Chapter 174 174. Collision
Both players enter.

Adachi's aura is very fierce. As soon as he appeared on the stage, Yusuke immediately felt that this opponent is completely different!
Normally, in a team, the lieutenants and generals are the real main players, and they are the strongest. Few teams put the strongest players in the vanguard position, unless there is a special mission like Yusuke .

Anda's energy is very high, and he has the determination to face death as soon as he enters the court. Others can feel the strong momentum.

If he changed the place, he would definitely become the most dazzling star on the field, but he was facing Yusuke.

Just like Seiko is the nightmare of all female contestants, Yusuke's existence is definitely at the level of a big devil, and his domineering aura suppresses his fierceness.

Standing here, Contestant Anda directly felt the domineering aura. The opponent just stood there calmly, but the aura was so oppressive that he couldn't breathe!

Contestant Anda was a little uncomfortable, but he quickly adjusted. Facing this tsunami-like momentum, he went forward bravely!

Contestant Anda also put on a knife-drawing posture, holding the sword as if he was going to fight to the death.

"It seems that the players in Dagongtian are going to put all their eggs in one basket!" Naoto Oki, who was in the audience, said with emotion.

"Desperate? What do you mean?" Suzu Mulan next to him asked curiously: "Didn't they go all out in every game?"

"It's different from what I'm talking about. The Jade Dragon Banner has to play several games. It's impossible to give it your all. Physical strength is the biggest problem. The team must organize and allocate personnel correctly. This is the correct way. And like Seiko Sasaki, it is unique to rely on the strength of one person to break through the audience. That's why the existence of Seiko Sasaki is so amazing.

But the men's team is completely different, the men's team is stronger, judging by the current state of Dagongtian High School, they are going to put all their energy on this game, and they don't care about the follow-up games."

Speaking of this, Naoto Oki said with emotion: "This Yusuke Misawa is really strong, I didn't expect to be able to push them to this point!"

Hearing Naoto Taiki praise Yusuke so much, both Yui and Rie smiled, which really made them sympathize.

Not far away, Nishi Kujo and Semi were sitting in the auditorium, and there were many contestants around them, all of whom were students from other universities.

Yusuke's match was so lively that it attracted everyone's attention, and they were the champions of the women's group, so everyone paid close attention to this match.

And now the opponent has won 10 people, which makes everyone even more nervous.

Isn't this situation exactly the same as Sasaki Seiko's situation!

Hell, Sasaki Seiko started like this, do they want to copy it again?
Everyone cheered up and watched the game nervously.

And when the backbone player used the knife-dragging gesture, everyone was surprised. I didn't expect that someone would use this kind of side-to-side move, but his combat power is very strong. Seeing him use this move, everyone Not confident about what to do next.

But to everyone's surprise, Misawa Yusuke just swung his sword normally, this sword blocked the opponent's attack, and with another swing of the sword, he knocked the opponent down, which shocked everyone!

This guy is too strong!

This is as clean and neat as chopping melons and vegetables!
Nishi Kujo was upset. Seeing Yusuke Misawa win, she was not happy at all, but she had to admit that this guy is really strong!
"Semi, you..."

At this moment, Nishi Kujo realized that Semi's state was not quite right, her eyes lit up, her face was full of excitement, just like those fans in the auditorium.

I grass!

Xi Kutiao was shocked, this guy must not be fascinated, right?
This is not acceptable!We are enemies!How can you be fooled by the beauty of the other party?

At this time, she quickly grabbed her shoulders, and Semi was also startled by her actions. When she came back to her senses, her face was still flushed, and she asked strangely, "What are you doing?"

This is not the Semi I know!

Haven't you always been expressionless?Why is her face flushed with excitement now? What's the difference between this and those star chasing girls!

Don't, your image is about to collapse, okay?
"I think it's enough to watch, let's go back." At this moment, Nishi Kujo dragged Semi and was about to leave, and she couldn't be allowed to continue!
"It's so fast, we've only watched one match, let's keep watching!"

"Looks pretty much the same. That guy is sure to win. There's nothing to see. Let's go back."

"Then you go back first, I will continue to look at it"

Unexpectedly, Semi didn't want to leave, and Nishi Kujo had a headache.

But letting Semi stay here alone, she was a little worried. She had no choice but to sit here and watch the game with Semi, and began to pray to God and worship Buddha in her heart.

Bless this bastard to lose quickly!
Yusuke doesn't know that someone is cursing him, maybe it's not just Nishi Kujo alone, other players may also be praying for Yusuke to lose this game, no one wants to meet a strong opponent, they don't want to see another big devil appear up.

Contestant Anda stood there, like a swordsman ready to draw his sword at any time, his fighting spirit was very high, his energy was extremely concentrated, and his eyes kept lingering on the opponent.


After the referee's voice fell, Anda launched an attack immediately, his body spinning instantly, and his speed was extremely fast.

This time he did not hold back and showed his full strength.

He is the two strongest players in the kendo club, comparable to the strength of the president Ichiro Araki!

In this year's national competition, they only got the top 4.They were not satisfied with such results, so they practiced hard for the whole summer, just to become famous in the battle on the Jade Dragon Banner.

For this reason they cut their ambitions, for this they left early and returned late, and for this they sweated. There were originally twenty people in the Kendo club, but in the end there were only five of them left. They all left.

And they have finally paid off their hardships, sweat and hard work, in exchange for a strong strength.

Standing on the Jade Dragon Banner, all the contestants are not their opponents. They overcome all obstacles and make great strides, but here, they finally meet the strongest opponents.

Yusuke Misawa!

This is an unknown contestant, his reputation has never been heard, but like a monster, he suddenly broke into the Jade Dragon Banner and shattered everything.

This is an extremely powerful monster!

However, we will not give up!
Adachi's blood boils!
His efforts, his painstaking efforts, were all on this sword, and his mental power was extremely concentrated. At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into an ancient swordsman.

This sword is indomitable!

The two of them acted almost at the same time, and the two shadows went up and down.

Cut vertically!


This is the collision of two people's momentum!
(End of this chapter)

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