with all kinds of dolls, animal shapes, cartoon images, everything that one expects to find.

Coming here, Yui's eyes lit up.

All girls like dolls, and Yui is no exception.

The two chose here, Yusuke finally chose a bear doll and a Shiba Inu doll, Yui chose a dolphin doll and a crocodile doll.

After picking out the toy, I asked the clerk to pack it up, and the two carried them home.

"Here, this is for Xiaoye"

At the door of Miyajima's house, Yusuke handed the bear doll to Yui, Yui took over and handed the dolphin to Yusuke, "This is for Aiyi"

After exchanging gifts, the two went back to their own homes.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the house, Aiyi ran over with the report card and shouted excitedly: "Brother! I got more than 90 points in the test!"

Yusuke smiled, luckily the gift was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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