Chapter 165. Chapter 165.

After the meal, everyone went back to rest. Now is not the time to relax. When all the victories are won, it will be the real carnival.

After staying in the room for a while, Yusuke felt bored, he was the only one in the room, and he had nothing to do, so he thought about going downstairs.

At this time, the mobile phone on his body rang, and when he took it out to look, Yusuke was taken aback, and it turned out to be a message from Semi.

"Fallen Angel, I'll wait for you in the lobby downstairs"

Yusuke thought for a while, and replied with one word "OK".

After tidying up, Yusuke came to the lobby downstairs. Semi was sitting on the sofa in the lobby, and when she saw Yusuke's appearance, she stood up excitedly.


Before he could open his mouth, this strong middle school breath came over his face.

Yusuke quickly waved his hand, and Semi realized it, and immediately shut up.

Yusuke walked over and whispered, "Let's talk in another place."

It's too obvious to speak here. If Semi gets excited and spits out some remarks about the second grade, it will be really embarrassing!
Semi nodded: "Then let's go outside for a walk."

The two walked out of the hotel. There is a small park near the hotel. At night, the lights here are very bright and the atmosphere is very good.

When the two came here, there were many people walking here, so they found a bench and sat together.

"Semi, what can I do for you?" Yusuke asked straightforwardly.

Semi was very serious at this time, with a very sacred expression.

"Darkness covers the earth. As an emissary of light, I want to eradicate the darkness and spread the will of the God of Light on the earth!"

This statement shocked Yusuke for a moment.

Yusuke rubbed his head, it hurts so much!

"speak English"

"Actually, after Ewen Jielin left, I was so bored, and no one played with me." At this point, Semi looked at Yusuke expectantly, and Yusuke understood instantly.

This is a second child!
My heart is so tired!Why do we have to take care of these problem children here?
Yusuke thought for a while, but didn't answer, and asked, "Aren't you still going to a cram school?"

When it comes to the cram school, Semi's expression is unbearable.

"Yeah, I have to go to cram school to study every day, and my head hurts!"

This is the pain of a scumbag!

"I'm driving crazy and need to relax, so..."

Semi looked at Yusuke expectantly, and the topic changed again, it seems that it is not easy to fool around!

Yusuke pondered for a moment, to be honest, everyone has known each other for so long, and he was a little embarrassed to refuse, then he said: "But I still have to participate in the competition these two days"

"It's okay, let's find another time after participating in the competition."

"Okay" Yusuke sighed, let's play with her once.

Then he stood up and said, "It's getting late, let's go back, or your companions won't be able to find you."

"Don't worry, they are discussing tomorrow's battle plan in the room, and they won't come out to find me."

"Battle plan? Then why didn't you participate?"

"I also have a share, but it's too boring, so I just went out and wandered around by myself."

Semi said calmly: "But it's useless to discuss, we are doomed"

This made Yusuke a little surprised, and asked curiously: "Why do you think so?"

"I am self-aware. Although Nishi Kujo is a bit unconvinced, but she can defeat 25 people by one person. She can't achieve such a record. Seiko Sasaki is much stronger than us. With such an obvious gap, we will definitely win no"

Having said that, Semi glared at him at this moment.

"You bastard, you don't even tell me if you have a secret weapon. When the Holy Maiden of Light comes back, I'm so ashamed!"

Yusuke remembered that Semi had boasted to them before that she wanted to win the Jade Dragon Banner champion, and it seemed that this promise was about to be broken.

Yusuke smiled and said, "I'm sorry, the Holy Son is our secret weapon, so we have to keep it a secret."

"I can't win the championship here, so now I have to rely on you, otherwise the Holy Maiden of Light will be disappointed."

"Don't worry, I've won the championship!"

While chatting, the two returned to the hotel and separated in the lobby.

Yusuke was about to go back to the room, but at this time, Yui, Rie, Yui, Seiko, and Saijo Mai, five people came from the corridor, chatting twitteringly.

How did these five people come together?

Seeing Yusuke's appearance, Yui smiled and waved: "Yusuke, where did you go?"

"It's boring in the room, go downstairs and look around, now I'm going to go back to the room"

"Are you interested in joining us?"

"What are you going to do?" Yusuke was a little confused.

At this time, Yui next to him replied: "Xiao Wu's massage skills are good, and Seiko has been praising her, so I want to try it, and I happened to meet Yui and Rie, and they came together, how is it? Yes not interested?"

At this time, Xicheng Wu said confidently: "Senior Sanze, do you want to try it? Massage can release a certain amount of pressure from the body."

Yusuke thought about it for a while, and it might be boring to go back to the room, why not try it, since he is free anyway, so he nodded: "Excuse me."

"Okay, let's all come in together!"

Several people entered the room of the Son and Yui together.

"Then who will come first?" Xicheng Wu stood up at this moment with a confident expression on her face.

"I'll come first," Yui said excitedly, she had already been aroused curiosity.

"Okay, Yui, you lie on the bed."

Yui was lying on the bed, and when she noticed other people's gazes, she blushed a little, but as Xi Chengwu put a towel on her body, she suddenly became less shy.

Yusuke and the others were a little curious, wanting to see how Saijou did it.

Xicheng Wu held a small stool, sat at the end of the bed, and grabbed one of Yui's feet.

"Are you going to massage her feet?" Yusuke asked.

Xi Chengwu nodded and said: "The acupoints on the soles of the human body are extremely important, and they can be related to the internal organs of the five elements of the whole body. If there is any problem in the body, you can know it as long as you stimulate the corresponding acupoints, and you can also treat them by massaging the acupoints. "

"So powerful!" Yui and Rie were very surprised.

Xicheng Wu coughed: "Of course, only professional technicians can do this. I don't understand it yet, but a simple massage is still okay."

Takeshi Xicheng explained to everyone at this time, holding Yui's foot to demonstrate, pointing out various acupuncture points and the corresponding internal organs, speaking clearly and logically, everyone suddenly realized after listening.

I didn't expect Xicheng to have such a skill, it's amazing!
"Xiao Wu, are you alright? My feet seem a little numb"

Yui was the first to enjoy it, but she didn't expect to be regarded as a tool man.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so absorbed in talking, I'll be right there, are you ready?"


next moment


A voice of ecstasy suddenly came, and everyone present was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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