Chapter 170.
A group of people were ready to go, and people from Dongchuan High School also appeared at this time, and they were also ready to go.

When the two groups meet, the girls from Dongchuan High School are expressionless. It seems that their mentality has been adjusted, but the boys are a little excited, especially when they see Yusuke, their eyes are full of provocation.

What kind of chicken blood is this?
Yusuke didn't even bother to pay attention to them, the two groups of people were divided into two groups and headed towards the venue.

As soon as Yusuke and his team came to the venue, they attracted many people's attention. They are the champions of the women's group, and everyone has some expectations for the performance of the men's group.

"Yusuke, you have to work hard!" Rie cheered from the side.

"If you lose, I won't let you go." Yuyi waved her small fist as a signal.

"Don't worry!" Yusuke smiled and nodded, "The champion is guaranteed!"

Hearing these words, Yui and Rie were determined, smiled and waved their hands, and they walked towards the auditorium.

The two sat in the auditorium, and at this moment a woman's voice came from the side: "Can I sit here?"

The two turned their heads. It was a combination of a girl and a middle-aged uncle. The girl looked about the age of a high school student, but she was wearing a suit, which looked like a child wearing an adult's clothes. Young people are much more ordinary. The two of them looked at each other and nodded.

Appearing here are Suzuki Lan and Naoto Oki.

They came to the scene early and saw these two people moving with the people from Hechuan Middle School. They should be their partners, so they chose to sit here.

"Hello, are you students of Hechuan Middle School?" Suzuki Lan asked with a smile.

Yui and Riekai looked at each other and nodded.

"Don't be so vigilant," Suzuki Lan said at this time, and then took out her press card.

"We are reporters from Daily Sports. We want to know some information about Hechuan Middle School. Can I ask you some questions?"

The two pondered for a moment, and Rie said at this time: "It is possible, but why are you interviewing us? Shouldn't you be interviewing the Kendo Club?"

"The Kendo club also wants to interview. We greeted them yesterday. The Kendo club said they would interview after the competition. Judging by their appearance, they are bound to win the men's championship, so I want to ask you students what they have view"

Suzuki Lan explained with a smile, Yui and Rie suddenly realized.

Rie said at this time: "Then what do you want to ask? Let me explain first, we are just watching a friend's game, and we don't know much about the strength of the Kendo club."

"Oh, never mind, I'm just asking some everyday questions"

"Then it'll be fine"

"I want to ask, which friend's game are you watching?"


Rie pointed to the figure of Yusuke below and said, Yusuke was sitting on the waiting seat, looking very calm.

It really was him!Suzuki Lan knew it well.

"Is your friend strong?"

"Very strong!" Rie replied seriously, although she had never seen Yusuke's strength, she definitely wanted to support her friend at this time!
"How strong is it?"

"I can't say that, I know how to compare"

"Then do you have confidence in his game this time?"

"The champion is guaranteed!"

Rie said seriously, Yui next to her also nodded, Suzuki Ran was a little surprised by her confident look.

"Your confidence is very strong, you know him so well."

"We are just ordinary good friends. We will come to watch his game this time. In fact, we are here to travel by ourselves, and then we will come to watch by the way."

Rie's answer was impeccable, Suzu Mulan originally wanted to ask some privacy, but now she swallowed all the questions.

This girl is so strong!
Only then did Suzuki Lan face up to Rie Komiya, she was beautiful and could talk, amazing!The people in Hechuan Middle School are not simple!

The two briefly asked and answered some questions, and at this time the game officially started, the two stopped and began to watch the game.

Yusuke put on the armor, stood up, and everyone looked over, and the eyes were full of anticipation.

Yusuke let out a breath, and the next moment, his eyes became sharper.

The soul of Secondary School, inspire!
In an instant, a domineering aura burst out!

The aura was so strong that everyone at the scene could feel it.

The strong sense of presence made the audience cast their eyes over.

Dashu Naoto was very surprised, just now he was just an ordinary handsome boy, how suddenly he changed into a different person, the strength of the aura made him feel a little horrified.

He had only seen such a powerful aura in those famous great swordsmen, but he was just an ordinary high school student, how could he have such a strong aura?
Naoto Dashu was a little excited, this is another talented player!

Rie and Suzuki Ran were very surprised. Although Rie had confidence in Yusuke, she had never seen his strength, so she was also taken aback.

But Yui's performance is better, she has seen the contest between Yusuke and Seiko before, and she has already been mentally prepared.

Yusuke's strong sense of presence attracted the attention of the audience above, and then some changes occurred.

There are quite a few girls in the audience, and they are also affected by Yusuke's aura. When they see Yusuke's figure, their eyes light up immediately.

He looks so handsome!

Not only is he handsome, but he also has temperament!

The girls immediately focused on the competition here. No matter how strong this handsome guy is, his appearance alone is already worth watching.

Yusuke put on the hood, and the surrounding vision was blocked, only the vision in front of him.

However, Yusuke can still feel that many people are betting here, but he has experienced this kind of thing a lot, and he doesn't care anymore.

Yusuke stood in the position, with a strong aura, even the referee looked sideways at him, swallowing his saliva involuntarily.

The players who played against him were very nervous at this time.

The men's team is lucky. The opponent in the first match is Nanming High School, an ordinary high school with only average strength.

Boys have dreams in their hearts, and Nanming High School players are no exception. Even if their strength is average, they still want to sprint, but they didn't expect to meet Yusuke, the big devil, in the first game.

The players in the vanguard battle were originally full of confidence, but standing on the field at this time, they felt a little shivering.

The other party looks so scary!The bamboo sword in his hand is like a real knife at this moment, ready to chop himself in two at any moment!
Is it the strength that a national player should have?
The contestants in the vanguard battle swallowed their saliva, but their minds hadn't recovered. They didn't react until the referee's voice fell.

But it was over now, and Yusuke's figure had disappeared from sight.

The next moment, a black shadow cut down condescendingly.



Spike start!

The scene suddenly burst into cheers!
Yui and Rie were very happy at first, but they were also startled by the cheers at this time. They looked around and saw that the cheering were all girls.

Who is this?

(End of this chapter)

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