The painting style of this island country is too middle school

161 Chapter 161. There Are So Many Geniuses

161 Chapter 161. There Are So Many Geniuses
"Why do you care about her beauty! Now it's the Jade Dragon Banner, not a beauty pageant!"

Kojima Mimi complained from the side, and then she was glared at by Futaba, and Kojima Mimi was taken aback.

"Why are you looking at me like that!"

Kojima Mimi, as the name suggests, is very beautiful and is the school flower of Jinmen High School.

"Tch, it won't hurt my back to talk while standing!"

Although this is what they said, there is no contradiction between the two. After all, they are childhood sweethearts and grew up together. Futaba also knows Mimi Kojima's character. This guy often talks without thinking!

But the characteristic of speaking without brains is cute when it comes to beautiful women, but stupid when it comes to ugly women!
Futaba is somewhat envious of Kojima Mimi's beauty, while Kojima Mimi is envious of Futaba's high talent in swordsmanship. It can be said that the two are a wonderful couple.

This time, Futaba's participation in the Jade Dragon Banner was a strong request from Kojima Mimi. She spent all her money and promised to invite her to the playground once, plus a trip to the hot springs, Futaba agreed.

Futaba did not disappoint Mimi Kojima, and won the ten-man dare-to-fight award at the beginning, which made everyone in the Kendo Club very excited.

But their good luck ends here, the biggest opponent is coming, and the opponent is also in the form of a dark horse, and won the ten-man dare-to-fight award. The combat mode is exactly the same as that of Jinmen High School!

"Things got interesting"

Naoto Oki in the auditorium showed a smile at this time. There are too many newcomers this year, and every newcomer is super strong, which makes him very excited.

Suzu Mulan next to him looked at the winning-losing ratio of Jinmen High School, and was also taken aback. He didn't expect that this team would fight ten games in a row, which is amazing!
"Xiao Lan, who do you think will win?"

Daoki Naoto asked with a smile, Suzuki Lan thought for a moment, and said, "I think it should be Seiko Sasaki."


"Intuition!" Suzuki Lan said firmly at this time.

"What about Senior Dashu?"

"It's hard to judge." Naoto Dashu stroked his chin and said, "Seiko Sasaki, I guess it should be Sasaki Torutsu's disciple, it should be his family."

"Sasaki Toru?" Suzuki Lan recalled, and said in surprise: "That 8-level sword master, the one who is closest to the sword master in the contemporary era!"

Naoto Dashu nodded with a smile: "It should be true. I only think of him with the surname Sasaki. He is a great swordsman. If it is his family, it is normal to have such strength. As for Inengin Futaba, I I think I should know, have you heard of the surname Yinengyuan?"

Suzuki Lan thought for a while. She had sorted out the information before and remembered those famous people in the kendo circle, but it was impossible to remember all the famous swordsmen. She still couldn't remember, so she shook her head.

"Inoin Ginji!" Daki Naoto said at this time: "A master of the seventh stage of swordsmanship"

Suzuki Lan has a weird look on her face, she's only at the seventh stage!The celebrities she found recently all started at eighth rank, and after they died, nine and tenth ranks were added. Seventh rank is really not enough to see!
Naoto Daki understood her expression, and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate Yinji Inengin. Although he is only 7th dan, his strength is comparable to that of an [-]th dan master. It's just that he was too arrogant when he was young. Those older generation of kendoers were upset and had conflicts. He let go of his bold words and never conducted kendo assessments again, so he stopped at the seventh rank. Later, due to some reasons, he gradually lost his reputation."

These are all inside information in the kendo circle, and laymen don't know about it at all. If Naoto Dashu is a kendo enthusiast and knows a few friends in the kendo circle, he would not know this information.

"In other words, both of them are descendants of famous families, and it looks like there will be a battle between dragons and tigers." Suzuki Lan said excitedly at this time, and Naoto Taiki nodded, but he also had some doubts. Don't show it?
Then this year, it seemed as if they just popped out of a rock, and a few popped out as soon as they jumped.

Naoto Dashu looked at the small book in his hand, and there were several names written on it, which he found out through his relationship. These guys are all disciples of famous kendo masters, and for some reason this year, they all came to participate in the Jade Dragon Competition. As for the flag, it can be said that the gold content of the Yulong flag this time is the highest.

Dashu Naoto has some expectations, the collision between the geniuses, the competition will be more exciting, and the kendo circle will have a better development.

Now it's game 3.

Players from both sides entered the arena and nodded their heads.

Futaba looked at the Son in front of him, and the Son's eyes were very calm.

Is this guy like me, knocking down ten people with one person?It looks so weak!If he hadn't seen the results of the competition, Futaba would not have believed that he was a master.

It's really enviable!Not only is she good-looking, but also has a good figure, Futaba looked at herself, feeling cool inside.

What a huge difference!
Damn it, it's all my father's fault for making us look so ugly!

Futaba was still distracted at this time, Mimi Kojima gave her a pull.

"Futaba, what are you doing? Hurry up and get ready, it's time to play!"

Only then did Futaba come back to her senses, nodded, put on her armor, and walked onto the dojo.

On the side of Hechuan Middle School, Shengzi put on his armor and hood.

The next moment, that evil spirit came back again, and that fierce aura lifted the spirits of everyone present.

Xiangzi, who was still a little worried at first, was relieved at this moment. Every time he saw this domineering aura, he was amazed!

One husband is in charge, and ten thousand people are not open!

As Shengzi walked onto the field, Futaba on the opposite side also felt great pressure at this time. This guy was completely different from those opponents she had encountered before!
She had only experienced that domineering aura from his father and brother.

Damn it, how could such a pervert exist!


Futaba gritted her teeth, she had to work hard, otherwise the ship would capsize.


The referee's voice fell, and at almost the same time, the two moved at the same time. The next second, the two bamboo swords collided with each other. The strength and loudness of the sound surprised the audience.

This battle is developing too fast!
The next moment, the two moved at the same time, and the bamboo swords in their hands collided again. One cut vertically, the other cut horizontally, and the bamboo swords collided again.

A sword!
Two swords!

Three swords!

Four swords!

The two sides have already fought four swords, and it seems that they will continue to compete. This surprised everyone in the Kendo Club. This is the first time someone has been able to compete with Shengzi for so long. You must know that Nagano Camellia only fought three swords , After the three swords, there is no power to resist, and this Inengin Futaba can compete with Shengzi, which really surprised everyone.

Yusuke has a toothache, how can there be so many perverts in this world!There is actually someone who can compete with the Son of God!

Sure enough, people in the world should not be underestimated.

For the game the day after tomorrow, Yusuke doesn't dare to be careless at this time, if he encounters these perverts, Yusuke will have to work hard.

And all the contestants of Jinmen High School were also stunned, especially the president Mimi Kojima, it was the first time she saw Futaba so desperately.

You must know that in the first ten games, Futaba won with ease, and it never happened that she was forced to go all out. And this is just the beginning, and Futaba has already gone all out.

This is definitely a strong enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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