Chapter 175 175. Master
The bamboo swords collided violently, and the sound of hitting kept ringing. The two sides had fought five swords, and each sword was full of strength. The bamboo swords made an unbearable sound and would explode at any time. There was a harsh sound, and the game entered a fiery state from the beginning.

Everyone in the Kendo Club looked serious, and even Seiko began to look squarely at him. Unexpectedly, the other party would fight Yusuke. You know, the previous opponents were all instant kills, and it was the first time that they could fight Yusuke on a par. indivual.

The momentum of both sides is very high, and the fighting power is so strong that everyone is a little amazed.

The girls in the auditorium are a little nervous, the handsome guy doesn't seem to be right!Shouldn't it be solved with one move?Why does it look so hard to fight this time!
Naoto Dashu nodded. The performance of the Dagongtian High School players was amazing. It seems that they have put in a lot of effort for this competition. Naoto Dashu felt very pleased with the performance of these players. Kendo is to It was developed by these people.

Xi Kutiao's eyes lit up, and the little boy finally fell into a hard fight, which is really great!Get rid of him quickly!

At this time, he sneaked a glance at Semi who was sitting next to him, and found that Semi didn't have any nervous expression, which was somewhat beyond his expectation, so he asked curiously: "Semi, which side do you like?"

"Yusuke is sure to win," Semi said confidently.

"Yusuke? Such a familiar tone? Do you know him?"

Nishi Kujo's eyes showed a vigilant look for an instant, and Semi realized it at this moment, her expression froze, and she squeaked and said:
"This one……"

Needless to say, this reaction was too obvious!
Damn, you two guys know each other!

Xi Jiutiao had thousands of words in his heart, and finally spit out a word: "Damn!"

On the field, the battle between the two sides has become fierce. Anda is in very good condition. This is his peak condition. All his strengths have been displayed in this battle, and every attack is extremely fierce.

However, even with such a stormy attack, the opponent still completely blocked it, and the strength of the opponent did not weaken at all, and there was no sign of fatigue at all.

This guy!
Adachi's eyes narrowed.

The collision of the bamboo sword, the powerful force made his arm numb for a while, he relied on the breath in his heart to support him, but at the tenth sword, his state began to decline, and at this time the opponent's attack was still very powerful.

Doesn't this guy get tired?Where did this monster-like physical strength come from?

Anda's eyes on Yusuke changed at this time. In his eyes, Yusuke seemed to be the incarnation of the devil king, so powerful that he was desperate!
The armor is not protecting him, it is restraining him, restraining his strength, once it erupts, it will be like a volcanic eruption, extremely powerful.

For a moment, a trace of fear arose in Anda's heart. It was just like Sanyuan's contestant, he was also caught in a contradiction.

Anda's momentum changed, and his strength also weakened. Yusuke seized the opportunity at this time, immediately chased after him, and swung the bamboo sword again. But this time, Adachi couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately retreated steadily.

By the time of the No.15 sword, Adachi had no strength and his arms were numb.

At this time, a bamboo sword was raised high.

That is the aura of a demon king, as if the heavens and the earth have been opened up, and they are about to be wiped out!
Contestant Anda's heart trembled!

Sword Demon!



After the referee's voice fell, Anda came back to his senses.

At that moment, he was really frightened, and for a moment, he somewhat understood why Sanyuan became like that, it was a desperate strength, it was a kind of indescribable strength, it was crushing strength!

Naoto Dashu in the auditorium shook his head regretfully. The player from Dagongtian High School lost, and he had already lost his spirit.

His strength is very strong, and his battles are amazing, but his heart is very fragile. Naoto Oki has seen many players, and many of them are like Adachi, who worked hard, put in a lot of sweat, and finally won strong strength.

However, once this strength is shattered in the face of stronger strength, it will be difficult to build confidence again.

This will fall into a kind of refutation, doubting whether there is a problem with one's own efforts, and falling into a state of "mourning". If you can get out of this state of mind, you will undoubtedly gain rebirth and go a step further, but more people will never be able to get rid of it this trouble.

I hope that the players of Dagongtian High School can take this step. They are all excellent seedlings, and Naoto Dashu doesn't want them to be ruined here.

The two sides returned to their original positions, but Adachi's state was not right at this time, and Yusuke easily solved him with three swords.

Adachi left the field, and the president Araki Ichiro stood up at this moment.

"I'm sorry, I lost." Adachi didn't dare to look directly into Ichiro Araki's eyes.

"look at me"


"I said, look at me!"

Araki Ichiro shouted sharply, the voice startled everyone, other contestants looked over, Yusuke also looked at this scene curiously.

"Did you lose?"

"I lost"

"Did you lose?"

"I lost"

"Did you really lose!"

Araki Ichiro's eyes are very sharp, at this moment, his imposing manner is very tall, like a strict parent.


Adachi opened his mouth and was speechless, but when he saw Araki Ichiro's eyes, his heart trembled.

Then, his eyes slowly brightened.

"Go sit next to me and reflect on it. It's not terrible to lose, but if you lose your spirit, then you are the real waste!"


Contestant Anda sat back in his seat, sitting upright, and his eyes became serious.

The other contestants were a little frustrated at first, but at this moment they cheered up.

The eyes of the Sanyuan player in the backbone battle also became brighter. Araki Ichiro's words were like enlightenment, breaking all his knots.

On the side of the Kendo Club, Shengzi couldn't help but nodded, and praised: "This president is very strong!"

"It is indeed very strong, no matter what aspect it is, it is much stronger than me!"

Xiangzi said with emotion, as the president of the Kendo club, compared with him, the gap between the two sides is really too big, this is the real leader!

This Araki Ichiro is very good!Dashu Naoto took out a small notebook and wrote Araki Ichiro's name on it. His performance was indeed much better than other players.

Yui and Rie looked curiously at Naoto Dashu's writing on a small notebook, Yui's eyes were sharp, and he found that there was the name of the Holy Son on it, and asked curiously: "Mr. Dashu, are you recording Yulong's Are you a master of the flag?"

(End of this chapter)

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