Chapter 187 187. Four Seasons
"Yusuke, where have you been?"

Seeing Yusuke coming out of the woods, Yui and Rie breathed a sigh of relief. They were taking pictures there just now, but when they turned around and returned, Yusuke disappeared. This frightened them, and they searched around. They couldn't find anyone, and they didn't expect the other party to run into the woods. The two were relieved but also a little angry.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry just now!" Yusuke said apologetically to the two of them.

At this time, the two also found the squirrel on Yusuke's shoulder.

"Why is there a squirrel, are you going to catch the squirrel?" Yui walked over curiously, only then did he find the injured squirrel in Yusuke's hand.

"This squirrel is injured." Rie said in surprise, "So you just went to save this little squirrel?"

Yusuke nodded and briefly explained the matter.

"Just now I was sitting there resting. The squirrel on my shoulder ran out of the woods and took me to rescue its companion. The squirrel was injured and we had to go to the hospital."

"it is good"

The three immediately packed up their things, took a taxi, and rushed to the nearby pet hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor immediately treated the squirrel, and the squirrel on Yusuke's shoulder was also anxiously turning around at this time.

"Don't worry, the doctor is saving your sister, it's all right"

Yusuke said to the squirrel on his shoulder, and the squirrel nodded.

On the way, the squirrel kept chirping in his ears, and Yusuke learned the language of squirrels.

When learning the squirrel's language and communicating with it, the squirrel was very surprised, but soon calmed down. From the squirrel's dictation, Yusuke knew everything that happened.

The injured squirrel was its younger sister. When the two were looking for food, the younger squirrel was accidentally caught by a wire on the road, and a gash was cut on her body. It was running around anxiously, so it had to run out to ask humans for help. Fortunately, the first human being who asked for help was Yusuke.

When the doctor was diagnosing it just now, he said that the problem is not serious, and now he is undergoing a minor operation. Soon, the squirrel was bandaged and came out.

The little squirrel, which had a ball of sackcloth tied to its chest, also regained its energy and was chirping.

Seeing that his sister was fine, the squirrel happily jumped up and down on Yusuke's shoulders, as if dancing.

That spiritual movement also aroused the interest of Yui and Rie, and Yui wanted to tease the squirrel.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the squirrel saw Yui's finger, it immediately ran to Yusuke's other shoulder with a look of wariness.

"This is a wild animal, not close to humans," Yusuke said with a smile.

"Then why can it get close to you?"

"I am his savior, and my status is different"

"Liar ghost! I also have a part to save it, okay?"

"Well, it's actually my special ability"

"You don't want to say: You can also communicate with squirrels!"

"It really made you guess right"

"Really, I'm jealous, why don't I have such ability!"

The two were arguing there, and Rie next to him watched all this with a smile.

After leaving the hospital, Yongsuke held the injured squirrel in one hand, and another one stood on his shoulder. These two squirrels were only close to Yusuke, and the others ignored him, so Yusuke had to bear the trust.

Yuyi asked at this time: "Then what about the squirrel now? Let it go back?"

"The doctor said it will take a while"

"Then we're going back tomorrow, how can we take care of her?"

"excuse me, may I ask"

Yusuke put his hand on his shoulder, and the squirrel jumped over it, standing on his palm.

Yusuke put the two squirrels together and said:
"Your sister is fine, but she has to rest for a while. The sackcloth on her body cannot be removed during this period, but we are going back to my hometown tomorrow, so I have a suggestion. You and your sister will go back with us. Rest at my house, and when your sister is well, I will bring you here and send you back to the original place."

The squirrel glanced at its injured sister next to it, then nodded humanely.

"Gee (thank you)"

Yui and Rie watched the communication between Yusuke and the squirrel, and every time they saw this kind of scene, they always felt very magical.

Dogs, cats, crows, and now it's the squirrel's turn. Does Yusuke know all the animal languages?
"OK, let's take these two squirrels home"

Yusuke said at this time, and then found that the two looked at him very strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing." The two shook their heads.

"Yusuke, do you want to keep these two squirrels as pets?" Rie asked at this moment.

"Not pets." Yusuke shook his head, "Just take care of them for a while, and then release them back to nature when they are healed."

Rie nodded and said, "Then we have to check it back, we have to buy a cage first."

"That's right, let's go shopping now, and buy gifts by the way"

"Oh, I almost forgot, I still need to buy gifts, otherwise Xiaoye will be angry again" Yuyi said suddenly at this moment.

The three of them bought things and returned to the hotel with big and small bags. They will go back tomorrow.

Back in the room, Yusuke opened the cage, and the squirrel immediately ran out of the cage.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi (staying inside is like being in a cage)" the squirrel yelled unhappily.

"No way, just bear with it for a while"

This is the most troublesome thing about taking animals far away. It’s okay for domesticated animals, but for wild animals, being in a cage is a kind of torture, which will make wild animals very irritable.

The two squirrels are very spiritual. Yusuke explained some human rules to them. Although they are very upset, they can also abide by the rules.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi (My name is Four Seasons, my sister is Five Seasons)"

"Why is it called four seasons, what about the first, second and third seasons?"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi (There is no one, two or three seasons, I came up with my name and my sister's name)"

Sorry, I don't understand the names of animals.

"I can take care of you, but some things need to be clarified first"

"Gee (you say)"

To take these two squirrels back home, there are some things that need to be explained clearly, especially the existence of Xiao Hei at home. Cats and mice are natural enemies. Although this is a squirrel, it is also a rat.

In fact, Yusuke's request is not too much, just don't be mischievous, don't destroy things at home, and don't try to provoke Xiao Hei.

"Ji (Who is Xiao Hei?)"

"It's my cat"

"Gee (good)"

Siji nodded, and asked at this time: "Chiji (How long will it take for my sister's injury to heal?)"

"About a month, don't worry, I will bring you back here when the time comes"

"Gee (thank you)"

At this time, Yusuke opened a pack of pine nuts and put them on the table. Four Seasons ran over immediately, took out a pine nut from inside, ran back to the cage, and stuffed the pine nuts to his sister. Because of the injury, Five Seasons The forelegs can't move yet, so it has to rely on it to feed. After the younger sister finished eating, Siji started to eat by herself.

Seeing the performance of this squirrel, Yusuke nodded, it should be pretty reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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