Chapter 152 152. Guess the Gold Coin

Looking at Yusuke with a serious face, Shoko thought for a moment.

Everyone was looking at Xiangzi, waiting for her decision.

After a while, Xiangzi nodded, then turned around and said to Shengzi, "Then please!"

Shengzi also saw her determination, and replied seriously: "Don't worry, I have broken this record!"

That tone, that demeanor, was exactly the same as Yusuke's way of speaking.

In an instant, everyone's eyes lit up.

The usual Seiko is as cold as the wind, but once he gets serious, his aura is not weaker than Yusuke's. Does it mean that all masters like this?Usually pretending to be harmless to humans and animals, but when it is serious, it scares people to death!
Shoko Takayama decided to put all his eggs in one basket, and readjusted the battle list. Seiko was the vanguard, Yui Jifeng was the backbone, Saijo Mai was the backbone, he was the deputy general, and Eri was the general.

The Kendo Club was discussing things, while Yui and Rie were chatting at the moment.

After Yusuke leaves, the two are finally able to talk about something of their own.

"I didn't expect that there are so many beauties in this club!" Yuyi said with emotion, while Rie next to her looked at Yuyi, smiled, and said nothing.

"Rie, why are you looking at me like that?" Yui asked curiously.

Yui's eyes were very clear, Rie shook her head in her heart, it's really worrying!

"It's nothing, I just feel that you are not very good with that girl"

"I don't know why, but I always feel uncomfortable when I see her"

Yuyi frowned and said, this feeling is very strong, the two sides felt it at the first sight, everyone looked at each other unhappy!
"Maybe the other party is too strong." Rie thought for a while and said, although she didn't communicate much with her, but from the girl's tone, she could feel that she was the type with a strong desire for control.

"I don't know how the people in their club get along, I can't stand such bad-tempered people!" Yui complained, this situation is exactly the same as when Yusuke met Eri for the first time.

"Forget it, leave her alone"

Yuyi yawned at this time, "I got up too early in the morning, and I'm so sleepy now, I'll squint for a while, and tell me when I arrive at the station."

"Okay" Rie nodded, then took out a book and said, "Go to sleep, I'll read it for you"

After one o'clock in the afternoon, the group finally arrived in Fukuoka.

Fukuoka is the largest city in Kyushu and one of the five largest cities in Japan. There are a lot of people here. When you come here, everyone can feel the prosperity of the big city at once.

However, everyone was not in the mood for fun at this time. They took their luggage and rushed to the reserved hotel. After checking into the hotel, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiangzi said at this time: "Tomorrow is the women's competition, and the men's competition is the day after tomorrow. Everyone in the girls' group will have a rest today and adjust their state. The male protagonist can move freely, but please don't overplay it."

Everyone nodded.

The members can rest, but as the president, Xiangzi has other things to do. She went out with Eri and Saijo Mai. Today, she has to hand over the competition form and the name of the competition.

"Yusuke, how are things going with you?"

Yui and Rie came over at this time, and Yusuke replied: "Everything is tidied up, the women's competition will be held first tomorrow, and our men's competition will be the day after tomorrow."

"Then do you want to go out and play?"

"Okay, wait for me, I'll say hello to them"

The Son of God and the others also packed their things and were resting at this time.

"You guys want to go out to play, so can't you take me with you?"

At this time, Yui said with some expectation: "Anyway, I'm just making soy sauce, it doesn't matter if I prepare or not"

Rika next to him also nodded: "I don't need to participate in the competition, can I also go with me?"

"This one……"

Yusuke hesitated a little.

"Actually, I want to go with you too," Seiko said at this moment, and Yusuke was startled.

"Holy Son, you are the main force for tomorrow. You should rest at this time and adjust your state."

"Mere Yulong Banner, Pediatrics"

The Son's tone was very calm, as if it was a matter of course.

Yusuke's face was a bit weird, so the three of you can go directly to play, why do you want to get together with us!

But they all spoke, and Yusuke couldn't refuse, so he went back and told Yui and Rie about the situation.

"They also have to follow, I'm fine" Rie nodded and said, looking at Yui at this moment, Yui was a little hesitant.

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, and everyone was not very happy about this little thing.

Yuyi nodded and said, "It's fine, but I won't act with that guy!"

"Who is that guy?" Yusuke realized at this moment, "You mean Eri? She went out with Shoko and Mai Saijo, and Yui, Seiko, and Lixiang San went with us. people"

"So there is no such guy!" Yuyi was relieved, and said with a smile: "Then there is no problem!"

It seems that Yui has a deep prejudice against Eri!
The three of Seiko packed up their things and came out. Everyone greeted each other. Seiko and Yui had met before, only Rika and Rie were strangers.

But the two chatted very speculatively along the way, and finally became good friends, which is really unexpected.

Yui and Yui also had a good chat, everyone has similar personalities, and they have a good first impression of each other, so it won’t be awkward to walk together at this time, but Yusuke and Seiko were left behind rear.

Seiko doesn't talk much, but Yusuke can't find a common topic, or he is the most embarrassing, a group of five women and one man, this combination is too eye-catching!
Yusuke remembered the last time he went to the mall with Eri and the others. At this time, he could only walk silently at the end, and finally became parallel with Seiko.

Li Hui also did enough homework for this trip. Led by her, the group first took a tour bus and walked around the city, then went to the famous museum to see the art exhibits, and then ran to the food street to eat. Come down, everyone is satisfied.

"Rie, you are so amazing!" Yui praised, Lie took them the whole trip this time, and gave everyone some knowledge from time to time, which is really amazing!
"It's nothing, I looked it up on the Internet," Rie replied with a smile.

"But it's also very powerful. If it were us, we would just look at the past, and would not look up these materials at all."

Everyone nodded, agreeing with Yui's statement.

Rie smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

"Okay, let's go back after eating." Yusuke said at this time, the sky has begun to darken, in a foreign land, safety is the most important thing, and tomorrow is the day of the game, so we can't play too late, everyone order nodded.

After shopping around, everyone returned to the hotel contentedly.

"Let's go back to the room and take a rest. There is still a little time before dinner. I will see you in the restaurant later."

Yusuke looked at the time and said, everyone went back to their rooms.

Yusuke also returned to the room. The Kendo Club spent a lot of money this time, and booked a total of 6 rooms, three for boys and three for girls, and Yusuke himself had only one room, which was a unique treatment for Ace.

After staying in the room for a while, Yusuke felt a little bored. If he shared a room with the members of the Kendo Club, everyone could still talk, but being alone is a bit lonely.

After thinking about it, I decided to take a look at the system.

Speaking of which, except for the time when he just crossed over, Yusuke has not paid much attention to this cheating rookie system until now.

If it weren't for the monthly lucky draw, Yusuke would have almost forgotten that he has a golden finger.

The system is still that stupid, it only shows personal attributes, and there are no other messy functions.

Yusuke experimented over and over again, using all the methods he thought of, and finally confirmed: this system is useless at all!
Just when he was about to give up, he didn't know where the mechanism was triggered, and the system jumped out of an interface.

Finally a new feature!

Yusuke was a little excited and looked at the interface.

"Guess the gold coin?"

(End of this chapter)

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