Chapter 186 186. Travel
At twelve o'clock in the evening, a group of people from Yusuke were talking and laughing as they walked out of the KTV.

Today everyone is very excited, everyone has to go to the stage to sing, boys are no exception, every boy sings like hell, but everyone is very happy.

Yusuke didn't want to go on stage at first, but he was surrounded by everyone and sang a few lines. In the end, he couldn't take it anymore and ran off the stage by himself. There was no way, the singing was really terrible!

Travelers aren't omnipotent either.

The girls all sang well, the only exception was Yui. Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, the girl who looked delicate could sing like the scene of a car accident. The voice really shocked everyone. Even Shengzi It is also incredible.

Singing so badly, you actually have the face to suggest that everyone sing together, who gave you the courage?

Seeing everyone's reaction, Yui blushed, dropped the microphone and left.

A group of people played for several hours, and if Yusuke hadn't stopped them in the end, everyone might have played all night.

Everyone was very excited on the way, but when they got back to the hotel, they immediately returned to their original shape, feeling tired all over their bodies, and now they wished they could lie on the bed and sleep.

Yusuke returned to the room, after taking a shower, he was not so tired. After thinking for a while, he turned on the system.

After playing the Jade Dragon Flag, if you don't try to guess the gold coins, there is nothing important now.

Yusuke clicked on the function of guessing gold coins, a gold coin appeared in his mind, spinning continuously, and two buttons appeared in front of his eyes at the same time, one was positive and the other was negative. Yusuke pressed the 'positive' button, and the gold coin stopped up.


Punishment: Charm value halved!
Yusuke was taken aback, but a smile appeared on his face, this kind of punishment is really great!

I've been fooled by this charm for a long time!

Walking on the road, I have to be approached by women from time to time, it is really tiring, and several times on the road, I was given a business card and asked if I want to be a cowherd. If the other party was not a woman, Yusuke would have already hit someone, Lao Tzu Do you need to be a badass?
Well now, I finally don't have to live like this.

Yusuke was in a good mood, and had a good night's sleep that night.

The next morning, everyone in the Kendo Club finished packing their things and prepared to go back. The four-day and five-night journey was really exciting.

Yusuke took the luggage and stood with Yui. He had promised before that the three of them would go to play together after the game, and a group of people said goodbye here.

Looking at the three people who left together, Eri always felt uncomfortable, but this was an appointment made by the other party, and there was no way to stop it.

Forget it, anyway, they will go to sleep together soon, and they will be together again at that time.

Without the influence of the charm value, Yusuke is very relaxed, and finally he doesn't have to be stared at by the opposite sex along the way.

Yui and Rie also noticed that Yusuke looks a little different today.

"I feel you are weird today"

Yui looked at Yusuke and said, with some doubts in his eyes, this guy is still the same as before, why does he suddenly feel weird today?
"Illusion" Yusuke replied calmly: "You have watched too many games these two days, you confuse me on the field with me in reality"

Is it like this?
Yui was still a little strange, but she couldn't tell what was wrong with this feeling. Rie next to her saw the interaction between the two, smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, don't think about those messy things, Rie, where are you going next?"

The topic finally changed back, the two looked at Rie, and Rie took out the plan that she had made.

“Next, go to the most famous Dazaifu here”

"Then let's go, go!"

The three raised their arms and shouted excitedly.

You don't need to fly the Jade Dragon Flag, you don't need to shoot videos, you don't need to study, just traveling, Yusuke's spirit is completely relaxed, and he hasn't felt so relaxed in a long time.

The three of them played for three days, traveled to more than a dozen places, took a lot of photos on the way, and bought a lot of special products, which was very rewarding.

And now they arrived at the last scenic spot, Sea Island Park, where there are many beautiful flowers. The two girls were instantly indulging in the sea of ​​flowers. Yusuke admired it for a while, and then rested on the bench next to it.

Looking at the woods all over the mountains and fields, Yusuke's mood became very peaceful.

At this time, a squirrel jumped out from the woods behind, moved quickly, and climbed up along the leg of the chair in two or three strokes.

I didn't expect there to be squirrels here!Yusuke was a little surprised, this is a very beautiful squirrel with beautiful patterns on its body, small and cute.

This squirrel was not afraid of people at all, and ran towards Yusuke directly, standing beside him, grabbing Yusuke's clothes with its two front paws and pulling it back.

this action...

"Do you want me to go with you?" Yusuke asked tentatively.

The squirrel chirped, but Yusuke couldn't understand what it said. To learn the squirrel's language, he had to hear enough words first.

The squirrel was very anxious and kept pulling on Yusuke's clothes, trying to pull him away.

Yusuke thought for a while, then stood up, the squirrel let go of its paws at this time, jumped off the chair immediately, ran to the woods behind, turned around and saw that Yusuke hadn't followed, then stood up, facing Yusuke waved his hand.

This guy is just perfect!

Yusuke was so surprised!

Such a spiritual animal is really rare!
Yusuke was a little curious, so he followed up.

The squirrel is small in size and extremely fast. It keeps jumping around in the woods. If it weren't for Yusuke's excellent eyesight, he could hardly see it. It is completely integrated with the surrounding trees.

Soon, Yusuke followed the squirrel into the woods, only to see the squirrel got under the tree and then disappeared.

Yusuke ran forward, squatted down, and pushed aside the leaves on the ground. Sure enough, there was a small hole under the tree, and a little squirrel was lying in the small hole.

This squirrel also has beautiful patterns, and there is a few centimeters long opening on its chest, which is oozing blood.

This is hurting.

The squirrel seemed to be on the brink of death, and was about to die at any time, while the leading squirrel was anxiously circling around it. When it raised its head, the pair of small eyes showed a pleading expression in a humane manner.

This squirrel is so intelligent!

Yusuke's heart was touched, and he said softly: "Don't worry, I will save your friend"

Although the two sides did not understand each other's language, the squirrel's own affinity also infected the squirrel, and the squirrel was not as flustered as before.

Yusuke carefully held the injured little squirrel in his hand, while another squirrel chirped anxiously beside him.

"Your companion is seriously injured, I have to take it to the hospital"

The squirrel was chirping, and Yusuke couldn't understand what it was saying, but it wasn't too late to save the squirrel first.

Yusuke stood up, and at this moment the squirrel finally understood what Yusuke meant, and then climbed up along the hem of Yusuke's trousers, climbed onto his body in two or three strokes, and stood on his shoulder.

Yusuke supported the squirrel and galloped in the original direction.

(End of this chapter)

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