Chapter 160. Chapter 160.

Everyone was very excited after winning the first game. After a short rest, it was finally the next game.

At this time, more and more audiences followed their competition, some of them were attracted by the national runner-up of Jimei High School, but at this time they were already amazed by Shengzi's super fighting power.

The failure of Jimei High School was unexpected, and the audience was talking about it, a little sad, but more excited.

Playing cards not according to the routine is always exciting.

The audience's comments had no effect on the Holy Son, and he still had a calm expression on his face. The aura of honor and disgrace made everyone feel confident.

This time, the opponent was much weaker. Compared with the strength of Jimei High School, this team was far behind. Shengzi fought five times by himself, and easily played the whole game. Every battle was an instant kill, and his speed was the best. In the field, other people are still playing the game. The Son of God has finished all the battles and is already sitting down to rest.

Killing 10 players in a row, Shengzi's super combat power also attracted the attention of many players. More people began to pay attention to Hechuan Middle School, and many people began to check the information of Hechuan Middle School.

And these have no effect on Shengzi, she is sitting on the waiting seat at this time, and Xicheng Wu is helping her massage her body.

Hitting ten people in a row was no pressure for Shengzi. She didn't even leave a drop of sweat, but Xichengwu's massage technique was very professional, which made her enjoy it very much.

"Xiao Wu, your technique is so professional and amazing!" Sheng Zi praised, his eyes were rarely full of appreciation.

Xicheng Dance responded with a smile: "Sister Shengzi likes it as long as she likes it"

"Where did you practice this technique?"

"My father is a Chinese medicine masseur. He is proficient in acupoints. I have also learned some from him since I was a child, but it is just a superficial thing. Sister Shengzi, as long as you like it."

"Awesome! I'll come to visit some other day, I'm very interested in your father's craftsmanship!" Shengzi said at this time: "My father should like it."

"Sister Shengzi is very welcome to come to my house as a guest!"

If a warrior wants to practice martial arts, he must practice from a young age. After a long time, there will be some hidden injuries to the body. If he can recuperate it, it will be of great benefit to the body. The Holy Son himself also knows some massage techniques, but Xicheng Wu's craftsmanship is better, and these are just some of her father's superficiality. Shengzi is looking forward to the massage parlor of Xicheng Dancer.

And Yui, who was listening to the side, was a little envious, and said at this time: "Xiao Wu, wait a minute, can you press it for me?"

Xi Chengwu nodded: "Okay, but you have to take care of Senior Sister Shengzi first."

"Not bad, this hand should be stronger"

"How is this?"

"Good, just right"

Yusuke heard the black line on his face, you two guys, you are still concerned about the massage at this time, and your heart is big enough!

At this time Xiangzi came over with the battle table, his face was very serious, seeing her expression, Eri asked, "Is the next opponent strong?"

This is the only thing that can make Xiangzi nervous, and Xiangzi nodded.

Everyone else was a little curious, and looked at the battle table. The next opponent was Jinmen High School, whose historical score was the top eight in the country.

"It's only the top 8 in the country, what's there to be nervous about?" Yui said beside him, everyone else nodded, the runners-up won, and it's only the top [-] in the country, what are you afraid of!
But there must be other reasons for Xiangzi to be so serious. Everyone looked at Xiangzi, waiting for her explanation.

"There is a contestant in Jinmen High School who is very dazzling. Just like us, he also won the ten-man dare-to-fight award!"

This is indeed a little surprising. I didn't expect that there would be someone like them who had achieved the same achievement.

At this time, everyone gathered around and looked at the list of contestants.

The vanguard opponent, Futaba Inouin.

"This Inengin Futaba won the ten-man dare-to-fight award just like the pair." Xiangzi continued at this time: "I checked, and Jinmen High School only reached the quarter-finals in the national competition, and there were no contestants in the competition." This one Inoin Futaba"

"That is to say, like us, she has been recruited from foreign aid," Xicheng Wu said this time.

Xiangzi nodded, but she was a little strange, why the strongest in the kendo competition is foreign aid!Even stronger than official members!They are like this, and so is Jinmen High School!

In Jinmen High School, several girls were circling around a girl, massaging massage, wiping sweat, feeding, and feeding. They looked expectantly at the girl sitting in the middle.

The girl said with a black line on her face: "Don't surround me like this, I'm not that tired"

"Futaba, you work so hard, we can't help you, we can only do what we can"

The president, Mimi Kojima, was helping her wipe her face at this time, and her hands worked even harder.

The president's speech aroused the recognition of other members, and everyone became more attentive.

"Okay, Meimei, don't rub it anymore, the skin on my face has been scratched by you!"

After finally driving away the girls surrounding her, Inengin Futaba breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the club manager came over with the battle table and said, "I know the information about the next opponent."

At this time, all the people gathered around and looked at it curiously.

After reading the information, everyone was silent.

Isn't this the same as Futaba?It's also a one-to-ten, one-on-one to overwhelm the entire field, and every game of her is a spike, even this year's national runner-up is not her opponent, and she exits in two or three hits.

Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

The president Mimi Kojima asked at this time: "Futaba, what do you think?"

Inoin Futaba looked at the battle table at this time, and there was a photo of Seiko Sasaki on it, which was probably secretly taken by their members.

Normally, the female club members go to participate in the competition, and the boys are responsible for inquiring about the next opponent's information. The opponents worthy of attention will be recorded, and then the opponent's strength will be analyzed, and the next battle plan will be discussed.

But in Hechuan High School, Xiangzi and the others didn't do this, because they had already decided to use Shengzi as the main force, and they followed this plan to the end, and they didn't bother to care about the opponent's cards.

Futaba nodded at this moment, and praised: "It's so beautiful!"

Everyone's momentum faltered, and Kojima Mimi said angrily, "Futaba, be serious, this is a competition!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Futaba responded with a smile: "But it's really beautiful!"

There was some envy in the tone. In the photo, Shengzi had just taken off his armor. His exquisite little face, sharp eyes, and cold style gave him the stunning feeling of an iceberg beauty.

In terms of appearance alone, Shengzi's appearance is also super high. Relatively speaking, Futaba can only be said to be the more attractive one.

Shengzi's cold style has an inexplicable handsomeness, which makes women a little fascinated. Suzuki Lan is attracted by Shengzi's fascinating handsomeness.

(End of this chapter)

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