Chapter 179
The battle between the two was very fierce, and the audience watched nervously.

However, the other players were a little disappointed. If it was just like this, then the final result would definitely be Yusuke Misawa's victory. This guy's physical strength is too strong!

Is there no other way?
At this time, Chiba Kazuki suddenly changed his moves, with a sliding step, his body moved a position in an instant, and appeared on the other side of Yusuke, chopping down with the bamboo sword in his hand.

This is a dead end!
Yusuke quickly turned around to block, but luckily his reaction was fast enough to narrowly block the sword.

He was almost hit, and Yusuke broke out in cold sweat.

And Chiba Kazuki moved again, he stepped on strange steps, his body changed direction instantly, and appeared on the other side again, the bamboo sword in his hand swung out again, Yusuke turned around to block again, another thrilling blow .

How did this guy do it?
Yusuke's eyes became serious. He thought that with his superhuman physical fitness, he could fight the opponent evenly, but he didn't expect him to underestimate his opponent.

The opponent has martial arts, and martial arts are advanced skills developed and researched by human beings after thousands of years. It doesn't mean that strong strength and fast speed can win steadily.

Too bad, this guy won't catch my dead spot, right?
For a long time, Yusuke has killed opponents one after another with his superhuman physical fitness. All opponents thought he had high martial arts skills, but in fact they were all fooled by the speed and strength displayed by Yusuke. He is just a body Just ordinary people with super quality.

Chiba Kazuki finally showed a smile on his face, fought with the opponent for dozens of swords, and finally caught the opponent's flaw!

Yes, Yusuke Misawa has great strength and speed, and he is good at basic moves, but he sucks at footwork, which is the key to victory!
Chiba set up his horse and changed his style of play. His body kept moving around, attacking Yusuke's various blind spots in an extremely weird way, and Yusuke was also a little flustered at this time, narrowly blocking the opponent's every time. Attack, the opponent's attack was too tricky, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

In the eyes of outsiders, the offense and defense of the two sides were reversed in an instant. Chiba Kazuki took the initiative at this time and defeated Yusuke Misawa steadily.

That scene shocked everyone in an instant, and everyone in the Kendo Club couldn't believe it. They were able to push Yusuke to such a degree. Kazuki Chiba is really amazing!
Everyone is very nervous. If Yusuke loses, then their journey will come to an end.

The eyes of the onlookers were shining, as if they had found a way to crack it, but after careful analysis, they found that this method was very difficult. First of all, the strength and speed must be comparable to the opponent, so that they have the opportunity to display this method. This method, the Youdou method, has also been tried before, but the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, it is useless at all, that is to say, it can only be used by masters of the same level as him, and masters of the same level as him can also use it. How many? It can be said that this rigid requirement wiped out 99% of the players.

However, Yusuke Misawa finally exposed his weakness. For this weakness, everyone can study it in depth.

In the auditorium, Yui and Rie were very nervous. Unexpectedly, the style of the game suddenly changed rapidly, and Yusuke fell into the disadvantage all of a sudden. This is really shocking.

Suzu Mulan next to him couldn't believe it, and said in surprise: "This Chiba Kazuki is too powerful!"

This is the first person who can push Yusuke Misawa to this point!

Dashu Naoto next to him nodded and said: "Chiba Kazuki is different from other players. Not only is he strong, but he uses his head to compete."

"Competing with your head?" Suzuki Ran looked over curiously, and Yui and Rie were also waiting for Naoto Oki's explanation.

Dashu Naoto said excitedly: "Chiba Kazuki is very smart, and the existence of Misawa Yusuke is the key to the game. From the vanguard battle to the vice general battle, these four players are all looking for Misawa Yusuke's weaknesses. In this battle, Chiba Kazuki should have discovered Misawa Yusuke's weakness, but he didn't dare to guarantee it 100%, so he used all his strength at the beginning of the game to paralyze the opponent, and then changed his moves instantly during the game. The sudden change of move just now He almost succeeded, but unfortunately, Yusuke Misawa's reaction speed was too amazing, and he blocked the sword abruptly.

However, Misawa Yusuke also exposed his weaknesses, and Chiba Kazuki is now chasing down the other party's weaknesses."

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized, but Naoto Taiki still had some doubts.

"However, this Yusuke Misawa's weakness is too strange. With his strength, why is the most basic footwork so bad? This is a bit abnormal!"

Chiba Kazuki also had the same question, and the other party seemed to have no martial arts at all.

No, Yusuke Misawa must know martial arts!
If it is said that he does not know martial arts, those players who were defeated by him are not a joke!
In other words, footwork is not his strong point.

This is the biggest weakness!
This is your chance to win!

Chiba Kazuki fought with the opponent for dozens of swords, and his physical strength has been consumed a lot, but the opponent is still lively and jumping around. This physical strength makes him very surprised. If he hadn't found the opponent's shortcoming, he would fight ten swords again, thousands of years ago. Ye Yishu was powerless to resist.

Physical strength, strength, speed, Yusuke Misawa is completely crushing!

But now, the opportunity finally came!

Yusuke was a little flustered, the opponent kept jumping around like a cockroach, his movements were elusive, every attack was a blind spot, if it wasn't for his amazing reaction ability, every move was blocked by danger, he would have been caught by the opponent long ago next one.

At this time, Yusuke also began to pay attention to martial arts. After this competition, it seems that he has to find Seiko to practice.

Chiba Kazuki discovered Yusuke's weakness, and chased after it. However, Yusuke's reaction speed was too fast. Even though his footwork was poor, his amazing reaction speed completely made up for it.

The two immediately stalemate, Chiba Kazuki continued to attack, while Yusuke defended in a hurry, the scene was very chaotic.

Everyone was shocked, and it seemed that the myth of invincibility was about to be broken.

However, everyone gradually discovered that something was wrong, and the offense and defense of the two changed again.

Kazuki Chiba's attack began to slow down, and Yusuke Misawa's defense also started to look decent, not as flustered as before.

what happened?
Everyone can't figure it out, this reversal of the situation is too fast!

Naoto Oki in the auditorium sighed, feeling sorry for Kazuki Chiba.

Without him, the physical strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all. Chiba Kazuki used up a lot of strength to fight with the sword before. After he tested Yusuke Misawa's weakness, he chased and beat him fiercely, but...

Yusuke Misawa persisted for too long!

This is completely a war of attrition. In terms of physical fitness, Yusuke Misawa is absolutely the best among his peers!
(End of this chapter)

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