Chapter 180

Finally, Kazuki Chiba's attack slowed down, Yusuke's opportunity came, and he immediately counterattacked with the bamboo sword in his hand.

The bamboo sword collided, and the powerful force made Chiba Kazuki back a few steps. He was already exhausted, and his arms were so sore. Every collision made his arms numb. I did my best.

This is a great opportunity!
Yusuke stepped forward in an instant.

Seeing Yusuke Misawa flying over, Kazuki Chiba sighed helplessly, he really tried his best, this guy's strength is completely incomprehensible!
The bamboo sword was raised high, then dropped violently, as if opening up the world.



In an instant, strong cheers erupted from the auditorium, and the girls shouted in unison. This game was too tangled, and the process was tortuous, but they finally won.

Everyone in the Kendo club jumped up excitedly, what a surprise!

Yui and Rie clapped happily, which was so exciting.

Dashu Naoto was a little bit embarrassed, the world is so unpredictable!
However, he soon became excited. At this time, he took out a small notebook and drew a circle on Misawa Yusuke's name. This is the object of focus.

Misawa Yusuke will break the record of Yulong Banner, and a new big devil is born!

He decided to go back to write an article at night, to tell the world about this matter, so that everyone can experience this grand ceremony together.

Yusuke and Chiba Kazuki returned to their original positions, but this time Chiba Kazuki had nothing to do. After fighting for more than a dozen swords, Yusuke hit him in the waist with one sword.



The audience was excited, a new record was born, and a new king came!
The audience stood up and enthusiastically applauded Yusuke. At this moment, Yusuke was definitely the most dazzling star in the audience.

Yusuke took off his armor and untied his scarf, his black hair was a little damp, he did his best in this battle!

Although he won, it also reminded Yusuke that he should not be arrogant, and the time traveler is not omnipotent!
Yusuke was reviewing himself, but he didn't notice that his appearance had been projected on the big screen.

With his melancholy eyes and handsome face when he was thinking, a unique and melancholy temperament came over his face.

In an instant, all the women present gasped, they were so temperamental!

Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures at this time, and the dazzling flashing sound brought Yusuke back to his senses, put on the hood immediately, and ran back to the team.

The eyes of those people are too terrifying!

Players from both sides entered the arena and saluted.

This is the end of today's game.

Yusuke also released the soul of the second child, and the domineering aura on his body disappeared in an instant, and his original aura suddenly returned.

On the other hand, the contestants from Lingnan High School were a little uncomfortable. Why did this guy suddenly become a different person?

He was an extremely domineering swordsman just now, how could he suddenly become a handsome boy?
This contrast is too great!

Ignoring the strange-looking opponent, Yusuke and his team avoided the fans and reporters, and returned to the hotel. There was still a match tomorrow, so they couldn't be affected by outside events at this time.

Xiangzi said at this time: "Yusuke, you have to take a good rest tonight, and I will rely on you tomorrow."

Yusuke nodded, today's game was really dangerous, he tried his best in the end, and at this time his mind was also very tired.

The group went back to the room to rest after eating. In the corridor, Yusuke met Seiko and stopped her.

"Holy Son, can I visit your house during the summer vacation?"

Seiko froze for a moment, then smiled, she understood what Yusuke meant.

"You are welcome anytime!"

Back in the room, lying on the bed, a long-lost sense of fatigue hit, Yusuke closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Yusuke woke up and found that the muscles all over his body were sore. It seemed that he had accumulated a lot of pressure yesterday.

After tidying up a bit, I went out, and met Shengzi and Xicheng Wu in the corridor, and they said hello.

"Yusuke, how was your rest last night?"

"I woke up sore in the morning, maybe I haven't exercised for a long time"

Yusuke stretched his body, his bones cracking.

"Senior Sanze, do you want me to give you a massage?" Xi Chengwu asked worriedly: "Massage can relieve pain."

"Then wait a minute, please!"

Yusuke didn't dare to be careless about today's game. More than 500 teams fought in a melee, and the remaining 16 teams were all masters, so they should not be underestimated.

The three of them walked to the restaurant, and the other teammates also got up, and everyone gathered in the restaurant.

At this time, Yui and Rie walked over excitedly, holding a newspaper in their hands, and stuffed the newspaper in front of Yusuke.

"Look! Yusuke is in the newspaper"

Yusuke looked at it curiously, it was a column under the daily sports, about yesterday's game, and the key person was Yusuke, the article was written gorgeously, boasting very much to Yusuke, what is the strongest high school student on the surface, the monster of the Yulong Banner , the destructive dragon of the new century!

Yusuke's face is full of black lines, this is too secondary!
What the hell kind of title is this!
But everyone was full of excitement, and no one thought there was a problem.

It seems that I am the only one who thinks there is a problem. Do all islanders like such a name?
This report was quickly passed around in the hands of everyone, everyone was very excited, and looked at Yusuke with eyes full of admiration.

Yui also took out his mobile phone at this time, and kept filming the report, Yusuke asked curiously: "Yuyi, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to send this report to Xiaoye, let them read it, this is something worth celebrating"

Yusuke thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and sent the report to his parents and Aiyi to make them happy.

Soon, Yusuke received his mother's blessing. Meihe wrote a lot of words. After Yongsuke read the full text, the content was roughly: Mom is very happy and very proud of you. I will continue to work hard today to win the championship , and finally said: Send thirty copies of this newspaper, and she will cut it out and frame it on the wall as a souvenir.

Father's blessing is very simple, just two words: come on!
Aiyi's replies are also very many, the content is that the brother wants to work hard, the brother wants to win the championship, and finally hinted a little, that he wants to buy a gift and go home.

After reading the information, Yusuke couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and then asked Yui: "Where did you buy this newspaper?"

"There are free newspapers in the lobby, I saw it and brought it over"

Yusuke nodded, and when he passed by the bookstore later, he bought a few newspapers and mailed them back.

At this time, the people from Dongchuan High School also came down. I don't know if it is Yuanjialuzhai. They also advanced to the top 16, and the opponent in the first match today is Hechuan Middle School.

This is really the arrangement of fate!

(End of this chapter)

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