Chapter 159 159. Professional

Facing the expectant Suzuki Lan, Naoto Oki smiled and nodded.

"Then go and have a look!"

He doesn't mind mentoring newcomers. At his age, if he guides newcomers, he might gain a good reputation.

What Suzuki Lan was talking about was Shengzi's competition. She was responsible for paying attention to the competitions of Jimei High School, but the performance of Jimei High School was really unexpected. This is really too bad!

Suzuki Lan wondered if she misunderstood the name. Is this really the strength of the national runner-up?

On the contrary, it was Hechuan High School who was fighting against them. The opponent in the vanguard battle made her eyes shine, and the fierce temperament made her tremble. She seemed to see the samurai in the Warring States Period, and the indomitable momentum shocked her deeply. .

That saber technique, saber momentum, the ancient swordsman, nothing more than that!

Suzuki Lan doesn't know kendo. For this report, she did some homework. She probably knows the strength of the Yulongqi player, but the strength of the player from Hechuan Middle School is really amazing!
Suzuki Lan had a premonition that Hechuan Middle School must be the biggest dark horse in Yulong Banner this time!

She immediately looked up the information of Hechuan Middle School. Last year's national top 4, this year's results were so bad that they could not make it to the national competition, and this contestant was Seiko Sasaki.

Suzuki Lan began to pay attention to this Sasaki Seiko, and as Sasaki Seiko overthrew the whole team by himself, even the general was off, Suzuki Lan was excited at this moment, and hurriedly went to find her senior Naoto Oki, when the two came over, Shengzi has already won a book, and Jimei High School is only one blow away from failure!

Naoto Dashu didn't take it seriously when he first came here, until he saw the result of the competition, he also showed a shocked expression at this time, with such a poor result, is he really the national runner-up this year?


It's not that Jimei High School is too bad, but that the person they are fighting against is really too strong!

Dashu Naoto was a little excited, and his calm heart was a little restless at this moment. He felt that this year's Yulong Banner should have a big change!

"Senior Dashu, what do you think?" Suzuki Lan asked excitedly from the side.

"Don't be impatient!"

After all, Naoto Dashu is an old fritter, he quickly adjusted his mentality, and said to Suzu Mulan: "Let's take a look first, and then we'll talk after watching the game."

Can't make a decision yet, if Seiko Sasaki wins...

that would be great!It's been a long time since I've encountered such a thing. It's so inspiring to come back against the trend with a weak team!

As for Jimei High School, sorry, the loser has no place to speak.

Winners and losers have always been like this!
The game below started again, and Shengzi and Nagano Camellia returned to their original seats.

Nagano Camellia took a deep breath and discarded all distracting thoughts.

Final blow!

Everyone in Jimei High School is very nervous, whether they can make a comeback depends on this blow!


After the referee's voice fell, Nagano Camellia launched an attack immediately, and Shengzi's speed was also extremely fast. The bamboo swords of the two collided together, and the powerful force made Tea Camellia's arm vibrate.

Gritting his teeth, he took a hard move. There is no way out at this time, so let's go all out!

Nagano Camellia was desperate, and she attacked one sword after another. As this year's national champion and runner-up, her strength is obvious to all, and she was able to fight Shengzi three swords.

After three strikes, she had no strength. The power of the Holy Son was astonishing. Every strike made her arms numb. By the fourth strike, her hands were already a little numb.

Is this guy a monster?
Nagano Camellia was shocked. At this moment, Shengzi was like a ghost, and the sharp sword technique made her terrified.

At this moment, the bamboo sword was raised high, and Nagano Chacha just met her eyes, that condescending eyes...

Sword ghost!

Devil in the sword!


The sound of the bamboo sword hitting

This sword completely shattered Jimei High School's advancement path.

Nagano Camellia was a little dazed, until the referee's voice sounded in her ears, she came back to her senses, looked at her palm, sighed,
Summer is over this year...

The two parties entered the arena, and everyone in the Kendo Club was very excited. They only entered the stage with Shengzi, and the other four were playing soy sauce. On the opposite side, Jimei High School, everyone looked unwilling, and several female students shed tears. President Nagano Camellia has a calm face.

The tragic atmosphere also infected everyone in the Kendo Club, and everyone restrained their smiles and straightened their faces.

This is a respectable opponent.

Bow, salute.

This is etiquette in kendo circles.

At this moment, Nagano Camellia came over and stood in front of the Son, as if he wanted to imprint the face of the Son in his mind, while the Son looked at her with calm eyes.

At this moment, Shengzi was very calm, and he couldn't feel the vicious atmosphere on the field at all.

"I wish you a prosperous Martial Dao!"

Nagano Camellia stretched out his palm, Shengzi looked at it, stretched out his palm, and held both hands together.

"Thank you!"

Nagano Chacha nodded, withdrew her hand, turned and left very coolly, and returned to the team.

"Okay, don't cry, come back next year, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs!"

That demeanor, even everyone in the Kendo club looked at him with high regard, he deserves to be the president, his demeanor is really different!
And Naoto Oki in the auditorium was excited, he saw it, he felt it, it was this aura, which can only be felt by standing on the spot.

That was the most glorious time of kendo. At that time, geniuses came out in large numbers, each of them was a proud son of heaven, and everyone had that temperament. After being lonely in the kendo circle, it has been a long time since such a person appeared, but in Today, he felt it again.

This is definitely the biggest dark horse of Yulong Banner!

Dashu Naoto said excitedly at this time: "Xiaolan, I have a task for you. Go and check the information of this Hechuan Middle School. The other party is definitely not as simple as the surface. I have a hunch that this year's Yulong Banner champion is here!"

Suzuki nodded excitedly. She also felt the domineering temperament at the scene. Although she doesn't know the way of swordsmanship, the momentum is contagious.

Dashu Naoto is very excited, some of this column has been written!
Hechuan Middle School won too quickly, and the games of other teams were still going on, so Shengzi was resting on the waiting bench.

Xicheng Dance ran over like a dog.

"Senior Son, let me rub your shoulders for you"

"Holy Son, eat something and replenish your strength." Xiangzi also came over with chocolates at this time. The competition is very exhausting. It is not an easy task to break through the whole field. At this time, you must hurry up to replenish your strength.

Shengzi took the chocolate calmly, took a bite, drank the water that Houjieyi handed over, and then sat there enjoying Xichengwu's massage.

At this moment, he nodded and said, "Xiao Wu, your skills are not bad."

Xicheng Dance showed a smug smile.

"Of course, I am a professional massager!"

(End of this chapter)

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