Chapter 153 153. Frightened to the ground
What the hell is this?

Yusuke looked at the detailed description. This mechanism is the same as that of the lottery. By tossing gold coins to guess heads and tails, as long as he guesses correctly, his abilities will be doubled, and if he guesses wrong, his abilities will be halved. Of course, this is It is time-sensitive and expires after one week, and there is only one chance to guess the gold coin every week.

Isn't this just relying on character, gambling on luck!

Yusuke had a weird face, feeling like the system was playing him, and wanted to try it out, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up.

Tomorrow is going to be a match, so you can't be lazy at this time. If you accidentally halve your combat power, there is really no place to cry.

After researching for a long time, he only came up with a mechanism for betting on character. Yusuke was not in a good mood, so he decided to go downstairs to relax.

After coming out of the room and sitting in the lobby for a while, he saw a familiar figure.

Long black hair, phoenix eyes, and cold painting style, isn't she Semi!

At this time, Semi also had a tacit understanding, turned her head, and met Yusuke's eyes.

The two stared at each other...

Yusuke smiled awkwardly, unexpectedly meeting him here, and Semi's plain expression collapsed in an instant, that surprised expression was like seeing a ghost.

"Fallen Angel!"

The scream startled Yusuke, he jumped over and covered her mouth.

Just call me by my name, don't call me by my nickname!What a shame!
Caught off guard, Semei couldn't breathe immediately, her face flushed red.

"Semi, wait for me!" At this moment, a female voice came from behind.


Yusuke reacted immediately at this time, his reaction was too strong, it seemed like a bully was threatening the girl!

Immediately let go of his hand, stepped back, and said in his mouth: "I will explain to you later, don't tell anyone!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and got into the nearby restaurant.

At this time, a girl had already walked over, that was Semi's good friend, Xikujo Toka.

"Semi, why are you walking so fast! Don't wait for me"

Nishi Kujo complained, and was a little surprised to find Semi's face flushed.

"Semi, what's wrong with you, your face is so red?"

Semi shook her head, "Nothing."

Xi Kutiao had a look of disbelief, this guy definitely has something to do!
But with Semi's character, it's hard to get fresh breath from her mouth. Nishi Kujo was a little curious, but quickly put aside these curiosity, and said at this time: "It's almost time, let's go to the restaurant first Well, dinner is a buffet, we have to go early, otherwise all the good things will be picked out."

At this moment, Nishikujo pulled Semi towards the restaurant, and Semi also came to her senses, didn't Yusuke hide in the restaurant just now?

Now it's time to show off!
Wait a minute, why did it show up?
Why did Yusuke hide from me?

Semi was suddenly lost in thought...

Why don't you tell me how to participate in the Yulong Banner!
"Semi, Nishikujo, are you two going to the restaurant too?"

A boy's voice came from behind, and the two stopped. Behind them was the Dongchuan High School Kendo trio, and it was Kitagawa Hideki who was talking. Fiery hot.

But Semi was so far away that she didn't notice it at all.

Nishi Kujo looked at the reactions of the two with some interest, but found that Semi didn't pay attention to it at all. At this moment, he felt a little regretful, so he responded: "We are going to eat."

"Then let's go together." The three of Kitagawa Hideki walked up.

"By the way, where are Sanben-senpai and the others?" Zuohara Moriyuki asked at this moment.

"They are still in the room, and they seem to be discussing tomorrow's game," Xi Kujo replied, "Why are there just the three of you, and the other two?"

"In the room, I'm too nervous, adjust my mentality inside." Kitano Masaaki shook his head with a helpless expression.

"Your boy group is also choking"

Xi Kutiao sighed, and they walked into the restaurant while talking.

Semi was a little nervous at this time, just now Yusuke ran into the restaurant, what if we meet later?
And Bei Chuan, who has been paying attention to Semi, also noticed it at this time, and asked worriedly: "Semi, what's wrong with you? Why are you so nervous?"

"The air conditioner is a bit cold," Semi replied calmly.

"Oh." Kitagawa Hideki nodded, and the corners of the mouths of the people next to him twitched.

Don't you guys care more about a few words?With you like this, chasing Semi is like a dream!
Surprisingly, several people did not meet Yusuke in the restaurant, and Semi's eyes swept the audience, but did not find Yusuke's existence.

Where did Yusuke go?
What Semi didn't know was that when they came in just now, Yusuke had already slipped away from another door of the restaurant.

After a while, Semi's cell phone rang, and after looking at it, it was a message from Yusuke. Then she stood up and said, "I have something to do, I need to make a call."

Before everyone responded, he had already walked out of the restaurant with his mobile phone.

Semi came to a corner of the hall, and sure enough, Yusuke was waiting there.

Seeing Semi approaching, Yusuke smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to just now"

"I don't care," Semi said calmly, but Yusuke could sense that Semi was a little angry.

Yusuke soon understood that she was not angry for this reason, and then explained:

"Come here to fight the Jade Dragon Flag this time. It is a joint project between our club and the Kendo club. During the competition, we will definitely have a battle, but you are all my friends, and it is difficult for me to reconcile in the middle, so I choose Neither side said anything, I hope you can understand"

Semi thought for a while, and put herself in the situation. This kind of entangled mood is understandable, and the resentment in her heart has subsided a little at this time.

"Don't do this again next time, I can keep it a secret"

Yusuke nodded: "I'm sorry, I was wrong this time"

Seeing Yusuke's sincere attitude, the anger in Semi's heart quickly disappeared.

"I think this should be the arrangement of fate"

"Yeah, it's really fate." Yusuke said with emotion, it's really fate to be able to live in the same hotel in such a huge crowd!
"Light and darkness always go hand in hand!" Semi sighed.

Yusuke's expression was a little awkward, and he said in a low voice: "Can you not say these things here?"

"Ah, I almost forgot." Semi immediately returned to her indifferent style.

This guy is so skilled!
Yusuke looked at the time at this moment, and said: "I'm going back first, we should meet again later, please be more natural."

"Okay, I get it, it's like having an affair!"

What kind of metaphor are you!

"Also, don't speak such a second-year language in a moment, you almost revealed your secrets when we met just now."

"Who told you to appear suddenly, and frightened me"

"Okay, it was my fault, bye"


As soon as the two separated, Yusuke received a call.

"Yusuke, where are you?" It was a call from Yui, probably because no one was found in the room.

"I'm downstairs in the lobby"

"Okay, then wait for me, we're coming down"

Soon, a group of people came down, not only Yui and Rie, but also Kendo Club and Eri and his party came down together.

Yusuke also came over and followed everyone to the direction of the restaurant.

At this time, Kitagawa Hideki was eating, just raised his head, and saw Yusuke.


The knife and fork in his hand fell to the ground in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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