Chapter 169 169. Yusuke's Battle
The awards ceremony was coming after the competition. Everyone packed up their things and prepared to go back to the hotel.

And then yesterday's reporter reappeared, and this time there was a middle-aged man beside her.

"Hi everyone, congratulations on winning the championship!" Suzuki Lan said with a smile.

"Hello, Ms. Suzuki," Shoko replied with a smile. She and Eri had already discussed all the countermeasures, and they were already psychologically prepared for this interview.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my senior, Naoto Oki," Suzuki Lan introduced to everyone.

"Hello, congratulations on winning the championship." Naoto Oki nodded with a smile.

"Hello" everyone nodded in response.

"Xiaolan told you, we are journalists under Nikkan Sports, and I want to interview you. I wonder if you are free now?" Naoto Oki asked straightforwardly.

"That's no problem, but can we wait two days for the interview?" Xiangzi replied at this time.

"I want to ask is there any reason?" Dashu Naoto asked curiously.

"The race is over the day after tomorrow. When we win the championship, you don't have to run twice," Xiangzi replied confidently.

Dashu Naoto was taken aback, and a smile appeared on his face: "It seems that you are very confident!"

At this time, his eyes turned to the male students of the Kendo club.

Among the female students there is Seiko Sasaki, a super dark horse. Could it be that there are also masters among the male students?

His eyes swept over, and finally his eyes fell on Yusuke.

It's very simple, Yusuke's temperament is the most special here.

Daki Naoto's eyes stayed on Yusuke, and Yusuke also turned his head at this time, and smiled at him. In an instant, Daki Naoto's favorability for Yusuke increased a lot.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "That's fine, we will interview again in two days, I wish you all the best!"

"Thank you!"

Dashu Naoto and Ling Mulan left, until the group of Hechuan Middle School could not be seen, Suzuki Mulan asked at this moment: "Senior Dashu, is that the male classmate?"

She also noticed the existence of Yusuke, there is no way, his temperament is too prominent, standing very conspicuous in the crowd, this is the first time she has seen such a handsome student with temperament, to be honest, his appearance alone made his debut Being an idol is enough.

Naoto Dashu nodded and said, "Let's go, let's go to the committee and see what this player's name is."

"But we don't know what position he plays?"

"Pioneer battle!" Dashu Naoto said affirmatively.

Suzuki Lan thought about it for a while, and then her face was startled, the ambition of this Hechuan Middle School must be too big!
It turns out that all the men's and women's Grand Slams are required!

It is much more difficult for the men's group to break through the audience than the women's group, and the difficulty is not at the same level.

Physical strength and strength are not at the same level at all. Kendo is a violent sport in the final analysis, and violent sports are definitely the world of men.

The two found the name on the committee: Yusuke Misawa.

Dashu Naoto thought for a while, it seems that there is no sword master named Sanze, could it be a disciple of a certain master?

Thinking of the existence of the Holy Son, this is very possible, maybe he is also a disciple of Sasaki Toru.

sharp!The brothers and sisters participated in the Jade Dragon Banner together, and they also won the championship of the men's and women's groups at the same time. This Sasaki Toru is really amazing, and the disciples he taught are also extraordinary. He is worthy of a generation of masters and contemporary sword masters!

Thinking of this, Naoto Dashu became a little excited. If they can really win the championship, it doesn't matter if they wait two more days, and it will be even more topical then.

When Yusuke and his party returned to the hotel, Xiangzi ordered: "Yongsuke, go to bed early tonight and recharge your energy. Remember!"

After what happened last night, Xiangzi felt a little scared. If there is another carnival night tonight, then tomorrow there will really be no competition. At this time, the four boys from the kendo club also respectfully said to Yusuke: "Three Zejun, it's up to you!"

They are very clear about their position, they are here to make soy sauce, and when they should hug their thighs, they should hug their thighs!

"Don't worry, I have a measure." Yusuke nodded and replied, his voice was steady and calm, and Shoko also nodded, Yusuke should be reliable.

Yusuke didn't dare to make trouble either. He watched the women's competition, and there were so many perverts suddenly appearing in the competition, which really shocked him. I don't know how the men's competition will be tomorrow. If they also appear like a saint It will take a lot of effort for him to solve it, but it will consume a lot of his energy. He will fight the whole field. The four boys in the kendo can't be counted on. Their strength is even worse than that of Xiangzi. It's not as good, otherwise Xiangzi wouldn't be made the president. Once he fails, there will be no hope for Yulongqi.

Said it was a five-player game, but in fact it was a one-man game.

Absolutely can't lose!
After dinner, everyone went back to the room to rest, but tonight, they didn't meet anyone from Dongchuan High School, probably because it was embarrassing to lose, so they didn't dare to come out to meet people, but everyone didn't think too much about it care about.

After a night's rest, Yusuke recharged his spirits, and he is in a very good state today. After tidying up, he is ready to go out.

Opening the door, four boys from the kendo club had already appeared at the door, which surprised Yusuke.

"What are you doing here?"

"We are waiting for Misawa-kun!" X4
The four boys looked respectful.

"Sanze-kun, how is your condition today?"

Even using honorifics, Yusuke thought it was funny, but he didn't object. Only those with strength can gain the respect of others. This is the common truth in the world.

"Today's condition is good, let's go to breakfast first, after breakfast, we have to rush to the venue"

The four boys nodded seriously, and then followed Yusuke, looking like a loyal little brother.

Today, the four boys were very attentive, which made Yusuke a little distressed, and he said helplessly: "You don't need to be like this, it will disturb me instead."

The expressions of the four boys were awkward. Although they hugged their thighs, they always felt guilty and wanted to do something to make up for it, but it seemed a bit self-defeating.

The four of them pondered for a while, and at this time, the first grader Morishima Yamashiro said: "I think it should be because we are all boys. If there are four female students, I believe Misawa-kun will be very happy."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize, who likes being surrounded by a group of boys!
At this time, it's time for the female classmate to play, but...

Misawa Yusuke usually seems to be surrounded by a bunch of female classmates...

The four looked at each other, and in an instant, an atmosphere of defeat filled the surroundings...

The gap between people is so big!
Yusuke looked at the weird looks of the four boys with a puzzled look on his face.

What's wrong with these guys?So excited in the morning, why are you so disappointed now?
It's really embarrassing for Xiangzi to manage this group of people. It's not easy to be the president!
(End of this chapter)

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