Chapter 148 148. Double the Happiness
That night, Aiyi and Xiaoye were the happiest. Not only did they get double the gifts, but Yusuke also promised to take them to the playground, which doubled their happiness.

And Yusuke was also discussing this matter with Yui at this time.

"But aren't you going to play the Jade Dragon Flag in a while? Will going to the playground at this time interfere with your state?"

Yui asked worriedly, and Yusuke replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the Jade Dragon Flag is easy for me, and the championship is within easy reach."

"Blow it!"

But Yusuke said so, and Yui also believed that Yusuke had this ability, so he asked:
"How do you arrange the time?"

"How about the day after tomorrow?"


After hanging up the phone, Yuyi lay on the bed, thinking that we could go out to play together the day after tomorrow, and she was in a good mood.

At this time, I remembered the clothes I bought today, and quickly unpacked them. It was a light blue dress.

That guy always said that I only like to wear white T-shirts. I don't know what expression he will make when he sees me wearing a long skirt. Thinking of this, Yui couldn't help but smile.

When the time finally came the day after tomorrow, Aiyi got up early in the morning, ran directly to Yusuke's room, and jumped on the bed.

"Brother, wake up soon!"

Yongsuke was woken up by her pressure, seeing Aiyi sitting on his quilt, Yongsuke smiled.

"Why so early?"

"Aren't you going to play today? Get ready!"

Aiyi urged from the side, and Yusuke nodded when he saw that Aiyi had even changed his clothes and carried his backpack on his back. It seemed that he was already looking forward to it.

"Then I'm getting up, wait for me for 10 minutes"

After 10 minutes, Yusuke finished dressing, even had breakfast, and was ready to go out.

"Are you going out?"

Looking at the siblings who were about to go out together, Meihe asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm going to take Aiyi to the playground today, mom, you can have a day off"

Meihe nodded with a smile, and said, "Then be careful when you go out, and pay attention to safety."

Yusuke nodded: "Don't worry, I'm here, then let's go, goodbye mom"

"Goodbye, Mom!"

Aiyi waved her hand, and the two went out.

Meihe stretched herself at this time, it was really great, she could have a day off, take care of the children every day, finally she could take a rest, do nothing today, just lie at home and sleep.

Arriving at Miyajima's house, Aiyi ran to ring the doorbell, and Yuyi's mother, Reika Miyajima, came to open the door.

"Hello Auntie," Aiyi greeted.

"Hi, are you looking for Xiao Ye?"

"That's right, today we're going to play with Xiao Ye and Sister Yuyi"

"Is Yusuke going too?"

Lingxiang looked at Yusuke at this time. When she saw Yusuke's appearance, her eyes lit up. Although they were neighbors, the two rarely met. In Lingxiang's impression, Yusuke was just an ordinary boy. Why did he suddenly change today? So energetic?When did the child of Sanze's family become so handsome?How long has it been since we last met, a month?It seems to be a month, how can there be such a big change in a month!
Going for plastic surgery?But not like, the eyes are still the same eyes, the nose is still the same nose, it's really strange, how come they suddenly become so beautiful.

Although there were many thoughts in her heart, the smile on Miyajima Reika's face did not change, and others could not notice it at all.

Yusuke nodded at this moment, smiled and said, "Yes, we went together."

For a moment, Yusuke felt that Yuyi's mother's eyes had changed, but the next moment it returned to normal.

Are you dazzled?
At this time, Xiaoye had already come out with a backpack on her back, and today she was also dressed up beautifully. At this time, she said excitedly: "I'm ready, I can go anytime!"

"Where's Yui?" Yusuke asked at this moment.

Lingxiang's ears moved at this moment, such a familiar tone...

"My sister is dressing up, she should be ready soon!" Xiao Ye said at this time: "My sister got up early in the morning, took a bath, washed her hair, and put on makeup, and did it for more than an hour."

"Oh." Yusuke nodded, and Lingxiang next to him had a subtle expression on her face.

"Come in and sit down, the child doesn't know how long it will take"

"No need, we'll just wait at the door." Yusuke replied, as for Xiao Ye and Ai Yi, they couldn't wait any longer, and they weren't in the mood to go home and sit down.

"Then I'll rush that child," Lingxiang said with a smile, and then walked into the house.

In Yuyi's room, Yuyi is standing in front of the mirror. She is wearing a light blue dress today, with a sailor cape on her shoulders, her long black hair tied behind her head, and a small bun on her head. Her hair is scattered on the shawl, a few strands of hair hang down from her ears, her lips are rosy, she is wearing a thin lip balm, she grabs the corner of the skirt, and twirls around, the corner of the skirt is flying, and the hair is flying. At this moment, youth pressing.

"Should it be all right?" Yui looked at the mirror and said to herself.

"That's it!"

Mother Lingxiang was standing at the door and said with a smile, "Why are you dressed so beautifully today?"

"I'm going to the playground with Yusuke, Saya, and Aiyi today." Yui replied with a smile, while Lingxiang kept staring at her face with weird eyes.

"Mom, why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, it's just that you grow up too fast. You used to be a little girl, but now you have grown up to such a big size. You are already a beautiful girl. Mom is very pleased."

"Mom, why did you say that all of a sudden?"

"No, just complaining." Lingxiang said with a smile: "I don't know which brat you will want to take advantage of in the future."

"Mom, you think too much, I will be by your side"

"is it?"


"That's really good, well, don't talk too much, they are waiting for you downstairs, you go quickly"

"Ah! Mom, why didn't you say earlier, I'm going down"

At this time, Yuyi picked up the small backpack on the bed and trotted down, with a smile on her face.

Seeing her daughter like this, Lingxiang shook her head helplessly.

My daughter is already addicted to it, and she probably doesn't even know it herself, that brat from Sanze's family really has a trick.

But this stinky boy was very powerful when he was in kindergarten. He coaxed his daughter around since he was a child. When they were young, the two played house, one pretended to be the groom and the other the bride.

However, after so long, Yui probably forgot.

Forget it, everyone knows the basics, and the children of Sanze's family are not bad in character. It will be even more troublesome if they change to someone they don't know.

Lingxiang stretched her waist, and it happened that both daughters had gone out, so let's rest at home for a day today.

"Oh, very nice!"

Looking at Yuyi who walked out of the house, Yusuke smiled and praised, Yuyi's outfit today really caught his eyes, and the fresh ladylike style surprised him a little.

This childhood sweetheart is really beautiful.

Yuyi proudly raised her head: "Of course, I don't want to see who this beautiful girl is."


"Okay, brother, sister, stop chatting, let's go!"

Aiyi and Xiaoye urged beside them, seeing the two chatting leisurely there, both of them were anxious to death.

Yusuke smiled, "Let's go then."

The four of them walked together, two big and two small, like a family.

(End of this chapter)

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