Chapter 185 185. Victory
The battle between the two sides has been deadlocked, and dozens of swords have been compared at this time.

All the spectators were watching seriously, and everyone from the Kendo Club was sitting in danger, their eyes staring intently.

In the auditorium, Yui's fists could not help but clenched tightly.

Naoto Oki next to him stared nervously at the field, not even daring to take a breath, everyone was waiting for the final result.

The two players on the field were already sweating profusely, but at this moment both sides were gritting their teeth and persevering.

This is a contest of wills!
This is a collision of spirits!
Yusuke's spirit was extremely concentrated, there was no distracting thoughts in his heart at this moment, only the opponent in front of him.

And Hirota Masahiro's will is also very firm, and more than ten years of kendo training has made his spirit extremely strong.

The offensive of both sides gradually slowed down, and the moves became slower and slower.

The match had been going on for a long time, and the entire gymnasium was only filled with the shouts of two people and the sound of bamboo swords hitting.

All the audience looked serious.

This is a respectable player!

This is a player who fights for his dream!

In the end, Hirota Masahiro still lost a little bit, the double-knife style exhausted his last bit of physical strength, and he could no longer lift the bamboo sword in his hand.

Yusuke's figure appeared in front of him, the bamboo sword was raised high, and the lights of the venue shone on the bamboo sword. At this moment, he was like a sun god.

The bamboo sword fell!

Cut everything!


The referee's voice sounded, and there was a huge cheer from the audience in an instant. Everyone in the Kendo Club clapped their hands desperately, their faces flushed, it was so exciting.

Hirota Masahiro exhaled.

He knew that he lost.

The two returned to their original positions.

The scene became quiet again. Everyone knew that Shuiqiao High School was doomed. The two had exhausted all their strength just now, but this was the last respect for their opponents.


The two sides collided again, and after three swords, Yusuke hit the opponent's mask with one sword.


The referee's voice fell, and suddenly, the audience burst into warm applause.

The champion of the Yulong Banner appeared, which was a new record, and a new big devil appeared!

Everyone in the Kendo Club burst into tears of excitement, and everyone rushed up like crazy. Before Yusuke could react, Shoko and Eri had already hugged him, and there was a group of Saijo Mai outside. In a group, cheering in unison, this is their victory.

Dashu Naoto was very relieved, stood up contentedly, and said to the flushed Suzuki Lan, "Xiao Lan, let's go, it's time to interview the champion this time."

Suzuki Lan nodded excitedly, and waved to Yui and Rie. The next thing is their reporter's carnival. This news is worthy of their close-up!

After a carnival, the Yulong Banner came to an end, all the teams entered the arena, and the awards ceremony followed.

The Kendo club won a complete victory, the men's and women's champions started at the same time, Yusuke and Seiko also received a certificate, 45 dare to fight rewards, this is their unique honor.

All the players are looking at this team and this is what they will be fighting for.

We have won, but everyone can't relax, there are still tests to come.

More than a dozen reporters gathered around the Kendo club, wanting to interview them, many of them were published by large newspapers and magazines, these people should not be offended, the pens of literati are much more powerful than the knives of warriors!

Eri and Shoko had already made preparations. The two of them thought up a plan, polished by Lixiang, and a fresh story came out immediately.

It was a hot summer, a genius who practiced kendo since childhood, in order to make up for the regrets of his friends, he gathered a group of like-minded friends, and everyone worked hard and struggled together.

Finally, this summer, they stood at the venue of the Yulong Banner.Although no one was optimistic about them at the scene, they finally stood in the finals with their amazing strength, superhuman performance, and incredible win-loss ratio.

The summer is hot and the breeze is blowing.

Their legend has officially begun!

Yusuke looked confused, is this really their situation?What's going on with this comic-like unfolding!
However, seeing Eri who was talking to the reporters, the reporters were stunned at first, then suddenly realized, and then their eyes were full of excitement, as if they had obtained great material. Writing and drawing, the scene was very lively.

Seeing this scene, Yusuke finally pressed these questions back to his heart.

But seeing that other people agreed, Yusuke couldn't help it anymore, and asked Yui next to him, "Is this really the case with us?"

"That's right!"
Yui said seriously: "Isn't Xiangzi our friend? Isn't her wish to win the Jade Dragon Banner champion? We help Xiangzi realize her wish, isn't that right!"

That being said, there is some truth to it.

Sure enough, words are the most powerful thing!
These reporters were all dismissed by Eri and Shoko, but Naoto Oki from Nikkan Sports wanted to do an exclusive interview, which Yusuke and Seiko couldn't refuse as promised.

Fortunately, Nikkan Sports is a large newspaper, unlike those small newspapers who like to ask some messy questions.

The interviews were all formal questions, and Yusuke and Seiko answered them clearly. The interview about them was very pleasant.

Finally, Naoto Ohki stood up and shook hands with Yusuke.

"I hope I will have the opportunity to interview you in the future!"

Seiko nodded, and Yusuke smiled: "Thank you!"

Finally got rid of all the reporters, a group of people dragged their tired bodies back to the hotel, but everyone’s spirits were still very high, the Kendo Club held the trophy with the Jade Dragon Flag and couldn’t put it down, and Yui and the others also held the trophy to look around , is really too rare.

According to the previous agreement between the two parties, each person will get one trophy, and the prize money will be divided equally. Yusuke and Seiko have two more certificates. Both parties are very satisfied with the harvest this time.

"I'm so happy tonight, let's go out and have a big meal!" Eri said excitedly, while Yusuke shook his head.

"Forget it, let me take a break, and it's too wasteful to eat out, you can eat in the restaurant on the first floor"

Eri thought about it for a while, indeed, Yusuke was the one who worked the hardest today, and they were just sitting by the side to cheer him up, and he had to take a good rest.

But such a happy thing, everyone just went back to the room to sleep, I always feel a bit disappointed!

"Why don't we go to sing!" Yui suggested at this time, everyone thought about it for a while, singing is also good, such a happy thing really needs to be vented.

Yusuke had no interest in this, and it was enough to let them play by themselves, but in the end he couldn't hold back everyone's entreaties.

You, the biggest hero, didn't go, and it didn't make sense for them to go, so they had to be surrounded by everyone and set off.

(End of this chapter)

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