Chapter 173.

Both players enter.
Yusuke held the bamboo sword and stood there calmly, while the other party took a strange pose.

He hangs the bamboo sword down and puts it on his right waist, turns his upper body to the right, and leans sideways, as if he is about to draw his sword, ready to attack at any time.

Yusuke is a little strange, what kind of strange action is this?
On the side of the Kendo Club, Xiangzi was surprised: "This is not the knife-dragging style! How come there are still people using this method!"

"What is the dragging knife style?" Yui asked, and everyone looked over with curiosity.

"There are three kinds of sword-holding postures in kendo, upper, middle, and lower. Among them, the middle posture is the most common. However, in addition to these three methods, there are two more, one is the eight-phase posture, and the other is the dragging sword posture. These two methods are very partial, and few people practice them.”

Dashu Naoto explained to Suzu Mulan and the others at this time that they were also very curious and couldn't figure out why the other party stood in such a strange posture, but the referee didn't make a sound to correct them, which surprised them very much. As a kendo enthusiast, Naoto Oki naturally gave them some popular science.

"Then isn't this skill very strong?" Yui asked curiously.

"It's hard to judge, let me just say this, the reason why these two postures are biased is because the shortcomings are too large, the center is exposed too much, and it is easy to be attacked by the enemy.

However, those who can use this posture are very confident in their own strength. They are not real masters. Few people practice it, but it does not rule out that some people do it deliberately. After all, this style of play is too few people to learn now. , If you are not careful, you will be recruited.

But I personally think that the players from Dagongtian High School must have come prepared.”

Having said that, Naoto Oki looked at Yui and Rie, and found that their faces were as usual, and asked curiously: "Aren't you worried?"

"Don't worry, I have confidence in Yusuke!" Yui replied seriously, and Rie also nodded.

Dashu Naoto glanced at her, smiled and said nothing.

The audience also commented a lot because of Da Gongtian's strange behavior, but none of these affected the competition below.

Seeing that the referee didn't make a sound to stop it, Yusuke ignored it. If the referee didn't say there was a problem, then there was absolutely no problem.

Yongsuke doesn't know martial arts, and he can't see what the other party's routine is, but no matter what, he only believes in one thing: break through all methods with one force!


The referee's voice fell, Sanyuan contestant launched an attack instantly, his body spun, and the bamboo sword in his hand swung out violently. At this moment, the speed was astonishingly fast, and the bamboo sword drew a black line. The strong momentum, It's like drawing a knife to cut a person in two.

Dashu Naoto was a little surprised, it was beyond his imagination that a player of this age could perform such a move.

This move uses the rotational acceleration of the body to maximize its strength, similar to Juhe Slash, killing with one move, but the disadvantage is also obvious. All the strength is in this move. If one move fails, it will be slaughtered. It is also because of this that this kind of gesture is very out of the way, and gradually no one learns it. This is a desperately used move!
However, it is very suitable to use it here to deal with Misawa Yusuke. In the case of being weaker than the opponent in all aspects, it is better to let go and fight with all your strength!
Yusuke doesn't know what dragging the sword is, he only saw that the opponent's attack speed is very fast, which is almost the same as the speed of the Holy Son, which surprised Yusuke. He didn't expect ordinary people to be able to do this. Genius, even ordinary people are not to be underestimated.

But even so, Yusuke was not afraid of this attack, and swung the bamboo sword in his hand at the same time.

The bamboo swords of the two sides collided violently, and the bamboo swords made an unbearable sound and violent vibrations, causing the bamboo sword in Sanyuan's hand to almost fly out.

This power is too strong!

His whole arm is numb, is this guy a monster?
You know, even the president didn't dare to fight recklessly with this move. This is his trump card, but the opponent is just an ordinary sword, which is almost as good as his own sword with all his strength!

This guy is too strong!

After this strike, Sanyuan's player was a little weak, but Yusuke's attack had not stopped.

The bamboo sword was raised high, and the black shadow fell suddenly.

For a moment, this thought came to Sanyuan's mind.

The next moment, the bamboo sword hit the armor violently, with a strong vibration, the armor seemed to be shattered.



Contestant Sanyuan stood there, and it took a while to regain his senses. At this time, he looked at Yusuke with a trace of fear in his eyes.

This guy is a monster!

The sword just now seemed to split him in half, it was really terrifying!

The two returned to their original positions again.

Contestant Sanyuan suppressed the fear in his heart, took a deep breath, and assumed the same pose again.

Facing the opponent's posture, Yusuke didn't care, and the momentum on his body was still strong, which was shocking.

In the eyes of contestant Sanyuan, the bamboo sword in Yusuke's hand is like a real knife at this moment, the sharp edge of the blade is pointing, and a sense of fear suddenly rises in his heart.

This is also the shortcoming of dragging the knife posture. The middle door is wide open. If you don't have absolute confidence in your own strength and can't ignore your inner fear, you will be at a disadvantage at the beginning, and there is absolutely no hope of winning.

Contestant Sanyuan flinched a little at this moment, and his aura weakened when he flinched.


The referee's voice fell, Sanyuan player gritted his teeth, and swung the bamboo sword desperately, but this blow was not as amazing as the first sword, and without the courageous momentum, in Yusuke's view, this was just an ordinary Attacking, he easily dealt with the opponent with a single sword strike.



The contestant at the backbone station left the field, and Naoto Oki in the audience felt a little regretful. Although the contestant in Dagongtian surprised him, it was a pity that the opponent's move was not completed, and there were still many shortcomings.

Yusuke won again, and the girls in the auditorium cheered again, but at the Kendo club, everyone looked very serious.I thought Dagongtian High School was just an ordinary high school, but I didn't expect them to have such an amazing performance. Sure enough, they dared to participate in the Yulong Banner. Every contestant has his own unique skills.

Having dealt with the three opponents, Yusuke is still very calm, and the domineering momentum has not weakened, but has become stronger.

Victory is the best whetstone!
On the side of Dagongtian High School, player Sanyuan returned to the team.

"Sanyuan, you have worked hard, we have all seen it, very good!"

President Araki Ichiro patted Sanyuan on the shoulder to comfort him, Sanyuan was also a little disappointed, he was terrified at the last blow, losing to the enemy is not terrible, but losing to himself is the most terrible thing.

Araki Ichiro also saw his state and wanted to persuade him, but at this time Sanyuan had already sat back on his seat, looking downcast.

Forget it, let him think about it by himself now.

Araichiro turned his head and said to the lieutenant who was about to go on the field: "Adachi, it's up to you now, the opponent is the strongest enemy, use all your strength, don't let your youth regret!"

Lieutenant Anda nodded and stood up.

His sharp eyes, combined with his bald head, looked very fierce at this moment.

"Don't worry, our efforts over the summer will not be in vain, let the other party see how good we are!"

(End of this chapter)

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