Chapter 188 188. Gifts
Misawa's house, Aiyi and Saya are watching cartoons boredly.

"It's so boring!" Xiao Ye complained: "Sister, really, she didn't take me there, leaving me alone at home is so boring!"

Youyi was able to go on a trip for a week, which made her envious, but there was no way, her mother did not agree with her to go together, which made Xiaoye very regretful.

But forget it, my sister said that she would bring a gift back at that time, what kind of gift she was looking forward to at this time.

Aiyi is also waiting. Two days ago, her elder brother sent a message, saying that she won the championship of the Yulong Banner. The whole family was very happy, especially seeing the newspaper sent by her. The heroic appearance of her elder brother in the newspaper made Aiyi According to more worship.

Most importantly, the brother promised to come back with presents.

Calculating the time, it should be these two days, why haven't you come back yet?

Both little girls were waiting when a voice was heard.

"I am back!"

It was Yusuke's voice, and the two little girls got refreshed instantly, and immediately got up from the sofa.

Brother (sister) is back, and our gift is here!
"Brother, you are back!"

"Brother Yusuke, welcome back!"

The two little girls looked at Yusuke expectantly, Yusuke understood instantly, smiled, took out two gifts from his backpack, and the two happily took them.

"Thank you bro!" X2
The two immediately ran back to the living room, ready to unwrap the presents.

"These two people!" Meihe shook her head helplessly beside her.

"Mom, you have a gift too"

At this time, Yusuke also took out a gift and handed it to Meihe, who was taken aback with a smile and took it.

"Can I take a look?"


Meihe unpacked and opened the box. Inside was a gold bracelet, a small one.

Meihe's expression was very surprised: "It's such a precious thing!"

"It's okay, just be careful"

All three were given a small gold chain, which Yusuke picked out by himself. When choosing gifts, Yui and Rie thought it was very tacky, but Yusuke said that tacky things are the most real, and what is even more tacky is direct give money.

At that time, the two people complained mercilessly, but the two finally bought the small gold chain.

Everyone is vulgar.

Sure enough, Aiyi and Xiaoye's exclamations came from the living room, and the two trotted over, raising their arms high, showing off the little gold chain on their hands.

"Mom, look!"

Aiyi stretched out her little hand, and a small chain on her wrist was shining with golden light.

"Mom has it too." Meihe also stretched out her wrist, which was also a small gold chain, shining brightly.

"What pattern is mother's?"

The three of them chattered together, the love for this kind of thing, regardless of age.

"By the way, brother Yusuke is back, so my sister is back, so my gift has arrived too!"

At this moment, Xiao Ye suddenly realized: "No, I have to go back quickly."

At this time, I put on my shoes in a panic, and ran home immediately.

Aiyi and Meihe also came back to their senses at this time, and then found a small cage next to Yusuke.

"what is this?"

Aiyi squatted down, and then found two little squirrels in the cage.

"It's a squirrel!"

Aiyi's exclamation also caught Meihe's attention, and she also saw two squirrels.

"Yusuke, did you buy a pet again?"

"These two squirrels were picked up on the road. They were injured. I will take good care of them and send them back when the time comes."

"That's how it is"

Meihe nodded. He didn't really like having too many pets at home, but if it was the reason, there was nothing he could do.

"Brother, can I hug them?"

Aiyi was instantly attracted by these two cute animals, hugged the cage, and looked at the two squirrels expectantly.

Four Seasons looked wary and stood in front of its younger sister.

This human's eyes are too weird, it's definitely not a good thing!
At this time, Yusuke took the cage back, shook his head and said, "They are not very familiar with humans, so they can't play with you for the time being."

"Oh" Aiyi felt a little regretful.

"Mom, I'm going back to my room first, and this bag is a specialty of Fukuoka"

Sure enough, Aiyi was attracted by Fukuoka's specialties again.

Yusuke took the suitcase and the small cage and walked upstairs.

At this time, Xiao Hei jumped out from a corner, walked behind Yusuke, and looked nervously at the cage in his hand.

Someone is going to grab the territory with it!
No one can keep my position in time, who dares to rob me!
Back in the room, Yusuke put down his luggage and put the cage on the table. At this time, he waved to Xiao Hei who was on the ground. over his shoulder.

"Xiao Hei, this is Si Ji and her sister Wu Ji, you have to get along well, they stay at home for a while, and then they will leave, don't disturb them during this time"

Xiao Hei was a little upset at first, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he knew that they were only staying here temporarily, so he felt better again and nodded.

Yusuke thought about it for a while, and felt that it was still not guaranteed. Cats and mice are natural enemies, so he said, "Xiao Hei, don't come in my room during this time."

Turning his head to Siji, he said: "Siji, your activity space is in this room, don't leave this room, understand?"

Siji nodded, and Xiaohei also nodded, confirming the territory of both parties.

At this time, Xiao Hei and Si Ji met each other's eyes, and Si Ji looked alert, Xiao Hei's body was much bigger than it.

Xiao Hei turned his head in disdain, a mouse wanted to take my position away, what a beautiful idea!
After adjusting the conflicts between the pets, Yusuke tidied up his things before he had time to sit down and rest.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang, and he took it out to see that it was a message from Semi.

Turn on your phone.

"Fallen Angel, are you back?"

I made an appointment with Semi before, and we want to play together once, it seems that Semi can't wait.

Yusuke replied: "I'm back, but I'm tired today, let's go tomorrow."

"Okay, see you at the old place"

"it is good"

Yusuke put down his phone and lay down on the bed, finally able to take a rest.

Four Seasons looked around curiously. It was the first time for them to visit the human room, and everything here looked very novel.

After all, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity, Shiji quickly started running around the room, and Yusuke didn't bother to care about it.

Four Seasons ran to the bookshelf, pushed out a book from the bookshelf, opened the pages, looked at the colorful patterns, was very puzzled, took out his little paws and turned the page again, looked at the strange symbols on it, completely Can't figure out what it is.

Siji dropped the book, and got into the corner of the room again.

There is a box in the corner, which is the props used by Yusuke to shoot the video. Usually, it is added little by little, and finally a large box is placed.

Shiji kept flipping through the pile of toys, Yusuke was also a little curious at this time.

Four Seasons got out from the pile of toys. At this time, its two paws were holding something, one was holding a shield, the other was holding a small sword.

Siji stepped on the toy with one foot, held a shield in his hand, and pointed his sword high up to the sky, like a warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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