Chapter 167 167. Battle
All kinds of eyes came, at this moment, everyone in the Kendo Club felt the pressure.

Xiangzi looked at Shengzi with some worry, but found that Shengzi still had a flat expression, as if everything in front of her was just passing by, this mentality is really powerful!
Xiangzi was a little envious, not only strong in strength, but also strong in heart, this is the real master!
All the high school teams started to enter the arena.

People from Dongchuan High School also came. Standing opposite at this time, everyone's expressions were very serious. This will be a hard battle for them.

Xiangzi came over at this moment, and said with a serious face, "Holy Son, today is up to you!"

The Holy Son put on his armor and replied calmly: "Wait for my good news"

Putting on the hood, the next moment, that ghostly aura rushed over again.

Everyone in the Kendo Club is determined that the Holy Son is too reliable!

Dongchuan High School, Mimoto Megumi said to the vanguard players who were about to play: "Go all out, don't be afraid, it doesn't matter if you lose"

Both the vanguard and the sub-forward are first-year players, and they have shown confidence in the previous few games, but at this time facing Seiko, the two are very nervous, and Mimoto Megumi is comforting them.

Fighting is definitely impossible to win, but you can't let them lose their energy and energy. You have to give them psychological counseling. Although their strength is not very strong, they are the future of the Kendo Club, so they can't be here destroyed.

The vanguard contestant took a deep breath and nodded. Although she was still a little nervous, she also had ambition.Everyone at the scene wants to win, if they don't want to win, they will never come to participate in the competition, no matter how strong the opponent is, they must go forward bravely!

"I'm up!"

The contestants in the vanguard battle nodded seriously, and then...



Two quick fencing sessions in a row were also resolved with one move, and the vanguard players retired. Although she had already made mental preparations, the huge difference in strength still shocked her, and she wanted to quit for a moment. The Kendo club is gone, and with these people in front, they will never have a chance to stand out.

However, he quickly shook his head and dismissed the idea. Some things still have to be done after all.

"Sorry, I lost"

"It's okay, we are mentally prepared, learn the lesson from this time, and be stronger next time."


The players in the sub-forward battle also played, and they also ended very quickly. This result was not unexpected by Mimoto Megumi.

They discussed for a long time last night, but in the end they couldn't come up with any good solution. The gap in strength cannot be dealt with by tactics. After all, kendo is a violent sport, and it depends on strength, and strength comes first!
The backbone battle is Mimoto Megumi. She put on her armor at this time and said seriously: "I'm on the field!"

"President, come on!" Two girls from the Kendo club cheered her up at this moment, and Mimoto Megumi nodded and walked onto the dojo.

Standing on the dojo, facing each other, Mimoto Megumi felt the strong pressure, and the ghost-like breath made her a little furious.

The name of Sword Demon is well-deserved.

This title was passed down by the players who played against the Son yesterday. Fighting against the Son is like facing ghosts and gods. Many players feel the same way. Passing it on, everyone agrees with this title.

Sword ghost, the devil in the sword!
Mimoto Megumi took a deep breath, and her eyes became firm.


After the referee's voice fell, Mimoto Megumi launched the attack first, but a black shadow was faster than her and had already appeared in front of her eyes.

Mimoto Megumi has an incredible face!


The bamboo sword hit the armor, and the armor shook violently.


The referee's voice sounded, and Megumin Sanmoto reacted.

This guy is really a monster, she can't see her movements clearly at such a fast speed, Sanben Huiben wants to fight her, consume the opponent's physical strength, and create conditions for Xi Kujo and the others, but the current situation is estimated Impossible.


The two returned to their original seats.


As soon as the referee's voice fell, another black shadow struck. It was astonishingly fast. Megumin Sanmoto was already prepared, and at this moment he quickly raised his bamboo sword to block.

But at this moment, the bamboo sword in Shengzi's hand twisted, and the black shadow turned around in an instant, hitting her waist directly.



Mimoto Megumi only reacted at this time, sighed helplessly, her own strength was like a child in front of her, she was completely beaten!
Returning to the team, Mimoto Megumi also recovered at this time, and smiled at the two worried first graders: "I'm fine."

"I'm going on stage," Semi said at this time, she had already put on the hood and was about to go on stage.

"Come on Semi!"


And at the side of Hechuan Middle School, everyone in the Kendo club was very happy, even Xiangzi was smiling, and he was finally elated.

In the auditorium, Dashu Naoto was very excited. It had been a long time since he had seen such an outstanding player. This kind of strength was completely dominant!

Suzuki Lan said at this time: "Senior Dashu, I have already investigated, Sasaki Seiko is the daughter of Sasaki Toru, and I have his own confirmation."

Naoto Dashu nodded, and he guessed correctly. It seems that the Sasaki family is expected to become a powerful family of swordsmanship. If we don’t wait until the end of the Jade Dragon Banner to interview, the report must be very encouraging.

And below, the match between Seiko and Semi has already started.

Semi is very strong. She has already competed three swords with Seiko, and she is still in good condition.

This strength surprised everyone in the Kendo Club, who was already a master in the three-sword competition with the Holy Son.

However, living in the same era as the Holy Son is definitely their sorrow. In the seventh sword, Semi lost a point.

Semi was very calm about this, she was already mentally prepared.

The two returned to their original positions.

The match started again, but this time Semi lost even faster, leaving the field on the third sword.

Back in the team, Semi took off her hood, her face expressionless and indifferent.

But everyone has long been used to Semi's cold painting style, and they rarely see Semi excited or depressed, and her lack of expression shows that she has no problem with her mentality.

Xijiutiao Denghua stood up at this time, and said seriously: "Okay, then it's up to me to see me defeat her!"

"Senior Xikutiao, come on!" Two first-year contestants cheered from the side.

Xikutiao Denghua nodded and walked onto the dojo.

This was the last contestant of Dongchuan High School, and the audience above was excited.

This is the national champion. I didn't expect to be forced to this point. Whether the girl can create a miracle, or whether the national champion can show her due strength, everyone is looking forward to it.

Xi Jiutiao stood opposite the Son with a serious expression on his face.


After the referee's voice fell, Xi Jiutiao immediately launched an attack, swiping the bamboo sword in his hand, and the target was Shengzi's waist.

At this time, a black shadow also struck, also slashing sideways.

The next moment, the two bamboo swords collided with each other, with such a powerful force, the bamboo sword made a loud noise.

I won't admit defeat!

Xi Jiutiao raised his sword to attack again, and Shengzi did not show any weakness, and the bamboo swords of the two collided together.

This time, both sides tried their best!
(End of this chapter)

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