Chapter 166 166. Top Sixteen

Yui quickly covered her mouth, her face flushed, why did she make such a strange sound?

Everyone present was startled, their faces flushed.

This voice is too lustful!
Yui turned her head and met Yusuke's eyes...

The next moment, Yui's face was so red that it was about to smoke, it was so embarrassing!

Yusuke was very embarrassed, and immediately shifted his gaze.

That voice is really that!
"Well, Xiao Wu, did you press the wrong acupuncture point?" Li Hui asked with a blushing face at this time, Xi Cheng Wu firmly shook her head.

"It's not wrong. The acupuncture points I pressed are correct. It's just that Yui is not yet mentally prepared. I am caught off guard and call out, but it doesn't matter. After venting out, the pressure on the body will be relieved a lot. Yui, you are now Don't you feel refreshed?"

Xicheng Wu explained in a serious manner, and everyone straightened their faces.

It seems that everyone is wrong.

Yui thought for a while, and after she called out, her body seemed to feel a little better, so she nodded.

"Okay, I'll come next"

"Wait a moment!"

Before it was too late to stop, Xi Chengwu's finger pressed down again.


Everyone was shocked, this voice...

Even girls can't stand it!
Everyone was embarrassed, Yui had already covered her face with a towel, she really didn't dare to see anyone!

Yusuke felt that he should leave here instead of following him, this is really tormenting!
"Okay, okay, Xiao Wu don't press it anymore!"

Rie stood up and said at this moment, Saijou looked puzzled.

"You don't like it, this is a skill I learned from calling my dad on purpose."

"No, just a normal massage"

"Okay then." Xicheng Dance felt a little regretful, "Then I will continue."

Yui didn't care about being shy at this time, and quickly got up from the bed, "I don't need it, let's change to someone else."

"Okay, who's next?"

Xicheng Wu looked at the crowd expectantly, everyone couldn't help but took a step back, and then...

All eyes were on Yusuke.

The black line on Yusuke's face, do you guys want to be so consistent!

"Senior Misawa, come here quickly"

Xicheng Dance patted the side of the bed with excitement on his face.

Girl, do you know that your behavior is very misleading!

But seeing Xicheng Wu's clear eyes...

Well, I was thinking too much!

Yusuke had no choice but to lie on the bed. For some reason, he felt as if he had stepped into the operating table. He was the little mouse doing the experiment, and the eyes of the girls around him felt like they were about to dissect him at any time.

"Senior Sanze, let me press your back for you"

"That troubles you"

Sure enough, I thought too much.

Xicheng Dance's massage technique is very powerful. It feels a little sour when you press it, but your whole body feels very comfortable after you press it. No wonder Shengzi enjoys it so much today. It's really amazing!
Yusuke stood up, and suddenly felt very relaxed, and thanked Xicheng Wu earnestly: "Thank you, it's amazing!"

Xicheng Wu smiled and said, "It's okay, as long as senior Sanze likes it"

There was slight sweat on her forehead, and the massage was very exhausting.

"Okay, who's next?"

With Yusuke acting as a guinea pig, everyone was not too scared at this time, so Yui continued to go up, and Yusuke also felt that it was not suitable for him to stay here. it is good.

But he greeted everyone and went back to the room.

When I left, I warned: "Don't play too late."

"We know!" Several girls replied.

They should have a sense of proportion, Yusuke nodded, went back to the room, took a shower, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning, everyone was having breakfast downstairs, and then they realized that Xicheng Wu was not in the right state. There were two dark circles on his face, and his face was listless.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?" Xiangzi asked curiously.

"I was too tired last night, and I haven't recovered yet." Xicheng Wu stretched her waist, yawned, and then patted her face.

"Don't worry, I will work hard today"

"Sorry, I played too much tonight." Yui said with some embarrassment. Last night, Xicheng Dance worked very hard and served everyone very well. Everyone played and played, and finally got into a ball. She even forgot that there was a competition today, and she also felt very tired when she woke up this morning.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Yui and Rie were also eating beside them, and when they heard Saijo Mai's words, they also expressed apology.

Yusuke looked helpless, you guys thought you had a sense of proportion, but I didn't expect you to go crazy!
Xiangzi shook his head helplessly, then looked at Shengzi, who was the protagonist today, and asked nervously, "Should Shengzi also play with him?"

A few people are a little embarrassed, this expression is too obvious!

Xiangzi was stunned for a moment, how dare he be so reckless at this time!

At this moment, Shengzi wiped his mouth with a serious face.

"Today, I will work hard for Xiao Wu's sake, and I will bring back the championship!"

It was still the calm Son of Heaven, and everyone was relieved.

Xicheng Dance showed a smile: "Then please ask Senior Sister Shengzi!"

Yusuke and his group were eating, and the people from Dongchuan High School finally came down.

However, everyone in Dongchuan High School focused their eyes on Shengzi, but Shengzi ignored them.

People from Dongchuan High School took a few glances, looked away, and sat down in a corner.

The two sides didn't have any communication, but Yusuke could feel that the people of Dongchuan High School didn't dare to be so arrogant today. It should be that Seiko's strength surprised them yesterday, and they probably still have a headache about how to solve the game.

But they have no hope, the gap in strength has reached a certain point, no countermeasures and methods will work, relying on strength.

People from Dongchuan High School discussed it all night and came to this conclusion: it can only be done head-on!
Either way, give it your all today!

They went to bed early and recharged their batteries. Now they are in very good condition and very confident.

After breakfast, Yusuke and his team rushed to the venue. The gymnasium became even more lively. After more than 500 teams had a brutal duel, only the top 16 remained. Numerous audiences.

When Shengzi appeared in the gymnasium, he immediately received a lot of attention, including the audience and other players. Yesterday, Shengzi's super strength surprised everyone. The audience is looking forward to Shengzi's performance today. This girl might be able to create miracles, and miracles are what the audience likes to see the most!
(End of this chapter)

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